The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset

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The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset Page 65

by C. C. Ekeke

  “If they were allies,” Hugo protested, throwing up his hands in frustration, “why kill them all?”

  Quinn looked away from the raw emotion in Hugo’s reply. So many deaths just to silence me. “The real killer or killers were covering their tracks. Maybe,” Quinn replied after a long moment, “they disliked that Vargas and Gabby failed to kill me.” She shoved down the memory of Vargas’s paw squeezing her neck. She inhaled hastily and rubbed her throat.

  “Covering their tracks included killing your friends,” Geist added, “and then framing Ramon for everything.” He gave Ramon’s shoulder a doting squeeze.

  Hugo shook his disheveled hair and stared down. “Wow.”

  Quinn offered him an understanding smile. “I know.”

  Hugo jerked his head up and frowned at the gloomy ceiling. “Someone’s coming.”

  Quinn looked at Therese. “I don’t hear anything.”

  “Superhearing,” Hugo dismissed. He stood, searching for something unseen.

  And Quinn understood. This kid needed an FAQ for his portfolio of powers.

  “That’s my backup.” All eyes turned to Geist. He was looking at Hugo. “You need to go.”

  Quinn didn’t understand why Hugo’s face contorted in terror.

  Therese glanced to Geist. “Who is it?”

  “One of the few heroes I still trust outside my team.” Geist’s eyes remained on Hugo. “Go.”

  One moment, Hugo was turning on his heel. The next, he vanished before Quinn’s eyes, sludge and sewage spraying from the gusts his departure generated.

  “Whoa…” Quinn marveled.

  Seconds later, she heard another whoosh approach. A new silhouette came hurtling through the tunnels.

  Therese yanked Quinn behind her and notched another arrow. Quinn panicked.

  Geist didn’t flinch, raising a pacifying hand at Therese.

  The silhouette landed and walked with purpose.

  Quinn gaped at Lady Liberty emerging from the shadows, leggy red outfit and silvery diadem on full display. The statuesque hero’s presence dominated the ruined stretch of tunnels around them. There was no benevolence in Lady Liberty’s demeanor tonight.

  She marched up to Geist. They stood eye to eye. Quinn backpedaled from the confrontation.

  “Where is he?” Lady Liberty demanded with barely restrained heat.

  Surprisingly, Geist didn’t snarl back. “Let me explain, Libby.”

  She scoffed. “Now you’re protecting him? I just saw those murdered teens. I know he was there.” She hauled Geist off the ground by the collar. “Where. Is. He?”

  An unsettled Quinn realized Lady Liberty meant Hugo. Whatever the story between them was, this squabbling was pointless. She moved to approach, rounding Therese.

  Geist stopped her with a raised hand. “Malalou saved Bauer’s and Longshadow’s lives,” the vigilante growled. “He’s untrained and reckless, but not a murderer. The boy’s on our side.”

  Lady Liberty released Geist’s collar roughly. He stumbled sideways before regaining his footing. The superhero then noticed Quinn, Therese, and Ramon for the first time.

  “Longshadow.” She nodded at the archer, then smiled at Quinn. “Hello. Plenty of people are looking for you, Ms. Bauer.”

  Lady Liberty’s expression changed when she saw Ramon. “Ray-Ray?” She turned to Geist. “What’s going on?”

  “Someone on the Vanguard killed Titan,” the vigilante explained, adjusting his coat collar. “Whoever it was hijacked Ramon’s armor to slaughter those teenagers and almost kill Quinn. Probably to place Titan’s murder on him.”

  While Geist explained everything to Lady Liberty, Quinn walked back to Ramon. He appeared far more settled, watching Lady Liberty with awestruck eyes. Quinn grimaced at her sore wrist. Her watch wasn’t helping. She unclasped the timepiece, which flew out of her hands and stuck to Dynamo’s armor.

  Quinn stared at the watch a few seconds, dumbfounded. Ramon didn't notice, twisting about to start digging into the armor.

  Quinn pulled at the watch, feeling the Dynamo armor’s strong magnetic draw. “Ray, did you activate your armor?”

  Ramon glanced her way, shaking his head.

  “So why—?” Quinn paused right as a landslide of clues and observations that had seemed useless before walloped her weary brain. She recalled a remark from Ramon after she had started questioning Lord Borealis’s guilt. Goosebumps prickled her arms. “Oh my God…”

  Therese stood further away from the Dynamo armor, frowning at her cell. “Police are at Lau’s apartment. Apparently, there's a survivor.”

