The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset

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The Pantheon Saga Books 1-3: A Superhero Boxset Page 111

by C. C. Ekeke

  Though Geist’s mask revealed no emotion, his eyes narrowed oddly after Hugo’s statement. He then withdrew into the shadows. A flutter from his coat signaled Geist rappelling off the building.

  “Didn’t know you two hated each other,” Hugo said, dismayed to see that.

  “My relationship with Geist is complicated,” Lady Liberty admitted. “Titan kept the peace. Since his death…things are more strained.”

  Hugo turned his attention to downtown San Miguel. The glittering cityscape went on forever in all directions, with so many to protect. The responsibility was humbling…and overwhelming. Hugo wanted to be the kind of hero these citizens wouldn’t fear, even from the shadows. “I’m sorry I let you down.” When he’d told Lady Liberty what had happened with Proctor, she hadn’t reacted beyond a blank look.

  Tonight, her features warmed with love. “You’ll face tougher calls as your career progresses. Choosing between life and death.” She touched down in front of him. “In your position, I understand the call you made.”

  “Okay.” That made Hugo feel somewhat better.

  Lady Liberty wasn’t done. “How you feel now? Remember it every time you’re in a similar position. Fight like hell to make better choices.” She gazed out at San Miguel. “Because playing judge, jury, and executioner takes pieces of you that you can never get back.”

  The words chilled Hugo, holding his attention.

  “The next thing you know…” Lady Liberty looked over her shoulder at Hugo. “You become the very darkness you’re supposed to be fighting.” Her voice caught at the end.

  Hugo felt nauseous. “I’ll never let that happen.” After Fall Fling, he knew how easily he could cross the line. The thrill of wielding superpowers was intoxicating…and terrifying.

  Lady Liberty smiled broadly. “Whatever your North Star is, hold that close.”

  “I will—” Something farther inland caught Hugo’s ear. He turned east.

  Screams, alarms, and shouts for superhuman supremacy. Finally, some action. “Psych facility east of Templeton. Five supers breaking in.” Hugo turned to his mentor, chest tight with anticipation. “Superhero team-up?”

  Lady Liberty went airborne. “I attack from the front. You attack from behind.”

  Hugo grinned, so ready for this. “Race you there.” He leaped off the rooftop and zoomed across another building. Lady Liberty easily kept pace through skies.

  Aegis teaming up with Lady Liberty. Hugo barely contained his glee. Tonight’s patrol was officially his favorite ever!

  He reached the facility in seconds, scanning the scorched yet vacant perimeter.

  With Lady Liberty soaring overhead, Hugo crouched and steeled himself. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “Now!” she barked.

  The two heroes exploded into battle.


  Quinn scurried out of the SMAT subway exit, hoop earrings jostling. The red bubble-down jacket and orange scarf over her blouse and jeans warded off the evening cold. She knew the way to K-Rad’s in oldtown Paso Robles by heart. A regular hangout for her close work friends—the circle of trust!

  Once she reached outside the bar, Quinn paused and scrolled through her phone at a new alert on the Vanguard Instagram account. About Seraph and Sentinel.

  Uh-oh. Despite her dread, Quinn decided to watch anyway.

  The video revealed Seraph and Sentinel sitting in some studio at Vanguard HQ. The female hero donned her chaste white costume covered in silvery embroidered religious symbols. Her fluffy wings jutted from her back but furled up. Seraph was fidgeting. Another bad sign. Sentinel wore his traditional military-styled suit, without the helmet. His impossibly square-jawed face was solemn, as usual.

  They’re breaking up, Quinn decided, wincing. But she couldn’t stop watching.

  Surprisingly, Seraph spoke first. “There’ve been rumors about our relationship and the constant cancelled weddings,” she said, soft and sweet. “So we’re making an official announcement.”

  She and Sentinel reached held hands. “Our wedding happens on July 25th this summer,” Sentinel announced with a proud smile. “No more postponements.”

  “YAY!” Quinn cried, ignoring passersby’s stares.

  Seraph gave her fiancé a glowing look. “Kurt and I will get married. Come Hell or high water.”

  “Or world-ending catastrophe,” Sentinel quipped. Seraph let out an adorably melodic laugh as the video ended. Quinn found herself laughing her head off too.

  No sooner than she closed Instagram, a call came through. Speak of the angel. “Congratulations,” Quinn greeted after answering.

  “This is your fault,” Seraph accused playfully.


