The Rivals

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The Rivals Page 109

by Allen , Dylan

  He grips the steering wheel with both hands and sighs. “Really?”

  “Yes, Tyson—”

  “Is an adult. What do you need?” he demands impatiently.

  “You,” I answer without hesitation.

  His posture relaxes and he nods. “Then, that’s all you have to tell them.”

  “You make everything sound so easy.”

  “While you seem to relish making them sound difficult.” The haunting echo of my mother calling me difficult gives his rejoinder a barb I know he didn’t intend, but that stings nonetheless

  “I have responsibilities you can’t imagine, so don’t you lecture me,” I snap.

  “I’m not one of your gullible children, Tina.” He leans back, props his elbow against the window watches me with a far too laid-back expression on his face.

  “What does that mean?” I gasp in affront.

  “It means I see you. Not just what you show me. And if you’re gonna talk shit, I’m going to let you know it stinks.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Arguing with me right now isn’t helping, Max.”

  “I’m not arguing with you.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Just because you don’t have your back up doesn’t mean you’re not arguing.”

  “There is nothing to argue about. Unless of course you’re going to tell me that you’ve changed your mind about moving to London. Otherwise, I’m walking on sunshine.”

  “You are so irritating,” I huff.

  He strokes my cheek and chuckles. “Well, you must like irritating ‘cause you’ve been saying that since the night we met and yet, here you are.”

  “I’m a fool.” I mutter.

  “It’s called fate, darling and there’s no escaping it.”

  Fate is a whimsical luxury I’ve never afforded myself before. Everything I have is by design. From my last name to my youngest child, I’ve never left anything to chance.

  But Max has turned my entire existence upside down. He takes my hand in his and strokes each of my fingers while he talks to me. “Tina, I get it. I showed up unannounced and today is about your family. We'll ease into it. I'm a friend from London you took pity on and invited along so I wouldn’t spend Christmas eve alone."

  I smile gratefully at him but shake my head. “You deserve better than that.”

  “I have you. Everything else is negotiable. Come on. Let's go inside. I'll meet them today and you can tell them everything when it's more private."

  I agree and link my arm through his and walk into the arena.

  The home Hayes Rivers shares with his wife and baby son is modest compared to the sprawling home he grew up in. But it’s lovely. The air is scented with cinnamon and cloves. Every surface – from the banisters of their winding staircase to the door handles is covered in sparkling tulle, evergreen wreaths studded with lights, and huge red, gold and white ornaments.

  Once we’re past the attendant at the door who takes our coats, I remember what else I needed to tell him. “My ex-husband is here with his new wife.” I whisper.

  Max blinks down at me in complete shock. “Anything else I need to know?”

  I wince, “Sorry, honestly I’d forgotten until just now.”

  He grimaces. “I’m going to find the bar and get us some drinks. Wait right here.” He squeezes my hand and then he slips away before I can protest.

  “Mrs. Wilde, hi!” A vaguely familiar looking woman waves at me from across the foyer. I wave back, and she starts my way. As she gets closer, I realize it’s Remi’s PI, Dina. I’ve never seen her outside of work. She’s wears the most unflattering slacks and button-down shirts and a pair of black boots that look like something her father might have worn while he served in the Korean War.

  But tonight, her normally unruly dark curls are blown into sleek straight submission, and she’s wearing a black cocktail dress that hugs her very lovely figure. Her face is made up tastefully and I never realized what beautiful eyes and skin she had before. “Wow. I didn’t recognize you. You look…beautiful.”

  “Uh-.oh, Ummm, okay,” she blinks at me and tucks a lock of her dark hair behind her ears.

  I frown at her. “The appropriate response is thank you.”

  “I know…but you’ve never paid me a compliment before, I just. Thank you.” Her eyes dart away from me and then widen in surprise before she gasps and covers her mouth.

  “Whatever is the matter, now?” I ask and look over my shoulder. All I see is Max on his way back, empty handed.