  Quinn barely heard, lost in a revelatory daze.

  Geist still spoke with Lady Liberty. “Keep Ramon far away from—”

  Quinn sprang to her feet. “I know who killed Titan!” Her declaration filled the sewers, fading with each echo. The more she considered it, the clearer the answer became.

  Geist, Lady Liberty, and Ramon all turned. Therese looked incredulous.

  “How could you know?” Geist demanded.

  “Something Ramon said weeks ago,” Quinn replied confidently. I can never refuse a powerful woman.

  Heart drumming against her ribcage, she knelt beside the Dynamo armor, freeing her watch with a hard yank. "And…my watch got magnetized.”

  Chapter 40

  “They’re calling her Jane Doe?” AJ asked.

  Hugo almost didn’t hear the question, zoned out on the hospital bed they sat beside. “Yep."

  Presley looked so tiny covered in thick teal sheets, hooked to several machines in this sterile-smelling hospital room. She appeared to be asleep, not comatose. Somehow, Presley’s healing factor had saved her from Dynamo’s rampage. Only her brain hadn't healed yet. Mom had explained some of this. She’d also warned him against visiting. Presley's blood tests had ID'd her as a super, which might lead back to Hugo.

  At this point, Hugo was too drained to care. He’d hardly slept or eaten since getting Geist’s text—how he had his number was another mystery. He'd revealed Presley's admission to San Miguel Hospital two days ago. Hugo hadn’t left her side unless visiting hours ended. If I hadn’t let her go… Gabby, Nikilesh, Thin Shady, Paul…even Vargas might be alive.

  But they had all been murdered. And Presley was comatose because he’d let the girl who still held his heart leave. Hugo squeezed his eyes shut, fighting down more unshed tears. Don’t lose it here.

  AJ leaned forward to catch Hugo’s attention. The stocky boy wore a San Miguel Outlaws jersey, head freshly shaved. Confusion filled his roughhewn features. “Why is Presley labeled Jane Doe?”

  “Two reasons,” Hugo began wearily, raising two fingers to emphasize. “One, for her protection. It’s why Geist had one of his police contacts get a uniformed officer outside Presley’s room. And two, she’s legally declared dead.” Hugo reclined in his seat, wincing at the lingering dull ache in his chest. Most of the injuries from the Dynamo fight had healed, but some soreness remained. The reality that he’d fought Dynamo still hadn’t sunk in. And that the Vanguard’s “android” member was a fourteen-year-old paraplegic genius in armor. Hugo blinked in muted disbelief.

  “Can’t believe Geist exists,” AJ whispered even with the door shut. “And you know him.”

  Weeks ago, Hugo might have joined his fanboying. Tonight, he gave a limp shrug.

  “Wait…” AJ’s eyes widened as he realized something. “How was she legally declared dead?”

  “Got thrown from a building three years ago,” Hugo began. Focusing on anything but sorrow and self-loathing helped. “Presley’s healing factor kept her alive enough even though it looked like she was dead. Same as after Dynamo…” He gestured limply at Presley, almost choking on his next words, “beat her half to death.”

  “If she heals fast, then why is she still unconscious?”

  “Don’t know.” Hugo shrugged again. “I guess the brain is so complex, it takes longer?”

  AJ exhaled loudly. “How did this become your li
fe, Uce?”

  Hugo wished he knew. The only person who might know was dead. “Fucking Titan’s fault,” he spat.

  “Yeah, fuck him for giving you his awesome powers,” AJ chimed in.

  Hugo glared at him.

  AJ shrank back. “Sorry.”

  Hugo’s patience for his brother was waning. He wanted to be alone. “You don’t have to stay, AJ. I know you got better things to do.”

  AJ waved off the suggestion. “Mom said I can’t leave until her shift ended.”

  Hugo snorted. “Total Mom move.” That woman was incredible. Patching him up at home after the Dynamo fight despite being furious, bringing dinner and staying with him after long OR shifts. Once this was over, Hugo would be the best son ever and have one less person to disappoint.

  “Plus.” AJ brightened. “This family emergency means I can miss school.” He stood and stretched. “I’m going to the vending machines. Want anything?”

