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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 7

by K. C. Stone

  With a satisfied smirk, I moved on to his kneecaps. As much as I wanted to really let loose, I wanted this fucker conscious for everything that was coming.

  “Did you think it was okay to kick her? To kick any of them?” I wasn’t really expecting to get an answer, and I honestly didn’t care.

  I swung the hammer at his right knee. Hammer meeting kneecap gave me a satisfying crack. I knew it made me look evil, but a small smile crept over my face when I saw the tears running down his bruised and bloody cheeks. After a few more swings, I moved to the left. He screamed, then it faded out, his head drooping. He was still conscious, but barely. I knew I was done. For now. After all, there were others who needed a turn.

  I walked to the table and set the hammer down just as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I knew before I looked at the text that it was Viper. He’d had some business to take care of before he got here. I smiled as I opened the door.

  When we turned to face the piece of shit strapped to the chair, he lifted his head. His wide eyes signaled the terror he was feeling and the fear of the pain that was soon to come. He groaned as the smell of ammonia stank up the place. The wet spot on his pants grew as he kicked out, trying to move the chair away from Viper as he closed in.

  Jackass wasn’t going anywhere except into the ground.

  Viper sauntered past the table where Sal was leaning and gave him a nod that Sal returned. Then he stalked toward the sniveling coward who stank of piss. He squeezed the man’s shattered left hand. “Did you think we were going to let you walk away?” The guy let out a whimper and some garbled words I didn’t catch. Viper must have. He got right in the asshole’s face. “You want us to take pity on you?” The guy nodded frantically. Viper sneered. “Did you take pity on Leah when you beat her? When you starved her and denied her water? Chained her to the ground? When you and your pathetic pieces of shits raped those girls?” Viper seethed, his eyes nearly black and his teeth grinding.

  Viper’s fist made solid contact with asshole’s jaw. The sound of shattering bone was deafening. The man in the chair groaned and pleaded with words we couldn’t understand. Viper didn’t stop. He kept punching until the man’s head lulled to the left and his body sagged as he blacked out. Viper just stared at the pitiful excuse for a man, like he wanted to pull his head off with his bare hands.

  I could understand that. I wanted to do the same.

  I grabbed a towel from a stack on a shelf and handed it to Viper. “Let’s go, brother. We need to get back to the girls.”

  Sal pushed away from the table. “You boys go ahead. I’ve got it from here.” Grabbing a pair of gloves, he nodded at Stefan, then at asshole. “Get his pants. And wake him up.” A sadistic smile I’d never seen crossed Sal’s face. “I don’t think he’ll be needing his dick anymore.” Sal pulled out a blade.

  As Viper wiped his hands, we watched Sal walk to the wall and push a small black button. A shiny metal hook descended from the ceiling. Sal and Stefan uncuffed the piece of shit from the chair, then slid the cuffs over the hook. Stefan rubbed the guy’s chest hard, then slapped him. He jerked awake with a whine.

  Sal waved the small knife in front of his latest torture victim. “Know where I got this from?” he asked, waiting a moment for a response. “No? You don’t? Well I got this from your kitchen. Is this what you used on the girls?” Sal kept waving the blade in front of asshole’s face.

  I cleared my throat to get Sal’s attention. “Can I talk to you for a second before you get started?” He nodded and followed me and Viper out. “I’m heading back to the hospital to be with Jules while the cops talk to her. Will you be back up there tonight?”

  “Yeah. Cara should be up soon. I’m going to finish here first and clean up.” I turned to head back up the stairs and Sal caught my arm. “Thanks again for taking care of my little girl. It would have taken me longer to find her without you and your brothers, and who knows what could’ve happened. I can’t thank you enough.”

  I swallowed hard. “I love her. She’s my world.” I climbed the stairs, meeting up with Viper. My phone buzzed again. It was Tech. “What’s up, brother?”

  “The pictures from the walls have all been burned, like you said. But shit, Dom, he has online photo albums. Fuck, there’s all kinds of nasty stuff on there.”

