Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3)

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Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3) Page 5

by Honey Phillips

  “Now, little flower, time for your punishment. Since this is your first time, I will only use my hand. You will receive ten strokes and you will count each one. If you lose count, I will begin again. Do you understand?” His voice was still husky but there was no trace of compassion in it. She forced her mind to focus on his words and managed to squeak out a yes.

  Without further warning, his hand slammed down across one cheek and her bottom exploded into fire. She had never been spanked, had never felt anything like that before in her life.

  “Count,” he reminded her.

  “One,” she finally managed.

  “Very good, pet.” His voice was approving and his hand moved across the fiery sting, drawing some of the pain away.

  The next stroke was worse and she cried out but remembered to count. Each time she counted, he rewarded her with a soothing touch but by the time the fifth stroke arrived she was crying uncontrollably. His hand no longer helped to ease the pain but then his finger moved back between her legs and she slid back into arousal with dizzying speed. After each of the last five strokes, he stroked her swollen folds. Her whole body was on fire, torn between pain and arousal, her mind barely able to process the conflicting sensations. As soon as she whispered the final number, he pressed down on her clit while he drove one long finger deep inside her. Her back arched impossibly against the restraints as she screamed and came in mind-numbing convulsions.

  Cam floated on a fuzzy pink cloud. She was vaguely aware of the shelf beneath her body and of the fiery glow of her abused bottom, but they seemed very distant. A warm hand stroked her back and it felt nice—very nice—but that was distant, too. Kievan’s voice finally penetrated.

  “Little flower, answer me.”

  “Hmm?” Had he asked her something? She tried to focus but she couldn’t remember the question.

  “When did you eat last?” he asked patiently.

  She tried to wave a hand, mildly surprised when it responded. “Berries…pool…earlier,” she finally mumbled.

  A low laugh sent a pleasant shiver through her body. “I think I had better feed you before we continue with my plans for the evening.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Another low laugh and this one was even nicer since somehow she was cradled in his arms and she could feel the vibration against her chest. Sighing, she nestled closer and buried her head in his neck, breathing in his amazing scent as she drifted off to sleep.

  Kievan stared down at the small woman curled so trustingly in his arms. She was beautiful; her face was still flushed from her climax, and her body warm and soft in his embrace. Carrying her easily, he ordered food and went to place her on the bed. He felt curiously reluctant to put her down and when he tried, her arms tightened sleepily around his neck and she burrowed closer. Unwilling to dislodge her, he carried her to the couch instead, sitting down with her in his lap.

  He almost groaned as her soft ass settled on top of his erection. His cock had been aching steadily since he had seen her standing at the door, beautiful—if not obedient—in gold silk, and looking at him with that intriguing mixture of desire and defiance and fear. Having her soft body kneeling at his feet while her tempting fragrance teased him had only added to the pain. And then her reaction to his punishment—and his touch—had been even better than he had anticipated. The sight of her creamy skin reddened by his hand, her swollen folds dripping with her arousal, and her beautiful face taut with ecstasy had almost driven him to take her right there on the spanking bench. But when she collapsed into a dazed heap he managed to restrain himself. As on the previous evening, he wanted her wide awake when he entered her for the first time—no matter how much he wanted her now.

  When a quiet knock sounded at the door, he covered her with a blanket. It had never occurred to him to cover a slave before—their bodies were for his enjoyment—but the thought of exposing her naked body to anyone else angered him. A brief flash of astonishment crossed his normally impassive servant’s face before he placed the tray of food on the low table. Kievan raised a brow and the servant’s face paled. Bowing hastily, he left the room, but Kievan couldn’t sure be that he had quelled the man enough that his uncharacteristic actions wouldn’t be discussed in the servants’ quarters. He sighed and dismissed the thought; if he needed to make an example of the man, he would.

  Turning to the tempting bundle in his arms, he stroked her cheek until her eyes opened. Sleepy blue eyes stared up at him and then she smiled. His chest tightened but he ignored it.

