Good Girl Next Door: A Steamy Small-Town Romance (Jetty Beach Book 6)

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Good Girl Next Door: A Steamy Small-Town Romance (Jetty Beach Book 6) Page 19

by Claire Kingsley

  He grabs me, pulling me into his lap, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me, slow and deep, his arms around me, holding me close. I run my fingers through his hair and taste the salt on our skin. He starts to smile through the kiss, and I can’t help but smile too. The next thing I know, we’re both laughing so hard we can hardly breathe.

  He tips me backward, angling us away from the fire, and lays me down in the sand. It’s cold against my back, but Lucas’s warm weight feels so good on top of me. He looks into my eyes for a long moment, then kisses my lips, his mouth soft and gentle.

  “I love you, darling,” he says. “I’m so glad you’re mine.”

  Want more Jetty Beach? Turn the page for a preview of Gabe’s story, The Path to You…

  The Path to You: Chapter 1


  The guy at table ten is making me sick to my stomach.

  He’s been leering at me since I took his drink order. The Porthole Inn isn’t fancy, but the customers are usually nice. Lots of families, sometimes couples on dates, groups of friends. This guy? He’s sitting alone and he watches me wherever I go.

  I duck into the kitchen to get out of his line of sight. I wish he would just leave already. He’s been taking his sweet damn time eating his top sirloin and baked potato. The way he keeps licking his lips while his eyes linger on my chest is creepy beyond words. I’m a little worried he might wait until I get off work and follow me outside.

  Well, I have a can of pepper spray for a reason. I’ll have it in my hand when I walk out to my car after my shift.

  For now, I just need to keep doing my job. I’m new here, and the last thing I want to do is get in trouble. I barely have enough to make rent on my new place, what with having to pay the deposit, plus first and last. That wiped out what little I had saved up.

  This has been a decent place to work, up until tonight. Todd, the manager, is gruff, but the tips aren’t bad. I figure if I keep my head down and don’t piss anyone off, I can fly under the radar and make enough money to get back on my feet. Starting over isn’t easy.

  I take a second to tighten my ponytail and smooth out my little black apron before I brave the dining room again. Creepy guy’s eyes are on me the second I step out of the kitchen. I pointedly ignore him and go check on table twelve.

  “Can I get you anything else?” I ask.

  They’re a cute couple—both have rings, so I’m pretty sure they’re married. The woman has a mass of blond curls and a bright smile. Her husband is attractive, with pleasant green eyes and dark hair.

  “I think we’re fine,” the woman says.

  “No dessert, sunshine?” the man asks.

  “I’m so full,” she says. “Maybe next time.”

  “No problem,” I say and slide the black folder with the bill onto the table. “Whenever you’re ready. No rush.”

  I don’t want to check on creepy guy again, but I need to take table nine’s order, and that’s right next to him. I keep my eyes forward as I walk by his table, and stand so his back is to me. He actually turns around in his seat to watch me. I fidget and try to focus on writing down table nine’s orders.

  Deep breaths, Sadie. He can’t do anything. He can look, and his thinly veiled sexual innuendo is disgusting, but soon he’ll be gone and I won’t have to deal with him anymore. I’ve got this.

  I slip my notepad into my apron pocket and head toward the back. I’ve barely taken two steps when I feel a hand on my wrist, the grip like a vise.

  “Let go of me,” I say, hissing under my breath.

  Creepy guy’s lip turns up in a horrifying approximation of a smile. He’s right on the edge of his seat, his hand clamped down on my wrist.

  “Come here, sugar,” he says.

  Fear and rage surge through me and flashes of memory race through my mind. I’m pinned down, unable to move. Helpless. I gasp and try to blink the images away. My heart speeds up and adrenaline courses through my system.

  “Let go.” I think it’s my voice, but I feel like I’m no longer in control of my body. I’m floating above myself, watching this scene play out as if it’s happening to someone else.

  “Come on, sugar, be nice.” He tugs on my arm, hard, and I stumble toward him.

