Wicked Burn

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Wicked Burn Page 28

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “Copy that.” Nick stared at the small shack as if the walls would somehow part and let him see inside. “She has to be in there. Right?”

  “Oh, she’s in there.” Zane reached for his gun. “They wouldn’t be guarding the shack for the hell of it. Now, clear your mind for battle and push emotion away.”

  “I taught you how to do that,” Nick returned.

  Zane released the safety on his laser gun. “Then you should know how to do it right.”

  Nick grinned, and adrenaline flooded his system. While he enjoyed a good strategy, there was nothing like the final conclusion, which often meant battle. “If anything happens to me . . .”

  “Ditto.” Zane crouched up on his knees. “Mates and kids taken care of, no matter what. But we’ll live to fight another day.”

  “Yes.” Nick sobered. The door to the shack opened, and Phillipe Sadler drew Simone from inside. She walked sedately, her hands behind her back, her head held high. Without seeming to move, her eyes scanned the surrounding area. Whatever she saw or sensed had a small smile tickling her lips.

  “Your woman is impressive,” Zane said, rocking back on his heels while remaining in a crouch.

  Yeah, yeah she was. “All teams on ready and keep your masks in place,” Nick said evenly, counting the steps between the shack and the plane. “Prepare for my go.” He wanted to wait until Simone was close enough to jump into the plane, where she would be better protected. “If Zane and I give the sign, everybody clear out of the way for a massive mind attack.”

  “Hell,” Kellach Dunne said through the earpieces.

  Nick nodded. “We’ll try to focus the energy, but you need to be clear.” The attack would be focused on one or two people—if he and Zane tried to take out everybody, there was a good chance they’d accidentally include the Enforcers and Simone. “First we have to take a few of these guys out.” If he and Zane scattered an attack, it wouldn’t be nearly as effective as a concentrated mind offensive, and with powerful witches, it might not even work.

  He turned his focus back to Simone.

  Her movements slowed as she reached the steps to the plane.

  “Go!” Nick yelled, charging forward and clipping Phillipe in the neck with his first shot. The bastard leaped behind the wing of the plane, returning fire wildly.

  Simone dropped and rolled under the plane’s belly, doing some weird shimmy with her arms down her legs. She jumped to her feet, her hands now in front of her, and raised her arms high with her hands spread as far apart as the cuffs would allow. With her hair blowing wildly in the blustering wind, she looked like an avenging angel.

  Nick paused, took aim, and fired between her hands.

  The laser beam turned to metal the second it connected with the chain securing her cuffs, blowing it apart.

  Flames instantly shot down her arms to form plasma balls. She turned and fired hard at the men guarding the shack. Several of them jumped out of the way, and plasma hit the shack, instantly engulfing it in flames. The wind and rain were no match for the otherworldly fire, and it consumed each inch of wood with a rapid hiss.

  A soldier ran straight for Zane, who paused and lowered his chin in an obvious mind attack. The witch soldier grabbed his head, screaming in pain, and dropped to his knees.

  Nick ran in a zigzag pattern, dodging bullets, heading straight for Simone.

  The woman was throwing fire like a master, hitting several soldiers before they could return fire. A witch over to the north battled fire with fire against the Enforcers, who were certainly gaining ground.

  A pilot jumped out of the plane, throwing plasma balls.

  Nick roared and leaped toward Simone, tossing her aside and taking a ball to the chest. The plasma threw him several yards, and he landed hard, shoulders first.

  No pain. He refused to acknowledge pain until he saved his woman.

  He backflipped to his feet and lowered his chin to send out an attack when the world lit up.

  Two helicopters hovered into view, shining spotlights on the ground. Several Humvees came from all four directions, heavy guns mounted on top.


  “We’re surrounded,” Zane said, pressing his back against Nick’s. “Any ideas?”

  Phillipe Sadler moved around the wing, one hand pressed to a bleeding hole in his upper arm. Blood and dirt matted his face. He smiled. “Looks like backup just arrived. Oh. I called the Guard.”

  Shit. Good plan. Without their attack, Phillipe would have had Simone safely away from the airport before the Guard arrived. But just in case, he’d hedged his bet.

