AFRASIYAB: An ancient sovereign of Turan celebrated in Persian legends
AGHA BULBUL: Courtier and executioner in the service of Amir Hamza
AHRIMAN: A dev of Qaf. Father of Ifrit Dev. Not to be confused with Ahriman, the force of darkness in the Zoroastrian religion.
AHRIMAN SHER-GARDAAN: One of the kings of the lands of Bakhtar
AJAL: One of Hamza’s eleven brothers; son of Abdul Muttalib
AJROOK KHWARZAMI: Commander who attacks the dominions of Landhoor bin Saadan
AKHZAR FILGOSH: Sassanid commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service
AKVANA PERI: Associate of Aasman Peri
ALAF POSH: Chief of Emperor Naushervan’s gardeners
ALAM SHER ROOMI: See Alam Shah Roomi
ALI (OR ALI BIN ABU TALIB): Islam’s fourth caliph; Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law
ALJOSH BARBARI: Ninety-yard-tall giant who is Emperor Naushervan’s supporter
ALQAMAH SATOORDAST: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service
ALQASH: Vizier of Qubad Kamran and maternal grandfather of Bakhtak
AMAR AYYAR: A trickster and companion of Hamza; son of Umayya Zamiri
AMAR BIL FATAH: Name given to Amar Ayyar by Buzurjmehr
AMAR HAMZA: Amir Hamza’s son by Naheed Maryam
AMAR HABASHI: Son of Shaddad Abu-Amar Habashi
ANIS SHAH: Ruler of Alania
ANTAR DEVDADI: Ruler of the Devdad fort
ANTAR FILGOSH: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service
ANTAR TEGHZAN: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service
AQIL KHAN: Vizier of Me’aad Shah Maghrebi
AQIQ: Commander in Amir Hamza’s camp
AQLIMUN: Physician who treats Hamza when he is poisoned
ARA’SH: 180-yard-tall giant
ARBAB: Son of Antar Devdadi
ARDABIL PEEL-DANDAN: Co-ruler of Ardabil; brother of Marzaban Peel-Dandan
ARNAIS DEV: A confidant and mace-bearer of Prophet Suleiman; husband of Laneesa Peri and father of Ashqar Devzad
ARSHIVAN PERIZAD: Son of Landhoor and Rashida Peri
ARVANA: Hamza’s gao-sar wife whom he marries in Qaf
ASAD ZARRIN-TARKASH: Nephew of Emperor Naushervan
ASHQAR DEVZAD: Hamza’s favored mount. He is the son of Arnais Dev and Laneesa Peri, conceived when Arnais took the shape of a horse and coupled with Laneesa.
ASHTAR: Champion warrior in Emperor Naushervan’s service
ASIF: Brother of Faridun Shah, the king of Greece
ASIF BIN BARKHIA: Minister of Prophet Suleiman
ASIFA BA-SAFA: Mother of prophets Khizr and Ilyas
ASRAR JADU: A dev from the Tilism-e Shehristan-e Zarrin
ATIQ: Commander in Amir Hamza’s camp
AURANG: Prince of Lakhnauti; brother of Gaurang
AYASHAN MALIK: Warrior in Emperor Naushervan’s service
AYESHA: Prophet Muhammad’s wife
AZRA: Heroine of the romance Wamiq and Azra; the beloved of Wamiq
BABA SHIMLA: Name Amar invents for his teacher’s turban
BABA ZUD-BURD: Amar Ayyar in disguise
BADI-UL-MULK: One of Amir Hamza’s sons
BADIUZ ZAMAN: Amir Hamza’s son by Gili-Savar, raised by Aasman Peri and Quraisha at Mount Qaf
BAHLOL (OR JAHANGIR QALANDAR): Brother of Aashob, an orphan whom Amir rescues from a dev in Qaf
BAHMAN JASAP: One of Emperor Naushervan’s supporters
BAHMAN: Son of Salasal Shah
BAHMAN HAZAN: Emissary for Emperor Naushervan
BAHMAN SAKKAN: Emissary for Emperor Naushervan
BAHRAM: Bandit who robs Emperor Naushervan when he is in exile. Not to be confused with Bahram Gurd, the emperor of China.