  “Time to eat, little flower.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, but made no attempt to move. He laughed and lifted her up, keeping her in his lap while he fed her sips of a healing broth. She drank obediently but her eyelids kept fluttering closed. After the soup, he tempted her with a creamy dessert, letting her suck the rich mousse from his fingers. The feel of her warm mouth closing around his fingers as her small tongue lapped at the treat sent shockwaves straight to his cock. She wiggled against him and her nipples budded but her eyes were still heavy. As soon as he removed his fingers, her eyes closed and she turned into his chest and went to sleep.

  Despite his aching cock, he felt unexpectedly content. Apparently the Sardoran instinct to provide for his female was more deeply ingrained than he realized. His jaw tightened; she was not his female; she was his slave. Since he never allowed slaves to sleep with him, he should have her returned to her room. The idea did not appeal to him and he finally dismissed it. He intended to take her as soon as she awoke in the morning so it would be easier for him if she was already here. Decision made, he rose easily to his feet, taking care not to disturb her as he carried her to his bed and crawled in behind her.

  Chapter Six

  Once again, Cam awoke feeling warm and contented. Her back was pressed against Kievan’s front, her head was pillowed on one massive bicep while his other arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, and his heavy thigh was thrust between her legs. She sighed sleepily and nestled back against him before her mind began to replay the previous evening and her muscles tensed. Oh my god, he had spanked her—hard—and it had hurt like hell but he had also given her the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. What was wrong with her? How could she have reacted like that?

  Moving very slowly, she tried to slip out from under his arm but it immediately tightened.

  “Running away, little flower?” Kievan’s voice was a low amused rumble against her ear, and despite her humiliation, her whole body shivered. He laughed and rolled on top of her, his hips settling over hers and his chest warm and heavy on top of her. She peeked at him cautiously and caught her breath. His eyes were glowing bronze, his mouth smiling, and he had never looked more beautiful. “You won’t escape me that easily. You fell asleep before we got to the more rewarding part of the evening.”

  Her cheeks flamed as more memories surfaced and she focused her gaze on his shoulder. It was all a little vague but she thought she remembered curling into his lap while he fed her like a baby. She definitely remembered clinging to him when he tried to put her down. Was that a punishable offense? Sneaking a peek at him under her lashes, she was relieved to see that he was still smiling.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  “No need to be sorry. We’ll make it the rewarding part of the morning instead.” His gaze heated and he lowered his mouth to the sensitive skin behind her ear. Another shiver caught her. But something about his words caught her attention. She remembered the previous morning and J’Ssett’s statement. Was someone else scheduled for the morning shift? She cringed at the thought of Leeda, or worse, Xanthe, walking in on them. His mouth was still working her neck, sending ripples of excitement through her body, but she couldn’t give in to them.

  She pushed against him. “Isn’t it time for the next girl?”

  He raised his head and the smile was gone. His face was hard. “And what if it is?”

  “In that case you don’t need me. Let me go.” She struggled hard
er but she might as well as have been pushing a boulder uphill.

  “You are forgetting that I make that decision, not you.”

  Pain settled into her chest but she ignored it and kept pushing against him. He grabbed her hands, pulled them over her head, and studied her face.

  “You were much sweeter last night. I think I preferred it. Do you have to be punished to bring out your sweetness?” His voice was lazy, his eyes anything but, and Cam froze. Protests filled her brain but she could feel her pussy dampening. Trying to hide the unsettling combination of fear and desire, she glared at him. His hand immediately grasped her chin. “I believe that we had this discussion already, my pet. Remove that look from your face.”

  Her mouth trembled but she pushed up her chin defiantly. His eyes flared.

  “Very well.”

