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Private Practice

Page 9

by Rebecca Zanetti

  She’d spent Friday alternating between designing the garden, playing in her sketchbook, and pondering Jake’s proposal. The time would soon come for her to make a decision. She wanted him, without question. But the last thing she needed was a broken heart.

  Sophie wore a light pink skirt with deep blue blouse for dinner, and she waited for him on the porch swing. Her new boots finished the outfit perfectly. Tall, broad, yet somehow graceful, he approached from his truck, a sexy predator in civilized clothing.

  She smiled from her perch on the swing. “I have something for you.”

  “What’s that?” His boots made dull thuds as he crossed the painted wood.

  Sophie handed him the charcoal of Leila with her pretty hair in ribboned braids, her eyes sparking with spirit and intelligence as she won a new foal from her uncle. Softly rounded cheeks and delicate features hinted at the lovely woman who would one day emerge from the impish body.

  The scents of natural pine and wild berries lifted the air around them as Jake accepted her gift.

  “Sophie,” Jake breathed, holding the thick paper at arm’s length. “It’s beautiful. She’s beautiful. Thank you.” His eyes warmed her.

  He really liked her work. Delight flashed through her as she accepted his hand and walked to the truck. They drove for a while, both lost in their own thoughts, and Sophie stilled in surprise when he pulled into his long driveway.

  “I’m cooking you dinner.” Intimacy and something deeper wove through his words. Sophie took a deep breath. “I won’t push you. Just dinner.” He enfolded her hand with his larger one.

  She nodded. The need to see where he lived, where he slept, propelled her from the truck. Thick logs made a three-story home with large wraparound porch and deep green door. A massive three-car garage sat apart from the house to the right.

  “That’s a big house, ,” she murmured.

  “It was my family’s. Mom moved to Tom’s when they married. I bought out my siblings when I married Emily.”

  “Where do your siblings live?” Sophie climbed the burnished oak steps.

  “Colton plans to build a house over behind the east ridge with a great view of the lake, and Quinn already built his over on the south side next to the river. It’s closer to town so he can get there in a hurry if they need the sheriff. Dawn still lives at home and hopefully will until she’s forty.” He opened the heavy door and gestured her inside. “We own the ranch equally, so whoever’s working it takes a salary, and then we split the profits or losses.”

  “Wow. That’s great that you guys split it so fairly.” Renewed longing for a family washed through her.

  “How else would we have done it?” he asked.

  Sophie turned and gasped at the amazing view. While Loni’s house overlooked the valley and Mineral Lake on the north side, Jake’s home overlooked it from the south side. The mountains extended well into Canada in the distance.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. “I’d love to paint it.”

  “You should.” Jake closed the door behind them. “I’ve seen your work. You should paint all the time.”

  There he went again, making her feel strong and talented. A girl could get used to such security.

  She smiled at the comfortable room laid out similarly to Loni’s. Big stone fireplaces must be required during the cold Montana winters. Thick green couches, Western oils, and floor-to-ceiling windows made the house a home. She followed Jake into a pale yellow and tan kitchen and out a slider onto a huge cherry-wood deck. The glass table was set for two with the candles flickering in the twilight hour; the smell of barbecued steaks filled the air.

  “Sit.” Jake pulled a chair out for her, and she sat, her gaze still on the amazing view. The lake and mountains looked too still to be real. Too beautiful with the vibrant pink and orange sunset to exist naturally.

  Jake brought side dishes out from the kitchen then flipped open the barbeque lid and speared a steak for her plate. He filled his own and took a seat across from her, pouring the wine.

  “This looks great, Jake.”

  “So do you.” His gaze roamed her face over his wineglass. Heat and interest combined into an irresistible invitation in his fathomless eyes.

  Desire skipped past humming to raging within her in no time. How did he do that?

  They ate in silence, comfortable in the warm night. The food was delicious.

  “Are you ready for the hearing Monday night?” Jake refilled their wineglasses.