BAHRAM CHOB-GARDAAN: Warrior in Emperor Naushervan’s service
BAHRAM GUR: A legendary king of Persia known for his passion for the chase of the onager. Not to be confused with Bahram Gurd.
BAHRAM GURD: Emperor of China and son of the grand emperor. He is not related to Mehr-Angez, the daughter of the Emperor of China, or her brothers Kebaba Chini and Qulaba Chini.
BAHZAD: Legendary Persian miniaturist (1450–1535 C.E.) who was the head of the royal ateliers in Herat and Tabriz during the late Timurid and early Safavid periods
BAKHT JAMAL: Buzurjmehr’s father; teacher and friend of Alqash
BAKHTAK: Emperor Naushervan’s vizier; son of Bakhtiar by Alqash’s daughter, Saqar Ghar Bano
BAKHTIAR: Nubian slave of vizier Alqash; Bakhtak’s father
BAKHTIARAK: Son of Bakhtak
BAKHYA SHUTARBAN: Champion warrior in Emperor Naushervan’s service
BARKHIA: See Asif bin Barkhia
BASHEER: Khvaja Abdul Muttalib’s slave; father of Muqbil Vafadar
BECHIN KAMRAN: Brother of Zhopin Kaus
BILQIS: The queen of Sheba
BURRAQ Legendary winged horse on which Prophet Muhammad flew to visit the heavens
BUZURG UMMID: Son of Buzurjmehr
BUZURJMEHR: Son of Bakht Jamal; vizier of Emperor Qubad Kamran and Emperor Naushervan
CHAMBELI: Wet nurse whose name is invoked by cowards
CHAND: A farmer
CHHALAWA: According to popular belief, a chhalawa is a demon that appears in the shape of an infant and can travel at breathtaking speed.
DAJJAL: In Islamic mythology the name given to the Antichrist. According to popular belief, he will appear riding an ass.
DANYAL: Prophet Daniel
DARA: King Darius the Third of Persia (died 330 B.C.E.)
DARAB: Keeper of the fortress of Kurgistan; brother of Sohrab
DARAB AYYAR: An ayyar in the service of Sabir and Sabur
DARBAN JADU: A dev from the Tilism-e Shehristan-e Zarrin
DARYADIL: Buzurjmehr’s son
DAUD: Prophet David
DEV: A demon or a giant
DEWANA TAPISHI: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service; brother of Sar-Barahna Tapishi
DIL-AARAM: Slave girl of Emperor Qubad Kamran; a lute player
DIL-AAVEZ: Khvaja Arbab’s daughter
DINAR SAR-SHABAN: Son of Farkhar Sar-Shaban
DURDANA PERI: Mother of Rehan Peri, wife of Junaid Shah Sabz-Posh
DUR-DUR POSH: Hamza’s son by Rehan Peri
EUCLID: Greek mathematician (325–265 B.C.E.)
