His Proposed Deal

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His Proposed Deal Page 7

by Sandi Lynn

  “I’m going to show the girls around New York and then go shopping. I need to get a dress for our engagement party tomorrow.”

  “I’ll give Melanie a call over at Bergdorf’s and tell her to expect you. Whatever you find, put it on my account and don’t be shy about it. Understand me?”

  I looked up at him with a smile as I traced the outline of his lips. “Yes. I’ll go see Melanie at Bergdorf’s.”

  “Good. Now let me have that pussy before I get ready for work.” He rolled over and dipped his fingers inside me, ensuring that I was ready for him. And I was. I was always ready when he was around.


  “You must be Emma,” the tall redhead spoke. “Max described you to a tee.”

  “And you must be Melanie.”

  “If you ladies would like to come with me, I’ve pulled some dresses for you all to try on.”

  “Us?” Kara asked in shock.

  “Yes. Max said the three of you will be needing dresses for an event tomorrow.”

  Molly grabbed my arm. “He’s buying us dresses too?”

  “I guess so.”

  “I think I’m officially in love with him,” Kara swooned.

  I put up the hand with my engagement ring on it. “Back off, bitches. He’s mine.” I laughed.

  I tried on the first couple of dresses and sent a picture to Max, asking what he thought.

  “What do you think of this one?”

  “I’m not sure. Why don’t you step outside the dressing room and show me.”

  My belly fluttered at the thought that he was right outside the dressing room. I pulled back the curtain and stepped out, only to find Max sitting in the chair, staring at me.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had to work?”

  “I had a few moments to spare, so I thought I’d come here and see what you girls were up to.”

  “Well?” I asked as I did a little spin.

  “It looks great on you, but I don’t think it’s the right dress for the party.”

  I walked back into the dressing room and slipped into a long, off-white silk strapless gown embellished with beads around the waistline and knew instantly it was the one. I smiled before stepping out and showing Max.

  “Wow. You look sexy as fuck in that dress.” He smiled.

  Molly and Kara took one look at me and their mouths dropped. “That’s the one, Emma.”

  “I know. I do love it.”

  Max got up from the chair and walked over to me, placing his hand on my waist and kissing my cheek. “I have to go. I love that dress. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Are we hanging out tonight?” I asked.

  “Nah. You spend the night with your friends. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I said with a bit of sadness. I sighed as he walked away.

  I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pain inside because I so badly wanted to see him later. Not only for sex because my body craved his, but because I loved spending time with him. Molly and Kara found the perfect dresses and Melanie was going to have them delivered to the apartment tomorrow morning.

  “Are you seeing Max tonight?” Kara asked.

  “No. He told me to hang with you guys and he’ll see me tomorrow.”

  “So what should we do tonight? It’s a Friday night in New York City.” Molly smiled.

  Kara had her nose buried in her phone as she let out a small scream. “How far is Bowery Ballroom from your apartment?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “Guess who’s playing there tonight?”

  “Who?” Molly asked in suspense.

  “High Five!”

  “Shut the fuck up! That indie band from Miami?”

  “Yes! Looks like we’re going to see them tonight, ladies!” Molly expressed.

  “The lead singer, Lucas, is so hot. I think he had a thing for you, Emma.”

  “He did not.” I waved my hand.

  Kara hooked her arm in mine. “So him buying you every drink that night in Miami didn’t mean anything?”

  “Please. I’m sure he buys all the girls drinks.”

  “He didn’t buy ours.” Molly frowned.


  Getting ready to go out, Kara squealed as her phone rang. It was the salon calling. After hanging up, she jumped up and down, saying she got the job, and they wanted her to start in two weeks. Not too long after, Molly received the same call.

  “This calls for some serious celebrating tonight!” Kara announced.

  I was so excited that my friends had secured jobs and they would moving to New York City. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Max.

  “Guess what? Molly and Kara got the jobs at the salon!”