  Simone was a fugitive. If the Guard took her, she’d be dead by morning.

  Kellach Dunne came into view, pivoting and firing a ball of plasma up at a helicopter. Bullets rained down, piercing him, and he dropped to the ground, spraying blood on the way down.

  Simone cried out and started to move, but the cocking of more guns stopped her cold.

  Nick eyed her and tried to motion her inside the plane. She stood in the rain, breathing heavily, her hair cascading down her back. She turned just as another pilot slipped into view on the top step, his gun pointed at her head.

  Simone shoved wet hair from her eyes and tried to focus. The spotlights lit up the small tarmac with a brightness that hurt. The Enforcers stood still over to the left, muscles tensed, weapons down. Daire grabbed his fallen brother and jerked him upright. Blood trickled from above Kellach’s bulletproof vest, so at least one bullet had found its way through the protection. He wavered but managed to remain standing, fury on his broad face.

  Nick’s vest smoldered, but he stood steadfast, with Zane at his back.

  They were outnumbered by far. If she didn’t surrender, somebody would surely die.

  The pilot of the small plane kept his gun pointed at her.

  Slowly, she raised her hands, palms out in surrender.

  Phillipe Sadler was instantly by her side, a gun pointed at her ribs. “There’s a hefty reward for your capture. Did you know that?”

  “No.” That was fast. But it wasn’t like the Coven Nine to mess around. “So, this was your plan?”

  “This was plan B in case of attack.” Phillipe leaned in to whisper. “I told you plan A with my mother taking your powers. Now, because your friends have tried to intervene, you’ll go with the Guard and be killed. You would’ve been better off with my plan.”

  Being powerless for a couple of centuries certainly did trump death. “I woulda taken your mother’s powers as well as yours,” Simone said, her gaze on one Humvee slowly making its way onto the tarmac. Perhaps if she ended up in a prison cell, she could employ her original plan. Were the people she’d hired still in place? Somehow, she doubted it.

  Nick took a step toward her, and lasers pinged the ground in front of him. He halted and looked up.

  “Nick!” She waited until he’d focused back on her before shaking her head. If he employed a mind attack at the helicopter pilot, everyone around him would start firing.

  Tension rode the wind and swirled around. One wrong move on anybody’s part, and the Guard would blow most of them up.

  She kept her hands up and waited.

  The Humvee rolled to a stop mere yards from her, the door opened, and Peter Gallagher stepped out.

  She tilted her head. “This isn’t Coven Nine territory,” she yelled at the current Coven Nine leader through the gathering storm.

  He nodded. “I understand, but we’ve been attacked on our own ground by demons and rogue Enforcers.” Taking a deep breath, he slowly looked around and then grabbed a communicator to press to his mouth. “These are enemies of the Nine. Take them out.”

  A missile impacted the ground near the Enforcers, sending them all flying through the air along with concrete and debris.

  Simone screamed.

  Nick and Zane leapt into motion, heading for her, their faces intent. A missile slammed into the concrete before them. Fire flashed into the sky.

  The world slowed.

/>   Simone partially turned, her gaze narrowing to peer through the smoke and falling concrete. Nothing. “Nick!” she yelled, panic rippling through her.


  The helicopter above her shimmered and turned. They were going to shoot again.

  She couldn’t lose him. Not now.

  “Let me in, Simone,” he bellowed. “Let me in your head. We can do it.”

  It was the only way. She loved him. He was worthy of that, and he’d protect her brain. Trust. They needed such trust to protect their babe. She nodded and settled herself, mentally shattering every shield around her brain. Energy resonated through her, filling her veins. Emotion, raw and pure, pulsed inside her chest, filling her to overflowing. Her muscles snapped. A burning sensation spiked just beneath her skin, flaring out with sharp barbs.

  Nicholai Veis was in her brain.

  Panic attacked her liked heated knives. What the hell?

  Pain. Raw, desperate, complete pain torched her nerves. Wait a minute. It was Nick. She relaxed. Suddenly, the sensations stopped.

  Fire danced along her skin.

