The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset

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The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset Page 26

by C. C. Ekeke

  The video ended, leaving Greyson and Jinn in horrified silence.

  Chapter 31

  Two weeks in and Hugo was over sophomore year. So much for owning tenth grade.

  Thankfully, school gossip had moved from Hugo’s summer growth spurt to juicier topics. Like football season, some affair between Mr. Skinner and Vice Principal Mrs. Luiz, Missy Magnificent’s latest DUI, Riverdale’s and Extreme Dreams’ season premieres, a Titan cape-chaser who claimed to have his child. Then Simon’s favorite K-Pop star, L.U.N.A, released a new single featuring Jay Z.

  “Jesus,” Simon complained. “Jay Z finally has a hundred problems.”

  “Wasn’t Becky with the Good Hair the hundredth?” Hugo corrected.

  “Right!” Simon snapped his fingers. “Hundred and first.”

  “Don’t forget Kanye,” Hugo added, openly amused.

  “FUCK!” Simon cursed. “Hundred and two. Don’t you dare add Solange!”

  Baz and his idiot posse kept gossip around Hugo’s physical change alive, shouting “Roid Freak” or "Golden Boy” whenever nearby.

  Hugo refused to react. It’s safer…for Baz.

  Especially since Baz’s entourage usually included Brie, whom Hugo refused to acknowledge.

  “I get Roid Freak, stupid as it is. Why Golden Boy?” Simon asked a few days back.

  “No idea,” Hugo lied. Two months had passed, and he still wasn’t ready to discuss Liberty Park.

  Unfortunately, Simon had other concerns. “When are we discussing codenames?”

  “Not sure.” Hugo had delayed again. Not just from fear of Lady Liberty. Hugo had wanted to be like Titan since age three. But more cape chasers emerged, and former confidantes confirmed Titan’s disinterest in his work toward the end.

  “If Titan’s a fraud, who do I model myself after?” Hugo had asked. He just couldn’t see the point anymore. Simon stopped pressing after that, but Hugo could tell his friend was upset. He still visited the junkyard a few times a week to hone his powers. Yet his drive to continue decreased. Even his attire shifted from superheroes, since old clothes no longer fit. Hugo now rocked Henleys, v-neck tees, button-down polos and San Miguel sports.

  Simon also wasn’t crazy about Brent Longwell joining their crew. Obviously, certain things couldn’t be discussed around Brent. But aside from being a good guy, the ballplayer’s love for Japanime had thawed Simon’s resistance somewhat. Hugo felt including someone else in their bubble helped him feel less secluded. Could he be a normal teenager despite these powers? Maybe…

  “Heard about this Tomorrow Man guy?” Brent asked Hugo as they left class for lunch. The campus buzzed with weekend plans. “Some corporate-sponsored hero out of NYC.”

  Hugo snorted. “He’s not new.” Despite the new tights and cape, Hugo recalled the Tomorrow Man’s many failed hero gimmicks. With Titan gone, he was positioning himself as the heir apparent. Gross. “Remember Paragon 2.0? Or his hard-edged vigilante attempt Ethan Nightwood? How about Maximus the Invincible?” God, the costumes for those gimmicks alone were awful.

  Brent turned to him with wide blue eyes. “All the same dude?”

  Hugo nodded. “No one cared before. But now, people are desperate for a new Titan. Even that fraud.” As Brent and Hugo approached the cafeteria, the Sensational Six came strutting from the opposite direction. Speaking of phonies... Brie El-Saden led the procession doing her runway walk, wearing a short-sleeved white button-down with a black miniskirt and wide-brim fedora.

  Brent was beaming. “Sup, ladies!” Seeing Jordana, he reddened. “Hey...Jordana.”

  “Hey, Brent!!” Spencer, J-Tom, Lia, and Natalie replied with big smiles. Jordana nodded, avoiding Hugo’s gaze. She seemed to shrink as the two factions neared.

  Hugo hardened his heart and advanced.

  “Hey, Lefty.” Brie grinned, using Brent's basketball nickname. As her squad passed by, she playfully grazed her fingers across Hugo’s stomach and shouted, “HEY, HUGO!”

  He ignored her and kept walking. Brie’s breath hiked in shock. Once further away, Hugo heard astounded snickers.

  “Whose balls did that dateless wonder steal?” Spencer questioned insolently.

  Natalie sniggered. “Guess Hugo’s not your bitch anymore, Breezy.”

  “Shut up!” Brie snapped, silencing them. “That douchebag with his stupid Japanime hairstyle can fuck off.” Typical Brie. Lashing out when wounded.