  Hugo almost declined, but his stomach grumbled in disapproval. “Two Snickers, water, and Doritos.”

  “The evening meal of heroes,” AJ crowed and scurried out the door. The medical floor's cacophony of activity reached Hugo’s ears for a split-second, hushing when the door shut.

  Hugo slumped in his seat, relishing the silence. He watched Presley, wondering what she’d say upon waking. Would she hate him for not getting there on time? Would the authorities arrest her?

  Hugo’s thinking was interrupted by familiar footsteps nearing the room.

  “Alright,” Simon announced, pushing open the door. He wore a Cheshire-cat-sized grin. “I went to your teachers so they'd email any classwork to you.” He slipped off his backpack and plopped into AJ’s seat.

  The arrival of Hugo's best friend was pure relief. “Thanks.” AJ, while great and supportive, wasn’t Simon. “Are people buying the family emergency story?”

  “Pretty much,” Simon replied. “People are asking when you’ll be back.”


  Simon considered the question. “Brent. Raphael. Wale. G-Mama. The Stanleys. Jordana. JT. Groban. The usuals. Also…” His face changed. “Taylor von Stratton and Abby Dunleavy.”

  Hugo narrowed his eyes in shock. “Easy Abby?”

  Simon nodded. “That was weird. Grace freaked out after you ran off.”

  “Jesus!” Hugo facepalmed, remembering Grace’s startled reaction that night. And her calls and texts, which remained unanswered. More guilt on his shoulders. “I probably scared her half to death.”

  “I’ll handle that,” Simon assured. “Heard anything from your new super friends?” He didn't bother hiding any excitement.

  “No.” Hugo rolled his eyes. “It’s not like I’m in the superhero WhatsApp group.”

  “Well, you did fight…”

  Hugo shook his head, hearing the on-call nurse approach outside. Simon took the hint, right before a slim Filipino woman entered the room. She greeted Hugo and Simon before checking Presley’s vitals and changing her IV.

  Once the door closed, Hugo nodded for Simon to continue. “…you fought Dynamo alongside fucking Geist. And the archer fighting with him? Longshadow?” he gushed with zero chill. “I knew Geist had partners.”

  Hugo sighed. He didn’t have the energy to share Simon’s fanboying joy.

  Simon sensed this and stopped smiling. “Sorry. Your life is much cooler than mine.” He turned to Presley’s still body, cringing at all the machines. “What happens with her?”

  Hugo had devised with more worst-case scenarios than he’d cared to but still had no clear answers. “No idea. The police will probably question her when she wakes up. But someone hacked in to Dynamo’s armor and made him slaughter Presley’s crew. Almost killing her.” Hugo's nearly healed chest throbbed in agony. Almost killed. He fought back a wince.

  “Meaning, she was into some shady shit,” Simon suggested.

  “Yeah.” Hugo nodded listlessly. He zoned out again on Presley, his mind wandering. “I have to protect Presley from whoever is after her.” No one touches her. Hugo had made that silent vow the moment after hearing she’d survived.

  “I still can’t believe Dynamo’s a fourteen-year-old genius.” Simon whistled. “I feel so unaccomplished.”

  “That was a kick in the balls.” Hugo was about to continue when his ears picked up AJ and two more pairs of footsteps. He turned to the door seconds before his brother opened it.

  “Hugo?” AJ was carrying all his requested vending items but had a strange look. “You got visitors.”

  Hugo exchanged panicked glances with Simon. OSA was here to arrest him. Or the police? Had he left fingerprints all over Presley’s apartment? Hugo stood, refusing to run. “Send them in, Uce."

  Two young women entered. Hugo recognized Quinn Bauer, wearing a V-neck sweater and black jeans with her shock of kinky hair pulled back. Her pretty features were welcoming. Hugo didn’t recognize her taller companion, fair-skinned with a silky brunette bob. The sports coat and slacks flattered a trim, agile figure. Her sharp features remained stony as she scanned the room in quick sweeps. Her fluid, catlike movements seemed familiar. She moves like a killer. Hugo intuitively stepped in front of Simon, sensing hostile vibrations.

  “Hey, Hugo,” Quinn greeted and smiled.

  “Hi…” Hugo said, his gaze darting between the two women. Simon’s face scrunched up in wonder. AJ stood at the half-open door, pale and concerned.

  Quinn glanced at Simon and AJ. “Can we speak privately?”