  The detached feeling intensifies. I’m completely numb. I watch as my other hand balls into a fist and flies toward his face. There should probably be pain, but I feel nothing as my knuckles smack into his nose. He lets go of my wrist and I jerk backward.

  Noise comes back to me in a rush, as if I was momentarily deaf. The guy howling in pain as he clutches his face, blood leaking out beneath his hands. The startled exclamations of the other customers. Todd’s angry voice, demanding to know what’s going on.

  I bolt into the kitchen. Oh my god. What did I just do? Did I hit him? I look down at my hand. My knuckles are red and I can still feel the sensation of his nose crunching. Holy shit, I think I broke it. My hand aches, and my other wrist burns where he held me. I have red marks in the shape of his fingers.

  The cooks stare at me, and within seconds, the rest of the staff is talking in whispers, casting wary glances my direction.

  Todd marches back into the kitchen, his face full of fury. “Sadie. My office. Now.”

  I swallow hard and follow him back, still reeling from shock. He closes the door behind me. I have a momentary flight reaction that’s so strong, I almost run out to my car.

  “You’re fired,” he says. Nothing else. He doesn’t ask me what happened, nor does he appear to care. That’s it. I’m out the door.

  “Todd, he—”

  “You just broke a customer’s nose,” he says. “We could be sued over this.”

  I hold up my wrist, still red where he grabbed me. “He held my arm and wouldn’t let go.”

  He eyes my wrist for half a second. “Still. You hit him. I can’t promise he’s not going to call the police.”

  My shoulders slump. You have to be kidding me. I must have a big fuck with me, no one will care sign on my back. Apparently jackass men can do whatever they want to me, and the minute I try to stand up for myself, I’m the one who gets screwed.

  I moved to this stupid town thinking I could get away from this bullshit. But I suppose it exists everywhere.

  “I’m not sorry that I hit that jerk.” I’m either going to lash out in anger, or crumple to the ground and cry. Anger it is. “He was staring at me and making disgusting comments all night, and his hand on me was the last straw. So fuck you, Todd.”

  I whirl around and fly out of his office. I grab my coat and purse and stomp my way out of the kitchen to the back door. Pausing before I go into the parking lot, I get out my pepper spray. If that dick is out there waiting for me, I’m going to blind his sorry ass. I can feel fear trying to take hold, so I grasp onto the rage pouring through me like a lifeline. I can fall apart at home. I have to at least get to my car. Anger keeps me afloat.

  My hands shake and I have a feeling if I am attacked, I won’t be able to use the stupid pepper spray. Tears fall down my cheeks—tears of impotent anger and frustration. Memories swirl through my brain, the old ones mingling with the new. It’s hard to keep them separate.

  I pause next to my car and take a few shaking breaths. Keys. I need my keys. I slip the pepper spray into my pocket and pull my keys out of my purse.

  “Excuse me?”

  The woman’s voice makes me jump—literally. I clutch my chest and turn around, breathing hard.

  “I am so sorry,” she says. It’s the woman with the curly blond hair from table twelve. Her husband is next to her, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I say, but my voice trembles. I wish she’d just let me go. I’m holding on by such a thin thread, and the sympathy in her voice almost breaks me.

  “Can I see your hand?” the man asks. “I’m a doctor.”

  I glance down at my knuckles. They’re red and starting to swell. “I think I’m fine.”

  “Maybe, but I’d feel b
etter if you’d let me take a quick look.” He steps forward. “I’m Cody Jacobsen. This is my wife, Clover.”

  I swallow hard. “Sadie Sedgwick.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sadie,” Clover says, nothing but sincerity in her voice. “Are you new in town?”


  I hold out my hand and Cody looks it over. “It doesn’t look broken. Can I touch it?”

  I wonder if he has any idea how grateful I am that he asked first before touching me. “Sure.”

  He places his palm beneath mine to keep it steady and gently probes the back of my hand. “Can you move your fingers for me?”

  I wiggle my fingers. It hurts a little, but not too much.