  Brent glanced from the squad back to Hugo, frowning. “What's that about?”

  He replied with a pointedly blank look. “What?”

  “With Briseis? Are you guys fighting?”

  Hugo shrugged and said nothing. Brent got the message. Could this be called a fight when one side wasn’t engaging? For two weeks, Hugo had pretended Brie didn’t exist. Avoiding and ignoring her at school, never saying her name, blocking on social media, sitting as far away as possible in US History. In fact, Hugo had found ways to tune Brie out altogether from his senses. Her betrayal still hurt too much. And despite her popularity and boyfriend, Brie couldn’t take a hint.

  That included visiting Hugo’s house unannounced last Saturday. When Mom had answered the door, Hugo supersped out the back, then three blocks away until Brie left.

  “I’m not talking about it,” Hugo had stated when his mother pressed him for answers.

  Days ago, Briseis had even approached Simon. And those two hated each other on a cellular level. Hugo had been waiting outside 4th period Bio, tracking Simon with superhearing through the hallway clutter. Then he’d accidentally caught Simon and Brie snarling at each other by the former’s locker nearby. Perking up, Hugo had listened.

  Brie had scoffed in disgust. “You’re such a troll. As in gross Lord of the Rings troll without the height or deep voice or muscles. Or intelligence.”

  “Ooohohoh,” Simon had chuckled. “Really laid me low there, Breezy.”

  “Listen up, idiot,” Brie snarled. “Only friends call me Breezy. Which you certainly aren’t.”

  “And neither is Hugo.”

  “Fuck you, Simon!” Brie's hiss had sounded like a knife leaving its sheath. Hugo had guffawed, drawing stares from bystanders. He ignored them and kept listening.

  Simon got the last word. “Maybe Hugo finally sees who you really are, Brie.”

  “Which is?” Brie demanded, lost.

  Simon lowered his voice and went in. “A self-centered, two-faced bitch with an obvious eating disorder and a waste of sperm for a boyfriend.”

  “OHHH.” Hugo covered his mouth, hearing that savage clapback. He almost felt sorry for Brie. Almost. Her offended gasp had preceded a sharp slap, drawing loud exclamations from eyewitnesses. Hugo cringed, feeling that from across campus. Then Brie’s Louboutins angrily click-clacked away.

  “Sorry things ended like this, Brie!” Simon had called after her. “It’s not me! It’s you! See You Next Tuesday!” That happened on Tuesday. Hugo hadn’t been shocked when Simon arrived at Biology with a huge red handprint on his cheek. “Soooo worth it,” he bragged while wincing.

  Presently, Brent and Hugo arrived at the cafeteria. Simon was working through lunch on his website While Brent waited in line for pizza, Hugo grabbed a grass-fed cheeseburger with a side salad and organic lemonade. He’d become a very picky eater. A downside of hypersensitive taste buds was catching rotten or undercooked food most missed. But this grass-fed cheeseburger smelled promising. When Hugo found a seat, Brent waved him over from the lunch line beside a tall, rotund black kid with closely cropped curls.

  Hugo smiled. He didn’t really know Raphael Turner, a sophomore like him and Brent. But he knew the kid was friends with everyone. Raphael’s gregarious, funny personality got him into any social circle.

  Hugo swung by as Brent introduced them. “Better watch yourself,” Raphael warned.

  Hugo frowned. “Excuse me?”

  “Football coaches have you on their radar,” Raphael explained. “I clocked them watching you during P
E. They practically came all over themselves, gushing about how athletic and big you are.”

  Hugo’s insides vomited hearing that. Brent glared at Raphael with an appalled “WHY” expression.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Hugo answered slowly. No way could he join school sports, which Mom had warned against. Hugo changed the subject. “Me and Brent are sitting over there—” He did a double take, not believing his own eyes. “You’re kidding me!”

  All six-foot-seven of DeDamien sat in Hugo’s seat—eating his burger.

  Raphael and Brent followed his gaze and glowered. “That dude’s an asshole,” Raphael correctly surmised.

  Boiling from head to heel, Hugo marched over. He had no plan of attack, but the Samoan refused to stay silent.

  “What?” DeDamien scowled when Hugo advanced. As if he hadn’t stolen another person’s lunch. Hugo should’ve just bought lunch elsewhere. But with so many eyes watching, DeDamien needed humbling.

  Hugo smiled from ear to ear. “You seem hungry. Are you thirsty too?” He grabbed his juice box, pointed at DeDamien’s face and squeezed the lemonade out like a rocket cannon.