  I set my phone down and finished doing my hair and makeup. He never replied. I slipped into my slim-fitting black jeans and my new black embellished trapeze cami. As I took one last look in the mirror, I put on my black four-inch heel strappy sandals and grabbed my clutch, ready to let loose to the music from the band, High Five.

  As the cab dropped us off in front of the Bowery Ballroom, we stepped inside and took note of the crowd of people hovering in front of the stage, waiting for the show to start. Off to the side was a private seating area where I saw a familiar face. Ugh, it was Fiona. She stood up when she saw me and walked over.

  “Hey,” she spoke.

  “Hey, Fiona. I would like you to meet my friends, Molly and Kara. This is Max’s sister, Fiona.”

  Surprisingly, she gave them a friendly smile and then proceeded to ask me a question.

  “You like High Five?”

  “Yeah. We saw them a couple of times in Miami. Great band.”

  “They’re one of my favorites. I can’t believe you know of them. That’s pretty cool.”

  “If you play your cards right, little sister, maybe Emma can introduce you to the lead singer.” Molly smiled.

  “What? You know Lucas Wayne?”

  “We talked a few times after the shows back in Miami.”

  “Oh my God. That is so awesome. Hey, there’s an extra table next to mine if you’d like to sit there.”

  “You mean in the private section?” I asked in confusion as to why she was suddenly being so nice.

  “Yeah. When I found out they were coming to New York, I reserved a couple of tables. The Hamilton name can get you anything.”

  “Thanks, Fiona. That’s very sweet of you.”

  We followed her to the black table and chairs that sat on the side of the stage.

  “Best seats in the house.” She smiled.

  She introduced me to her posse and she picked up a glass of wine.

  “You’re not twenty-one. How did you get that?”

  “Like I said, the Hamilton name can get you anything.”

  Kara, Molly, and I took our seats at the next table and ordered our own drinks. Fiona and her friends looked way older than seventeen and it made me wonder if her parents or Max knew she was here. As Kara and Molly got up to go find the restroom, Fiona sat down next to me.

  “Hey, I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you. I know your engagement to Max is fake and I didn’t want to like you and then you disappear.”

  I was stunned. “Our engagement isn’t fake. Why would you say that?”

  “I’m not stupid, Emma. I know my brother, and he will never settle down. He’s doing this to get his trust fund.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I began to get nervous.

  “It’s okay. I won’t say anything to anyone, and if he truly loved you and was going to marry you, why would he have taken Christine to the ballet tonight?”

  I couldn’t comprehend what she had said because a feeling of hurt washed over me. “He went to the ballet tonight?”

  “You didn’t know?” She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture she secretly took of the two of them leaving his apartment building. He was dressed in a tux and she was in a long red gown.

  “Does he know
you took that?”

  “No. I had Lizzy’s driver stop by there on the way here so I could pick up a bracelet that I’d left there a couple of weeks ago, and that’s when I saw him and Christine leaving. I saw the tickets sitting on his kitchen counter and I assumed he was taking you.”

  “So who is this Christine?” I asked.

  “A girl he’s dated on and off. I’m sorry, Emma.”

  I put on my fake smile. “Don’t be sorry. You’re right, I’m doing Max a favor and, in return, he’s helping me out. Please don’t tell anyone and please don’t tell him you saw me here tonight.”

  “I won’t. Don’t worry and your secret is safe with me. I love my brother and I hate what my parents have done to make him do this. Max is an amazing guy and brother, but he just can’t settle for one girl. I guess you could say he takes after our dad. I’m sure he’s told you about my dad’s affairs.”

  “Yeah. He’s mentioned it.”

  Kara and Molly arrived back at the table just in time for the opening band to start playing. Fiona went back to her table and I sat there, upset and jealous that Max took that girl to the ballet instead of me. He broke our rule of not seeing anyone until our engagement was over. That sorry son of a bitch. Now I was pissed as hell. I slipped my ring off my finger and put it in my purse.