  If it was possible for a brain to explode from rage, there would’ve been pieces of mine all over the wall. I forced myself to calm down enough to talk. “Try to find anything he’s posted and yank it down. Then take all of his computers back to the clubhouse. Go ahead and go through them, and I’ll be there to look at them later. Any news on where we might find this prick?”

  “We’ve got some leads. A possible porthouse at the dock and a couple others. We have the boys looking into it now. But I don’t have anything solid. Yet. I will, though.”

  I nodded as Viper and I walked outside. “Thanks, man. Call when you do.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I ended the call and hopped on my bike, riding side by side with Viper back to the clubhouse to clean up, then on to the hospital. I felt a little more at ease knowing my girl was safe. But that didn’t cool the rage burning in my gut.

  The fuckers who’d done this to her and the other girls were gonna pay.

  When I got back to Jules’ room, she was sleeping peacefully. I smoothed a soft kiss to her forehead and sat in the chair next to her. Thank fuck I’d had time to clean up and still gotten back before she woke up. I never wanted that part of my life to touch her. Ever. Irritation flared, knowing that her father’s lifestyle had already bled into hers. I gently brushed her hair out of her face, and she let out a sigh. She grasped my hand and opened her eyes, greeting me with a smile that was so bright it chased the devil away.

  Sitting up in her hospital bed, she traced a finger over my stubbly jaw. “Did you take care of everything you needed to?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. The relief in her eyes made my gut clench. Grasping her hands, I kissed her bruised knuckles. It wasn’t possible to love someone more than I loved her. It was time to let her know exactly how I felt. It was a lot easier than I’d thought it’d be. “Just so you’re aware, you’re marrying me after you get out of here.” I grinned as her eyes widened. “I’m putting a ring on your finger and never letting go.”

  I teared up thinking I might have lost her. The images of what she’d looked like when we found her still haunted me and would until the day I died. I didn’t care if anyone thought I was weak. When it came to her, everything I felt was amplified.

  Jules smiled up at me, her eyes glimmering.

  “What’re you thinking?” I asked, hoping her smile meant she was on board with my plan.

  “I was just thinking again about how the big, bad biker turned out to be the perfect Prince Charming.”

  I kissed her hand and winked. “Well, baby, I told you what my daddy always said. Every princess needs a prince, even if he does ride a Harley instead of a horse,” I said with a smirk.

  She laughed, the sound striking me in my chest and seizing my heart.



  The cops didn’t stay long. They got statements from all us girls as quickly as possible, not wanting to upset us any more than we already were. They got the rest from the doctor’s photos, notes, and lab results.

  The doctor said I could get out of here tomorrow. They wanted to keep me overnight again for observation. The thought of being home filled me with warmth. For a while, I never thought I’d get to be back home again.

  A knock on the door grabbed my attention. I swiveled and saw Storm’s nervous smile.

  “Come in.” I sat up in the bed. “How are you feeling?” Her smile disappeared and her lips trembled. The answer wasn’t going to be good. “Come here.” I patted the bed next to me.

  She contemplated it for a minute before hobbling over and climbing on the bed next to me, dragging her metal pole with all those bags on it. She curled into me and I gently ran my hand down her long hair
and held her. No words were needed. Finally, she fell asleep. I hoped maybe having someone who cared with her would keep the nightmares away.

  I must have drifted off. I woke to Dom rubbing my arm. I looked over at Storm sleeping.

  Dom eyed her with a sad smile. “Hey, baby. How’s she doing?”

  I brushed Storm’s bangs out of her face. “I think this is the best she’s slept in a long time,” I whispered. I hadn’t wanted to wake her, but she jerked upright, her eyes wide. I rushed to reassure her. “Storm, it’s okay, sweetie.” Her gaze went to Dom and she stiffened, shaking.

  He stepped back, his face understanding. “I won’t hurt you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  With a slight nod, she relaxed somewhat. But tension still tightened her muscles.

  I tried to reinforce what Dom had said. “Storm, Dom only wants to help. I promise.”