  “Sure.” Hugo turned to Simon and gestured at the door.

  The Korean boy looked annoyed at the dismissal, but a glare from the femme fatale sent him scurrying. AJ lingered with a questioning look.

  Hugo nodded for him to go. Once the door closed, Quinn’s femme fatale buddy leaned against it.

  Hugo’s fears lessened. If they’d been here to grab him, heavier artillery would’ve been sent. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Quinn’s smile warmed. “Better.” She held out her hand. “Nice seeing you…again.”

  Hugo readily returned her handshake. He glanced at the femme fatale. “And you are?”

  She watched him, dark eyes unblinking and cautious. “Her bodyguard.”

  Hugo gawked, knowing her voice without a modulator. “Longshadow.”

  Quinn’s dark skin paled. Longshadow’s heartbeat spiked a few moments, but her veneer remained calm. “That’s right,” the vigilante replied quietly.

  “How’d you find me?” Hugo asked, hands on hips. He heard Simon and AJ pressed against the door, eavesdropping.

  “Not important,” Longshadow commented curtly.

  “Hey,” Quinn scolded her, then turned to Hugo. “We’re here to discuss two nights ago.”

  Hugo’s insides lurched at revisiting that horrible night. Finding Presley and her crew's bodies… Almost killing a paraplegic…

  The memories burned into his brain like acid. “Okay.”

  “Titan's real killer,” Longshadow said. “They used your friend there and her crew as proxies and/or accomplices.”

  Hugo remembered Quinn saying this two nights ago. And that Lord Borealis hadn’t killed Titan. But…how were they sure? “You believe that Presley and her crew helped kill Titan?” He took a fearful glance at his comatose girlfriend.

  Quinn shook her head. “I’m not sure. But they definitely helped frame Lord Borealis.”

  Hugo massaged his skull. The more he learned about Presley, the worse things became. He shook off the rising disgust. “Then why…why kill them? Why frame Dynamo for this murder? And try to kill you?”

  Quinn answered with surprising calm. “Presley and her crew were contracted to kill me because I was close to finding which Vanguard member killed Titan.”

  Hugo didn’t…couldn’t process this. “I…” He grasped for a chair and sat, bending an armrest with his fingers. His brain felt like a million pounds. “I should’ve stopped them. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.”

  Quinn sat b
eside him, scooting around so they were facing each other. “Please. If not for you, Longshadow and I would be dead. Same with Ramon.”

  The paraplegic boy. Guilt over the line Hugo nearly crossed wouldn't leave him. “Is he okay?”

  “Very traumatized, but safe," Quinn confirmed.

  “I could’ve killed him.”

  “You saved him,” Quinn reassured. “Ray found false vocal recordings in the armor’s databanks for Dynamo to recite if Vanguard fought him.”

  Hugo jerked up from his seat, baffled. “Holy shit.” Who was this monster pretending to be a hero? “Dynamo’s armor slaughtered Presley’s friends…my friends.” His voice grew ragged with anger. “Where’s their justice?”

  Longshadow pushed off the door and advanced. “We have to capture the person responsible. For that, we need you, Hugo.” She pointed at him.

  Hugo couldn’t believe it. Him, being recruited to help stop Titan’s killer, who was apparently a hero. He reeled from blow after blow, aching to beat this murdering motherfucker within an inch of their life. “You know who killed Titan and hijacked Dynamo’s armor?”

  “Yes.” Quinn stood. Dark circles around her eyes exposed a lack of sleep.

  Hopped up as Hugo was for vengeance, he grasped how out of his league this case was. “Does the Vanguard know there’s a murderer on their roster?”

  Longshadow shook her head, brown locks swishing side to side. “Geist isn't involving them,” she stated, an undercurrent of impatience in her voice. “Not until we draw the killer out.”

  Hugo wanted to join. But after the damage he’d done, and more near-deaths… “I’m sorry, but…I’ll just make things worse.” Hugo had too much power that he couldn't fully control. His sonic scream was evidence enough.

  Quinn gripped Hugo’s broad shoulders. "I strongly disagree." Her expression turned grave. This close, he dwarfed her. “We’re in the endgame, to stop Titan’s killer. This is your chance at redemption. Can we count on you?”

  Quinn and Longshadow gathered close with hopeful looks.

  Hugo didn’t keep them waiting long.


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