  The opening band ended and, finally, High Five took the stage. We all stood up from our seats in the private seating area and started shouting and waving our hands. Wow, did Lucas look good up there. He had on a pair of dark wash jeans and a black muscle shirt that showed off his muscular arms. His brown hair, which had once been longer, was now cut short on the sides with a longer top that he swept over to the side, enhancing his already dreamy brown eyes. He ran across the stage as he sang the first song. Once the song was over, he and the band talked to the crowd, telling us how awesome New York City is. Fiona stood on her chair and screamed his name. When he turned to look at her, his eyes met mine and a wide smile splayed across his face. He pointed at me and winked. Molly reached over and grabbed my arm in excitement.

  “This next song is a song I wrote after spending a few hours with a girl named Emma. It’s called “Whoever She Is.” He strummed his guitar. The crowd went crazy. Fiona ran over to me.

  “Oh my effin’ God! That is one of my favorite songs and he wrote that about you!” she screamed.

  I took the last sip of my mojito as he sang the rest of the song. Ten songs later and their performance was finally over. As soon as they exited off the stage, one of the security guys walked up to me.

  “Are you Emma?”


  “Lucas would like to see you in the back. He said to bring your friends too.”

  “Here we go again.” Kara smiled.

  I looked over at Fiona, who had practically stopped breathing, and hooked my arm around her. “Wanna hang out with us?”

  “Really?” she asked in excitement.

  “Yeah.” I smiled as we were led to the back of the lounge and into a large room.

  When we walked through the door, Lucas turned and looked at me.

  “Hello, Emma.”

  “Hello, Lucas. You remember my friends Kara and Molly?”

  “Of course. Wasn’t there one more?”

  I laughed. “Yeah. That would be Aubrey. She’s back in Miami. I would love for you to meet my friend, Fiona Hamilton. She’s a huge fan.”

  He took her hand and brought it up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss. I thought Fiona was going to pass out.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fiona. Would you ladies like to join us down on the first level for a few drinks? On me, of course.”

  We followed the band down to the first level, where we were seated at a large table. Lucas signaled for the bartender, ordering us a round of drinks for the adults and cokes for Fiona and her friends.

  “What a surprise seeing you here in New York, Emma.”

  “I live here now. I’m attending Parsons School of Design.”

  “Very cool.” He smiled.

  We sat and talked for a couple of hours and, a few drinks later, I was really feeling the alcohol.

  “Would you like to come back to the hotel with us?”

  The offer was tempting and, for a split second, I thought about it. If Max could break the rules, then so could I.

  “She’s engaged to my brother,” Fiona proudly spoke.

  Lucas looked at me and tilted his head. “You’re engaged?”

  Thank you, Fiona. “Yeah.” I looked down.

  “Where’s your ring?”

  I reached in my purse, pulled it out, and then slipped it on my finger. “It’s a little big and I didn’t want to lose it.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me as his lips slowly parted. “I see.”

  God, he was sexy and I could see Fiona swooning over him and his band members.

  “How would you like to perform at Emma and Max’s engagement party tomorrow night?” Fiona asked.

  I just about had a heart attack as I shot her a look. What the fuck was she doing?

  “We charge a fee for performance,” Lucas said.

  “Whatever your fee is, I’ll pay double.” She smiled.

  “How old are you?” Lucas slyly asked.

  “I’m seventeen, soon to be eighteen, and I’m very wealthy, so money isn’t a problem.”

  Lucas looked at her with a grin on his face. “I think we’d love to perform tomorrow. Give me the address and time and we’ll be there.”

  Great. Fuck me right now. “We have to go, Lucas. Thank you for tonight.” I got up and grabbed Fiona by the arm. “Let’s go.”

  “See you tomorrow, Emma.” He winked.

