Lacey's Night of Sinn

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Lacey's Night of Sinn Page 4

by Alexandria Ashcroft

  “You're asking me to sleep with you, aren't you?”

  The corner of his mouth pulled up. He was wearing her down and she didn’t even know it. “There won’t be much sleeping going on. And liking and fucking aren't mutually exclusive.”

  “They are for me!” She tossed her nose in the air, lip curled like she had smelled something she didn’t like.

  “There you go hiding again.”

  She frowned up at him.

  “Hiding behind propriety, false security, and self-righteous fuckery.”

  “You don’t know—” Air caught in her lungs when he trailed his fingers down her bare arm.

  “Cut the bullshit, Lacey and let me taste you. Let me make you come.”

  She gasped out a moan and her lips parted.

  Awe fuck . He thought, imagining her making that face when he slid inside of her.

  She looked up at him, her eyebrows pulled together, not in anger but an emotion that he was struggling to decipher. “Devlin.” His name was a sultry whisper when it fell from her moist lips.

  He groaned with growing impatience.

  “V-Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about love.” She continued.

  If that’s what it was going to take, then so be it. “Come here.” He turned her so her back was to his front. He pulled her against him just because he knew he could, and he wanted to feel her soft ass on his cock again. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Look at maroon guy and pink girl.”

  There was a slight pause as she watched the couple slow dancing and gazing into each other's eyes. “Suppose you’re waiting for me to agree to your proposal then.” She said, looking back at him over her shoulder.

  “No.” She frowned. His face was set, serious, as he examined her. “Not for doing that shit. You’re going to be mine tonight because you want me.”

  Her frown deepened. “Then why did you do it?”

  He shrugged. “He looked like a bitch. I wanted to see if he had the nuts.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “How did you know it was going to work?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted slowly. “Chivalry is one thing that’ll never die.”

  Her mouth pulled into a full smile. “See,” she said, looking back towards the couple. “And you said you weren’t cupid.” She leaned back against him.

  Shit . He liked the weight on her but he liked her smile more.

  “It should be about love.” She broke through the silence.

  “Maybe.” He said, moving her hair away from her shoulders so he could glide his fingers along her skin. “Who said it all has to work out in the same order, begin and end the same way? We don’t really know. So, we might as well enjoy the stuff we can.” He took her hand, and turned her to face him, then pulled her close by the small of her back with his other hand. “I don’t understand why you’re fighting me. It’s obvious you want me,” he whispered in her ear, feeling a shiver ride through her body. “Why fuck around with should bes and planning every fucking thing down to the ribbon on your bridesmaids’ dresses before you even decide you like the poor bastard you’re marrying first?” He ran his fingers up her spine, her body arching into his.

  Her breathing was shallow and difficult. All of her body’s reactions were making him want to fuck, without delay. “Let me show you, Lacey. Let me give you something tangible.”

  “Why? Why me?” She said, in a breathy whisper.

  The corner of his mouth lifted. From the moment he saw her, he wanted to feel her quivering legs wrapped around his hips, explore how deep his cock could wade in her wet pussy, and hold her soft ass in his palms while he drove inside of her.

  “Because you’re the one I want. I want to taste your pussy.” She pulled away with a gasp, but didn’t make an effort to push out of his hold. He was being vulgar as hell, a fucking fiend, but he didn’t care any more. She was already his. Now, he just wanted her verbal acquiescence as confirmation of his prize. “I'll make it easy on you.” He kissed her neck, delighting in her soft, warm skin. “All you have to do is say yes.”

  She pulled away to look into his eyes. She licked her lips and his eyes fell to her mouth. She bit her bottom lip, her inner battle still waging. Her eyes fell as she debated, but there was no debate in his mind.

  She was his.

  His mind started conjuring up the many nasty, erotic things he wanted to do with her naked body. His mouth watered thinking about how she would taste, how her soft skin would feel under his hands. When she met his gaze again, she shivered and averted her eyes to his chest with a nod of her head.

  Triumph , but he wasn’t satisfied yet.

  “You didn’t think you’d get off that easy, did you? I want to hear you say it.” He pulled her body flush with his, irritated at how long it was taking her to fucking accept the inevitable. She knew what she wanted; so, what was the problem? He grazed his fingers down her spine again, helping her along.

  His eyes closed when she moaned the word, finally giving in.



  Yes? Just say yes? And I said it.

  No, correction, I moaned it.

  MOANED IT! She pressed a damp paper towel to her chest. She was so hot, almost feverish since she had last seen Devlin, oh, what was it? She looked at her watch. Over thirty minutes ago now.

  God, what have I done?

  She looked at the woman in the mirror and thought she knew those eyes looking back at her. The woman’s hair, skin, lips, and nose were all familiar. She knew her, but how could this woman, the one she was so sure about, say yes?


  She had said yes to what she knew was a Faustian deal. Such a simple sequence of letters and sounds, but the meaning, the connotation, was immense.


  That’s what she had to be. She must have temporarily lost her mind!

  She had looked at this reflection her entire life, but there was no way the woman looking back at her in the mirror would have said yes in her right mind.

