The Woman in the Pyjamas

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The Woman in the Pyjamas Page 19

by Sarah Pond

  'Eve says I need to get myself out there again.'

  'She's right. You're a great catch, you just haven't found the right person yet.'

  Oh, but I think I have. Damn, I've got to stop thinking like that. 'Thanks, that's sweet of you to say.'

  'I mean it.' Now Daisy stopped what she was doing, and turned to face Kate. 'You're such a special person, and someone out there is waiting to find you, even if they don't know it yet.' As she held her gaze, Kate could feel herself begin to melt.

  Kate was speechless. She felt as though time had slowed down, and as some words began to form in her consciousness, she knew in that moment she had no control over what was about to come out of her mouth. 'Daisy, do you ever wonder-'

  'Mum, do you know where my Goblet Of Fire book is?'

  'Darling, Kate was talking.'

  'Sorry, I didn't realise. Oh, I think I remember where I left it.' With that, Jess was gone again.

  Daisy turned back to Kate, 'Sorry, you were saying?'

  Kate was smoothing down her ruffled feathers. 'Huh? Oh, I'm not sure now. Never mind. Do you need a hand preparing anything?'

  'No, I'm fine, thanks. Why don't you go and have a sit down, you've been busy.'

  Kate didn't need to be asked twice. 'Thanks, I think I will, just for a few minutes. I do feel rather tired.'

  Sitting in the armchair, Kate was glad of a moment's headspace. Thank goodness Jess had interrupted when she did, what on earth did she think she was she going to ask Daisy. If Eve and Marie could see what Kate was like around Daisy, it was only a matter of time before she put her foot in it. Yes, she would have to be more careful.

  'Penny for your thoughts.' Kate jumped, she hadn't heard Daisy enter the lounge. 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump.'

  Kate's heart was thumping, her cheeks burning, as she calmed her voice, 'That's okay, I was miles away.'

  'I could see. You okay?' Daisy touched Kate's arm, but she didn't try to move it away.

  Kate cleared her throat, 'Yes, fine, thanks.'

  'Dinner will be ready soon.'

  'You're always cooking for me. Next time, I'm going to cook.'

  'Okay, you're on.' As they smiled at each other, Daisy felt something inside, but couldn't quite place the feeling.

  Having been out to lunch with Trish on her day off, Daisy was enjoying a quiet afternoon in the garden. She had been thinking about their conversation, and had come to realise a few things recently. She was learning to be kinder to herself, as well as being more understanding of others. She felt so blessed for all the wonderful things in her life. The last few years had been painful at times, frustrating, and also rewarding. It was only now that she was beginning to see why some of it had happened. She also thought about some of the crazy things she had been getting up to, which made her laugh out loud. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of peace.

  Daisy lay on the grass, looking up at the clear blue sky. As she watched the clouds float gently by, she soaked in this delicious new feeling. She felt the cool grass on her skin, connecting her to the earth, whilst simultaneously feeling at one with the sky and a sense of weightlessness.

  Then it struck her. A realisation so obvious that Daisy couldn't believe she hadn't seen it until now. She was in love. Of course, it explained the times when she couldn't eat, and didn't know why. The times when she wanted to dance and sing at the top of her voice in a crowded place. Okay, maybe that dare at the pub had been one of the most freeing things she'd ever done! It also explained the feelings of hollowness she'd had from time to time. How could she not know. She sat up, hugging herself with excitement. Right, no time like the present. If Kate had taught her anything, it was about being in the moment.

  Daisy knocked the door, and waited expectantly, excitement fizzing up in her stomach. She heard footsteps, and as the door opened, she simply said, 'Hi.' In the moment, all other words had escaped her.

  'Hey, you.' Daisy just stared back, lost for words in the enormity of what she was feeling. 'What's going on? You look different. You're practically glowing.'

  Daisy's eyes crinkled at the edges as her smile burst out in celebration across her face, 'I think there may be a reason for that. Kate, I have to tell you something.'

  'Come on in, then. What's going on?' Kate couldn't help smiling back at the happiness on Daisy's face.

