The Tempting

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The Tempting Page 3

by V J J Dunn

  It was totally unfair, she thought, that the angels could use their bolts, while the Remnants couldn’t. The excuse was that the Remnants’ bolts wouldn’t work if there was an angel nearby, because Abba didn’t want them harming His Heavenly Host. They couldn’t be killed, but they could be injured. Abba had said that the humans “were too fallible.”

  And, considering Abba had leveled the playing field somewhat for The Releasing by giving all the angels — fallen or otherwise — the ability to be injured and bleed, even Allie had to admit that it wasn’t such a bad idea to limit the Remnant’s abilities.

  Allie definitely didn’t want to be the one who accidentally incapacitated one of the good guys with a bolt.

  So, while she was glad to see that the demons were taken care of, she still wished it had been her who had done the work. If that was the way it was going to be every time they were sent on assignment, Allie figured she might as well stay home.

  Before she could form another whiny thought, Metatron turned and shot a bolt over her head, hitting something behind her.

  “Pay attention!” he yelled as he scowled at her. “You almost lost your head to a demon, mortal! If you continue to have your head implanted in your nether regions, it might just be me who hands your head to them!”

  He was seriously ticked off, which Allie thought was weird. He was almost always grumpy, but she’d never seen him really angry, not until just then. At the moment, he was furious. At her.

  She put her hands up. “Okay, okay, Threat-a-tron, chillax. Dang, dude.”

  The angel looked confused for a moment. Then a grin seemed to twitch at his mouth before he forced it back down as he turned and stomped past her. Allie watched as he moved toward a building that she assumed the demon who’d just tried to decapitate her had come from.

  Zad snickered and she reached up and whacked him in the… shin. That’s when she noticed he had “grown” again and was almost two stories tall now. She looked back toward Metatron and saw that he, too, had increased.

  They must be expecting something bad coming our way.

  That thought had barely flitted around in her little mortal brain when a horde of demons poured out of the building Metatron was approaching. Like literally, poured. They seemed to be oozing out of the windows and doors, from the roof and the basement, even crawling from under the street. It was a swarm.

  Allie might have screamed a little.

  The other Remnants hurried to form a battle line like they’d practiced so many times, with two guards to watch their backs in case of a rear attack. Metatron and Zad were busy shooting bolts at demons, while the Remnants started hacking at them the old-fashioned way.

  The problem was that they couldn’t permanently take out a demon with a sword like the angels could with their bolts, which released the demons’ black souls, sending them back to The Pit until Judgement Day. Or, at least, that’s what Allie thought happened to them.

  But the Remnants could incapacitate them, which they were excelling at so far.

  Demons were lying all over the place, moaning and groaning, calling out for help, crying. Allie almost felt sorry for them, especially since they, for all intents and purposes, looked human.

  But they were Lucifer’s minions, she reminded herself. They didn’t deserve any sympathy, not when their sole purpose was to drag as many humans as possible with them to the Lake of Fire at the Judgement.

  “If the others are having to deal with something like this alone, they will not survive!” Metatron yelled back to them as he launched yet another bolt at a demon, who managed to dodge it. They were getting better at avoiding the zaps.

  Allie had a moment of fearful panic for the other teams… and especially Nick. If they were facing the same amount of demons, then they were in some serious danger and would need help.

  “I’ll be back!” she yelled to the others and she transferred to Nick.

  Transferring to another person was only possible if you were really close to that person, as in, an intimate relationship. As far as she knew, only those Remnants who were married had that ability.

  But for some reason, she’d always been able to transfer right to Nick… and Zad. She assumed the former was because they’d been so close during the Tribulation; and the latter, because she’d actually been the first to hold Nick when he’d been born back in the Old Age when she’d been forced to act as a midwife for his dying mother.

  She appeared right in the middle of what could only be called a massacre. Except, it was the demons being massacred, thankfully. There were bodies all over the place, writhing in agony. No Remnants were on the ground that she could see, although there were quite a few injures.

  The smell of blood turned her stomach, as it always did.

  Allie had transferred sword in hand, because she wasn’t an idiot, despite what Metatron may have thought of her. As soon as she appeared, she hacked at a demon who’d been about to attack Nick from behind. If she hadn’t appeared when she did, he might have…

  She choked back that thought, pronto.

  “What are you doing here?” Nick yelled back at her. Allie wasn’t even sure how he knew she was even there, since he was busy fighting two demons. While the demons weren’t allowed to carry weapons, they did have some wicked claws. The claws were the only thing about them that didn’t resemble a human, other than the inky blackness that swirled around them like a dark, evil mist.

  Unfortunately, though, many of the demons also had special powers, like the angels.

  “I came to see if it was as bad for you guys as it is for the D Team!” she called back as she dispatched another demon. “Now that I see that it is, I’m going to Abba to get us some help!”

  And with that, she transferred directly to Him.

