Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3)

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Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3) Page 11

by Honey Phillips

  Kievan pulled her up into his arms, pressing her red, tear-stained face into his neck while he stroked her back in long soothing caresses. The heat of her ass, hot as much now from the spanking as the eldflaur, was a painful temptation pressing against his throbbing cock but he waited patiently for her tears to stop. When her breathing finally slowed and only a few last shudders shook her small body, he curved his hand around her neck and raised her face to his.

  “That was beautiful, sweetness. I’m very proud of you,” he whispered.

  Fresh tears shimmered in her eyes but he bent his head and kissed her. She opened instantly, clinging to him desperately as he tasted the sweetness of her mouth. The kiss started off gentle but his body was past ready and she responded so beautifully that it turned hard and passionate almost immediately.

  “That was your punishment. Now it’s time for your reward.”

  Her eyes widened as he scooped her up and carried her to the rug. He laid her on the soft fibers and drew the dress over her head. She was beautiful, her body still flushed and damp, her nipples as hard and red as the still engorged nub visible between her swollen labia. He stripped and joined her, lying next to her so he could run his hands across her skin before he lowered his head and sucked one ripe nipple into his mouth. She gasped and arched her back.

  “Please, Master,” she pleaded.

  “What do you want, pet?”

  “I want you inside me. Please, Master.” Her hands clutched his shoulders, trying to pull him closer.

  His control shattered. In one long smooth motion, he covered her with his body and sheathed his cock completely in her silken depths. He felt her channel spasm immediately. The lingering effects of the eldflaur made her unbelievably hot and slick and he stopped thinking about anything but the necessity of burying himself in her body over and over again. Her pussy never stopped convulsing around him, the tight pulses milking his cock with each stroke until he came in a spasm that seemed to come up from the soles of his feet, the room actually spinning around him as he collapsed on to her body.

  Cam wrapped her arms around Kievan’s neck and her legs around his thighs as she tried to control her breathing. He was breathing just as hard and she could feel his heart pounding against her chest. His massive body pressed her into the carpet but she didn’t care. She needed the solid comfort of his touch as her body finally settled. She had never come so hard or so often in her life. She had lost count of the number of times she had climaxed and she felt as if she had climaxed continuously the entire time he had been inside her.

  At last he raised his head and looked at her. His face was soft and his eyes warm glowing bronze. He kissed her and it was slow and sweet and long, and she was almost crying again by the time he finished. He started to lift up and she winced as he slipped from her incredibly tender body but she still tried to hold on to him.

  “Don’t worry, sweetness. I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered. He rolled to his side and pulled her in tight with her face against his chest. His arms were strong and warm around her and she nestled close. She felt…odd. Light and empty, almost empty enough to float away. Only his arms kept her anchored.

  A long time later, she startled and realized that she had fallen asleep. Kievan was lifting her off the carpet and carrying her to the couch. She tightened her arms around his neck, afraid he was going to leave her, but he sat down and cuddled her on his lap. He was gentle but sitting down made her realize how incredibly sensitive her ass was and her entire cleft was swollen and sore. He felt her flinch and his face darkened.

  “I think I’m going to need another one of those healing baths,” she said, and smiled at him.

  He didn’t return her smile.

  “You’re so responsive I forget how delicate your body is.”

  “I’m fine, honey,” she insisted. “I just need some recovery time.” She hesitated, then stroked his cheek. “That was amazing.”

  “Do you know why I punished you?”

  “Because I didn’t behave appropriately.”

  “Yes, pet. But do you know why it matters?”

  She shook her head.

  “I told you yesterday that I am the only source of law on this station. I keep control through fear and respect. If I cannot control my slaves, then I look weak. If I look weak, then I will be challenged.”

  He didn’t go into detail but she had learned enough over the past few days to realize that he meant an actual physical fight. Her hand went to one of the scars on his chest and her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry. I was just…”

  “Jealous?” Embarrassed, she nodded. “I know, pet. But you have to behave perfectly in front of others or you will have to stay in my private quarters all of the time.”

  He hesitated. “And I like having you here.”

  “I want to be with you,” she whispered. “I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “Sweetness,” he whispered back, and dropped his forehead against hers.

  “Is that woman going to cause trouble for you?”

  His face went instantly hard and cold. “No.”

  She shivered and his face softened. He stood up with her in his arms, let her stand long enough for him to drop her dress back over her head, and then picked her up again and headed for the door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You are going to take that bath and rest. If you’re good, you can come back this afternoon.”

  “I’ll be good, Master,” she promised. “But I can walk.”

  His lips twitched. “A good slave doesn’t argue with her master.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said. Then she buried her head in his neck in order to avoid looking at the guards as he carried her past them and down the long corridor to their rooms.

  Over the next week, the days fell into a surprisingly comfortable pattern. If Kievan was going to be in the office, she joined him. He still sent her away occasionally —usually when he was punishing someone—but the majority of the time he let her stay. She didn’t make any more mistakes with her submissive role in public. In private, she started to get aroused as soon as his face went hard because it almost always meant incredible sex. The control he exerted over her body, combined with his tenderness afterward, left her in a glow of contentment. She pushed any concern about her future far away. Caring for a dying mother had taught her to appreciate each day as it came.