  “I think so. My part is just describing the golf course and maybe the clubhouse.” She took a sip of the red wine. “Are you going to be there?”


  Her hand stilled. “Opposing me?”

  “No. Opposing the location of the Charleton Group’s development.”

  “That’s me.” She set down her wineglass.

  “No, it isn’t. I want to make you happy, Sophie. But a golf course does not belong so close to Mineral Lake.”

  Her heart hitched. “I don’t like being on opposing sides from you.”

  Jake grinned. “Worked for Hepburn and Tracy.”

  She reclaimed her wineglass. The thought of sparring with him thrummed awareness through her veins. “Where’s Leila?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Girls’ night at Mom’s.” He continued at her inquisitive look. “Don’t ask me. Mom, Leila, and Dawn all paint nails, do hair, eat popcorn, and who knows what else. Girl stuff.”

  “Sounds like fun.” Wistfulness filled her tone, unbidden.

  “I’m sure you could join them sometime. Though if you talk about boys, I’d trick a rundown from my daughter. Maybe my mother, too.” Jake grinned.

  Sophie rolled her eyes.

  “Why don’t you paint more? You’re an amazing artist.”

  Pleasure flushed her at the compliment, but then quickly died. “Artists don’t make any money, Jake. I need security and my job provides that.”

  Coal-dark eyes surveyed her. “Those words don’t sound like you. They’re not yours, are they?”

  “Of course they are.” Sophie tossed her napkin on her plate and pushed back from the table. “I’ll clear these for you.”

  One strong hand around her wrist stopped her. Then he tugged, and she lost her balance. Straight into his lap.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you.” His mouth was an inch from her ear. Heat and hard masculinity surrounded her, and she repressed a groan. She perched on granite-hard thighs against a too-warm chest as firm arms held her tightly. As if he’d never let go. She turned her face to meet his.

  “I’m not upset.” Breathiness quieted her voice.

  “Whose words were they, Sophie?” His eyes held hers captive while he shifted her into a more comfortable position.

  The need to confide in him swelled. “My mother’s.”

  “Do you still believe them?”

  Right now, she was finding it difficult to believe anything. To concentrate on anything but the talented lips of the man before her. She had known what would happen when she accepted his dinner invitation. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth against his, her hands splaying against firm pectoral muscles earned on the ranch.

  Jake stiffened, one hand moving to cup her head and ease her back enough for their eyes to meet. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” It came out a breathless dare.

  He didn’t ask again.

  Chapter Eleven

  She met him halfway as his mouth plundered, as his tongue explored. He smoothly shifted her so she faced him, her thighs on either side of his, her core to his. One hand went to her hips and pulled her even tighter into his hardness.

  They both groaned at the contact.

  Strong hands deftly released the buttons of her blouse. He pressed hard kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Each touch of his lips sizzled against her skin. A wildness filled her—a sense of power she hadn’t expected. He flicked her bra open with a quick movement, and her breasts spilled into the cooling night.

  “So pretty,” Jake murmured.

  His heated mouth enclosed one nipple in heat. She gasped and gyrated against him. She was already wetter than she’d ever been.

  He ran his tongue around her nipple, his teeth scraping.

  Her breath caught. Reaching out, she shot both hands through his thick hair. “Let’s go inside.”

  Releasing her, he leaned back. “No.”

  She opened her mouth, but no sound emerged. So much want filled her it was hard to concentrate.

  He gripped her waist. Then he easily lifted her until her butt hit the table. His strength sent butterflies winging through her.

  He grinned, nimble fingers reaching for her nipples. “We need to get you out of your head, Sunshine.”

  She shook her head, her mind spinning, her body on fire. “No, we don’t.” She gasped more than said the words. The chilled glass cooling her thighs contrasted with his heated hands on her breasts.

  His smile gleamed with predatory charm. “Spread your legs.”

  Her eyes widened. Half naked, exposed on his table, her mind rebelled. They were outside, and while his deck seemed secluded, his family or ranch hands could walk into the backyard at any time. “No.”