  Daisy followed Kate into the lounge, and stood facing her. 'Kate, I've realised something recently. It's been right under my nose, and I can't believe I didn't see it until now.' She suddenly felt very nervous, she had been so caught up in her excitement and happiness that she hadn't stopped to think how Kate might react. 'Oh, this is harder than I thought.'

  'Then don't think. Just say it.'

  Daisy was all big eyes and intense, 'Do you remember what you told me, that first time we met at the club. Before you, you know...' The more Daisy spoke, the more she thought she wouldn't be able to get the words out. Her tongue felt swollen in her mouth, which suddenly seemed to go very dry.

  Kate could see the vulnerability in Daisy's face, and stepped a little nearer. Smiling, she softly said, 'Before I kissed you?' Daisy blushed in response. 'I remember. I said, sometimes you just need to go with the moment.'

  As Daisy edged gradually closer, her voice deeper and softer, she said, 'Well, I've been thinking about that.'

  'Oh yes?' Kate's question was barely a whisper, as she felt herself being drawn in.

  'And there's something I need to tell you.'

  'Enlighten me.' Kate was feeling intoxicated, as Daisy moved closer still.

  'I, I... I can't say it.'

  'You can.' Kate's pupils were dilated, and Daisy was falling.

  'I think I'm in love with you.'


  'Huh?' Really, that was the best she could come up with? Kate was speechless. Come on brain, sort it out. 'Sorry, I mean... Huh?'

  Daisy's words cascaded out like a waterfall, 'I know this is out of the blue, and I don't know what's going on, what you think, and I haven't really thought about this, it just sort of happened, well, I sort of realised-'


  Daisy looked at Kate with wide eyes. 'Yes?'

  'Slow down.' Kate smiled kindly at her. In truth, she needed to know that she had heard correctly, and this wasn't all just wishful thinking. Or that she was currently in bed, having a delicious dream, and was about to be rudely awoken.

  Daisy was flustered, 'Sorry, I don't know what I'm doing.'

  'Hey, it's okay. Just tell me, slowly.'

  'I...' In the absence of the right words, Daisy leaned forward to feel her lips connecting sublimely with Kate's. She pulled Kate towards her, sliding her arms around her waist, and felt Kate's arms wrap around her.

  Kate could hardly believe what was happening. She was sure she was going to wake up at any moment. But for now, she was going to enjoy this divine dream. Feeling Daisy's body close against her was sending heated sensations rocketing every which way inside, and she was falling. It was delectable. A moan escaped Daisy's lips, causing her to groan in response. Daisy pulled back to draw breath. Kate said, 'You're shaking.'

  Daisy let out a nervous laugh, 'I was so scared about how you were going to react.'

  Kate was practically breathless, 'You don't know how often I've dreamed about this.'

  Daisy was surprised, 'Really? Why didn't you say something?'

  'Like what? Um, I know we're just friends, but just so you know, I really fancy you.' She pulled a face, causing Daisy to laugh. 'I never thought for a moment you'd ever think of me that way.'

  'Okay, fair point. But since when?'

  Kate paused to consider her answer, 'Do you remember that time you were drunk? Silly question, you didn't remember it! But that night you kissed me.'

  Daisy was intrigued, 'Why that time in particular?'

  'There was something raw and wanting about it.' Kate's eyes were hooded as she remembered it.

  Daisy blushed, 'That was ages ag

  'I know, tell me about it.'

  'I knew something must have happened. You were behaving oddly that morning.'

  'Me? I was just trying to spare your embarrassment!' They still held their arms around one another as they talked.

  Daisy thought for a moment. 'Wasn't that around the time you disappeared on me for a while?'

  Kate blushed, looking down at the floor. Daisy gently lifted her chin, so they were looking into one another's eyes again. 'Yes, well. I didn't know what to do. I'd started to fall in love with you.'

  As Kate held Daisy's eyes, Daisy leaned in to kiss her again, as they became lost in one another, and Daisy's heart sang in a way it never had before.

  Sitting down with a mug of coffee each, Daisy said, 'So, what now?'

  Kate smiled, 'How do you mean?'

  'I dunno. I mean, I don't know.' Daisy looked at Kate, her head cocked on one side. Smiling, she said, 'I think you're teaching me bad habits.'

