The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset

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The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset Page 109

by C. C. Ekeke

  He headed across campus to the basketball court as the orange sun burned away the dawn fog. He passed a few zero period PE classes running grueling laps around the track.

  Hugo slipped inside the building, cautious where he used his superspeed. Paso High had installed more cameras everywhere. But not the basketball court. Other than a few kids Hugo heard in the locker room, one ballplayer practiced shooting on the courts alone.

  Hugo’s heart lurched. Now or never…

  He stood outside the door, watching as Baz Martinez dribbled down the court in practice gear. Weaving around invisible guards, the lanky ballplayer sank a perfect three-point shot. Baz smirked, running fingers through sweaty locks. After being sidelined since Fall Fling, Baz looked nearly recovered.

  Hugo wasn’t here to appraise Baz’s skills. The ballplayer dashed down the court again with an aggressive look that Hugo knew well. Baz reached the hoop, leaping up to dunk.

  Hugo reached Baz in a half-second. Pouncing up from behind, he savagely swatted the basketball away.

  Baz yelped and went sprawling onto the court. Hugo landed on his feet and waited.

  Baz came boiling back up. “Who the—?” He saw Hugo, shrieked, and fell on his ass. Baz scrambled on hands and feet into a corner.

  Hugo advanced with slow strides, his demeanor ice-cold. He leaned down, hands on knees to look Baz in the eye. His nemesis flattened himself against the wall, heartbeat like a jackhammer.

  Hugo took no pleasure in this intimidation. But Baz had shared secrets with Brie. A reminder was necessary. "You’ve been chatty,” he announced, low and rumbling.

  Baz gulped. “I’m sorry.” His shaky apology sounded genuine.

  Hugo was unmoved. “Yet you told your girlfriend."

  “Ex-girlfriend again,” Baz replied peevishly. “Thanks to you.”

  Hugo didn’t care. Baz and Brie would get back together again. Hugo wanted Fall Fling behind him permanently. Yet here he was, still fighting to keep his darkest moment from marring a bright future. What would Hugo do if Baz spoke, despite the threat of Presley’s recordings?

  He stifled a shudder, praying that day never arrived. Hugo rose to his full height, pinning Baz to the wall with a look. “Keep my name out of your mouth,” he warned. “You don't want this conversation to happen again.”

  Baz nodded in submission, then burst into tears.

  Hugo turned and walked away. He refused to pity that piece of shit. But as he exited the basketball court and headed to class, his hearing lingered on Baz’s sobs.

  Hugo didn’t feel remotely heroic. Only ashamed.

  He went through the motions in first and second periods, listening beyond campus for danger. Any excuse to be elsewhere atoning for his misdeeds. Assemblies for each grade level were scheduled with a surprise guest speaker to discuss how Paso High would move forward.

  Hugo hoped it was L.U.N.A., just to piss off Simon.

  Paso High also offered counseling sessions for students traumatized by the bombings. The faculty was putting on their bravest veneers. But from what Hugo overheard in teachers’ lounges, they were as shaken as the students, all heatedly disavowing Proctor. Hugo hoped these decent men and women were getting the same support as their students.

  After second period, he visited the boarded-up library. A donation site URL for new library funding was stamped on the wall. Tacky timing-wise, but Hugo knew how much Paso High needed a library.

  By the piles of flowers and cards for Paul Moreno and Violet Torres, both were clearly well-liked. Their funerals were on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Hugo planned on attending both. Grief for the two students weighed heavily on his heart. “I’m sorry,” he whispered so no one nearby heard. “I’ll do better, I swear.” Wiping away tears, Hugo couldn’t bear staying any longer.

  He grabbed churros with Simon out in the sundrenched quad. Cliques congregated in familiar spots. Many derided Missy Magnificent’s latest failed comeback…or #HeroFail per the trending hashtag on social media. Others discussed Geist’s confirmed sightings. The shadow of the bombing hung over everything. Laughter sounded forced or weary to Hugo, as if everyone had aged ten years. And bubbling below the surface were whispers of some incident at the basketball party days ago. But specifics were snowballing, like a leaky dam ready to burst.

  “I’ll ask my mom to donate to that library fund,” Hugo promised.