  DeDamien sputtered and flailed, he and his frohawk drenched in lemonade. Surprised exhilaration rippled through the cafeteria. DeDamien exploded upright, roaring curses.

  Hugo tapped the boy’s chest, knocking him back down and toppling his seat over. The cafeteria erupted.

  He smirked at his fallen foe. “Know your role and shut your mouth.” Hugo turned to his amazed friends, soaking in the cafeteria’s adulations and high-fiving some random dude.

  Brent and Raphael, dying with laughter, left with Hugo for the outdoor food carts.

  “That closed my casket, bruh!” Raphael chortled.

  “I laughed so hard,” Brent howled, clutching his sides. “My back cramped! I need a doctor!”

  By day’s end, putting stupid DeDamien in his place still made Hugo smile. He was closing his locker, excited to hit up the cheap theater in Old Town San Miguel with Simon where movies ended their theatrical runs. After being a hermit most of the summer, Hugo had missed several blockbusters. “Hope they have the latest Fast and Furious film,” he muttered.

  Hugo tracked Simon’s heartbeat, alarmed at its speed. As if he was afraid. Hugo expanded focus and instantly understood why.

  “Any more quips or jokes, little bitch?” Baz Martinez jeered. “Huh? Huh?” Each word was emphasized by a slap to someone’s head.

  “Quips…and jokes are the same…dumbass!” Simon groaned in pain.

  Blood drained from Hugo’s face. No!

  Simon grunted as Baz shoved him down, provoking laughter from Cody, TJ…and Briseis.

  “Pick him up!” Baz demanded. Hugo heard Simon getting shoved back and forth by Cody, TJ, and Baz. He heard Simon’s tearful wails. He heard onlookers egging on the one-sided conflict.

  “Okay, guys,” Brie begged between snort-laughs. “Don’t hurt him or anything.”

  The lockers near the Math & Science building. Hugo glanced about, found a bathroom, and entered. Sounds of Simon getting shoved flooded Hugo’s ears. That had been him last summer. Now Simon?

  Once the door shut, Hugo zoomed back out faster than any school cameras could follow. Paso High campus became streaks of colors and frozen figures. Simon’s tortured wails grew louder.

  Hugo stopped in a space near the cafeteria and Math & Science. A crowd had grown around the lockers. He spotted Brie near the middle of the crowd, hand on her hat and giggling at Simon’s suffering… As if she couldn’t get more repulsive.

  Beefy and bald TJ stood with shaggy-haired Cody near Baz, who shook Simon like a ragdoll. Among those massive athletes, Simon looked like a small child. No sign of DeDamien. Coward…

  Hugo’s horror became hatred. He shouldered through a sea of students, barely restraining his strength, causing many surprised yells. Hugo didn’t. Give. A fuck…

  “Tell your boyfriend I went easy on you.” Baz raised a fist at Simon, who cringed. “Next time he attacks my crew, I’m raining hell—”

  Hugo strode into the open. “BAZ!”

  Everyone turned. Brie’s amusement vanished.

  Baz looked startled until recognition turned his features cruel again.

  “Look who it is.” He pointed. “Golden Boy arrives to save his damsel in distress!” Cody, TJ, and several onlookers snickered. Brie didn’t laugh or smile. Guilt ruled her beautiful face.

  Hugo remained stone-faced, itching to break Baz in half. But this bastard wasn’t worth risking exposure. “Let. Simon. Go!” he boomed across the gathering. The afternoon sun spilled warm light over the showdown. None of that warmth penetrated Hugo. He felt only cold disgust.

  “Nuh-uh.” Baz pointed at him. “Think a growth spurt and shooting roids in your ass makes you badass?”

  “Sebastian,” Brie cautioned her boyfriend. “Just let Simon go.” Her eyes were on Hugo, who ignored her.

  “Not until I teach him respect,” Baz replied, jerking Simon around. “You messed with my boy DeDamien, I destroy your boyfriend!” He raised his fist again and swung for Simon.

  Hugo moved cat-quick but slow enough to not draw suspicion. Surprised gasps rang from the crowd, including Brie. Baz turned in surprise.

  Hugo caught his arm before he could strike. The two stood eye to eye. If only I could try harder.

  “How the fuck—?” Baz tried and failed to wrench his arm free. Hugo kept his face empty, slowly forcing Baz’s arm down. The “effort” was for show. Baz’s smugness became panic. He gestured frantically at his friends for help.

  Sensing Cody from the left, Hugo gave the shaggy-haired kid a light backhand slap on the chest. Cody lurched back and collapsed, hacking up a lung.