  “Good,” he says. “I don’t think you need an x-ray. Ice it when you get home to ease any swelling. If it swells up a lot, or you find you’re having trouble moving your fingers, get it checked out, okay?” He pulls out his wallet and hands me a business card. “My clinic is open seven days a week.”

  I take the card and tuck it in my purse. “Thank you. I think I’ll be okay.”

  “What happened in there was horrible,” Clover says. “You were a badass.”

  Cody laughs. “Clover.”

  “She was. You saw how he grabbed her. He needed a good punch in the nose.”

  “Well, my boss didn’t think so.” I close my mouth quickly. I shouldn’t be dumping on these people. They’ve been very nice, but they don’t need to hear about my problems.

  “What?” Clover asks. “What happened?”

  “It’s nothing,” I say. “I’m sorry. I have to get home.”

  “Wait,” Clover says. “You didn’t just lose your job, did you?”

  “Obviously,” I say. “I punched a customer.”

  Clover gasps, her eyes widening. “Oh my god, Cody. I told you I felt the tingle when I saw her.”

  “Actually, you did say that,” Cody says.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” I say.

  “You’re a waitress,” Clover says, as if that explains everything.

  “I was until a few minutes ago.”

  “Exactly,” she says brightly. “This is perfect. I have a new job for you.”

  “Um, sunshine, are you sure?” Cody asks.

  She gives him a rather cute eyeroll. “Yes. Positive. We need a new server. We’ve needed someone for weeks. This is why Gabe hasn’t hired anyone yet. I was supposed to meet Sadie tonight and offer her a job. It’s fate.”

  I’m so confused, I just stare at her. “I… what?”

  Clover smiles. “I work at the Ocean Mark. It’s about twenty minutes north of here, so it’s a little bit of a drive. But it’s so much nicer than this place.” She turns to Cody. “And clearly we’re never eating here again, after they fired Sadie.”

  “Clearly,” Cody says.

  Clover turns back to me. “Come in tomorrow at three. It won’t be too busy on a Sunday, and Sam can start training you.”

  I stare at her, feeling such a mix of surprise and disbelief, I’m not even sure where I am. “I don’t… Um… Okay?”

  Cody gives me a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, she does that to people.”

  “I do what to people?” she asks.

  “Bewilder them.”

  “I do not,” she says. “Anyway, tomorrow. Three. Meet me there and I’ll show you around.” She winks at Cody. “See? Fate!”

  “Make sure you ice your hand,” Cody says. “And I hope the rest of your night is better.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “Good night, Sadie,” Clover says, beaming at me. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  Cody shakes his head with a smile as he puts his arm around his wife. Clover waves. I stand outside my car and watch them go, not sure what just happened.

  I get in my car and lock the doors. Was that real? If I show up tomorrow, am I going to discover this was some kind of prank? Or that Clover is a crazy person? She didn’t seem crazy, just… enthusiastic. And Cody legitimately seemed to be a doctor, unless his business cards are fake.

  How paranoid am I that I’m concocting a story about Cody and Clover that has them as con artists, posing as a doctor and his spunky wife who works in a restaurant?

  I clutch the steering wheel and release a long breath. I suppose I’ll go to the Ocean Mark tomorrow at three. If Clover is crazy, I’ll just pretend like I’m lost. And if she isn’t, and she really did just give me a job minutes after I got fired, I’ll count my blessings.

  Goodness knows this girl could use a break.

  Keep reading The Path to You


  Dear reader,

  Raise your hand if you’re ready to move to Jetty Beach!

  Yeah, me too. This place, and it’s cast of characters, has been so much fun. I definitely have a thing for good but naughty heroes (noticed that yet?), and Jetty Beach seems to be full of them.

  When I got to the end of the previous book (Finn and Juliet’s story) I was wondering what to do next. I knew I’d feature Lucas, and I knew I’d feature Becca. And then it hit me… the best friends of Finn and Juliet could SO hook up with each other.

