Wicked Burn

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Wicked Burn Page 9

by Rebecca Zanetti

  He sounded so bewildered, she had to bite back a laugh. “You should probably zip up.”

  “Christ.” He released her and quickly zipped his pants, wincing at the end. “I meant for this to happen in a bed,” he mused, slicking his hair back with rain.

  “Oh, did you.” She adjusted her sopping wet skirt to try for modesty, although it was probably too late for that. “Sure thing, was I?”

  He stilled and moved into her, backing her right into the brick again. “Not in a million years. There is nothing certain about you, little bunny.” He tried to yank her bustier up to cover the tops of her breasts and then gave up. “I just knew we weren’t finished. Not by a long shot.”

  But what did that mean? She shivered in the sudden cold and rubbed her aching neck. “You bit me.”

  “Yes. Plan to do it again, too.” His teeth flashed in the darkness.

  A shimmer took her abdomen. Sex was one thing, fangs another. A demon mated by biting, sex, and a brand from their hand . . . as did witches. It was a good thing they’d both kept their hands from branding each other. She wasn’t one of those women who would end up mated without a lot of thought first. Not that he had offered. She needed time to think about what she wanted, and right now, she mostly wanted to survive the next month or so. “We have to get to a safe house.”

  “Mine this time, not yours.” He took her hand and strode down the alley, leading her around mud puddles and rubbish bins.

  “You have a safe house in Ireland?” She hustled beside him.


  She shook her head. “Demons aren’t exactly welcome in Dublin, as you know.”

  He turned and lifted her over a sprawling mud puddle. “I know, but Dublin is your home. I have safe houses everywhere you own a home or business.”

  Humph. Her heart hitched. She blinked against the rain, her mind spinning. “What exactly do you want from me, Nicholai?”

  His deep chuckle echoed off the buildings bracketing them. “I want everything, Simone. And this time, I’m going to keep it.”

  Chapter 10

  Nick finished scrambling the eggs in the spacious steel and granite kitchen, feeling more settled than he had in eons. It was well past midnight, but finally, he had Simone in a safe place. He whistled softly, dishing up two plates and placing them in the cozy breakfast nook facing the tumultuous Liffey. As rivers went, he liked this one. Moody and mysterious, it had always called to him.

  His phone buzzed again, and he ignored it, but he knew Zane well enough to know that the demon leader would not take the hint and go away. He thought about the past.

  Nick had followed fate’s plan and helped Felicity escape her brother and demon headquarters. Then when the vampire she’d mated was killed, and she had nowhere else to turn, he’d talked Suri into letting her come home. Sure, Suri had planned to kill Felicity and her three boys, but Nick had manipulated the hell out of him with thoughts of heirs and futures.

  Even now, he could remember the day a wounded Felicity had returned home.

  She’d sat in the office with Suri, while Nick had remained outside with the three boys. The oldest one, a kid about twelve, had furious green eyes and an already strong build. “I’m Zane.”

  The name alone sent an awareness through Nick that had to come from fate. “Nick.”

  The kid’s hands had clenched. “My mother is afraid of her brother.”

  “She should be,” Nick said, going on instinct and telling the kid the truth.

  “What about you?” Zane studied him, way too much understanding in his young eyes.

  “My job is to protect you and your family.” The words came out like a vow.

  Zane lifted his head, while his younger brothers looked on. “Is that a promise?”

  Nick had nodded, his chest filling with a purpose that was no longer so fucking dark. “It isn’t going to be easy, kid, but yeah. That’s a promise.”

  Through the years, they’d become friends. Hell. They’d become family.

  Nick was jerked back to the present by the appearance of Simone in the doorway wearing a pair of his sweats, rolled up several times, and one of his faded T-shirts. Her thick hair curled down her back after her shower, while her skin glowed from the heat and lack of makeup. She was stunning.

  She gestured toward the food. “You’re all domesticated now?”

  “I can scramble eggs for a late supper.” He pointed to her chair while reaching for orange juice. “Sit.”

  She gave him a look but still sat, grasping her fork to eat a few bites. “Not bad.”

