Once Upon a Cowboy

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Once Upon a Cowboy Page 16

by Rachel Lacey

  The basket lurched as it began to move, and she put the camera away, reaching on instinct for her phone. She held it out and snapped a selfie of them, snuggled up next to each other with the blur of the fairgrounds behind them, carefree smiles on their faces. She leaned in to press a kiss against his cheek, snapping another selfie as she did so, not even noticing that she had turned the scarred side of her face toward the camera.


  “Ice cream?” Jake asked Megan as they strolled past the row of food trucks. They’d just finished eating an early lunch of chicken and waffles, a staple of his upbringing that Megan had never experienced before.

  “I never say no to ice cream,” she said with a smile. “But then I’ve got to get back to the table so Elle and Ruby can take a break and have some fun too.”

  “Want me to sit with you while they’re gone?”

  “Sure.” She gave him a sweet smile that seemed to melt something inside his chest. Or maybe it was something in his knees, because he felt a little wobbly as he stared into the sparkling depths of her cinnamon eyes. “Your brochures are on our table, after all.”

  He led the way toward the ice cream stand, which miraculously didn’t have much of a line.

  She gripped his hand. “Oh look, it’s the kind where they dip your cone in that chocolate shell.”

  He loved this side of her, the happy, carefree woman who forgot to hide her face behind the curtain of her hair. “I haven’t had that since I was a kid.”

  “It’s my absolute favorite.”

  They made their way to the front of the line and ordered two chocolate-dipped cones, which they licked as they crossed the field toward the vendor tables to relieve Ruby and Elle.

  “Oh, I meant to tell you,” Megan said, grinning as he swiped a dot of ice cream off her nose. “There was a woman at our table this morning who was interested in Barnaby. Who knows if she’ll follow through, but if you’re interested in him, you should let me know soon.”

  “Hmm.” He crunched through the chocolate shell, taking a big bite of his ice cream. These things were messier to eat than he remembered. Already, he had melted ice cream running over his hand. “I hadn’t really given it much thought yet.”

  “I figured you hadn’t, but just a heads up.”

  “Thanks.” His gut reaction was to tell her to let the woman go ahead and adopt Barnaby if she followed through. But he’d enjoyed the company the last few days. Barnaby was a quiet, well-behaved dog, maybe just what he was looking for in a barn companion. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay.” She gave his hand a squeeze.


  He turned at the familiar voice to find the Robertsons walking toward them, and a funny feeling raced through his gut, replacing the usual pleasure of seeing them with something much more…uncomfortable. Because even though he’d talked to them about his relationship with Megan, introducing them to her definitely felt awkward.

  But there was no way around it now. Thankfully, Tina saved the moment as she was so good at. “You must be Megan,” she said warmly, extending a hand. “I’m Tina Robertson, and this is my husband, Walt.”

  “Of course,” Megan said. “It’s nice to meet you. Jake’s told me so much about you both.”

  “Likewise.” Tina abandoned her handshake and pulled Megan in for a gentle hug. “He’s like family to us.”

  Megan darted a glance in his direction. “I know it must be hard to see him with someone else.”

  “It is.” Tina’s smile fell, her eyes going glossy. “Alana couldn’t have asked for a more loving and devoted husband. We’re so blessed to have him in our lives.”

  Jake felt an uncomfortable squeeze in his chest. After his own turbulent childhood, he wasn’t sure where he’d be today if he hadn’t met the Robertsons. “That feeling is definitely mutual.”

  “I haven’t seen you at church,” Walt said to Megan. “Have you found a place to worship since you moved to Towering Pines?”

  “I’m Jewish,” she told him. “And yes, I’ve visited the nearest synagogue, although it’s a bit of a drive from Towering Pines. Everyone has been very welcoming.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Walt said with a polite smile.

  “Well, we won’t keep you guys,” Tina said. “But I’m so glad we bumped into you.”

  “It was great to see you,” Jake told her.