  A mind attack shot out with the power of Nick’s brain as well as her complex genetics. God. The rush was fucking amazing. She turned her head to find Phillipe staring at her, his face stark-white and his mouth wide open with blood welling from his lips. He backpedaled away.

  “Kill her,” Phillipe yelled as he kept running.

  Rage filled her, and she swung out, throwing bright pink fire with Nick’s power to hit Phillipe in the back. He flew through the air and landed hard on the Humvee, glass slicing his neck and his head rolling away. She’d killed the bastard. Gunfire erupted all around them.

  Nick shot up at the nearest helicopter while Zane hit the other one with a series of green blasts from his gun. Metal burst in every direction.

  Shouts sounded from the Humvees, and the glow of lasers filled the now-darkened tarmac. A cry of pain echoed up from Moira.

  Simone hissed and turned around, aiming the deadly fire toward the Humvees. She’d had no idea she could combine her powers with Nick’s in such a devastating way. So this was trust. True trust. The wind whipped against her body, and she shifted slightly, removing resistance, throwing fire.

  Men screamed, and one of the Humvees blew up, throwing glass into the air. Two other Humvees careened in reverse, flames erupting from their windows.

  A bullet impacted her side. Pain ripped through her.

  She screamed, and the ground rushed up to meet her.

  Chapter 36

  Nick stumbled to his feet and jumped for Simone. He’d been concentrating so hard on combining their powers that he felt the bullet slash into her side. Panic seized his lungs. He jumped across the burning tarmac and caught her a second before she reached the ground. The force threw him back.

  He wrapped his body around her, leaping up, and let them both spin through the smoke.

  His shoulders hit the still-burning shack, and he rolled, taking her with him.

  He impacted the cement hard. Pain exploded in his hip. His fangs dropped low, and he levered himself up on his good leg. “Plane,” he bellowed through the still-working comms, carrying the woman across the rubble.

  She lay limp in his arms, out cold.

  Zane reached his side, bloody and bruised. “I’ll take her.”

  “No. You cover.” Nothing in Nick could release her at this point. He grimly made his way across the battlefield, reaching the steps to the plane.

  Zane sprayed bullets into the abyss behind them.

  The Enforcers hustled toward him, Daire carrying Kellach over his shoulder, and Conn carrying Moira against his chest while Adam covered their backs. They ran up the stairs, and Nick followed with Zane bringing up the rear.

  Adam stood on the tarmac and waved them off. “Go. I need to find Tori, and I’m still an Enforcer for now.” His mask hid his face, but part of the material was smoldering. He covered them, firing at the Humvees, until they’d all gotten safely inside. Then, like the strategic soldier he was, he disappeared completely into the smoke.

  The plane had several leather chairs, two tables, and a long sofa along one side. Daire dumped Kell on the sofa and hurried for the pilot’s seat, sitting down and igniting the engines. “Everyone take a seat,” he yelled.

  Zane yanked the door shut and stretched into the copilot’s seat. Within seconds, he and Daire were working the controls together as if they’d done so for decades. Considering Daire had just mated Zane’s mother, it was a good sign. They drove the plane across fire and ripped concrete toward a smoldering runway. Nick dropped into a chair cradling Simone, his gaze focused through the windshield.

  A Humvee careened across the runway, smoke billowing from it, guns firing furiously out the windows.

  “Hold on,” Zane yelled.

  The plane gathered speed, roaring down the airstrip, aiming right for the firing Humvee.

  Bullets pinged against the windshield.

  “Fuck,” Daire muttered, swerving to the left. “Faster. Go.”

  Zane nodded, and the plane jumped forward, speeding up almost too fast.

  Nick could make out the eyes of the men in the Humvee. He tightened his body around Simone, who hadn’t moved an inch.

  Daire yanked up on the stick, and the plane slowly lifted.

  More. God, go up more, more, more. Nick chanted in his head, leaning forward as if that would help.

  The plane rose into the air, its belly barely missing the Humvee.

  Good. His lungs compressed, and he frantically ran his hands over Simone. “Wake up, baby.” God. The baby. Was the baby okay? Calm. He needed to calm the hell down and help her.