  “Oh my God,” she gasps.

  Max touches my side and I smile in question. “Are you okay? Where are the drinks?”

  “Oh my God, you know Maxwell Priest,” Dina squeals. She’s practically bouncing on her heels.

  Max laughs. “It sounds like you know me, too?” he responds amiably.

  She sticks her hand out to shake his. “I saw you in the production of La Vie Boehme on Drury Lane.”

  “You did?" Max laughs in surprise and takes her proffered hand. “That was one of those shows that had ten people in the audience on a good night.”

  Her laugh is giddy with excitement. “I was one of those ten people. I only went because I was with a friend whose cousin was worked at the theatre. I didn’t even have a program, but I grabbed one at intercession and so I could find out who you were. You were incredible.”

  He nods his head in appreciation. “Thank you.”

  If he’s flustered by the attention, he doesn’t show it. He smile is charming and completely focused on her as they speak.

  So, this is what I’ve signed up for. I give Dina, an assessing gaze and feel an unfamiliar emotion. Why hadn’t noticed how pretty she is until now?

  Is she single?

  Why do I care?

  Am I jealous?

  Oh God, what is wrong with me?

  “Nana, you’re here.”

  I whirl at the sound of my granddaughter Eva’s voice.

  My delight at her interrupting my slightly terrifying spiral of anxiety is tempered by seeing my children flanking her and headed straight for us.

  They’re all wearing varying degrees of worry on their faces as they approach. I know that they’re bracing for some sort of confrontation between me and their father today.

  Lucas and Gigi Wilde are the least of my worries. Even before I fell for Max, I was over him. There was a ludicrous moment all those years ago when I pulled him out of the ditch and realized he’d lost his memory where I thought I could make him love me again.

  But that was a long time ago. I know he and his wife are darkening one of the corners in this house tonight and I have zero interest in which. It may have taken me thirty years and some change, but Max is definitely an upgrade.

  As I look around at the people gathered in their home, I feel a sense of admiration for this new generation.

  I don't have a lot of lost love for the Rivers’ older generation, but I’m glad that our children have forged a bond out of the rubble of the mess we made.

  “Hello, you three,” I greet them each with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Who’s this?” Tyson asks with a curt nod in Max’s direction.

  “Of course, you wouldn’t know,” Dina taunts him before I can answer. “This is Maxwell Priest and he’s my favorite actor.”

  Three pairs of eyes land on Max and then come back to me. For the first time I can ever remember, I’m tongue tied.

  “I saw him walk in with you, though mom. So, how do you know each other?” Remi pipes up and I smile at their show of protectiveness.

  Max slides his hand around my waist and tugs me flush against his side. “I’m Tina’s man.”

  Confounded by his response given what he’d said in the car, I gawk at him.

  His expression is intense and there’s no hint of the tenderness that’s normally in his eyes. “And she’s…my everything,” he says to them, never taking his gaze from me.


  He leans forward cups the nape of my neck
and presses a hard kiss to my mouth. "I can’t pretend I’m not in love with you. I’m sorry, baby."

  He smiles at my children. I stand stock still, gaping at him, unsure what to say or do next.

  "I hope we can find some time to get to know each other, but this wasn’t a good idea. I'll see myself out."

  “You have a man?” Regan blurts, but I barely register it.

  My mind is blank but for one the thing blaring like an alarm. Stop him.

  Without a care for who is watching, I walk as fast my Louboutin’s will take me to catch him. When he disappears out of the door with turning around, even once, I pull them off my feet and start running.

  "Maxwell, please wait," I call after him, but he doesn’t stop and when I get to the bottom of the stairs that lead to the driveway, I can’t see him at all.

  “He went that way,” one of the valet drivers points to the side of the house.

  “Bless you,” I call over my shoulder as I follow the pathway on the side of the house and leads to the back garden. I’m halfway down when a hand snakes out from the shadows that shroud the wall and wraps around my waist.