  Before she could react, he grasped her hand and stretched it above her head. Despairingly, she felt the cuff snap into place against the headboard. Her other arm followed and she curled her hands around the gold frame, the cold metal turning warm and damp under her nervous grasp. The position arched her back so that her breasts thrust upward and she realized miserably that her nipples had already tightened into rigid peaks. Kievan cupped her breasts in his large warm hands and stroked his thumbs across the taut buds. Her eyes closed as the sensation swept through her.

  “That’s a much better look,” he whispered, and continued the slow tantalizing strokes. She tried, she really tried, to glare at him, but instead her back arched higher as she attempted to press harder into his hands. Instead he removed his hands completely.

  “Not yet, pet. You will take what I want to give you when I want to give it to you.” His voice was amused and the glare came back. He shook his head. “I see you still have much to learn.”

  His hands slid down her legs and she watched in horror as he released fine gold chains from the posts at the end of the bed. By the time he was finished, she was spread-eagled on top of the bed, her legs raised and spread, her body completely exposed to him, and uneasily aware that she was getting extremely aroused.

  Kievan looked at her for a long moment, the bronze swirls melting in his eyes. “Beautiful, pet. Now you’re ready for whatever I choose to do.” The heat in his gaze caused an answering flare of heat in her already tingling body. He covered her with his body and she almost moaned at the feel of his warm skin surrounding her. She did moan when he returned to her neck and resumed nibbling on the sensitive flesh as if nothing had interrupted him. When he raised his head and looked at her, she licked her lips, desperately wanting his kiss but unwilling to ask.

  He smiled, and it wasn’t a cruel smile, but instead of kissing her lips, he slid down and drew a swollen nipple into his mouth with a sudden shocking intensity. Her back arched again and he suckled harder, the wet heat of his mouth sending her senses spinning. He scraped his teeth across the sensitive tip and she shuddered. He raised his head, gave her the same lazy smile, and moved to the other breast. Even expecting it this time, the sensation was no less shocking and no less exciting. Her hips rocked up the short distance they could move, seeking to increase the contact between her swollen cleft and his warm, hard body. He growled and she almost sobbed with relief as his massive cock slid against her swollen lips, spreading them open, but then his body lifted and she cried out.

  “What are your duties, my pet?” he rumbled.

  The words broke into the fog of desire and she opened her eyes. He was wearing the cold implacable look again. Her body quivered but she bit her lip and refused to answer. His eyes darkened and he shook his head. “Stubborn pet.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she managed, and thought she saw the hint of a lip curl before he moved back down her body.

  This time he settled further down between her legs. He paused and she shivered, uncomfortable and excited as he studied every inch of her exposed flesh. “Just like a flower, my pet, all pretty and pink,” he whispered, and then his tongue traced the length of her slit. If she had been able to move she would have rocked clean off the bed at the overwhelming pleasure.

  “Mmm. You are even sweeter here,” he murmured, and she shuddered as his voice vibrated against her sensitive flesh. Slowly and torturously he explored her trembling folds, stroking up one side of her clit and down the other, teasing the entrance to her pussy but never going inside. Every nerve in her body was on fire and she writhed against his mouth. He added a finger, slipping it into the tight entrance to her pussy. She almost came but it wasn’t quite enough.

  “Please.” She heard the desperation in her voice but she didn’t care. She needed to come.

  His mouth stilled and he looked up at her face. “What are your duties, my pet?”

  She hesitated and his finger curled inside her, stroking a spot that made her squirm with pleasure. He paused again and this time the words came out, trembling but without any hesitation. “To obey you. To please you.”

  “Very good, little flower.” His mouth fastened over her clit, sucking it into the heated depths of his mouth just as his finger curled again. She screamed and came in a flood of ecstasy, his tongue sweeping her over and over again, prolonging the orgasm until the last ripples died away. Her eyes opened when his mouth finally left. She expected him to release her but instead he moved up her body, his eyes blazing.

  “Kievan,” she whispered.

  “Yes, little flower?”

  “Are you going to let me go?”

  “Not yet.”