  An “OOOOOOOH!” echoed across the audience. TJ halted his charge, looking to Baz for instructions.

  Brie stood unmoving, green eyes wider than dinner plates.

  Better leave before this escalates, Hugo yanked Simon from Baz’s grasp. The Korean boy looked red-faced and teary-eyed, his bowl-shaped hair disheveled, but unharmed.

  “You okay?” Hugo asked worriedly.

  “Getting there,” Simon wheezed, clearly appreciative.

  Hugo released Baz’s arm roughly, sending him stumbling. “Let’s go.”

  As he and Simon began walking away, Hugo heard Baz grunt like a bull lunging from behind.

  “Sebastian, NO!” Brie cried.

  Baz shoved Hugo from behind. The Samoan was tempted not to move, so both Baz’s forearms would shatter. But knowing how much trouble that might cause, Hugo stumbled forward at the last second.

  Simon scrambled back to avoid his staggering.

  Baz glared venomously at Brie. Brushing his hair aside, he got in Hugo’s face. God, Baz’s breath stunk. “We ain’t done!” Baz glanced at Cody. “Get up!”

  Cody stayed on one knee, gasping. “I think...he broke my chest,” the boy wheezed. That left Baz and TJ. Hugo quickly scanned their surroundings, the swarm shouting for a fight. Then I’ll have to end it.

  Baz shoved him again. Hugo pretended to stagger again.

  “C’mon, badass,” Baz taunted. “I will WORK you!” He shoved Hugo again. The Samoan again pretended to stumble, moving toward the lockers.

  “Baz,” Brie pleaded, “that’s enough!”

  Hugo pivoted and got cut off by TJ. He skated back. Not yet… “I don’t wanna fight you, Baz.”

  “Wouldn’t wanna fight me neither!” Baz shoved Hugo twice, wincing each time.

  The crowd grew larger, hotter.

  Baz got in Hugo’s face. “I will. Work. YOU!” He shoved Hugo off, stumbling back a bit himself.

  Another shove pushed Hugo against the lockers. Perfect.

  Brie had seen enough. “Sebastian, leave him alone!”

  Baz whipped around. “Not till I end him!” He hocked a huge loogie at Hugo’s face.

  “EEWWWWW!” rippled across the onlookers. Baz raised his fists, begging for retaliation.

Hugo calmly wiped the spittle off...and laughed. He couldn't help it, knowing what his pinkie alone could do to this asshole. Hugo tossed aside his backpack and patted the basketballer’s shoulder.

  “What the hell—?” Baz tried jerking away.

  Hugo tightened his grip, hoisting Baz up effortlessly. He twisted around, slamming the ballplayer so hard into the lockers, they dented. Air rushed out of Baz in a choked grunt.

  Another loud ohhhhh erupted. Simon applauded. TJ yelped. Brie squealed.

  Hugo no longer smiled when he released Baz. The ballplayer slid to the floor in a wilted heap.

  Hugo tensed, hearing TJ charge from behind.

  “LOOK OUT!” Simon screamed.

  TJ’s punch met air as Hugo ducked. Before he could recover, the Samoan swung his arm like a club. There was a meaty SMACK when TJ got clotheslined. He did a three-hundred-sixty-degree flip before faceplanting on the ground.

  Baz gawked. Brie’s jaw dropped. Simon cheered. The crowd roared, stunned by what they saw

  God, Hugo enjoyed that. “Wait your turn or run away, bitch,” he growled at TJ.

  TJ wisely fled as fast as possible. Several onlookers laughed.

  Baz cowered against the lockers, terrified without backup. Hugo grabbed the basketballer’s shooting arm shoulder, dragging him one-handed to the center of the rabid crowd. Baz kicked and thrashed uselessly against Hugo’s unyielding strength.

  Glancing at Brie revealed her face drained of color, hands over her frightened mouth.

  Cody finally stood up on wobbly legs.

  Hugo gave him a look. “Don’t ya dare,” he warned. Cody stayed put.

  With the situation under control, Hugo glanced around. “Simon!” he barked.

  When his friend scurried over, Hugo looked down at Baz. “Apologize!”

  The pinioned basketballer grimaced in defiance. “Hell, no! I’m not—AWWWW!”

  Hugo tightened his grip a mere hairsbreadth, making Baz shriek and wriggle like a caught fish.

  This was too much fun. Hugo felt drunk off himself. “You wanna keep your goddamn shooting arm?" the Samoan roared. "Apologize! NOW!” The ferocity of his words hushed the crowd.


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