  He rolled her nipples. Pain and pleasure melded together, shooting electricity straight to her pounding clit. She gasped, her lids lowering to half-mast. Her hands lifted.

  “Hands down.” His order held bite and her hands slapped the glass.

  Then he tugged her breasts just enough to show he was serious. “I said, spread your legs.”

  Like prey in a trap, she stilled. He’d let her leave if she wanted—heck, he’d drive her home. The next moment was hers to control. If she stayed, she’d give up control to the force of nature that was Jake Lodge. His sensual gaze promised dark pleasure, but at what cost?

  Need trembled through her. The man could quench the fire he’d already stoked in her. Her body leaped to life with want for his sexy promise, while her brain bellowed caution.

  Screw her brain.

  She panted, lifting her breasts even as he kept his hold. Licking her lips, she hesitantly, sensually, widened her knees.

  He blinked. Slowly.

  Her skirt rose up her thighs. Her ankles dangled on either side of his chair. Lowering her chin, she met his gaze with as much challenge as she could throw from her eyes. He wanted control? The man had better fucking earn it.

  He shot to his feet. Fast. The man was fast. Keeping her gaze, he leaned over her and shoved plates off the table. They crashed to the wooden deck, shattering. Surprised, she dropped back on her elbows and gasped.

  Heat cascaded off him and onto her bare skin. Sliding his palms along her arms, he removed her shirt and bra.

  She trembled.

  He leaned closer, trapping her. Crimson spiraled across his high cheekbones, enhancing the dangerous hollows in his chiseled face. His calloused hands manacled her thighs.

  She jerked. Desire uncoiled inside her abdomen with the force of nature. Thunder rolled in the distance, in tandem with the slamming of her heart.

  Pinning her with a look, he ran his abrasive palms up the flesh of her thighs. His hips kept her open, his gaze kept her captive.

  She bit back a whimper.

  Pure instinct tilted her pelvis toward him.

  “Hold still, Sunshine,” he commanded softly.

  Her breath hitched. Hold still? No way. She shook her head.

  “Yes.” He ran a thumb along the outside of her panties.

  Nerves fired to life. Her body trembled with the urge to move. “Please—”

  “No.” He leaned over her and kissed from her collarbone to her jugular. “The begging comes later,” he whispered in her ear.

  His heated breath shivered along every nerve she owned. “W-who do you think will be begging?” she forced out.

  He moved her panties and plunged one strong finger inside her.

  She cried out, sparks flashing behind her eyes. Oh God. Her orgasm was so fucking close. Needing to move against him, she nearly growled in frustration as he held her still.

  His finger rotated. “I believe you’ll be begging.” Low, guttural, his voice rasped with hunger.

  A strangled moan slipped from her mouth.

  “Now that’s a pretty sound.” He released her to tug off her panties and skirt, leaving her completely nude. Lust glimmered in his eyes as he looked his fill in the waning light. “You’re stunning.”

  For the first time in her life, she felt stunning. Beautiful and somehow…safe.

  His hand curled around her nape, gripping just hard enough to show his strength. Then he slid his rough palm down between her breasts, over her tightening abdominal muscles, to stop at her mound, his heated gaze following his touch.

  She started to shake with a need that bordered on painful.

  The lingering daylight faded, leaving his face shrouded in darkness. The moon lit him from behind, a strong, dangerous figure who held her captive in his spell. He was as wild as the land that had created him.

  So much for safety.

  He dropped back to his chair, his hand sliding under her butt.

  Panic seized her. She struggled to sit up, even with her legs dangling over the table. “No—”

  His thumb pressed on her clit just as his mouth found her.

  She arched her back with a garbled cry. Mini-explosions rippled through her—not enough. Not even close to enough.

  He licked her again. “Lay back down.”

  It was too much. “No—”

  His hard hand slapped her clit.

  The world sheeted white and went silent. She dropped on her back, lost in the erotic sensations he’d created.