  Kievan had put her to work—giving her a steady stream of financial records to review. It made her feel useful but she also knew she was good at it. Most days he trained with the guards in the late afternoons so she would use that time to visit with Sonda and Leeda. Xanthe had disappeared the morning after Cam had moved in with Kievan. The Gliesh women giggled hysterically as they described the towering rage Xanthe had been in as she was dragged unceremoniously from the women’s quarters. Other afternoons, Kievan would order her prepared for him. She learned to enjoy the pampering.

  After dinner he would usually work more and she would read or watch odd but frequently hilarious vids. But at some point every evening, he would look at her, her heart would flutter, and then she would be on her knees or her back or her stomach while he sent her body into throes of ecstasy. Her body constantly craved his touch and he seemed just as obsessed. They had sex every morning, every evening, and not infrequently in the office as well.

  Only occasionally did she get restless and long to see something of the rest of the station. He hadn’t let her leave his level of the station at all and the only part of his public quarters that she had seen was his office and the surrounding rooms. But she suppressed her restlessness, just as she suppressed her concerns about the future.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cam was kneeling at his feet, but only J’Ssett was present so she had relaxed the pose and leaned in to his legs. He stroked her hair absently as he listened to the man report. She didn’t seem to be paying any attention to their conversation until J’Ssett mentioned inspecting the Market. Her head popped up.

bsp; “Market?”

  Kievan looked down at her and his lips quirked.

  “Yes, pet.”

  “For shopping?”

  “That’s what the Market is for,” he agreed solemnly.

  “Can I go with J’Ssett?” She obviously read the refusal on his face and added hastily, “Please? You know I can behave.”

  “Actually, I’m not at all convinced of that.”

  Her face fell and he sighed, hoping he wasn’t about to make a bad decision.

  “These are the rules. You go hooded and cloaked and you stay that way. You do not speak to anyone directly and you never leave J’Ssett’s side. When you want to buy something, J’Ssett will make the purchase.” He turned to J’Ssett. “Don’t let her out of your sight. Take a guard…no, take two guards and make sure they understand what will happen to them if they fail me.”

  J’Ssett nodded solemnly and Kievan turned back to Cam.

  “Do you understand the rules, pet?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And you will obey them?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Very well. You can go.”

  “Yay!” She jumped up and threw herself into his lap, kissing his neck.

  “Thank you, honey,” she whispered. Then she hesitated. “Could you come with us?”

  He could hear the longing in her voice and he was tempted, knowing he would enjoy her wide-eyed wonder and also wanting to be there to protect her. Unfortunately, his presence would draw attention to her and he wanted to avoid that for as long as possible.

  “No, sweetness. Not this time.”

  He saw the disappointment in her eyes but she nodded. Then she kissed him, long and sweet. When he raised his head, he saw J’Ssett watching them, an unreadable expression on his face.

  Cam stood next to J’Ssett, trying to contain her excitement as the elevator descended. Two guards stood behind them, massive and silent.

  “The top levels are generally more expensive so that’s where you’ll find the largest housing, the best restaurants, and the finest shops.” J’Ssett was explaining the layout of the station. “The lowesst levels have the docking sstations, repair shops, and refueling posts. The area between there and the market is lesss expensive. As a result, it is crowded and can be dangerous. You would not be ssafe there. You should avoid that area.”

  Cam looked at him, looked at the guards, then back at him. “Is there any chance I’m going there?’ she asked drily.

  A brief smile curved his lips and he nodded his head in acknowledgement. “None, misss.”

  He continued his lecture. “The Market is approximately central. Everyone comes here. It is heavily patrolled and relatively ssafe but it can be…volatile. Pay attention to your ssurroundings. If one of the guards tells you to do ssomething, obey immediately.”

  She shot another glance at the looming guards and wondered briefly if they were even capable of speech. But then the doors opened and she forgot the speech capabilities of the guards. A cacophony of noise filled the elevator, voices that ranged from growls to shrieks, the clang of metal against metal, and the piercing cries of sellers hawking their wares. One guard moved in front of her, J’Ssett stepped to her side, and the other guard brought up the rear as they stepped out of the elevator. The smells were as varied as the sounds. She caught a whiff of something frying that made her stomach growl but it was immediately followed by a pungent aroma uneasily reminiscent of a barnyard.

  Accustomed to the cool white serenity of Kievan’s level, the variety of hues was equally shocking. Colorful stalls, some temporary, some permanent, crowded together to form a maze of pathways, and most of them had an equally colorful display of goods to tempt the buyer deeper into the labyrinth. A mass of people filled the empty spaces between the stalls and Cam tried to keep from gaping at the number and variety of alien life forms.

  “What would you like to ssee first, misss?” J’Ssett asked, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the din.