  “You too, honey.” She pulled him in for a brief hug, and then they were on their way.

  “That went surprisingly well,” Megan said, returning her attention to her half-melted ice cream as they started walking again.

  “It’s not surprising if you know them. They’re pretty great people.”

  “I’m glad you have them,” she said. “And I’m glad to have met them.”

  They made their way back to the table and took over for Ruby and Elle, who headed off into the crowd for lunch and a break. He and Megan finished their ice cream cones and rinsed their hands from the jug of water under the table for the dogs. Barnaby settled at his feet, tail thumping happily against the grass.

  “You know, maybe I will put in an adoption application for him,” Jake said, surprising even himself. Maybe it was time for someone—or something—permanent in his life, and Barnaby seemed like a good place to start.

  “Well, spoiler alert, but I have some pull at the shelter,” Megan told him with a delighted grin. “So, if you want him, he’s yours. In fact, we can tell Priya right now if you want.” She gestured toward the woman sitting at the next table, speaking to a family with two small children who were fawning over a gray and white spotted cat in a cage.

  Jake looked down at the dog at his feet. “Yeah, you know, why not? He’s proved his skills as a farm dog the last few days, and he’s good company too. I’d be glad to call him mine.”

  It was late by the time they made it back to the castle, and Megan was exhausted, but it was the good kind of tired, the kind that left a smile on her face, no matter how weary.

  “Stay over tonight?” Jake asked as his truck approached the fork in the drive separating the farmhouse from the main castle.

  “Yeah.” She had enough of her things stashed at his place now that it was an easy decision logistically, and after spending two nights alone in her bed at the castle, she was craving his company tonight. “I’d like that.”

  “So would I.” He reached over and gripped her thigh, his fingers warm and strong. A thrill ran through her system at the contact. Yeah, it had been too long since she’d been in his bed. Two nights too long.

  Which meant, what? She wanted to spend every night in Jake’s bed? She swallowed over the uncomfortable realization, because she was a woman who liked her space, her independence. Apparently, love made her a clingy sap.

  “You okay?” he asked as he pulled up in front of the farmhouse.

  “Just tired.” She pressed her hand over his.

  “It was a long day.”

  “A big day for this guy.” She turned to look at Barnaby, who was passed out on the backseat. “I guess getting adopted is exhausting.”

  “You’ll need two new foster dogs now.”

  “Yeah.” That thought was somewhat exhausting too. Constantly bringing in new dogs to foster was equal parts exciting and overwhelming. The new dogs always took time to adjust. But then, she looked at Barnaby again. She’d never gotten to see this part before, one of her foster dogs after his or her adoption. It filled her heart with warmth. This was exactly what they’d set out to accomplish with their Fairy Tails program. “I’m glad I’ll still get to see Barnaby around. He’s a great dog.”

  “He is. But he’s not the only one I’m glad to have around.” He squeezed her fingers.

  “No?” she asked, hating the neediness she heard in her voice.

  “I’ve grown pretty fond of you both, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “I noticed,” she whispered.

  He parked the truck in front of the farmhouse. When they made it inside, Jake pushed her u
p against the wall in the hallway, his lips covering hers. “Missed this.”

  “It’s only been two days,” she breathed, her breasts pressed against the firm wall of his chest.

  “Two very long days.” He gripped her ass, angling her hips so that they met his, letting her feel how much he’d missed her. “Missed you in my bed.”

  “Is that all?” She gasped as he nipped at her neck.

  He drew back to stare into her eyes, his expression serious even as his eyes blazed with heat. “Not nearly all. I missed you in my arms, on my couch, at the breakfast table. I missed talking to you and looking at your photos and hearing about your day.”

  “Oh.” Her heart did some kind of acrobatics in her chest that left her dizzy. “I thought you might enjoy some peace and quiet.”

  “I’ve had all the peace and quiet I want for this lifetime.” His hands slid beneath her shirt, skimming up her back to the hook of her bra. “It would suit me just fine if you wanted to move the rest of your stuff down here to the farmhouse.”