FAISAL: A goldwright
FARAMURZ: Son of Emperor Naushervan by Mehr-Angez
FARHAD: Hero of the romance Shirin and Farhad; the lover of Shirin
FARHAD BIN LANDHOOR: Son of Landhoor bin Saadan
FARIDUN: Persian king who ascended the throne after killing the tyrant Zahhak
FARIDUN SHAH: King of Greece
FARKHAR SAR-SHABAN: Old man from the city of Farkhar
FARRUKH: Daughter of Zardhasht Jadu the sorcerer
FARZANA BANO: Daughter of Furhad-Akka and sister of Qaroon Akka
FATAH AYYAR: An ayyar in the service of Amir Hamza
FATAH NOSH: King of Kharsana; brother of Fatah Yar and father of Rabia Plas Posh
FATAH YAR: Brother of Fatah Nosh
FATIMA: Prophet Muhammad’s daughter; Ali bin Abu Talib’s wife
FAULAD: Rebel slave of the emperor of Greece
FAULAD BIN GUSTHAM: Son of Gustham bin Ashk Zarrin Kafsh Sasani
FAULAD PEHLWAN: Alias used by Amir Hamza
FIROZ SHAH (OR FIROZ TURK): Turkish warrior who attacks Landhoor’s dominions
FIROZ TURK: See Firoz Shah
FITNA BANO: Attendant of Princess Mehr-Nigar and daughter of Princess Mehr-Nigar’s nanny; Amar Ayyar’s beloved
FURHAD-AKKA: Warrior who battles Hamza
FUTUH NIM-TAN: King of nim-tans
GALEEM AYYAR: An ayyar in E
mperor Naushervan’s service
GALEEM-GOSH: Creatures with large ears that they wrap around their bodies
GALEN: Prominent ancient Greek physician
GAOLANGI: King of Rakham
GAO-PA: A race of cow-footed creatures
GAO-SAR: A race of cow-headed creatures
GARSHASP: Legendary Persian warrior
GAURANG: Prince of Lakhnauti; brother of Aurang
GHOL: Commonly translated as “ghoul,” this is an imaginary demon that appears in different shapes and colors and devours men and animals.
GHUR-MUNHA: A race of horse-headed creatures
GILI-SAVAR: Daughter of King Gunjal; wife of Hamza
GOSH-FIL: A race of elephant-eared creatures
GUL CHEHRA: Sister of Zhopin Kaus
GUL-RUKH: Daughter of Zardhasht Jadu the sorcerer
GUNJAL: Sovereign of Gilan
GUSTHAM BIN ASHK ZARRIN KAFSH SASANI: Renowned Sassanid warrior and Amir Hamza’s mortal enemy
HAAM: Ruler of Antabia
HAAM DEVDADI: Commander of the king of Devdad’s ayyars
HADEES SHAH: Ruler of Aleppo
HAMAN: Vizier of Jamshed Shah
HAMAN SHAH: Keeper of a castle
HAMZA: Son of Abdul Muttalib and uncle of Prophet Muhammad. Given the title Amir Hamza, and also called Abul-Ala, the Sahibqiran, and the Quake of Qaf.
HARAS FIL-DANDAN: Warrior who comes to aid Malik Siraj and Ajrook Khwarzami against Landhoor
HARDAM: King of Baru whose niece marries Sa’ad bin Amar Hamza and whose sister is given to Amir Hamza in marriage
HARIS BIN SA’AD: Son of Sa’ad bin Amar Hamza by Hardam’s niece
HARUT: Harut and Marut were angels who severely censured mankind before the throne of God. They were sent to Earth in human form to judge the temptations to which man is subject but they could not withstand them. They were seduced by women, and committed every kind of iniquity. For this they were suspended by their feet in a well in Babylon, where they are to remain in great torment until the Day of Judgment.
HARUT GURAZ-DANDAN: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service; brother of Marut Guraz-Dandan
HASHSHAM BIN ALQAMAH KHAIBARI: Warrior from the city of Khaibar
HASHIM BIN HAMZA: Amir Hamza’s son by Hardam’s sister
HATIM: Arab chief of the Tay tribe known for his generosity and munificence, and the hero of the romance The Adventures of Hatim-Tai
HINDA: Mother of Pur-Hindi
HOMAN: Son of Bahman Jasap
HOMAN KHAVARI: Son of Qeemaz Shah Khavari
HUD: Prophet Heber
HUMA-E TAJDAR: Daughter of the king of Yemen; Sultan Bakht Maghrebi’s beloved
HUMRAN ZARRIN KAMAR: Vassal of Emperor Naushervan and commander of a fortress
HURMUZ: Son of Emperor Naushervan by Mehr-Angez
HUSAIN: Grandson of Prophet Muhammad and son of Ali bin Abu Talib by Bibi Fatima
IBRAHIM: Prophet Abraham
IFRIT DEV: Villainous dev of Qaf, head of the rebels of Mount Qaf
ILYAS: Prophet Elias. According to one legend he saves the innocent from drowning. According to another, he is the brother of the holy Khizr and has drunk from the Fountain of Life and will live to see the Day of Judgment. Ilyas helps people on water while Khizr helps people on both land and water.
