Dargonfire: Age of Legend

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Dargonfire: Age of Legend Page 39

by LJ Davies

  "You are not a dragon! I will have nothing to do with you, murderer!" she roared, striking him across the chest.

  Batting her paw aside, he cut a deep wound through her left wing. Ignoring the pain she hissed, flinging herself at him, their wing blades clashing in a flash of flames. Pyro forced her back, and with a fearsome growl, raised his wide-open muzzle ready to come down mercilessly on her. She ducked, her wings slicing along his, allowing her to surge forward in one swift motion, and with a sweep of her tail she knocked his legs out from under him. She received a deep cut across her chest in return as his metal claw ripped through her damaged armour.

  Blood trailed from the new wound and she panted heavily, while similar gashes marred Pyro's body as he stood and shook himself off.

  "I'm disappointed, maybe I'm better off without such a dragoness at my side," he taunted.

  Without a word, Ember launched herself at him once more, and as expected, he raised a paw to meet her attack. Flaring her wings, she rose up slightly and with a firm kick of her hind legs, she sent her bladed hind claws into his face. He screamed as she clawed his eyes from their sockets, falling back, as he staggered to the cliff’s edge.

  "No, I am disappointed – disappointed with you!"

  She coiled her tail back, and with a final intense strike, she thrust its bladed tip into his chest. He gasped as the obsidian scythe sank through his scales and deep into his heart. All of his limbs went limp, he shivered, and looked at her as no other dragon could, until, with a final rasping breath, his muzzle closed. Ember retracted her blade, and with a swift flick she stepped back.

  Her eyes and muzzle quivered, there was no hiding the pain in her expression. The last Pyro saw of his former mate was fiery determination, before the life left him and his body slipped from the cliff into Dardien’s depths. It left only Ember stood with rain dripping from her scales while I stared hopelessly.

  Risha’s meek voice broke through the chaos.

  "Boltock," she whimpered.

  Forcing myself up I clawed my way over, only to feel sick with terror. We both looked down at her wounded brother while the rain battered our scales like a million ice blades. His armour was twisted and mangled where Pyro’s claw had penetrated, and a steady stream of rain-diluted crimson seeped from his heaving chest. Risha placed a forepaw onto his head, focusing all her efforts on pressing the water against his wounds.

  "Risha," he gasped as blood escaped his muzzle.

  "Yes, it's me, I'm here," she assured, clutching his forepaw against her chest.

  "I'm sorry," he coughed with a smile.

  "Sorry? Sorry for what? You don't have anything to be sorry for," she whimpered.

  I could see she was fighting the greatest mental battle she'd ever faced, pain emitted from her like the heat of a fire.

  "I'm sorry for breaking promises," he added, the sparks of life fading in his eyes.

  "No, no, no, I told you I would look after you, we…" Her words failed her.

  "We look after each other," he interrupted with a gasp.

  She nodded, tears mixing with rain as they rolled down her quivering muzzle.

  "But not now, not any more, you have to…" His voice trailed off, his eyes meeting mine.

  I swallowed, rejecting the burning pain that coursed through my aching limbs. As much as I didn’t want to, I knew what he was telling me, and despite all that was going on in my mind, I nodded.

  "W–Where’s Ember, is she okay?" he asked.

  Risha nodded.

  "Yes, you saved her, she…"

  "She's the one who's sorry," the fiery dragoness interjected, rushing over as fast as her injuries would allow and settling at his side.

  He shifted the best he could to look into her ruby-red eyes.

  "You saved me... you, you..." Her words faltered.

  He looked at her as if she was the greatest thing in the whole world, then finally something seemed to flash in his mind and his muzzle opened.

  "Ember... I never told you how much I…"

  She leaned forward, silencing his words. Taking his forepaw in her own, she pressed her muzzle to his and kissed him. I'd never seen it before, and yet immediately I understood. Risha let go of him, leaving them both in their embrace, muzzles locked and eyes closed until, finally, Ember leaned back, tears filling her eyes.

  "I know, I've always known," she smiled at the confession. "And I am sorry," she admitted.