  But Becca was with Brandon, and that just wouldn’t do. I knew from the start that Becca’s long term relationship was going to fall apart. Poor thing. She might not have seen it coming, but it was for the best. The first idea I had for this book was actually the opening scene, when Becca gets dumped and pukes on Brandon. I wrote that before I was even sure what the rest of the book was going to be about.

  I really liked Becca. She’s a little less sassy than some of my other heroines, but I like that she’s finally taking a stand for herself. I tried to convey that although she needed Lucas to help her grow, she was standing on her own two feet by the end. Even when she’s unexpectedly faced with Brandon, and his new girlfriend, she knows deep down that she can handle it. Having Lucas with her helped, but she wouldn’t have fallen apart without him there. That was a cool moment for her.

  But my favorite part of this book was Lucas. Specifically, watching Lucas fall in love with Becca, and be so totally oblivious to it. “Gee, I haven’t been sleeping around. That’s weird.” Call it what you want, buddy. From the moment you met her, you were hooked. You just didn’t know it.

  I loved how he saw Becca for who she was, right from the start. He did help her when she locked her keys in the car, but it wasn’t because he wanted to scoop her up and baby her. He was just being neighborly. If she’d been sitting there with her phone in her hand, he would have assumed she could handle it herself.

  And I think that’s one of the things about their relationship that made it work. He did assume she could do things for herself. He liked pushing her, and making her try things that scared her. But he never for a moment thought that she couldn’t get on without him. He saw her as a perfectly capable person, and seeing herself through his eyes helped Becca realize he was right.

  Plus, it was utterly adorable to watch him fall for her. By the time they go to her parents’ anniversary party, he has it SO BAD for her. He thinks he has everything under control. He has it all worked out. But he’s crazy about her.

  How can someone be so in love and be so clueless?

  Well, he’s a GUY, let’s be honest about that. Guys are not always super in touch with their emotions. And Lucas inherited (and/or learned) at least some emotional repression from his dad. Plus, Becca didn’t blast into his life. His previous experience with love was a lot more tumultuous. Becca was soft and quiet and sweet.

  Poor dude never had a chance.

  A note about Becca’s first surfing experience. That scene is based on something that actually happened to me. I don’t usually (as in, never before this) lift personal experiences so directly and put them into a book. But this one just worked, so I went with it. My boyfriend took me surfing in high school and right after I caught my very first wave, he jumped off his board so he could swim over to me, and it flew up and smacked me in the head. I
rolled off my board and he had to fish me out (pun intended) and carry me back to the beach. Fortunately, I was not seriously injured—and neither was Becca.

  I hope you enjoyed another story in my favorite beach town! And yes, I do know who is next, and yes, it is Gabriel. I know, I know, his story is a long time coming. But rest assured, a book about Gabe is on my writing schedule. And I will do my absolute best to make it worth the wait.

  Thanks for reading!


  Also by Claire Kingsley

  For a full and up-to-date listing of Claire Kingsley books visit

  The Bailey Brothers

  Steamy, small-town family series. Five unruly brothers. Epic pranks. A quirky, feuding town. Big HEAs.

  Protecting You: Series Origin Story

  Fighting For Us

  Unraveling Him

  More Bailey Brothers coming soon!

  The Miles Family

  Sexy, sweet, funny, and heartfelt family series. Messy family. Epic bromance. Super romantic.

  Broken Miles

  Forbidden Miles

  Reckless Miles

  Hidden Miles

  Gaining Miles: A Miles Family Novella

  Dirty Martini Running Club

  Sexy, fun stand-alone romantic comedies with huge… hearts.

  Everly Dalton’s Dating Disasters

  Free Faking Ms. Right prequel

  Faking Ms. Right

  A hot fake relationship romantic comedy

  Love According to Science

  A hot enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy

  Bluewater Billionaires

  Hot, stand-alone romantic comedies. Lady billionaire BFFs and the badass heroes who love them.

  The Mogul and the Muscle

  A billionaire and her bodyguard hot romantic comedy.

  The Price of Scandal, Wild Open Hearts, and Crazy for Loving You


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