  My cry for help is smothered by a pair of warm, firm lips covering mine. I relax instantly. Relief floods me and I wrap my arms around his neck and let his kiss ravage and repair me.

  "I forgive you," he whispers when he pulls his lips form mine.

  "You do?" I blink dazedly up at his smiling face.

  "Tina Wilde, who doesn't chase anything or anyone, just ran through that house after me. Whatever you didn't say to your children, that said everything I want them to know."

  He spins us my back is to the wall and drops his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath.

  "You love me. I love you. We have to figure out how to navigate in a way that is comfortable for both of us. I want you to have whatever privacy you need, but I won't lie to your family. I want to hold your hand and I want the whole world to know that we live together and that one day, you'll say yes to being my wife."

  I huff in surprise at that. "I probably won't, though Max."

  "That's what you said when I asked you to move in with me for the first time. I'm very, very good at waiting for what I want. I never give up."

  He presses kisses to my neck and drags his lips down.

  When he stoops and drawn my nipple into his mouth through my dress, I gasp and hold his head in place even as I say, "Anyone could walk by. I'm sure Remi's looking for me."

  "I sure hope not, because he's going to get an eyeful when he seems my head between your thighs."

  "Maxwell Priest. You can't think to do that--"

  My words die in my throat when drops to his knees in the grass in front of my and lifts up the front of my dress in one smooth movement.

  "God woman, you are so beautiful," he groans before he leans forward and buries his face in between my thighs.

  His mouth is one of the wonders of the world. And when he uses it like this, I can't think about anything, much less my children. He feasts on me, licking, sucking, fucking me with his tongue until I’m insensible.

  When he's done, he stands up, straightens my dress. Without another word, we link hands, walk back to the party and tell the children our news.

  Chapter 9


  The Gathering

  My father’s been dead for more than half my life and time has put distance between me and the unbearable pain of losing him. But it’s done nothing to dull it. Tonight, on the first Christmas Eve that feels like the ones we shared when he was alive, I miss him more than I ever have. How I wish he could have seen what his family has become.

  “Who knew macaroni and cheese went so well with turkey?” Gigi chortles next to me as she piles her fork with more of both.

  I chuckle. “According to my wife, everyone who grew up in the South.”

  “Well, this is better than any macaroni I’ve ever had. Who did the catering? I want to place an order. Tonight.” She shoves a huge forkful of food into her mouth and rolls her eyes in delight.

  “It’s homemade. Dorothy can give you the recipe.”

  Her mouth full, she nods eagerly.

  I’m lifting my own forkful of food to my mouth when her hand covers mine. I look over and find her eyes full of tears.

  “Thank you, Hayes.” She speaks so quietly I can barely hear her over the din of conversation around our table.

  “You’re welcome, but I don’t think the recipe is a secret or anything.”

  She rolls her eyes and cocks her head across the table to where her husband, Lucas, is sitting next to Phoenix, trying to feed him. He’s got more food on his shirt and face than he’s managed to get into my son’s mouth. But they book look as happy as pigs in mud.

  “The pleasure’s mine, Gigi.” I squeeze her hand quickly and take a sip of my water to hide the knot of emotion I’m swallowing down.

  I’ve forgiven her, but we never speak of my paternity. The story that Kal wrote about the mysterious return of Lucas Wilde didn’t mention that I was his biological son. That secret is under seal and for the sake of my father’s memory, I’d like it to stay that way.

  I introduce Gigi as my aunt and him, as my uncle. I know they want more. But, I have one father and I’m a Rivers.

  Confidence nudges me under the table with her foot and I turn to her. The instant our eyes meet, I smile. This entire day has been perfect, and I know it’s because she made it so.

  “You were far away. You okay?”

  “Better than. Thank you for today.” Her wide blue eyes are bright with the kind of happiness that money can’t buy.