  YES! Inviting the devil in to play—

  She stopped the raging thoughts and took a deep breath, washing her busy mind of the building anxiety.

  She was blowing this all out of proportion, she knew, but it was a big deal for her. She’d never done anything this stupid before.

  Stupid and exciting.

  Exciting and reckless.

  Reckless and exhilarating!

  She calmed the building energy rising in her chest so high she thought she would, in that very moment, start floating up to the bathroom ceiling.

  She had to focus, to make it through the event.

  She washed her hands in the sink, even though they weren’t dirty. It was something to do. She needed to keep herself occupied. If she thought too much about what was going to happen in a few short hours she might back out. Would that be such a bad thing? Disappointment replaced the excitement. Disappointment in what, she wasn’t quite sure.

  She dried her hands on a paper towel, ran her hands down the front of her skirt and walked out the bathroom door.

  She shrieked when she was snatched into the coat closet a few paces from the bathroom. The person grabbed her hand and spun her into some coats lining the outside of the small room.

  Devlin’s deep voice filled her ears, sending heat coursing through her body. “I thought we were past the hitting?”

  Her entire being yearned for the man behind her to have his way with her. The thought, the submission came before she could filter it.

  She moaned, backing up against his solidity when his hands roamed the front of her. She should have stopped him. They were in public, for heaven's sake! Anyone could walk in.

  He pulled her against him and pressed kisses to her neck.

  “We’re after said … to at ... for my place.”

  His low rumbling amusement made her body ache.

  “You’re not making sense.” He taunted her, continuing his exploration of her very willing person

  “Because you’re—”

  “Perhaps it’s best if you say nothing at all,” he interrupted.

  His hand was on her knee and rising up her thigh, moving her skirt up as well.


  “Shhhh,” he said with laughter in his voice. “You’ll draw attention. Unless, of course, that’s what you want.”

  Attention was not what she—

  “Oh God.” She gasped when his fingers touched her most sensitive part. She hated the stockings and panties that were preventing him from accessing her bare vagina.

  “God’s not going to help you right now,” he whispered in her ear, then nibbled the lobe. She leaned her head back against his shoulder as he massaged her. He lifted her leg, placing it on the little cubby under the coats for shoes and such. Her hips rocked of their own accord against his diligent digits as they worked her.

  “Does that feel good?”

  She could only moan. She had no words.

  “You’re so hot. I bet you’re wet for me,” he continued, whispering in her ear. His deep voice was driving her toward something familiar yet foreign. Something that piqued her curiosity to the point of venturing closer to find out what mysteries it harbored. “Are you wet for me, Lacey? Hmm? Do you want to feel me?”

  She gasped when he grabbed her hand and cupped her palm around the bulge in his pants. It was vulgar, uncouth and effing sexy as all hell. If there had been doubt before, there was none anymore. She wanted this devilish temptation, crass, brash and wicked. A desire so deep and wretched inside of her boiled her blood and bent her will to its sweet promise.

  He stopped his pursuit when she lowered her leg and pulled away. She was only a step away from him, trying to catch her breath, trying to reel in any ounce of decency she had left. But she found there wasn’t much there. “No.”

  He stepped away. His mood darkened, if that were possible. “Having second thoughts?”

  “No. Just n-not here.” She brushed her skirt back down to her knee. “I want you, but—”

  He straightened up. His facial expression was closed off, impossible to read.

  “But?” Uncertainty made his voice waver slightly.

  She stepped up to him and ran her fingertips along the zipper on his leather jacket before glancing up at him from under her lashes. She pressed one palm then the other against the solid plains of his chest, sturdy, strong, ungiving and hot through the fabric of his clothes.

  All man .

  He reeked of masculine energy. Something dormant and sinister inside her felt his dark possession stroking that dormant entity into life. Dark, and intense.

  He looked down at her. Where there had been doubt before, she knew without words what he was thinking, because she was thinking the same thing: You’re mine.

  For how long that would be true, she wasn’t sure. At that moment, however, it was just as real as the party that was going on just a few short feet away.

  He cupped her cheek. “But what, Lacey?”

  She swallowed and held his gaze. “B-but—” She licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I want you all to myself.”


  Lacey lit the last candle just as her doorbell rang. She’d been keeping herself busy for the past…

  She checked the clock on her stove.

  Three hours seventeen minutes, and probably around the twenty-seven seconds mark, waiting for Devlin Sinn to show up at her door.

  After having that unexpected, delicious and completely inappropriate interaction with him in the coat closet, she couldn’t get the feel of his fingers on her most sensitive spot off her mind, couldn’t stop fantasizing about how good he would feel under her fingertips. Being who she was, she had insisted on finishing the event. He had disappeared soon after their impromptu rendezvous. She didn’t know what that actually meant, but figured after what had gone down in the coat closet he’d still be knocking on her door sometime soon.

  This was insane, or so she’d been telling herself for the past several hours.

  Insane, and thrilling! She couldn’t remember how long it’d been since she felt so… alive… and.. nervous.

  Why was she nervous?