  A wide smile spread across Kate's face, 'Well, that's a place we can start!'

  'Stop it. Be serious for a moment.'

  'Sorry.' Kate looked chastened. 'I thought you might have an idea, after all, it was you who turned up on my doorstep.'

  Daisy just pulled a face, 'Um, I was going with the moment, trying the not over thinking it thing.'

  Amusement played in Kate's eyes, 'And how's that working out for you?'

  'I'll let you know.' Daisy smiled.

  Kate looked serious again. She put her mug on the coffee table, and turned towards Daisy on the sofa. 'Did you really mean what you said?'

  'About falling in love with you?' Daisy looked directly at Kate as she answered.

  Kate's stomach somersaulted at those words, and she swallowed, 'Yes.'

  Daisy looked so vulnerable as she met Kate's gaze, 'I think so. Yes. I can't think of any other explanation for it. Sorry, that doesn't sound very romantic, does it.'

  'Well, as you turned up on my doorstep in a fluster, declaring your love for me, I think I can forgive you that!'

  'I'm still getting my head around it. I never expected this, and I thought you'd say you just wanted to be friends.'

  Kate reached across for Daisy's hand, 'You must have known I liked you. In more than a friend way.'

  'Not really. I know you make jokes sometimes, but I never thought you were serious.'

  Kate smiled. 'I never expected it to go anywhere, I guess. Eve was trying to make me go dating again, she thought I wouldn't move on otherwise.'

  'Eve?' Daisy was surprised. 'How come Eve knew?'

  'She just noticed. There was no point trying to deny it, Eve could see it. So could Marie.'

  Realisation suddenly dawned on Daisy, 'Marie? That's not why you stopped seeing her?' As she looked at Kate, she felt awful that she was the reason things had ended.

  Kate was quick to say, 'Hey, it's not your fault. It was me. Marie could see I was in love with you.'

  'I had no idea.'

  'That's often the way. So, now what?' Kate smiled at Daisy, wanting to lift the mood.

  'Um, I don't know! This was as far as I'd got with my spontaneity. Any ideas?'

  Kate gave Daisy a cheeky look, 'Plenty!'

  Daisy blushed and playfully smacked Kate's arm. 'I'm going to have my hands full with you, aren't I?'

  'Hopefully!' Kate was laughing.

  'You're incorrigible!'

  'Hey, what ya gonna do!'

  With that, Daisy leaned forward and kissed Kate.

  Daisy arranged to pop round to Eve's house after work. Kate was going to pick Jess up from school, and meet Daisy back at home later.

  Once Eve and Daisy were sitting down, Daisy shuffled awkwardly on the armchair. 'So, I, erm. I have something to tell you.'

  'Ooh, exciting, what is it?' Eve's face was as happy as the sunshine streaming through the window, and Daisy felt a wave of love for her dear friend.

  'I, er. I realised something. That I like Kate. A lot. And the thing is, I told her. And now we're a thing.'

  'A thing?' Eve looked at the odd expression on Daisy's face, and couldn't help laughing.

  Daisy looked a little nonplussed for a moment, before smiling. 'Oh, this is so exciting! You look really happy. I do know you'll make Kate a very happy woman.'

  'You don't seem surprised.' Daisy knew Eve would be supportive, but she had expected some consternation, at least.

  'Well, it just makes sense, really. Kate's been soppy about you for so long. I knew you thought the world of her, but this is great! So, how did it happen?'

  Daisy relayed the story to Eve, who was delighted. 'How does Jess feel about it? I know she adores Kate.'

  Daisy looked a bit embarrassed. 'I haven't told her yet.'

  'When do you think you will?'

  'I'm not sure. I don't know how she's going to take it. Kate and I are going to take things slowly, anyway.'

  'Well, you already spend loads of time together, so it shouldn't be too much of a change.'

  'I hope not. I really want her to be okay with it.'

  Whilst Kate and Jess were pottering around in the garden, they were chatting. 'One of my friends asked whether you were my other mum.'

  'Oh yes?' Kate wasn't sure what she should say.

  'I just told him you were mum's friend.'


  'Sometimes I do feel like I have two mums. I like you being around, and mum seems happier now.' Jess had noticed that her mum was usually happy and in a more playful mood when they spent time with Kate.