  “Thanks so much.” He poured orange juice along with coffee. “Eat something, and then we’ll grab some sleep. I contacted Moira, and she’s bringing the evidence against you here; nobody else knows where you are.” Keeping his voice as undemanding as he could, he continued, “I’m arranging safe transport for you out of the country. I can fight the case here as your representative, and if we don’t win, you’ll be safe.”

  Her fork stopped halfway to her mouth. “No.”

  He dug deep for patience. “It’s the safest course of action. Moira said the evidence is truly damning.”

  “I don’t care. There are several projects I have to conclude while I’m here. I’m a member of the Coven Nine, and as such, I’ll follow our laws. Plus, I just gave my word in chambers that I wouldn’t leave, remember?” She sipped the coffee, and her cheeks colored. “I have to believe in our system, and I do. The more important question right now is who has gone to such lengths to harm me . . . and why.” Her eyes darkened.

  It hurt her. That somebody would want to ruin her, maybe see her dead. The woman had been raised by a single mother with a stunning ambition to rule. No father anywhere, and the first man she’d trusted, Nick, had broken her heart. Then she’d finally met her father, and the asshole had shot her.

  No wonder Simone had turned to work and power to survive.

  Few people fully understood the sweet girl who lived behind Simone’s stunning looks and sarcastic wit. That girl had been wounded by such evil being directed at her. Nick saw the kind woman inside her and always had. “Whoever has done this will pay.”

  She nodded, her eyelashes thick and dark against her pale skin. “I just want to know why.”

  “My guess is that you’re the easiest target.”

  She straightened. “What do you mean?”

  He’d been giving the matter a lot of thought, and if anything, he truly understood strategy. “As a member of the Nine, you live abroad and have many of your own investments and interests, including alliances with other species.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Your business interests are more diverse than those of the other Nine members, and you have accounts to hack.” He ate his eggs, his mind working through the issue. “Though I’m curious about motive. The prosecutor said it would be revealed at trial, and there’s no legal way to make him give it up now, if there is a possible motive.”

  “If ?”

  Nick nodded. “Perhaps they haven’t yet figured out a motive and are hoping to find something by trial.” Yet something in the way the prosecutor had dangled the carrot was troubling Nick. “Though I think they have something.” What, he didn’t know.

  “I think they have something, too . . . but for the world of me, I can’t figure it out.” She licked her lips and kept her gaze on the plate. The fact that she was part shifter would hurt her politically, but it certainly wasn’t a motive for murder, even if the prosecutor had that information. Perhaps nobody knew about her genetics, anyway.

  He stilled, tuning in to her emotions. Ah. “Do we need to talk?”

  Her lashes fluttered, and she focused on him. “We are talking.”

  “About the fact that I fucked you silly in an alley an hour ago.” He lifted an eyebrow.

  She neither flinched nor turned away, facing him head-on, like the woman she was. “Thanks for the orgasms?”

  He barked out a laugh, amusement warming his chest. “I’m
sorry if I was too rough.” If? Hell, he’d been way too rough, and a woman like Simone deserved a bed, not a brick wall. But she went straight to his head, always had, and that would probably never change.

  “I’m fine, Nicholai. Let it go.”

  “No.” The woman wasn’t quite understanding him. So he lifted his right hand, palm out.

  She swallowed, and her head jerked back. Horror, the real kind, glimmered in her eyes. “The marking. Yours.”

  “Yes.” Man, she didn’t have to look so horrified, did she? He flipped his hand over to study the intricate crest with a clear V in the middle, crisscrossed by jagged lines. V for Veis, his family name. The marking itself was buried in their genetics, and it only appeared when a mate was near. Not one ounce of him was surprised it had appeared with Simone again. Last time it had taken nearly five years for the damn thing to disappear after they’d ended their relationship. Something told him this time it wasn’t ever going away. The marking wanted to be used. Transferred to her flesh.

  She reached for his hand and turned it over, running her finger over the lines as if staring at a bloody train wreck. “Your marking is beautiful. I’d forgotten.”