  “Ask everyone,” Simon urged. He chomped on his churro. “I want my project noticed.”

  Hugo examined him in surprise. “You built that website?”

  Simon grinned. “Paso High needed a professional donation site, since the school district is cheap. Principal Walker heard about and requested my help. For a reasonable cost.”

  “Nice, despite the circumstances.” Hugo high-fived Simon, extremely proud. “You’re not a businessman. You’re a business, man.”

  Simon finished his churro. “Like Jay Z.”

  Hugo laughed, draping an arm around his buddy. “Now you need a Beyoncé, Mr. Han.” He glanced at their usual spot. Grace Misawa, wearing a stylish suit jacket dress, was in spirited conversation with the Stanleys.

  But Simon was oblivious. “Mr. Han’s a good rap name.” As he rambled on, the burst of humanity leaving the auditorium caught Hugo’s ear. Seniors discussed the guest speaker and his message.

  Hugo’s eyes widened. “Tomorrow Man’s our guest speaker.” He chuckled, thinking of that Titan rip-off with his ugly cape.

  Simon looked disgusted. “Using school tragedies to boost his image? Gross.”

  “If it helps students after what happened…” Hugo reconsidered, given Tomorrow Man’s shameless self-promotion. “But if I ever turn into a try-hard famewhore, run over me with an SUV.”

  Simon frowned. “That’ll just ruin the SUV.”

  “Do it anyway,” Hugo insisted.

  “Speaking of…” Simon scanned the quad first before continuing. “I heard the library damage was mysteriously cleaned up two nights ago.”

  Hugo nodded. “Had to wait until the cops and FBI finished investigating,” he murmured, recalling that long night. “Only took a few hours.” It was the least he could do for not stopping the bombing.

  Simon smacked his chest, annoyed. “That’s why we’re back at school earlier? Thanks, asshole.”

  Hugo laughed, right as Jordana sashayed by with a few softball teammates. She sized him up in a hungry way, grazing her fingers across his belly. Warmth jolted from her touch, Moonshock perfume teasing his nostrils.

  While watching her strut away, Hugo sensed another observer. He looked up to the bridge connecting Math and Science to the Writing and History buildings. Abby Dunleavy leaned on the railing suggestively. Her immodest minidress left little to the imagination. She winked.

  Sweet merciful crap! Hugo’s heart pounded and raced. Somehow, he managed a casual nod. Nothing had even happened yet, and Hugo already knew Abby would be trouble. As if this superhero life wasn’t complicated enough.

  “There he is! SuperHugo!”

  Hugo exchanged startled looks with Simon. The familiar voice came from Brent across the quad, holding court with several teammates. Beaming with blond hair freshly buzzcut, he motioned them over. After some hesitation, Hugo kept a neutral face and approached. Simon followed, also wary.

  “Whaddup?” he greeted Brent with a handshake/side hug. Baz wasn’t present, but Harlan Mills and handsome team captain Lionel Wagner were. The latter ballplayer had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend McKenna. After her kidnapping, Lionel had been glued to her all day. The cheerleader smiled at Hugo, her hazel eyes full of warmth. Hugo smiled back, happy to see McKenna safe and sound.

  Brent clapped Hugo’s shoulder. “He called my mom the night of the party to make sure I got there. But when my mom couldn’t reach me, she called the police. But someone already did.”

  That drew audible esteem from the ballplayers, a first for Hugo. His cheeks burned for some reason. “Simon called the cops.

  Simon scowled, shrinking behind Hugo.

  Brent’s handsome face warmed. “You both are great friends. Just watch your girls around Bogie,” he teased. His teammates all laughed.

  Hugo’s smile hid a grimace. Still salty over Jodie? “We’ll always have your back, man.”

  “Cause we’re bros,” Simon added, arms spread. “Not foes.”

  Brent threw his head back laughing. “Knew I’d wear him down!” He bearhugged an unsuspecting Simon. Hugo howled, as did Lionel, McKenna, and the other ballplayers.

  Simon squirmed like a fish on a hook. “Don’t push it, blondie.”

  When Lionel nodded his approval, the air seemed to shift, dissipating much of the tension between Hugo and the basketball players. Thank God they didn’t know about Fall Fling, or this might be different.