  “I don’t know,” Cam said a little helplessly. She looked around, searching for inspiration and caught sight of a red silk hanging fluttering in the distance. “What’s that?”

  “I believe that’s the glass ssection.”

  Suddenly inspired, Cam nodded decisively. “Let’s go there.”

  Some time later, Cam wandered happily but aimlessly through a set of stalls with animals for sale. She had made a few purchases which J’Ssett had arranged to be sent to their quarters. No longer interested in buying, she stopped at one stall long enough to watch two tiny, white, goat-like animals butt heads playfully. Many of the animals were completely foreign to her but these reminded her of Earth. The presence of live animals on the station surprised her but J’Ssett explained that, while some were intended for pets, most of them provided fresh meat, milk or cheese. She hoped that the two adorable animals in front of her were destined to provide food rather than become food.

  Her attention turned to the crowd surrounding her and she watched them thoughtfully while she sucked on the pleasant but odd tasting popsicle J’Ssett had bought for her. It was a significant improvement over the wonderful smelling but completely horrid tasting fried pastry she had tried first. With a shock, she realized that all of her meals with Kievan had been delicious. He only fed her things she liked and the ones she liked best, he gave her most often. Her stomach fluttered pleasantly as she realized how closely he must watch her to be able to do that. She stroked her bracelets, wishing that he could have been here with her.

  Forcing her mind away from the sudden longing for Kievan, she watched the crowd. Pairs of Kievan’s gray-skinned guards appeared frequently. No one race predominated but she saw quite a few purple-skinned Gliesh and wondered if any of them were related to Sonda and Leeda. A few times she saw a striking alien with red skin, dark hair, and horns springing from his brow. From a distance he resembled a mythical devil but she never got close enough to see how accurate the resemblance was because her party always seemed to head in a different direction.

  She noticed that there weren’t many females and they always travelled in pairs. Men openly turned to watch any woman that passed by although, for the most part, they didn’t watch her. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the guards or the heavy cloak but she was grateful either way. Once she saw a half-naked woman standing at the entrance to a tiny alley. A large horned alien grabbed her cuffed wrist and started to pull her into the alley. The woman looked up and her hopeless eyes met Cam’s. Instinctively Cam started toward the woman but J’Ssett took her arm and gently but firmly herded her away. Remembering the first morning when Kievan had told her she was free to leave, she shivered at the thought of what her fate might have been.

  Despite the variety of aliens, she hadn’t seen anyone who resembled J’Ssett.

  “Where do you come from?” she asked him, not quite sure if it was polite to ask.

  “A ssmall planet a long way from here.”

  “Is anyone from your planet on the station?”

  “No. My people do not travel in sspace much.”

  A wave of compassion swept over here. “It’s hard being the only person from your planet,” she said softly. “I wish I could meet another human.”

  His eyes flicked to hers but he didn’t respond.

  “How did you end up here?”

  “Lord Kievan ssaved my life. He was wounded in the effort and I sstayed with him until he healed. When he left my planet, I came with him.”

  “Why do I have a feeling there is more to the story than that?”

  His lips quirked but he didn’t add anything else. With a sigh, Cam turned back to her people watching.

  Only two other events disturbed the enjoyable outing. The first incident occurred as they were moving through the food stalls. There was a loud crash off to the left, followed by an escalating stream of insults and profanity. The crowd started to move restlessly, then there was a scream, and Cam saw a silver flash from the corner of her eye. Before she saw a
nything else, she found herself tucked into a corner, J’Ssett at her side and the large bodies of the two guards directly in front of her, their wings spread to block out the crowd. Cries and scuffles echoed through the enclosed space. She tried to peek around the guards but J’Ssett shook his head so she waited, not very patiently, until the riot subsided. When she was released from her corner, the only signs of the disturbance were some overturned carts and a few people with blood dripping from various wounds. The blood was not always red and for some reason, Cam found that more disturbing that the actual incident.

  The second disturbance occurred as they were traveling through the fabric district. An alien was headed in their direction. He didn’t seem to be paying any attention to them but he drew Cam’s attention because she hadn’t seen anyone like him and because he was particularly unpleasant looking. He was tall and skeletal with yellow eyes and a round red mouth filled with double rows of teeth. As he came closer, she dropped her eyes but as he passed by he stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. Immediately he turned and grabbed her arm, hauling her toward him so quickly and with such surprising strength that she barely had time to gasp. His fingers tightened painfully on her arm and she opened her mouth to scream and then he was gone.

  One of her guards had the man suspended by his neck, the guard’s beefy hand digging into the frail looking stalk. Despite the man’s fragile appearance, he fought back with the strength that had surprised her. The second guard joined the struggle and clamped the man’s hands hard against his sides. The guards held the man captive until reinforcements arrived a short time later and dragged the man away.

  “Are you all right, miss?” It was the first guard and Cam suddenly recognized him as the one who had smiled at her on the first day.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you…”

  “My name is Mikaroz, miss.”

  “Thank you, Mikaroz.” He nodded, gave her a friendly grin, and moved back in to position. Very soon after the second incident, they were on their way home.


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