  He hadn’t. Sometimes just thinking of her made his palm hurt. “How about I use it this time around?” While he didn’t want to, he held his breath as he waited for her answer.

  Regret twisted her full upper lip. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yes.” He slid his hand back. “I let you go once, and you know why. The war is over, Zane is in power, and now I’m free to live my own life. That includes you.”

  “If I’m convicted?” she whispered, the first hint of fear visible in her dark eyes.

  “You won’t be.”

  She reached for her orange juice. “You don’t know that. If I’m convicted, I face death. You sure you want to be mated for eternity to a dead woman?” Her throat moved, sexy and strong, as she swallowed. “While a new virus being worked on by the vampire queen might negate a mating bond, it seems silly to put you through that. Plus, the so-called mating cure has never been tested in a male, as you know.”

  There wouldn’t ever be another woman for him. “If you’re convicted, I’m getting you out of here.”

  “A demon can’t get involved, no matter what I decide. The second in command to the demon leader really can’t get involved. Publicly, anyway.” She shook her head. “These are my people and my laws. I’m fighting until the end.” She sighed and sat back. “How about we deal with the current trial and crisis and forget the emotional crap? I need to concentrate, Nick.”

  That hadn’t been a yes, but it wasn’t a no, either. He could’ve easily mated her in the alley, but he wanted more. He wanted her to come to him with her eyes wide open and prepared. Being the mate of a demon strategic leader, the strategic leader of the entire nation, wouldn’t be easy. War came too quickly, and he could be one cold bastard when the time called for it. If the witch nation and the demon nation ever went to war again, her allegiance had to be with him. Period. “I agree to concentrate on your trial, but I’m not giving up on us.”

  She nodded, her gaze thoughtful.

  The door burst open, and Moira Kayrs hustled inside, concern blanketing her features.

  Simone half-stood.

  Nick sighed. “Come on in, Moira.” The feisty witch could’ve waited for him to unlock the door, damn it. He stood and crossed the living room to inspect his door. The Enforcer had used plasma to melt the inner workings. “You owe me a new lock.”

  “We seriously have problems.” Moira crossed the room and filched a piece of bacon from Nick’s plate. “Tori and Bear were taken into custody, and the Coven Nine has demanded the demon nation excommunicate you, Nick.”

  Nick slowly closed the door, energy washing down him. “And?”

  “Zane refused.” Moira took more bacon, her green eyes somber. “The Nine has given him twenty-four hours to change his mind, and then we declare war.” She chewed thoughtfully and then bit her lip. “I mean, the witch nation declares war on the demon nation, which will cause a ruckus because both are now members of the Realm.”

  The Realm was a coalition of vampires, shifters, witches and now demons. A war between two of the species would tear the newly forged Realm apart.

  Simone shoved her plate toward Moira. “Have some eggs.” She wiped her mouth delicately with the napkin. “If the Nine declares war on the demons, they’ll demand the demon nation be kicked out of the Realm.”

  Nick felt a growl rising, so he took a moment before speaking. “I spent too much time and energy to making the demon nation part of the Realm. The vampires can’t kick out the demons.”

  “Agreed,” Moira said, nodding her head in emphasis.

  “So Zane has to excommunicate me, and right now.” Nick slipped his cell phone from his back pocket. “Before I call him, what’s the status of Bear and Tori Monzelle?”

  Moira cleared her throat and reached for Simone’s orange juice. “Tori is in containment since she definitely is aware of the witch nation and that immortals exist. Bear went a little nutty trying to defend her and took a beating before escaping into the night.”

  “Was he all right?” Simone asked quietly.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he’s fine. Shifters have hard heads.” Moira lifted an eyebrow. “Why?”

  Simone gave her a hard look. “What? I never express concern for others?”

  “No.” Moira rubbed her chin. “Not unless you care about them.” She leaned forward, her voice hushing. “Is there something between you and Bear?”

  “Of course not.” Simone reclaimed the remainder of her juice.