ILYAS: King encountered by Mehr-Nigar when she runs away after Amar’s harsh treatment of her
INDAR: Also known as Indra. King of the gods and regent of the visible heavens in Indian mythology. The court of Indar is synonymous with a place of amusement and pleasure.
ISFANDIAR: Persian king
ISMAIL: Ishmael
ISRAFIL: According to Islamic belief, the Angel Israfil will usher in the Day of Judgment by blowing his trumpet.
ISTAFTANOSH: Prince of Greece; one of Hamza’s commanders
ISTEFUNOS: Prince of Greece; brother of Istaftanosh
IZRAIL: The Angel of Death, according to Islamic legend
JAFAR: Ruler of Kashmir
JAHANDAR KABULI: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service; Jahangir Kabuli’s brother
JAHANDAR QALANDAR: Name given to Khvaja Aashob by Hamza
JAHANGIR KABULI: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service; Jahandar Kabuli’s brother
JAHANGIR QALANDAR: Name given to Khvaja Bahlol by Hamza
JAIPUR: Son of Shahpal, nephew of King Saadan Shah of Ceylon, and cousin of Landhoor
JAMASP: Buzurjmehr’s maternal grandfather. According to legend he preached the Magian religion after the death of Zoroaster and wrote a book on alchemy called Jamasp-nama.
JAMSHED: Ancient king of Persia. The name is often attributed in legend to King Suleiman and Sikander, and is invoked in this book in connection with Emperor Naushervan’s court to convey the grandeur and prestige of his empire.
JAMSHED SHAH: Master of the castle of Talva-Bahar
JAN: According to legend, the father of all jinns and peris who inhabited Earth before the creation of Aadam. They were later banished to Jinnistan, “the Land of the Jinns,” for disobedience to the Supreme Being.
JIBRAIL: Angel Gabriel
JINN: Creatures made of fire. According to Islamic tradition, Iblis (Satan) was a jinn. See Jan.
JUNAID SHAH SABZ-POSH JINN (OR JUNAID SHAH SABZ-QABA): Elder brother of Emperor Shahpal bin Shahrukh of Qaf
KAIKAUS: King of Persia. His name is invoked to connote the grandeur and majesty of Emperor Naushervan’s court.
KAI KHUSRAU: King Cyrus. His name is invoked to convey the grandeur and majesty of Emperor Naushervan’s court.
KAKH BAKHTAR: Cannibal king of Bakhtar
KAUS SHERWANI: Champion warrior in Amir Hamza’s service
KARIB MADI: Son of Aadi Madi-Karib by Gustham’s daughter. This version of the Dastan-e Amir Hamza does not mention the marriage between Aadi Madi-Karib and Gustham’s daughter.
KARGAS SASANI: An ayyar in the service of Hurmuz and Faramurz
KARVAN: Leader of a merchant caravan that Amir encounters on his way to Kharsana
KARVAN: Vizier of the king of Egypt
KATARA KABULI: Commander of Hurmuz’s ayyars; nephew of Zhopin Kaus
KAYUMARS: Sovereign who offers refuge to Emperor Naushervan
KEBABA CHINI: Son of the emperor of China; brother of Mehr-Angez and Qulaba Chini
KHALIFA BULBUL: Mehr-Nigar’s cook
KHALKHAL DEV: A dev of Qaf
KHARCHAL: Vicious dev who takes over the city of Simin in Qaf
KHARPAL: Vicious dev who takes over the city of Simin in Qaf
KHIZR: A holy personage of Islamic legend who led Sikander the Bicornous to the Fountain of Life. He guides lost travelers on land and water. In the dastan he is the brother of Prophet Ilyas (Elias) and is given the rank of a prophet.
KHURSHID KHAVARI: Sister of Qeemaz Shah Khavari
KHUSRAU: See Landhoor. In this book the title is used for Landhoor bin Saadan, unless accompanied by another name.