  We walked out the doors and I stopped and looked at Fiona. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “What? They’re a great band and you love them, so why shouldn’t they play at your engagement party? Think about it, Emma. It would piss my parents off to no end and think of Max’s reaction. Wouldn’t you love to get a rise out of him, especially after taking Christine to the ballet tonight instead of you, his fiancée?”

  “I don’t play games like that, Fiona.”

  “I do, and trust me, this will be good.” Before she stepped into her limo, she turned and looked at me. “By the way, this so-called engagement is a game.” She climbed in and shut the door.

  Molly hailed us a cab and Kara put her hand on my shoulder. “That girl is something else for a seventeen-year-old. You better watch out for her.”

  I sighed as we rode back to the apartment.

  Chapter 13

  Fuck. Another hangover plagued me as I opened my eyes to my phone beeping. I reached over and grabbed it, noticing a text message from Max.

  “Where the fuck were you last night and who the hell is that guy you’re with? My sister posted a pic of you and him on Instagram.”

  Wow. Really, Max? He goes to the ballet with some skank and he has the nerve to question me? As angry as I was, I didn’t want to start an argument with him on the day of our engagement party. I didn’t owe him an explanation. It was none of his fucking business where I was or what I did. He broke the rules, not me. I didn’t reply. About an hour later, there was knock on the front door. Shit. I knew it was him. I climbed out of bed in my silk nightshirt and stumbled across the apartment. As soon as I opened the door, Max came barreling in.

  “You didn’t answer my text message!” he shouted.

  “Will you be quiet? The girls are still asleep.”

  He stood there, looking sexy as fuck and slowly shaking his head at me. The anger that consumed me was quickly being replaced by my desire for him. Shit. Shit. Shit. I knew what was about to happen. I could see the hunger in his eyes.

  “Damn you, Emma.” He walked over to me and smashed his mouth into mine, cupping each side of my face with his hands. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him as he held me up and carried me to the bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot. He lay me on the bed and I scooted up,
laying my head on the pillow as he pulled his shirt over his head and his jeans off, kicking them to the side. He stood at the end of the bed and reached up under my nightshirt, grabbing the sides of my panties and pulling them down. My eyes closed as his tongue slid up my inner thigh, teasing me and begging for more as the warmth of his breath enveloped my aching sweet spot that was filled with lust and desire for him. The wetness of his lips grazed over my clit as his fingers imprisoned my insides. Soft, sweet moans escaped him as his mouth pleasured me beyond words. The buildup was happening as my hands planted themselves on each side of his face, holding him down there until I climaxed. As much as I wanted to scream from the gratification of his talented mouth, I couldn’t because of Molly and Kara. My body tightened as my release came and I threw my head back in delight. His tongue embarked on a journey up my torso while his hands pushed up my nightshirt, exposing my breasts. Grasping the left one with his hand, his mouth worshiped my entire right breast before his lips clamped around my hardened peak, nibbling and suckling before he moved over to the next one.

  I wanted to touch him and feel his hardness in my hand before he fucked me. He scooted up closer so his mouth was hovering over mine as he looked into my eyes before softly kissing me. Reaching down and taking hold of his cock, I moved my hand firmly up and down his length as he gasped while I ran my thumb over the slickness of his engorged head.

  “I want you to ride me,” he whispered as he rolled over and pulled me on top of him, slowly pushing himself inside of me.

  I inhaled deeply as I sat up, driving him deeper inside of me. His fingers took hold of the bottom of my nightshirt and he slowly lifted it over my head, exposing my entire naked body to his eyes. As I moved in small, tight motions on his cock, his hands kneaded my breasts and tugged at my nipples before he pulled me down and took them in his mouth. The buildup was happening as I sat up and planted my hand firmly on his chest while I circled my hips and then moved back and forth, causing him to throw his head back. Grabbing my hips and holding me in place, he lifted himself and thrust in and out of me as fast as he could, sending me to the peak of another orgasm. Panting, and with my heart racing, I released myself on him as he released himself inside of me, pushing deeper with one last long stroke. I collapsed on top him and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight.


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