  She leans forward to place a light kiss on my lips. “You deserve it.” She murmurs against my mouth.

  “I don’t. But I promise I’ll never stop trying to.”

  Her smile deepens and shakes her head. “You do. And I live for that smile on your face, King.”

  Her love humbles me in a way nothing else ever has and I can’t find the words I need to say how happy I am. So, I say the thing that’s been on the tip of my tongue all day. “My father would have loved you so much.”

  She exhales and presses a hand to her chest. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, I think.”

  “I’ll say it again if you come upstairs with me right now.” I slide my hand up her thigh.

  She swats it away. “We can’t go upstairs before you have dessert, I made pie,” she chides, but leans closer to me.

  I lift her hand and press a kiss to the inside of her wrist and linger to savor the feel of her soft vanilla scented skin. “Your body can be my dessert. And I’ll be yours.”

  She tugs her hand out of my grasp and narrows her eyes. “I made those pies from scratch ‘cause they’re your favorite. So, you’re going to have a slice at this table with the rest of your family.” She leans into me until her lips brush my ear. “But after, we’ll take some up with us and you can have seconds, on me.”

  “Perfect.” I seal our agreement with a quick kiss.

  She smiles and pats my hand. “Let’s go take this family picture, then we’ll have dessert.”

  She stands and taps her knife against her glass. “I know some of you are still eating, but I was hoping we could take a family picture out on the back porch. If we go now, we can catch the sunset.”

  She heads outside and I hang back to help corral the kids and so I can get a minute alone with Remi. Confidence made a seating chart that put us at opposite ends of the table, and I’ve been dying to talk to him all night.

  I grab Phoenix and walk over to where he’s stooped to tie the shoe of one of Regan’s twins. There’s nothing to distinguish them from each other physically, but I know it’s Martinez when he says “Pardon,” when bumps into me on his way to catch up to his brother.

  “Nice party,” Remi says as he stands, and we head toward the back porch.

  “What the hell happened to your face?”

  He scowls at me. “Nice to see you, too.”

; I laugh and shift a squirming Phoenix onto my other arm. “Do you know the kind of discipline it’s taken for me to wait this long to ask? Fucking tell me.”

  He touches the dark bruise along the side of his eye and winces. “If I do, you’ve gotta take it to the grave.”

  I put a hand to my heart. “Vault.”

  He blows out a resigned breath. “I fainted.”

  I stop dead in my track and stare at him. “Like…passed out?”

  “Is there another kind of fainting, Hayes?” he snaps.

  I bite back my chuckle. “What happened? Are you sick?”

  “No. Kal’s pregnant, and when she told me, I fell the fuck out.” He looks disgusted with himself and I can’t hold my laughter anymore.

  I clap him on the shoulder when he glowers at me. “If that’s not a good reason for somebody to faint, I don’t know what is. Congratulations, brother.”

  He puts a hand on my arm to stop me from stepping out on the porch. His expression is tense. “We’re not telling anyone else. Not yet. It’s early. And another thing, I think we’re moving to Atlanta.”

  My humor fizzles and I take a step back from him. “She’s taking the job?”

  He nods. “If she gets it.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Remi. Your mother just announced she’s moving to London. Tyson is applying for a job in Paris. Regan is moving to Mexico. If you move, there won’t be a single Wilde in Houston. You can’t.”

  He closes his eyes. “Shit. I hadn’t even thought about that. But…I don’t see what else we can do.”

  I nod grimly. “You’ll cross that bridge if you come to it.”

  He nods, but he looks a little dazed, “Yeah, I guess.”

  Glad to be done with that conversation, I open the door and step outside.

  Confidence waves me over to sit next to her and lifts Phoenix into her lap. “I was about to come look for you,” she whispers and takes my hand.

  Remi sits next to me, with Kal on his other side. The children older kids - Regan’s twins, Eva and Bianca sit on the floor at our feet.


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