  Kate could feel her cheeks burning, and she had a warm feeling in her heart at Jess' words. 'That's lovely, because I love spending time with you both.'

  Kate would have loved to have taken the conversation further, but didn't want to say anything that might jeopardise her relationship with Daisy, or upset Jess in any way. As it was, Jess started talking about a school project, and no more was said about it.

  That evening, after Jess had gone to bed, Kate and Daisy were sitting on the sofa. Kate relayed the conversation to Daisy, who was quiet for a moment. 'Wow. Do you think I should tell her?'

  'Well, I think that's up to you.'

  'I want to tell her. Also, it's early days with us, and I suppose I, well, I guess...'

  Kate finished the sentence for her, her voice flat, 'You want to see whether it's going to work out.'

  'No, that's not what I mean. Hey, come on, you know me better than that.' Daisy couldn't help feeling a bit stung by those words.

  'Sorry, I didn't mean... I suppose I still can't quite believe my luck, that this is actually happening.'

  'I can't imagine you thinking like that. Don't be so daft.' Daisy took her hand and squeezed it. 'To be really honest, I want to have you to myself a bit longer!'

  Kate grinned like a kid with candyfloss, 'Well, you really are the cutest, aren't you!' and leaned over to kiss Daisy.

  Work was going well, and Daisy no longer felt awkward around Ryan. He was dating someone now, and with Daisy being with Kate, everyone seemed happy. Daisy hadn't told anyone about her and Kate, Eve was the only person who knew. Before she told anyone else, she knew she needed to talk to Jess. The last thing she wanted was her hearing it from someone else. Well, she would have to talk with her soon. Daisy was finding it hard pretending that she and Kate were just friends, and sometimes she would have to stop herself when she went to take Kate's hand, or go to kiss her without thinking.

  It was Eve who suggested she babysit so Kate and Daisy could have some time on their own. Kate said, 'Well, I was promising I would cook for you, so that's what I'll do tonight.'

  'Sounds lovely. What would you like me to bring?'

  'Just yourself. Leave your inhibitions at home too, although I don't think you have many of those left!'

  'Bloody cheek!' Daisy laughed, any attempt at indignation falling away.

  Daisy was standing awkwardly at the door, 'Hi.'

  'Hey. Come in.' Kate was beaming as she stood back to let Daisy into the h
allway. Closing the door behind her, she pulled Daisy into an embrace. As they pulled away from one another, Kate asked, 'Are you okay?'

  'Of course.' Daisy blushed.

  'You seem quiet.' Kate was looking at her appraisingly.

  Daisy brushed her hand through her hair nervously. 'I feel like I'm on a first date.'

  'Hey, how long have we known each other? Just relax.'

  'I know, I'm being silly.' Daisy followed Kate through to the kitchen. 'I brought some wine.'

  'Lovely. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. Have a seat while I finish off.'

  Daisy pulled up a stool to the kitchen counter, and watched as Kate flitted around the kitchen, adding the finishing touches to their meal. 'Okay, I think we're all set. Shall we eat?'

  The table had been laid beautifully, and Daisy sat down, as Kate poured the wine. 'Thank you, this all looks gorgeous.'

  'Bon appetite!' Kate raised her glass to Daisy's, and they clinked gently together.

  'This is lovely. We get to be grown ups together!'

  Kate laughed, 'One of the advantages of being a bit older!' She winked at Daisy.

  'You know what I mean! I love being a mum, but it's good to have some time to myself as well.'

  'Of course it is, it's important to have time for you. As it happens, I also have a lot of time for you!'

  Kate reached across the table to hold Daisy's hand. As they chatted, Daisy's nervousness disappeared, and she relaxed in Kate's company.

  After dinner, they moved to the sofa. 'Thank you, that was gorgeous.'

  'I'm glad you enjoyed it.' Kate smiled at Daisy, and squeezed her hand.

  'I've been so looking forward to this evening. I was surprised how nervous I felt, though.'

  Kate looked into her eyes, 'You're not nervous now, are you?'

  Daisy laughed shyly, and looked away, 'Maybe a little.'

  'Hey, it's just me.'


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