  “Wait. What?” She froze, her eyes locked on his.

  He bent his head to kiss her, his lips pressing firmly against hers. “Move in with me.”


  “If you want to, of course,” he said, continuing to kiss her as his hands unhooked her bra and swept around to palm her breasts. “But I’d love to have you and Barnaby here with me all the time.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just think about it.” His thumbs slid over her nipples, his rough skin creating the most beautiful friction that had her boneless with need.

  Move in with me.

  She’d never lived with a man before, never even really considered it. But this man…

  He lifted her, carrying her to the couch, where he lowered her to the leather upholstery, pressing her into it as he worked open her jeans, hands and mouth everywhere. To think he was a virgin last month. Now, he handled her with confidence and expertise as he stroked her with his fingers before sheathing himself in a condom.

  “Yes,” she moaned as he pushed inside.

  “You got it, baby.” He withdrew and thrust again, filling her completely. “Anything you want. Everything you want.”

  “Yes,” she said again, eyes sliding shut with pleasure, not sure if she was answering his question or just responding to his touch. Maybe both.

  “One of my favorite words,” he growled, hips beginning to move in a steady rhythm as his hands continued to work her body. “So good. Fuck, yes.”

  She melted into the upholstery as desire built inside her, a smile curving her lips at his commentary. Jake was talkative during sex, vocal about his pleasure, and she loved it, loved every single thing about him. They moved together sloppily, hands grasping as they both drew closer to their release. She gripped his ass, attempting to draw him even deeper inside her.

  “I’ve got you,” he murmured, bringing one of his hands between them to stroke her clit as his hips pounded into her.

  “Yes.” And then she was coming. Tears leaked from her eyes as release washed through her, causing her whole body to tense and then go limp beneath him.

  Jake groaned as he found his own release. “Can’t get enough of this.” He dropped his head, his lips meeting hers for a messy kiss. “Can’t get enough of you.”

  “I love you.” The words tumbled out without her permission, and her body went from limp with pleasure to tense in the span of one frantic beat of her heart.

  Jake froze, his brown eyes meeting hers, questions swirling in their languid depths.

  “I mean, I’d love to move in with you,” she said quickly, but it did nothing to negate what she’d already said.

  He was silent for a long time, chest heaving against hers, one hand beneath her ass, the other braced against the couch. “I love you too.”

  All the air rushed from her lungs. “What?”

  He rolled them so he could lay beside her. “I hadn’t really thought about it yet, but I do. It’s why this house felt so empty and lonely the last two days. I love being with you every moment of the day because I love you, Megan.”

  “Oh.” More tears slid over her cheeks, and she swiped at them with the palm of her hand as Jake drew her closer against him.

  “Definitely wasn’t expecting to hear those words from you tonight,” he murmured. “Especially after you balked at moving in with me.”

  “I didn’t balk,” she whispered, closing her eyes against the emotions welling up inside her. What was happening? How had they gone from a fun day at the fair to him asking her to move in with him and her blurting out that she loved him?

  “So, is that a yes, then?” His hand stroked her hair.

  “Yes.” She opened her eyes, meeting his. “I’ll move in with you.”

  His lips curved in a wide smile. “You just made me a very happy man.”

  “Really?” Her brain was definitely operating at a slower speed than her mouth tonight.

  “Really. Don’t move.” He hitched his jeans into place and walked into the bathroom.

  She’d almost forgotten they were still mostly dressed and crammed together on the couch in the living room. She righted her own clothes and then Jake was back. He scooped her effortlessly into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Barnaby followed, tail wagging. He settled onto a large dog bed in the corner.

  “A dog bed?” Megan asked, heart melting that Jake had already started buying him things before he’d even adopted him.

  “Helps to keep him out of mine,” he told her before cracking another smile. “But he still winds up here at some point during the night.”