  She gulped and tried not to panic as she felt the broad head of his cock nudging her pussy entrance. Even though she had seen how big he was, he felt even larger pressed against the tiny opening.

  “Kievan,” she tried again.

  “Little flower, this is not a time for conversation,” he growled, but he stopped and looked at her.

  “It’s just…” She wasn’t even sure how to tell him. “It’s just been a really long time. I’m scared.”

  His eyes didn’t lose their heat but his face softened. “Don’t worry, pet. I promise you’ll always enjoy it when I fuck you.”

  A shiver trembled up her spine, but before she could respond, his mouth dropped over hers. Instead of his usual demanding kiss, he teased her, his tongue stroking her lips, playing with the seam between them until she parted them eagerly. She could taste her juices mixed with his amazing taste, and her arousal flared. He sucked on her bottom lip and nibbled on the top, flicking his tongue teasingly into her mouth until she pressed against him. His tongue surged deeper, sweeping in and out of her mouth until she was panting.

  His hips moved and she felt massive head of his cock slip into the tight entrance of her pussy, stretching her around him. She gasped into his mouth and he stilled, letting her adjust, while his tongue resumed the urgent rhythm. Now she was impatient for more but he didn’t move. She thrust her hips up the small amount allowed by the chains and he roared and buried himself completely inside her. The feeling shocked her, overwhelmed her. She was split open, stretched wide around him, nerves she didn’t know existed firing in a pleasure so intense it was almost pain.

  “So tight, little flower,” he groaned, his mouth against her neck. He held himself in check, his body rigid against hers, again waiting for her to adjust. She was full, so full, but suddenly she wanted more. Her hips moved again and he responded, pulling out slowly and then thrusting back in, gradually increasing the pace. Held by the chains, all she could do was take him as he surged deeper and harder. She felt every thrust, her body on fire with pleasure, and then he changed his angle to stroke even deeper inside her and she shattered, crying out his name as she convulsed around him. As soon as she did, his pace intensified. He pounded into her helpless body for an endless moment before he groaned and seemed to grow even larger, before he thrust against the end of her channel, before he came inside her in a hot flood that sent her into a second spasm.

  His big body covered her and she pulled mindlessly against the chains, wanting her arms to be free so she
could hold on to him. To her surprise they released immediately and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Aftershocks trembled through her body and she could feel him inside her each time her pussy convulsed. He was heavy but his warm weight felt good and she buried her face in his neck and smiled.

  Kievan waited for his pulse to slow and his heart to stop pounding. His little female was even better than he had anticipated—lush, responsive, and so tight he had barely managed to last until she came. He could still feel her rippling around his cock and he was tempted, very tempted, to repeat the experience immediately. Unfortunately, when he raised his head, he could see the atrium lights starting to glow.

  “Sweetness,” he whispered against her ear. She shivered and snuggled closer. That had been another surprise, the way she wrapped herself around him as soon as the chains were released. He liked the way it felt, just as he had liked it last night when she had curled into his arms, even though he had never wanted or needed a slave to touch him before, except for his sexual pleasure. He frowned at the thought but then dismissed it, along with the impulse to take her again.

  He pulled her arms gently from around his neck and smiled as her bottom lip pouted out. It wasn’t respectful, but by the Goddess, it was adorable. As a reward, he dropped a not too hasty kiss on her lips before he raised his head again.

  “It’s morning, my pet. I have things to do.”

  A shadow crossed her face and he instantly realized that she was remembering their earlier conversation. He hesitated, and then told her the truth. “I’m not expecting anyone else this morning.” Her face relaxed and he found himself continuing. “I told you that you were a special project. You are the only one sharing my bed.” The smile that lit her face almost blinded him but he forced himself to keep going. “For right now. This is not a permanent situation.”

  Her lips trembled but she managed to hold the smile, barely. He ignored the twinge inside his chest. He was telling her the truth, if not the whole truth, and it would be even crueler to lie to her.


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