  “Why don’t you ladies rest some more, okay? I’ll be back.” Dom leaned down and kissed my forehead. “One of the brothers is at the door in case you need him. Love you, babe.”

  I held Storm tighter as she cuddled into my side. “Love you too.”


  I left the room determined to do something to help that poor girl. I hunted down the doctor caring for the girls. Doc had been with the club for five years, ever since we’d needed a doctor after a particularly rough fight. Tech had brought him in. He’d been a part of us ever since.

  I nodded to him and he followed me into an alcove. “Doc, what’s the update on Storm?”

  Running his hand down the back of his head, he gripped his neck. “She has a long road ahead. They worked her over good. But with time and therapy, I think she’ll recover. The biggest problem right now is getting people near her without spooking her. I have only female nurses working with her. She finally let me examine her, as long as they were present. That’s normal, though, for someone who has endured that much trauma.”

  My fists clenched as I thought about what they’d done. “How long are you keeping her?”

  “I’d like to do inpatient therapy for a couple of weeks. Then she can be released. But that concerns me. She doesn’t have family who can bring her to sessions or give her support. Being alone is out of the question in her state of mind.”

  “What if she stayed with me and Jules? It might be good for her to have Jules nearby.”

  His eyes narrowed. “That might work. It will be difficult, Dom. Can you handle it?”

  “Absolutely. You just tell me what she needs and we’ll do it.”

  We talked for a few more minutes, and he said he’d get us all the information we needed. My mind settled. Storm would have a chance to heal in a safe place. I headed back to Jules’ room and my phone rang. Duke. He wanted me to come by and he sounded serious. I popped my head in and told Jules I’d be back in an hour, then ran downstairs and jumped on my bike. Duke had never asked me for anything, and with me already being on edge, I couldn’t help but worry.

  Pulling down the alley, I called out to Duke.

  Stepping out from behind the dumpster, he smiled. “Dom, I’m glad you came. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”

  I pointed to the makeshift bench next to his stuff and we both sat down. “Why didn’t you reach out sooner, brother?”

  “I know you just found your girl, and I didn’t want to intrude.” He cleared his throat.

  “Man, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have found her. Whatever you need, you got it.”

  Duke looked down at his fingers. Whatever it was, it must’ve been hard for him to ask.

  Finally he looked up at me. “I’ve been thinking since your lady was taken, that someday I want that, ya know? Not the kidnapping thing, but the love you guys have.” He smiled, a faraway look on his weathered, yet handsome face. He was actually so much younger than he looked. “I want to be whole again, and finally be free. I want to maybe help others one day.” He took a deep, ragged breath. Shame and sadness clouded his eyes. “I mean, I need help, brother. I want off the streets. I just don’t know how.”

  I could swear I stopped breathing. I’d been waiting for this moment since I’d met Duke. I grinned and hopped up. “Then grab your stuff and let’s go!”

  Duke’s head jerked back in surprise. “Where are we going?”

  I put a hand on Duke’s shoulder. “I’ve been waiting for you to say those words, man. I can’t tell you for how long. I have some friends that have pulled a few strings. I have a space for you in a clinic. You can stay as long as necessary and get all the help you need.”

  “How?” he asked. I could tell he was excited but still hesitant.

  “Don’t worry about that. Just come with me.” I pulled him up and looked into his eyes.

  “Um, I don’t know, Dom. I didn’t exactly mean I wanted to go this second. What if I can’t do it?”

  “I know you can. And I’ll be there as much as you need me. Duke, you are not alone.”

  Duke heaved a sigh. “Okay then. Let’s go.” Resolve burned in his eyes.

  Several minutes later, I pulled up to the New Day psychiatric inpatient clinic. I started walking up to the front door when I noticed Duke was still at my bike, staring down at the ground and frozen in place.

  I walked over and put my arm around his thin shoulders. “Brother, you got this. All you need to do is take that step.” Closing my eyes, I sent up a quick prayer that this worked. “I know it has to be hard, but I got your back. And this place specializes in treating PTSD in veterans, and other war related injuries and illnesses.”