  His mouth found her again. A low hum against her vibrated through her entire body. Oh God. She teetered on an edge, a fine, dangerous edge. More than anything in the world, she wanted to go over.

  But that pinnacle lay within Jake’s control. At the thought, her need spiraled even higher.

  His finger entered her. Easily. Another finger—stretching her. Pain and pleasure spasmed through her. Then his rough tongue flicked and caressed her clit. Circling. Tempting and teasing. Her muscles tightened, her abdomen rolled.

  He sucked.

  The universe detonated. She arched her back, screaming his name. Explosions of electrical fire roared through her, sparking every nerve, shaking every muscle. Hot pleasure rippled through her and crested into waves.

  He worked her, prolonging the orgasm until she really did want to beg.

  Finally, the waves settled. Her body relaxed on the table, her muscles turned to mush.

  Wetness slid along her face. Her eyes fluttered open. Was she crying? No. Then she frowned. “When did it start raining?”

  He chuckled, finally releasing her to stand. “Just a moment ago.” Drawing her toward him, he lifted her. Firm lips brushed hers as she clasped her ankles behind his back.

  Aftershocks of pleasure rippled through her sex. More. She needed more.

  He lifted his head, his grin pure sin. “Hold on, Sunshine.”

  She nodded before lowering her mouth to his neck. He tasted of salt and man—earthy and sensual. The corded muscle along his neck and jaw tempted her to nibble and nip, uncaring of their movements.

  Or where he was taking her.

  The scrape of a door failed to stop her exploration until the world shifted and she found herself on her back, spread out on a comfortable bedspread.

  Rain glistened in Jake’s darkened hair, while hunger flared in his eyes. He stood by the bed and ripped his shirt over his head.

  Such raw strength hitched her breath.

  She couldn’t match him. Hell, a tornado couldn’t match him. “Um—”

  “I’ll keep you safe.”

  He slowly drew his belt free of his pant loops, the leather whipping through with a whisper that caressed down her body. After unsnapping his jeans, he kicked free of his clothing.

  She swallowed. His cock was s
olid and huge. He reached into a side table for protection and rolled on a condom. Settling on his knees on the bed, he lowered himself so they were flesh to flesh.

  She moaned in pleasure at his heavy weight, her nipples scraping against his hard chest.

  Finally, she could explore him. Hard ridges of muscle filled her palms when she ran them across his chest. He vibrated, barely civilized, barely contained.

  Then, his muscles bunching, his forehead sweating, he slowly, purposefully entered her inch by swollen inch.

  “Jake, hurry up,” Sophie groaned, digging her fingers into his shoulders.

  “Patience.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” Her words emerged garbled and breathy.

  He chuckled against her lips and then kissed her deep and sure. With a hard push, he embedded himself fully in her. God, he was big. Almost too much. “Are you all right?”

  Concern from the strong, controlled man above her shot emotion straight to her heart. Right where she didn’t want it to go. “If you don’t move, I really am going to hurt you,” she hissed.

  His dimple dared her to try it. She nipped his bottom lip. His eyes darkened to liquid midnight. One hand held her hip in place. The other tangled in her hair. “And you were being so good. Now you don’t get to move.” His hand slid around and clasped her butt.

  “Not a chance.” She tried to move against him.

  He kept her in place.

  Fire rushed down her torso.

  His weight pinned her, the hand in her curls tethered her, and the hand at her butt kept her still. He was in complete control. He waited, his gaze determined, his focus absolutely on her.

  At least a minute passed.

  Finally, she relaxed beneath him. Obeyed his silent demand to submit. She could trust him—and she did.

  He moved her against him. Then moved faster. Then started to pound. As he took over her body, he breached her last emotional shield. Heat coiled inside her, rolling outward, powerful waves lighting her nerves. She exploded. Tears filled her eyes as the intense ripples devastated her.

  He thrust harder, prolonging her orgasm, filling the world with Jake Lodge. Finally, with a low growl of her name against her skin, he leaped into pleasure with her.


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