  “Whatever you and Annie said,” the superhero continued, “Kurt’s approaching everything differently. Not just us.” She sounded content yet mystified. “He’s actually listening to our teammates.”

  Hearing she had anything to do with the Vanguard’s improved harmony warmed Quinn’s heart. But Seraph’s past choices cast lingering doubt over this renewed commitment. “Is this marriage what you really want?”

  “Yeah...” Seraph’s reply carried a little too much doubt. She fortified her tone. “Yes, it is.”

  Sounded like Mikaela’s trying to convince herself. “Then I’m happy for you,” Quinn said instead of prying deeper. No need to throw cold water on Seraph’s happiness.

  “As punishment for your sins,” she went on blithely, “you get to be a bridesmaid.”

  “Oh…wow.” The offer left Quinn staggered. “Thanks.”

  “More details to come. Talk soon, Quinn.”

  Once the call ended, Quinn slipped inside the bar.

  The ambiance was well-lit, loud, and classy. She spotted Creed, Jensen, Colin, Shelley, and a few other work friends seated in the center of the dining area. The circle of trust.

  Creed spotted her and brightened. “She’s here!” The whole table turned, showering her with greetings.

  Quinn blushed at the outpouring affection. “Sorry I’m late!” She eased off her jacket and scarf before sitting beside Jensen, whose pale complexion was flushed from alcohol.

  Creed leaned over Jensen’s lap with a serious expression. “We got a newcomer tonight.” He nodded at the bar as a familiar face approached carrying sliders and chips.

  Quinn flattened against her seat in surprise to take in this bizarro world sight. “Hello,” she exclaimed an octave higher than normal. “Didn’t know you were coming!”

  Helena Madden offered a megawatt smile, placing food plates on the table. She sat across from Quinn, fetching in figure-hugging jumper with buttons undone, spiky hair tousled yet subdued. “I heard your secret gossip circle was celebrating the Missy Magnificent exposé.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief behind those red-tinted glasses.

  “The more the merrier!” Quinn helped herself to a juicy slider, giving Helena a questioning look about boyfriend Jono’s whereabouts.

  The editor-in-chief’s joy dimmed fleetingly as she answered with a terse headshake.

  In one vein, Quinn felt euphoric relief. Jono was the worst. Yet, it made her sad for Helena. Things between them must be bad.

  Still, Helena’s presence felt weird. The circle of trust usually gabbed about work grievances—including their editor-in-chief. However, the Helena that Quinn knew outside of work emerged, gossiping with everyone. That relaxed the mood, along with plentiful drinks. Quinn enjoyed the company, yet remained stuck on the Junction scandal.

  Damián Hazard was in jail for murdering Montgomery Major, plus kidnapping Quinn and Missy.

  Ultimax had been shuttered after several Junction businesses launched a class-action lawsuit. And Laura Tarsitano, formerly of Paxton-Brandt, had been charged with a litany of crimes.

  Then there was Missy, destroyed by another failed comeback and massive betrayal.

  “Still with us, QB?” Colin checked in, snapping her from her rabbit hole. Helena was telling a raunchy s
tory from her war correspondent days that had the table roaring. One that Quinn had already heard.

  “I’m fine,” she lied, forcing a smile. “Just wiped.”

  Two hours later, the circle had departed, leaving Quinn and Helena lounging at the bar. The editor-in-chief looked borderline drunk, nursing a glass of Scotch. “Shoulda seen Packer after this Missy Magnificent profile fell through and we had to refund the sponsorship money.” Helena gave a bawdy chuckle. “He acted like someone stole his bowl of Skittles.”

  “I bet,” Quinn replied testily. “Packer won’t even acknowledge my existence. Same with his harem.” Tania and Jess no longer invited her to Ad Sales happy hours. Good. Since discovering their proclivities, Quinn’s skin crawled whenever she saw them.

  “Probably a good thing,” Helena remarked dryly. “It’s not just sex parties and egos in Ad Sales.”

  Quinn cringed from any image of Packer having sexy times. Gross. “There’s more?”

  Helena leaned close. “Overcharging sponsors, then skimming the extra off. Ad Sales sponsorship contracts are engineered so no one notices. Packer’s a crook.”

  “WHAT?” Quinn glanced around, making sure no one else heard. “He’s stealing from sponsors?” she whisper-shouted.