  Boltock gasped as his head fell back.

  "Does this mean we're friends again?" he asked.

  "We've always been friends," she answered.

  He smiled as his final breath escaped, his head slumped gently against the wet stone and his eyes faded.

  "No..." Risha whimpered, her voice so quiet it was almost lost to the storm.

  Turning back to me, she pressed her head into my shoulder, shivering violently as tears filled her eyes. I wrapped my wing over her back and lowered my head over hers, closing my own eyes. When they opened again, I saw Ember quivering as she looked over Boltock. She gently placed his paws back on his still chest, stepping back as tears started to leave her eyes.

  "I love you too," she whispered almost silently, bowing her head.

  I had no words for either of them. I had no words for anything. My own horror and sorrow didn't register in the barren wasteland that my mind had become.

  An almighty crack of thunder exploded above us, shattering the grief as lightning and purple fire flashed across the sky. I felt my scars burn when the flickering clouds erupted into flame and a great shockwave burst out, sending the rain into a frenzied tempest, shattering all that remained of the battle above like flies in the wind.

  The vulpomancers turned toward the hurricane from which they'd emerged as it began to swirl and flicker, flames growing within its heart. Ember and I peered at the firestorm, when, with a burst of light and a deep roar, two great wings emerged from its sides and a draconic shape formed from the swirling clouds.

  Even Seraphine's elemental army couldn't withstand Mordrakk's dark, ethereal body as it poured from the fire like a great serpent set on devouring the world. His eyes scoured the battlefield with casual interest, while his wing beats forced the ground to shudder violently.

  Risha pulled herself away and I raised a paw to the gem in my chest.

  This is it; he's finally come for it. Only now, I was the last dragon in the universe that was going to let him win.

  Chapter 17

  Virtue of Selflessness

  Staggering back from Risha in an agonising recoil, I felt a wave of pain surge through me. While the swarm of vulpomancers coiled around the storm’s glowing core, releasing another great flash and a deep rumble. There was a brief moment of uneasy silence, as if the world itself was holding its breath in terrified anticipation. Then the brightest of lights exploded in one great wave, ripping at the ground and tearing buildings from their foundations.

  "We have to go!" was all that escaped my muzzle as I battled the surging pain.

  "He's right. We need to get back to the others," Ember added, eyes still filled with tears.

  Risha's gaze remained locked on her brother, and for a moment, I feared she'd never leave him.

  Who am I to tell her otherwise, who's anyone to take her away?

  Ember rustled her wings nervously and I motioned for her to go. Her expression shifted from pained sorrow to mild disapproval as she hesitantly took off and I tentatively limped towards Risha.

  "Risha, we can't stay," I urged, hating myself for uttering the words.

  I dared not look at Boltock’s body as my mind struggled to come up with any outcome that didn't involve leaving him here.

  "He wouldn't want you to stay here," I offered, my request becoming more of a plea.

  She gave another soft whimper as the earth-grinding roar of devastation rapidly thundered closer. I glanced up to see the wall of vulpomancers sweeping aside all in their path, be they mortal or elemental. Risha lowered her paw to the stone beside
her brother, looking at him for a moment before closing her eyes.

  "Never again. That is what I said, never!" she hissed, staring up at the sky.

  As encouraging as it was, her determination alone wasn't going to stop the encroaching destruction, and as the rubble around us began to tremble, I staggered back.

  "We can't stay here!" I cried desperately as shards of stone began to lift into the air.

  She looked at me with a cold, empty expression. I'd no words for her, nor could I avoid the feelings welling up inside. Spreading my wings and ignoring the pain, I caught the fierce wind and was dragged back into the battle-strewn sky. Risha took one last look at her brother, quiet words leaving her muzzle before she reluctantly took off after me.

  How can I ever make things right again? How can I ever talk to her again?

  I flew toward the city through a sky filled with fleeing dragons, griffins and elementals, the latter of which swooped back toward the oncoming swarm to hold it back as their mortal allies flew toward the cover of Dardien's hanging spires.