  He leaned down and nuzzled Simone’s neck. “Little bunny?” Her pulse was strong against his mouth.

  She moved in his arms, and he leaned back.

  Her eyelids fluttered open, and sparkling black eyes took his measure. “Did you see that?” she whispered, her voice hoarse. She winced.

  He nodded. “We can combine powers and each get stronger than before.”

  She coughed. “My side hurts,” she croaked.

  “Okay. I need you to take several breaths to heal it. Relax and focus. You can do it.” His voice shook.

  She pushed against his chest to sit up. Cuts and bruises marred her stunning body.

  He allowed her to swivel her legs around to face him on his lap. “Simone?” The sense of tingling and healing came from her.

  “How do you feel?” Adam asked.

  She bit her lip. “Weird. I mean, I feel like me again, but I have to tell you, letting a powerful demon into your brain is just awesome.”

  Nick leaned in and calmed himself with her scent. “Is the babe all right?” His chest hurt, and doubt assailed him.

  She closed her eyelids and took several deep breaths, obviously working through her body. Finally, she nodded. “Aye. I feel fine, and I can sense the little person.”

  Everything inside Nick released and relaxed. “Boy,” he drawled, his body shutting down as it healed itself. Relief was a balm to him. His family was all right, and he’d make sure they stayed that way.

  “Girl,” she countered, snuggling right into his neck, her lips against his jugular. “Is everybody else all right?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, running a hand down her back.

  “Aye.” Moira sat in Conn’s lap next to Adam, blood pouring from her temple. “We just cleared cloud cover. Take that, Guard.”

  Conn winced and ran a finger over a cut above her eye. “Heal that or I will,” the vampire muttered.

  Moira nodded and closed her eyes. The tingles of healing filtered through the air.

  The plane went silent as everyone set to healing themselves, and the pop of energy coursed through the oxygen. Nick closed his eyes and laid his head back, allowing his hip to pop back into place and the bones to knit together.

  His woman patted his heart. “Thank you for catching me.”

  “I’ll always ca
tch you, little bunny.” He turned his head and kissed her smooth forehead.

  “What now?” She yawned against him, and her jaw popped.

  He tried to focus, but his skull was repairing itself. “Ah, now? We get to safety and come up with a plan.” They had created a shit-storm of ridiculous proportions, and thank God they had Adam on the inside of the Coven Nine for now. “My nation might be at war with the Coven Nine, you’re a fugitive, the Enforcers are fired, and your family has been taken off the Council.” But none of that mattered. Not really.

  He and Simone had found each other, and they had a baby on the way. The present was more than he could’ve ever dreamed about, and the future was dazzling. They’d figure it all out.

  Conn cleared his throat. “Not to mention there’s still Apollo on the streets and somebody masterminding this whole mess against Simone and the witches. We have to find that bastard and rip off his head.”

  “Yes.” Nick appreciated the vampire’s way of getting to the heart of things. It was good to have a plan as well as allies. Hell. Family was all around him. It was a good place to be. “Our first step is to find Grace Sadler.”

  “She’s not behind the whole scheme,” Moira said slowly. “She’s part of it, I’m sure, but Grace isn’t smart enough or strong enough to create this much of a mess. She’s a follower and always has been.”

  Nick nodded. “I’ve studied her and I agree. We’ll find the mastermind, and while we’re at it, we’ll find proof that Phillipe and Grace set up Simone.”

  “We need to make sure Bear is okay,” Simone said.

  “Agreed,” Nick said.

  “We’re safe, and life is good. I know we’re going to fix it all . . . tomorrow.” Simone kissed his neck. “At least we won’t be bored.”

  Nicholai chuckled. “There is that.”

  “I love you, you know,” she murmured, her hand now flattened over his heart, which she’d owned for centuries.

  “Yes, I know.” He drew out the ring he’d bought for her so long ago and slipped it on her finger. Finally.

  After several plane rides, Simone settled into the sofa of a very nice apartment outside of Seattle that was definitely off the grid. Lake Washington glimmered outside in the early morning light, sparkling and beautiful. “I’m starting to think that a long term relationship with a demon will be quite luxurious.” She patted the chenille pillow next to her.


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