  Helena took another pull of her drink. “Packer’s been overcharging for years. Didn’t have proof until the Vanguard interviews.” She looked reproachful at Quinn’s reaction. “Packer’s sterling personality isn’t why his team is so loyal, and pompous? His son, Scott, and the rest of his lieutenants get bonuses from the money he’s stealing.”

  Quinn could barely find words to respond. “This getting out could ruin SLOCO Daily.”

  “And it can’t,” Helena warned, her intense gaze locking Quinn in place. “Not publicly. I’m building a case against Packer but need some more examples of him stealing from sponsors and the cronyism with his pixie-bitch harem. Then I can roast that butterball and force him out.” She gave a half-smile. “After that, Ad Sales’ days of being untouchable are over.”

  Quinn blinked, still unpacking this bombshell. She’d seen Packer and Helena’s epic screaming matches over budgets and content. But Quinn always assumed the two respected each other. “That’s some Game of Thrones shit.”

  Helena gasped. “You swore!”

  “OH,” Quinn realized in dismay. After so long. “Dang.”

  Helena laughed. Quinn stewed about her slipup, among other things.

  “So...” Helena studied her protégée with concern. “You broke two huge stories! Why so serious?”

  Three whiskey shots had loosened Quinn's tongue, so she spilled. “I’m thinking of Missy.” She lifted then dropped her shoulders. “Beneath all the baggage and drama and partying, she was courageous when it counted. But what her husband did and how he died broke her.” She blinked away sorrow. “Missy loved Montgomery, even though he was a scummy Svengali.”

  Helena took a long sip of her Scotch, making a face at the pungency. “Watching your lover’s head get spiked like a volleyball would fuck anyone up,” she replied matter-of-factly. “Where is she now?”

  “Long-term rehab facility,” Quinn said. The location was undisclosed for understandable reasons. “I don’t think Missy’s coming back this time.” Maybe that was a good thing.

  Helena shook her head. “Missy got honeytrapped and humiliated by some loser with the power to change colors on things. Who could recover from that?”

  Her mentor’s merciless honesty rattled Quinn. “Well, when you frame it that way…”

  “The truth ain’t always pretty.” Helena placed her glass down. “I sense more on your mind.”

  Quinn needed no prompting to voice her other issue. “Paxton-Brandt and Laura frakking Tarsitano.”

  Helena sighed at her protégée’s righteous anger. “She’s in jail.”

  “Paxton-Brandt publicly condemned her ties to Damián Hazard,” Quinn retorted, arms folded petulantly. Tarsitano had then confirmed her guilt in a news conference that looked more like a hostage video. “I don’t buy it.”

  Helena’s brow arched. “Oooh. I see where this is going...”

  Quinn stared a hole into the editor-in-chief. “You know I’m right. Paxton-Brandt was behind what almost happened to The Junction and ruined so many small businesses. I think a thread from Ultimax Insurance could lead to Solstice Equity and Paxton-Brandt.” Quinn couldn't stop digging even after her Missy exposé. the Junction and Missy deserved justice. “Who else could have hired those superhuman actors and made them disappear? Or funded Hazard’s earthquake machines? And, Paxton-Brandt has a subsidiary for superhero disaster insurance. A blueprint to form Ultimax Insurance.”

  When Quinn finally paused for breath, Helena’s features became guarded. Corporate. Not the Helena that Quinn wanted to hear from tonight. “Paxton-Brandt is an international corporation involved in more industries than I can count.” The editor-in-chief spoke whisper-soft, as if someone was eavesdropping. “If they can make one of their own confess to false crimes, imagine what they’d do to one reporter gunning for them.”

  The stubborn side of Quinn wanted to ignore Helena’s risk-averse corporate warning. But the tangible fear vibrating off her mentor over Paxton-Brandt made the reporter rethink a knee-jerk reaction. “I know there are huge risks,” she said in measured tones. “But I will only pursue this investigation with your blessing.”

  Helena studied Quinn in silence, as if taking her protégée’s measure.

  She swirled the contents of her glass around. “I’ve gathered a team of investigative reporters from various SLOCO Daily divisions.” Even slurred, her voice sounded business-like. “All looking into Paxton-Brandt’s corporate malfeasance.”

  “Ha! You used ‘malfeasance’ in a sentence!” Quinn crowed, brain imploding from Helena's confession. Last whiskey for tonight. “For serious?”