  Nick leaned against the door, watching the exchange. Simone hadn’t even told her cousins about her lineage. Interesting. With Bear hopefully leaving Ireland soon, Simone’s secret would be safe.

  Witches and shifters rarely mixed, and although there was no requirement for a Coven Nine member to be a full-bred witch, they were definitely preferred. Simone would face opposition if it was discovered she was part-shifter. Even though she’d never shifted and seemed not to have inherited the gene.

  Nick flipped his phone around in his hand. “Moira? Where’s Brenna?”

  Moira sighed. “Jase returned from his hunting trip north, discovered that Brenna had been attacked by those witches, and well . . .”

  Simone sighed. “So my other attorney is now not my attorney?”

  “She’s three months’ pregnant.” Moira shrugged. “Plus, the group firing planekite darts at witches made an attempt on her life last week, so the Coven Nine Enforcers, including me, agreed to put her into lockdown.”

  Nick chuckled. “You put her into lockdown?”

  “She’s a member of the Council of the Coven Nine, sister or no, and my job is to protect council members, although she can still attend regular business meetings if the Guard is around.” Moira grinned. “Man, was she pissed.”

  Simone smiled. “It was nice of you to take the heat for Jase.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Moira said, her lips curving.

  That was nice. With Brenna pregnant and in danger, a vampire like Jase would probably go to the mat to get her to safety, whether she liked it or not. By using her job as an Enforcer and insisting on Brenna’s safety, Moira had probably kept peace between Jase and his mate. “You’re a good sister, Moira,” Nick said.

  “I am a peach,” Moira agreed. “Although I should tell you that I might be recalled to the States. There’s an outbreak of Apollo in the form of planekite darts in Los Angeles, and I have to investigate. Two witches were attacked last night, and one may not make it.” Her brow furrowed. “I could disregard orders, if you need me.”

  Simone covered Moira’s hand with hers. “We have enough protection with the Guard here, and you should get back home to your babies.”

  “I’m a working mom, magic or not. Besides, my mate is bringing the boys to Ireland and should land in about an hour.” Moira patted Simone’s hand. “Oh, and you
have Enforcer protection, just not me. The second cousin Adam discovered Tori was here, he jumped on a plane. Should be here in about five more hours.”

  Simone leaned back. “Adam? And Tori?”

  Moira shrugged. “Don’t ask me. I don’t see Adam as a guy who’d like a human, you know?”

  Simone slowly nodded. “When is Tori’s hearing?”

  “Hearing?” Nick strode toward the table.

  Simone nodded. “She gets a chance to speak.”

  “Oh great.” Sarcasm burned his tongue. The entire situation was getting out of control, and the last thing he could afford was emotion. Especially since his was way off. “I know you wouldn’t harm her. What about the other council members?”

  Moira sighed. “Hopefully they’re thinking clearly and not running scared because of the planekite attacks. We have to figure out a way to keep Tori safe. Perhaps a simple contract will work in which she promises not to reveal any secrets.” Doubt wrinkled her smooth forehead. “It would be better if she had something to use to blackmail the Nine, but I don’t have anything up my sleeve.”

  “Me, either,” Simone murmured. “We’ll just have to testify as to her trustworthiness.”

  “You’re on the Council,” Moira said.

  “I know, but I can still testify.”

  Moira nodded and then sat back, her shoulders relaxing. “All right. Tori’s hearing has been scheduled for after your trial.”

  Simone leaned back, her gaze darkening. “I don’t like that.”

  “Me, either, but she’s been sequestered, and I had a hell of a time finding her. She’s gotta be scared. I sent you the address for her current location on your cell phone. I know she’ll at least be there through the night, so you can drop by and see her tomorrow morning before attending the Coven Nine hearing that was just set.” Moira took another sip of Simone’s juice. “The Nine has scheduled the hearing to question Nick.”

  Nick reared up. “Why?”

  Moira shrugged. “You were captured in Seattle speeding away from the Guard with a fugitive, Simone, on the back of your bike. They’re not arresting you, but they do want to question you, and diplomatically, you should agree to be questioned.”


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