  Despite their efforts, the bursts of elemental flame were no match for the sheer force of Mordrakk's will. The cliff top behind us almost collapsed as the wave surged forward, sweeping aside everything in its path. Writhing masses of beasts coiled out from the oncoming horde; I sent blasts of flame into as many as I could, but the vulpomancers simply morphed together and reformed into ever more horrific monsters, as if each one was an integral part of something greater and unimaginably terrifying.

  As we reached the cover of Dardien's overhang, the swarm followed, coiling back, before smashing through rock as if it were dry sand. They had no care for their bodies as they ploughed into stone, shattering whole spires under their sheer weight and numbers. I heard screams and frantic cries, walls of fire burst out from every crevice and archway, and yet none was enough to stem the tide.

  I almost felt myself drop from the sky as the physical and mental pain ravished my body. The burning from my scars clawed at my soul, and the idea of how many would die made my blood run cold.

  The palace’s vast face lay ahead of us, and we rushed for it as fast as our wings would carry us. We hit the stone pillars of the main hall in a less than dignified landing, while I caught a glimpse of Ember as she slipped through the main doors, the huge slabs slowly closing.

  "Go, get through!" I shouted to Risha, as the dark tide swiftly consumed the palace plaza, vociferously followed by the steps.

  To my horror, a swift gust of wind extinguished the elemental flames and the pillars began to buckle as the beasts surged through. I sent repeated blasts of flames into the relentless wall of claws and teeth until my fire became nothing more than a smoky sputter.

  "No, not without you! I'm not losing anyone else!" Risha growled.

  I knew that wasn't negotiable, and so bolted toward the door, the full force of the swarm gnawing at our tails in an effort to drag us back as we snaked around the seal’s edge moments before it slammed shut.

  I fell to the marble, gasping for breath. Risha landed on top of me, sorrow and shock still torturing her mind as she half wept and half-panted. With a loud clunk, the door's mechanisms fell into place, drowning out the symphony of scratching claws on the other side.

  That door... It won't hold them back for long. I noted, recalling the temple's shattered defence.

  I felt Risha shift as she rolled to her paws, her eyes closed tight while she spent a few moments coming to terms with all that had just transpired.

  My body screamed for me to stay down and recover. My armour clattered weakly as it forced itself back together over my bloody wounds as I tried to reach her with a forepaw.

  What can I do? He's gone, and nothing I can do or say will ease that pain.

  I pulled back my forepaw and gave a low growl, a warning to any darkness that may be lingering in my mind as I slashed at the ground. There was neither shame nor guilt, there was only rage. I gritted my teeth, bared my fangs, shook my head and fixed the door a glare I hoped could melt through it.

  The sound of scratching claws from the other side sounded like a swarm of chattering insects. But as I focused, they faded and an eerie silence filled the hall.

  "Are you two okay?" Ember called, rushing over.

  My anger faded at the sight of the battle-scarred dragoness, her face still wrought with pain, and yet her mind focused more on the current situation than the past. A small crowd of soldiers, the Elders and the princess gathered behind her. The Cartographer was with them, and Apollo hovered overhead. Ember looked at me, but I nodded to Risha, redirecting her attention. There was a brief exchange of regrets, before Risha curled into Ember’s wings and continued to whimper.

  I have no right to be there for her, I'm the last one who deserves to comfort her.

  "Greetings, Guardian, I am glad to see..." Apollo began, only to trail off with a hint of emotion that betrayed his magical nature.

  He paused, his beak sinking into what appeared to be a frown. Meanwhile, Neera pushed through, rushing over to us.

  "You're back, by the skies you... Hey, where’s... where's Boltock?" she asked with a chilling realisation.

  Her expression instantly filled with dread, her ears sinking as Apollo glanced between us while dipping into a landing.

  "I am sorry, Guardian," was all he said as Neera looked at me in shock.

  "You... I..." Was all she managed through the storm of emotions racing behind her eyes. "What happened...?"