  “Thanks, guys,” Lionel stated. “McKenna’s alive because of you.” He shook Hugo’s hand.

  “And…” Brent pointed upward. “That kickass new hero!” His teammates clamored like trained seals for more details.

  Hugo and Simon smiled at each other while listening to Brent’s flattering but inaccurate depiction of Aegis.

  Brent doesn’t know it’s me. He withdrew to let his friend enjoy the resurgent popularity.

  …almost running into Raphael’s thick frame.

  “Hear about the basketball party?” Raphael asked after greetings were exchanged. He appeared stricken, not his usual jolly self. “Apparently, crazy shit went down with Brie.”

  Hugo immediately lost interest. “You see my concerned face?” he inquired, not smiling.

  Raphael facepalmed. “My bad. I meant something happened to Brie.”

  A shock ran through Hugo, followed by curiosity. What happened at this party? Before he could ask, the Samoan noticed a pack of predators finding fresh meat.

  Simon had wandered into dangerous territory, surrounded by Spencer, Lia, and Natalie.

  “…the hell?” Hugo raised a finger at Raphael. “Hold that thought.” He reached the gathering in four strides, standing beside his friend. “Simon?”

  The Korean boy appeared as baffled as Hugo felt.

  “Hey, Hugo!” Lia replied merrily. Natalie waved. Spencer leered at Hugo with bedroom eyes, a broad smile slashing her face.

  He nodded back, instinctively wary. “What’s up?” Hugo scanned the quad briskly. No sign of Briseis or J-Tom. Something was off here.

  “Spence, Nat, and I are watching the new Extreme Teens: Mission Experience movie tonight.” Lia gripped Simon’s arm and squeezed affectionately, startling him. She was rather glammed up today, wearing extra makeup, oozing abnormal swagger. “I’m asking Simon to come. You’re invited. Obvs.”

  Hugo blinked. Lia’s asking Simon out. This newfound boldness was unlike her.

  “Simon’s busy.” Grace arrived, possessively grabbing Simon’s other arm.

  Lia recoiled from the alpha move. Natalie looked peeved. Spencer looked wickedly amused, brushing back loose and glossy black locks.

  Grace eyed Simon pointedly. “We’re doing that thing we planned.”

  Simon, a former dateless wonder, in a love triangle. Hugo’s snorting laughter earned a death glare from the red-faced Korean boy.

  Lia recovered quickly, grinning at Simon. “Another time, Simon.”

  Hugo remained confused. “Won’t talking to us anger You-Know-Who?”

  Lia’s almond-shaped eyes gleamed. “You haven’t heard?”

  Spencer and Natalie snickered conspiratorially. Hugo eyed Simon and Grace, both clueless.

  Lia’s smile was ice. “Easy Breezy’s got bigger problems than me flirting with cute boys.” She strutted off. “C’mon, girls.”

  Natalie followed like an eager puppy. Spencer lingered, looking thoroughly delicious in a yellow plaid romper with legs for days. A wicked smirk played across on her lips, which Hugo knew well. Tilting her head, rolling her mischievous eyes, Spencer sauntered after her friends.

  “That was…odd,” Simon remarked, watching her leave.

  “Yeah…” Hugo agreed, also distracted by Spencer’s perfectly shaped bottom. By the heads turning, he wasn’t alone. But Lia’s contempt for Briseis had Hugo befuddled. Along with Spencer’s and Natalie’s reactions.

  “And the plot thickens.” Grace slapped Simon’s arm, snapping him out of his daze. She then searched Hugo’s face. “Why was Spencer eyeing you like a five-course dinner?”

  “Am I a telepath?” Hugo deflected.

  Grace’s suspicion lingered a moment before she focused to Simon. “Can we conversate? Privately?” By her urgent expression, it seemed like she was making her move.

  Finally! Hugo backpedaled to give them privacy, pulling out his cellphone.

  ME: WTF?

  Marshmallow: What happened was long overdue. Brie is CANCELLED.

  Hugo straightened in disbelief, until he remembered J-Tom’s words the other day.

  Marshmallow: Still meeting at your place?

  ME: Still bringing Carmelo’s?

  Marshmallow: Yup. Already hungry for Big Samoans.

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