  What if she didn't fulfill his expectations of her? Did he even have expectations of her? She sure as hell had expectations of him! If a guy approached you with some ‘let's fuck’ bullshit, he had better be damn good at it.

  She removed the apron, smoothed her hands over the little black dress that she had changed into, and quickly stepped into a pair of strappy black heels before she opened the door. Her heart did a skillful somersault under her rib cage when she laid eyes on the dark, leather-clad masterpiece that was the very definition of original sin.

  He shoved a box of chocolates and a single red rose at her as he stepped through the door. She certainly hadn’t been expecting—

  She frowned when she opened the box of chocolates and saw that three quarters of the chocolates were missing.

  “What? I got hungry.” He shrugged, looking around and taking in her apartment.

  “I made us dinner.” She set the chocolates and the rose on the island counter.

  She gasped and her body stiffened when two strong arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind.

  “Why did you change clothes?” His warm breath whispered over her ear and neck. Her nipples tightened and her pussy throbbed, yearning for more of his touch. His hand ran down the front of her little black dress and up her thigh to the cusp of her sex.

  He massaged her there.

  Her head rolled back on his shoulder, her legs growing weaker with every circle he made on the sensitive bud that dwelled there. Her silk panties felt rough against her skin.

  She could feel a taunting voice in the back of her head that threatened her resolve. It told her that she was going to have to release, let go, because something was building, growing, stretching, weakening her resolve, fraying her fragile control. That gentle, sensual whisper was telling her she would have no choice but to let go. That this wicked man, who she had let into her world, would coax her into giving up control. Control of what? She had yet to learn.

  Her breathing picked up even as his finger kept with their measured pace. “Relax, Lacey. You already let me in. Now let me keep my promise.”

  What was she holding control of again? God, she couldn't remember. What if she let this man have control just this one time? She moaned as the pressure grew in the back of her head. She just wanted relief. There was only one way to get relief. She had to release. She had to allow the pressure to…

  She held her breath, grabbing his hand that was working her steadily. “I… can't—”

  With his free hand he trapped hers on top of the counter and pressed their bodies tighter together. She could feel his desire through the fabric of their clothes. She pushed back against him, a wanton reflex. Her chest heaved, her mind running miles away, imagining his sex in her hands, in her mouth, in... her.

  The pressure was there pushing at her mind. And then... it—

  “Shit!” she belted, a scream ripping through her throat as a river of pleasure coursed through her body, filling her with a tingling warmth. The pressure dissipated and was replaced with waves of pleasure and a hazy bliss settling under her skin.

  The feeling of tingly calm held onto her mind as his cleaver finger pinched the hard bud of her breast. She moaned, reaching a hand behind her to touch the bulge underneath his pants.

  “I want to see you.” She looked back at him over her shoulder.

  Those dark eyes danced, and he took a few steps away from her.

  She shivered.

  The coolness of the air against her heated skin made her aware of how hot she was. She bit her bottom lip, looking at Devlin, who now stood near the couch, his eyebrow raised. “Well, I'm not going to do all the work. If you want me then come and get me.” He raised his chin a bit. Arrogance, or a challenge? She wasn’t quite sure, but she was willi
ng, either way, to meet him wherever he was.

  Her lips parted. The desire to see him, touch him, taste him was now a need. She looked into his eyes, her mind concerned. Not with how sexy he was bound to be under all those clothes, but with her performance. This wasn't some guy who'd been wooing her. Some guy who she was dating. Some guy who if she didn't do something to his liking wouldn't—

  Well, what would he do? They only had this night anyway.

  “You're thinking too much.”

  She met those dark eyes and his eyebrows were pulled together. “I-I—”

  “No words.”

  “But—” she fell silent when his eyes narrowed. Was it fear that wrapped her mind or desire? She couldn't tell.

  “Come here.”

  She obeyed, seeing no other option. Did she need permission to touch this man? She placed the palm of her hand on the dark fabric covering his chest and made her way to his shoulder, where she pushed the leather vest over one shoulder, then the other, until the vest fell to the floor.

  He sucked in air when her cold hands met the hot, soft skin of his lower abs under his shirt. She pulled the shirt over his head and marveled at the plains of tan, sculpted skin that stood in front of her, bathed in the firelight from the candles all around the room.

  She bit her bottom lip, gazing up at him from under her lashes. He flexed his fists at his sides, making the veins that traced his muscles bulged

  She hooked her hand in his pants and undid them, pulling them over the man's hips, taking his underwear with them. He stepped out of the heap of clothes and Lacey kneeled in front of him. His cock bobbed out between them. She licked her lips, wrapping her hand around him.

  He growled, letting his head fall back at her touch. When her lips wrapped around the tip of his penis, his hips jutted forward and a string of profanities poured from his lips.

  She stroked the length of him with her lips and hand, rolling her tongue around the head of his penis. Her eyes closed, her mind deep on the task. His girth filled her mouth, making her jaw sore, but the discomfort didn't matter as much as the taste of him or the feel of his silken, hard flesh in her hands, on her tongue. She massaged his balls, the weight a welcome treat. His primitive grunts and groans encouraged her, and to her surprise, they aroused her in a way she never knew she could be.


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