  “It’s been a passion project for over a year.” Helena looked around the bar with wary eyes. “Something about Paxton-Brandt stinks. And sunlight is always the best disinfectant.” Her roving gaze landed on Quinn. “You in?”

  Quinn blinked rapidly. Just when she doubted Helena’s journalistic integrity, the woman rose like a phoenix.

  “You, me, and a crew of SLOCO Daily’s finest investigators against Evil Incorporated?” Buzzed or not, Quinn had one answer. “You had me at hello, Ms. Madden.” She raised her glass.

  Helena beamed. “Cheers!” They clinked glasses and tossed back their drinks to seal the deal.

  Much later, Quinn was on the SMAT heading home. She and Helena had sobered up talking a few more hours about this Paxton-Brandt Task Force.

  But while heading to her subway stop, Quinn realized she had to go home and sleep alone. The night terrors had returned with a vengeance, new gruesome images bleeding in from her recent misadventures. Something inside Quinn would break if she woke up screaming yet again.

  She switched onto another line to Templeton, an out-of-the-way suburb in Greater San Miguel.

  Quinn got off near Templeton High, open tonight but not for anything school-related. She found her way to the auditorium, with pale lights pouring out from within.

  Quinn hugged herself while approaching, every step weighted by apprehension.

  Reaching the open entrance, she spotted the large makeshift sign. Central SLO Superhuman Battle Survivors Group.

  Quinn’s feet welded to the ground.

  Inside, she’d have to reveal her nightmares and the near-death experiences behind them.

  Quinn didn’t know if she had the courage to be so vulnerable among strangers.


  She whirled around with a squeal. Fright became surprise, then effusive relief.

  Annie emerged from the shadows cast by Templeton High’s looming buildings, looking equally surprised. She was bundled up in a black long coat, round cheeks rosy from the cold, hair pulled back in a sleek knob with her bangs chicly sideswept.

  Quinn wanted to greet Annie, but somethin
g inside might shatter if she spoke.

  Annie’s face softened in silent understanding. She held out a hand with her flashy engagement ring. “C’mon,” she whispered.

  Quinn clutched her person’s hand like a lifeline. She immediately felt an ounce more courageous.

  The two friends entered the auditorium together, holding hands.

  Hugo, Quinn and Greyson will return in GODS of WRATH.

  Author Notes

  Hey there!

  Hope you enjoyed reading Generation Next. Another wild ride in the Pantheon universe, huh? I wanted to thank Emmy, Corine, Wanda, Carlos and everyone else who helped bring this book to life. I always want to thank you readers. Your support for the Pantheon Saga has made the journey that much more fun! Keep commenting, emailing and most importantly, keep reviewing if you enjoyed these books! Those reviews will help other folks discover the Pantheon Saga like you have!

  At this point of the series, I know many folks might have expected the adversaries to go full comic book with world-ending threats or alien invaders. Don’t worry, those kinds of stories are in the cards. However, I wanted to focus on Hugo, Greyson and Quinn as they continue evolving and moving toward their destinies.

  My initial plan after Book 2 was jump straight to where Hugo had mostly finished his training and Greyson had completed his transition into darkness. Yet so many milestones in these characters’ journeys would’ve been missed. Like Hugo and Lady Liberty’s relationship as he trains to be a hero. Or the events that pushes Greyson unwaveringly toward his new mission against superheroes. What kind of trauma Quinn had suffered after the attempts on her life in Monsters Among Men. Stuff like that. And there would need to be many flashbacks and exposition to explain how these characters got from point A to point P.

  However, I sometimes write short stories to flesh out the backstories of the main characters or the non-POV supporting characters in my full-length books. One of these shorts was from Jordana’s perspective as she gets tutored by Hugo. It also shows the fight that ended her friendship with Briseis and her hooking up with Hugo the day after, all from Jodie’s perspective. That short story was what birthed Generation Next. We see Hugo navigating his new situation as a superhero-in-training, tempering his patience on joining the good fight while making some mistakes. However, he keeps growing into his forthcoming role. He’s still an outsider in the superhero community, but has Lady Liberty and Geist’s teachings to guide Hugo toward the right choices. Then there was his girl situation—correction, situations. Showing repercussions of Hugo’s failed relationships was important. He’s a romantic at his core who wants to be monogamous. But after getting his heart broken twice, casually seeing multiple girls is his way of healing and protecting himself. Plus, Hugo knows the dangers of a serious relationship once he starts becoming a full-time hero. It’s another difficult situation he’ll have to face.


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