KOH BAKHT HINDI: Brother of Sarkash Hindi
KOH-PAIKAR: Sassanid warrior in Emperor Naushervan’s service
KULIYAT: Son of Galeem Ayyar
LAHOOT SHAH: A jinn; master of the Castle of Zamarrud Hisar; father of Laneesa
LAILA: Heroine of the romance Laila and Majnun; the beloved of Qais (Majnun)
LANDHOOR BIN SAADAN: King of India; a descendent of Prophet Shis
LANEESA PERI: Daughter of Lahoot Shah and beloved of Arnais Dev. She bears Ashqar Devzad, Hamza’s legendary steed.
LAT: Pre-Islamic goddess of the Arabs; condemned in the Quran (53:19)
MADAR SHAH: Saint who lived near Ajmer and was venerated by charlatans
MAGHLUB FIL-ZOR: Warrior who aids Malik Siraj and Ajrook Khwarzami against Landhoor
MAHMUD SIYAH-TAN: Amar Ayyar in disguise
MAIMOONA: She-elephant of Landhoor bin Saadan
MIAN FATTU: Water carrier whom Amar Ayyar kills and then impersonates to enter the castle of Devdad
DAK: Officer of Emperor Naushervan’s court
MAJNUN: See Qais
MALIA: Son of Marzooq Farangi, a fifty-yard-tall giant
MALIK: According to Islamic legend, the porter of Hell
MALOONA JADU: Mother of Ifrit Dev
MANAT: Pre-Islamic goddess of the Arabs; condemned in the Quran (53:20)
MANI: Persian painter and founder of the Manichean sect, celebrated for the beauty of his house
MANSOOR AYYAR: An ayyar in the employ of Salasal Shah
MANWA: Son of a grass cutter
MARUT: See Harut
MARUT GURAZ-DANDAN: Commander in Emperor Naushervan’s service; brother of Harut Guraz-Dandan
MARZABAN PEELDANDAN: Co-ruler of Ardabil; brother of Ardabil Peel-Dandan
MARZABAN ZARDHASHT: Son-in-law of Gaolangi
MARZAK: Agent of Emperor Naushervan; Hakim who blinds Hamza and his companions
MARZOOQ FARANGI: Warrior who raids the land of Kharsana and is routed by Hamza
MAYMAR DEV: A dev who constructed most of the buildings in Qaf and ordered the imprisonment of Khvaja Aashob and Khvaja Bahlol
ME’AAD RAZ AADI: Warrior of the Aadi tribe
ME’AAD SHAH MAGHREBI: King who ordered Aadi Madi-Karib buried alive with his deceased wife
MEHD ZARRIN KAMAR: Ruler of Antaqia
MEHR-AFROZE: Emperor Naushervan’s younger daughter and Mehr-Nigar’s sister
MEHR-ANGEZ: Daughter of the emperor of China; Emperor Naushervan’s wife and Mehr-Nigar’s mother
MEHRDAR SAR-SHABAN: Son of Farkhar Sar-Shaban
MEHR-NIGAR: Daughter of Emperor Naushervan by Mehr-Angez
MEHR SHAH: Amir Hamza’s son by Mehr-Afroze
MIR BHUCHRI: See Pir Bhuchri
MISQAL SHAH: King of the castle of Tanj-e Maghreb
MISQAL SHAH MISRI: Companion of Amir Hamza. It is unclear if he is the same Misqal Shah who is the king of the castle of Tanj-e Maghreb.
MOHTRAM BANO: Qubad Kamran’s cousin and wife; Emperor Naushervan’s mother
MUHLIL SAGSAR: One of the commanders who attacks the dominions of Landhoor bin Saadan
MULLA:: Teacher of Amir Hamza, Muqbil Vafadar, and Amar Ayyar
MUQBIL VAFADAR: Companion of Amir Hamza; son of Abdul Muttalib’s slave Basheer and a faultless archer
MUSA: Prophet Moses
NAHEED MARYAM: Daughter of Faridun Shah; Amir Hamza’s wife
NAIK RAI: Vizier of Malik Shuaib
NAIRANJ PERI: Daughter of Naranj Peri’s vizier
The Adventures of Amir Hamza Page 59