  She blinked up at him, seeing their future so clearly, living and working together here at Rosemont Castle, sharing this bed every night. It was everything she could have ever imagined for herself, so why did the thought terrify her? Everything was happening so fast. Too fast? Had Jake really finished healing? Had she?

  Jake sat astride Duchess as she moved around the ring at an easy jog. Mr. Nichols watched from the other side of the fence, phone held high as he recorded a video to send his daughter. The horse moved briskly, ears pricked, eager and excited to be working in the ring. He nudged her with his heels, lifting the reins, and she broke into a lope. The sound of her hooves drumming against the hard-packed earth filled his ears.

  She made his job easy. Too easy? He did enjoy the thrill of a more challenging horse, but right now, she was making him look good in front of a client, and he really couldn’t complain about that. After a few minutes, Mr. Nichols put the phone away and leaned against the fence, a satisfied smile on his face.

  Jake eased Duchess to a walk and approached him. “What do you think?”

  “I think she’s one of the most gorgeous creatures I’ve ever seen, and you’ve done a fine job with her,” Mr. Nichols said.

  “Thank you. It helps having a horse like Duchess to work with.” Jake leaned down to rub her neck, and Duchess bobbed her head enthusiastically. “I think she’s ready to move to your barn, with me returning for a series of training sessions while Kassie rides her, as we discussed.”

  “I agree,” Mr. Nichols said with a nod. “I’ll arrange for her transport this week. Are you looking for more work?”

  “I am,” Jake said, feeling his posture straighten in anticipation of whatever his client might be about to offer. He desperately needed more work, and a referral from Mr. Nichols could be invaluable.

  A series of loud, sharp barks rang out across the field, followed by a scream, and then Bug was running straight toward them, lead line trailing from her halter, bouncing off her flank and further frightening her. Jake had been peripherally aware that Megan was in the process of bringing Bug into the barn, as she often did, but something had obviously gone wrong. A vise clamped over his chest as he remembered her scream.

  “Whoa, Bug,” he called to the panicked horse, his attention divided between her and Duchess, who fidgeted nervously beneath him. Duchess was a solid horse
, but she was young and green, and Bug’s alarm could easily become contagious. “Easy, girl. Easy, Duchess,” he murmured, shifting in the saddle to keep himself centered as she danced sideways.

  Mr. Nichols flattened himself against the fence as Bug raced closer. Jake guided Duchess toward the center of the ring, talking soothingly to her as her ears flicked in unease. Megan came around the corner of the barn, looking stricken but—as far as he could see—unharmed. Thank God. At the last moment, Bug dodged to the side, avoiding collision with the fence, and galloped down the lane toward the main castle.

  “There you go,” Jake murmured to Duchess. “Nothing to worry about. You okay?” he called to Megan.

  She nodded, hands clasped around her waist. “One of Elle’s foster dogs got loose and scared Bug, and she bolted. I couldn’t hold on to her.”

  “Okay. Don’t panic.” He dismounted Duchess and led her toward the fence. “She probably hasn’t gone far. Let me get Duchess settled, and we’ll go find her.”

  “I can handle Duchess,” Mr. Nichols said, stepping forward, “if you want to go after your runaway horse.”

  Jake hesitated. Duchess was Mr. Nichols’s horse after all. He owned several other horses, and although he generally had staff who helped him in the barn, Jake didn’t doubt the man could cool down and untack a horse if necessary. Duchess would be fine with him, except it still made Jake feel somewhat inadequate to hand her off like this, especially when Mr. Nichols had been on the verge of offering him a referral for a new client. He extended the reins. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  “Not a problem. I’d enjoy spending some time with her.” Mr. Nichols took his horse and led her toward the barn.

  With that taken care of, Jake went to the feed room for a bucket and some grain and then strode after Megan in the direction Bug had gone. Irritation rose inside him, not directed at Megan, but at the situation in general. Hopefully he hadn’t lost his shot with Mr. Nichols. He caught up with her halfway up the lane, cheeks flushed, jogging toward the castle.


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