  Duke squinted up at me. “Really? But how am I gonna pay for this?”

  I gave him a squeeze and pointed him toward the door. “It’s all taken care of. And I know you have it in you. Just take the leap with me.”

  Pulling back, tears formed in Duke’s eyes. He straightened his shoulders and took the first step to a better future. After getting him settled in his room, I talked to the doctor and the rest of the staff, and gave them a rundown of his current situation. I let them know his next of kin would be me, and if they needed anything to call.

  I walked back to his room where he was putting away his stuff. “Hey, Duke, you’re all set. If you need anything just holler, okay? I’ll visit as much as possible,” I told him. Hugging him, I whispered, “Don’t worry, buddy. We’ll get you through this storm.” I felt him nod before he backed away.

  I headed out, knowing for the first time he was safe and had a chance at a better life now.



  When I walked back into Jules’ hospital room, she was sitting there laughing with Smokey. Looking around, I noticed Storm wasn’t there anymore.

  “Hey,” Jules said, beaming at me. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Hey, baby.” I kissed her forehead and sat on the bed beside her. “Where’s Storm?”

  “Smokey just walked her back to her room. She had some more testing to be done.”

  “Really?” I was surprised she’d allow that.

  Smokey smiled. “Yeah, dude, she let me be near her. She hasn’t let any of the other guys close.” He beamed at that fact. “I mean, I couldn’t touch her, but at least she didn’t see me as a threat.”

  I tossed him a smirk, “Well, you are a little puny,” I joked. “Why don’t you beat it and let me talk to my girl for a minute?”

  “Sure.” He walked toward the door. “I’ll go back to my post.”

  “Thanks, brother.” As he shut the door, I smiled. Maybe he’d be the one to get through to Storm. It looked like he was already making progress. I grabbed Jules’ hand and squeezed it.

  “What’s up?” She laid back on her pillows, stifling a yawn. “Missed you,” she mumbled.

  I brushed her hair back from her face. “You’re exhausted.”

  “I’m okay, I promise.” She could barely keep her eyes open.

  “We can talk about it later.” Her lids drooped. “You need some rest.”

  “No, no. It’
s okay. Just tell me,” she pleaded.

  I took a breath, deciding to start with Storm. “Okay, well, I was talking to the doctor, and he seems to think Storm would do better living with us when she gets released from the hospital. It won’t be for another few weeks, maybe more. After she’s had inpatient treatment.”

  I knew Jules assumed I’d stay at her apartment for a while after she was released, but when I’d said I wasn’t letting her go, I meant it. I planned to move her into my place. I just hadn’t worked up the courage to tell her yet.

  She sat up in the bed, suddenly alert. “Oh, Dom I was thinking the same thing! I was going to talk to you when you came back.” Looking down at her hands, her voice shook. “She doesn’t have anyone. We have to help her.” I brushed a stray tear from her cheek.

  “Jules, baby, don’t be upset. She’ll be okay.” I scooted closer to her. “I have something else I want to talk to you about.”

  Jules eyed me curiously. “What is it?”

  “Well, you know my vet buddy, Duke, I told you about him?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly. She knew I held a special place in my heart for him.

  “Well, he helped me find you. I don’t think I told you that, but he did. He was behind the dumpster when those bastards took you.” I gritted my teeth, trying not to think about that.

  “What?” She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. Tears filled her eyes and I brushed them away.

  “Yeah, he saw it all. Anyways, I owed him a huge solid, from even before that, and he finally called me. Baby, he wanted help. He doesn’t want to be on the street anymore. So I took him to the New Day clinic. They can help him and give him a second chance. Because if anyone deserves it, Duke does.”

  “Dom, you’re such an amazing man.” More tears rolled down her cheeks. “I thank God every day that I have you.”

  “Same here, baby.” I brushed the back of my hand down her face. “I want you to get some sleep, okay? I need to go meet with the brothers.” Laying her back into bed, I arranged her pillows and tucked her in. “Want me to see if your mom wants to come in?”


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