  Our mourning was overwhelmed when something more significant slammed against the door behind us. Whatever it was caused the rock to quiver and crack slightly. Jumping to our paws, we turned while slowly stepping back toward the others. Countless soldiers jumped into a defensive position about the chamber, claw and wing blades bristling as the banging ceased.

  I found myself between the Elders and Zephyra, while Risha appeared at my side. I glanced up at the princess, guilt filled her stare, guilt that dwelled on the loss of thousands.

  Beyond her, I didn't care for any empathy the Elders may have offered, to them this was probably just another opportunity to test my loyalty. All I could think about was Boltock. If I'd done what I was supposed to do sooner, there was a chance he may still be alive. Zephyra seemed to notice the conflict in me, her eyes demanding I do more than feel sorry for myself.

  "How do you expect us to win now?" she asked, directing her question at the Elders.

  "The elemental fire will hold them back for a time. But their numbers are greater than anticipated," Vulkaine explained.

  "Indeed, it would seem they number nearly as many as the day the Golden City fell; it will take a great power to cleanse this area," Apollo added, unaware of just how demoralising his bluntness was.

  Zephyra stepped back, her head drooping as she desperately tried to think. What was left of her order stood around her, glancing at one another with an air of uncertainty.

  "Well, well, my daughter, it seems you are not as strong as you expected, what now?" The sound of metal claws on marble heralded Aries’ appearance.

  Zephyra met her bedraggled father with cold stare.

  "What would you have done? Cower down here, waiting for them to take you, without offering anyone a chance to fight?" she challenged.

  He glared over the uncertain and questioning array of faces.

  "Does that really differ from what you’re doing now? Besides, no one is without their price – we simply give them what it is they're after and they will leave," he stated.

  "And what is that?" she asked sharply.

  "Oh, I think you know, as does everyone here," he hissed, peering straight at me. "Not so much of a hopeful legend. Just as I said, the myth has doomed us all," he proclaimed, jabbing a wing my way.

  "You won't lay a claw on him," Risha interrupted, stepping in front of me.

  Aries dismissed her approach.

  "You'll have to go through me too," Ember added, stepping out beside Risha and spreading her wings like a shield.

>   "And me!" Neera added, mirroring their move.

  There was a light hum as Apollo settled above me, saying nothing as he did his best to express a scowl.

  Tarwin stood beside them, oblivious to what they were saying, but by the way she gripped her bow, I'd no doubt about what she would tell the former Sovereign. Zephyra glanced at us all and smiled, before moving to block her father's view with her wings. He scowled and looked around in frustration.

  "And will you all sit by and let this happen? Will you die when such a fate could be avoided?" he challenged the remaining crowd.

  There was a sense of unease until one voice I recognised called out.

  "Better to die with dignity than die a coward," Soaren declared, stepping forward, locking his eyes on the former sovereign as several more soldiers stepped up behind him.

  "Your plea is futile, Aries, there is no reasoning with this foe," Vulkaine added, dismissing the argument entirely.

  Aries squirmed, stepping back toward the door with a frustrated hiss. The deep rumbling that followed Vulkaine’s words made a sound as if the whole world was in pain. The noise not only radiated through the air but through my mind. Evidently, I wasn't the only one to suffer such a thing, as everyone in the chamber looked around in shock.

  "You are all correct in only one regard. No soul will escape this day," a deep, booming and immediately recognisable voice warned.

  "Cometh the one of unnatural blood, born to one of the nine great races of our legacy, all doomed to die, flawed and broken by their ambitions, betrayed by the beliefs of their creators. There is no hope for you now; your Guardian has failed you and I will reclaim what is rightfully mine!" Mordrakk spoke directly into everyone's mind.

  The crowd staggered back, some desperately trying to shake his voice from their heads while a crazed laugh drew everyone’s attention toward Aries as he declared.

  "Congratulations, my daughter, you have doomed us all!"

  The door behind him bulged inward with an ear-piercing crack. For a moment, the rock itself liquefied, twisting and morphing until it exploded, giving way to a tide of choking black smoke. The darkness wrapped about Aries like a hurricane of gnashing teeth, flashing crimson and instantly turning him to dust.


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