  Chapter 3

  W E NEED HELP!” Allie yelled as soon as she appeared before Abba, who had been talking to several martyrs and apostles. She noticed her ex, Jaden, was one of them. She tried hard to ignore him, especially now that she and Nick were “seeing each other,” whatever that meant.

  Who knew the Millennium Period was going to have so much drama? It’s like a heavenly soap opera…

  She shook herself out of her thoughts. “The demons have completely overrun Chengdu!”

  Instead of getting excited with her, Abba turned and cocked a white brow at her. “I believe that I’m well aware of that, daughter,” He chuckled.

  Allie’s eyes bugged. Apparently, the Creator wasn’t getting it, not understanding the severity of the situation. A small part of her said she was being stupid, because He knew everything, but at the moment, she ignored that part in her panic.

  “We need help!” she cried. “Even Zad and Metatron are overwhelmed, and they’ve done the Go-Go-Gadget Giant thing!”

  Abba laughed at her. So did Jaden. She tried hard to ignore how handsome her ex was when his dimples appeared as he grinned. The guy had always made her heart stutter. It was a shame they couldn’t continue their marriage in the new age.

  It also didn’t escape her notice how similar he and Nick were in looks. Dark hair, light eyes, strong bone structure…

  “I am sending some reinforcements there now,” Abba said, interrupting her embarrassing thoughts, “and there are already others there, although they must be careful not to expose themselves.”

  Allie realized He was speaking in very general terms and she glanced around, noticing for the first time that quite a few angels were present. That meant that Abba’s “double agent” angels, Serariel and Raguel, must be in Chengdu. They were pretending to be part of the angel rebellion, but were, in fact, completely loyal to Abba.

  At least, Allie hoped they were.

  There were some other angels that Abba completely trusted. Probably a lot more. At least, she hoped there were a lot more, because there were millions of angels and it would seriously suck if a big portion of them weren’t on the side of good.

  “Okay, well, then I better get back to it. Thanks, Pops,” she said
, and she heard Abba chuckling as she transferred back to her team.

  By the time Allie returned to D Team, there were a few more huge angels fighting the demons. Of course, the demons could also do the Go-Go Gadget Giant thing too, and it was a pretty awesome sight, these multi-story beings duking it out. It reminded her of some of the Japanese movies in the Old Age.

  When Metatron slammed a demon against a building, making windows shatter and plaster crumble, Allie yelled, “Way to go, Godzilla-tron! Kick Mothra’s butt!”

  He gave her one of his famous scowls. Allie laughed. “Hey, at least I didn’t call you ‘Biggie-tron.”

  The angel’s face looked ferocious when he looked down at her. “You have already used that one, little human.”

  Allie smirked as she took out yet another demon. “Yeah, but some are just worth recycling.”

  “That one is not,” he proclaimed as he turned to take out another two-story tall demon.

  More demons were pouring out of the building. “What is this building… the revolving door to Hell?” Robin yelled near the building’s doorway as she hacked her way through a group of demons intent on exiting the building, probably so they could transform to their giant size.

  Ed saw his wife was about to be overwhelmed by the enemy, so he rushed to her side. Even though Allie was busy with her own group of demons, she watched the pair through her peripherals. The way they moved, in sync, almost as one, it was like a beautiful dance. Ed would thrust, Robin would parry. He would go high; she, low. He’d move right, she would move left.

  For a moment, Allie was jealous of their relationship.

  As soon as she had that thought, she caught a flash of spotted and striped gray fur out of the corner of her eye. She’d seen the same animal in every city the Remnants had been to when trying to quell riots. It was crazy, but she’d wondered if Charo was somehow following her.

  Which was impossible.

  But then, again, maybe it wasn’t. Who know anymore? All the things she’d assumed about angels, demons, fallen angels, even Abba Himself, seemed to have gotten contradicted lately.

  Her thoughts were scattered as she realized they were about to be completely overrun by demons exiting that “revolving door to Hell.” Allie wondered if this was it for the Remnants, but she also clung to the belief that Abba wouldn’t allow that to happen. He’d apparently decided to give them this new duty, to fight Lucifer and his demons while they roamed free once again, and she couldn’t see them being taken out in their first fight after The Releasing.

  But this was bad. Very bad.

  Just as things started to look more and more hopeless, Uriel, Zaphkiel and Sandalphon appeared, instantly transforming to their giant height as they began helping Zad and Metatron defeat the demons that had also managed to assume their great height. A few more angels appeared too, and stood near the building, plucking off demons as they emerged.

  After feeling completely overwhelmed, in just a brief period of time, the demons were defeated and all that was left was humans in the city. Normally, the Remnants would mete out punishments on the humans who’d sinned, but Abba’s orders during The Releasing were to turn a blind eye to the sin.

  This time was Lucifer’s.

  Allie wondered why they were bothering to keep the demons from overrunning the city. But she knew that Abba was all about fairness and He wouldn’t allow Lucifer to swarm a city and overpower everyone without allowing them the choice of following him or not.

  Since the demon threat was contained in the south sector, they transferred to the east and helped that team finish their battles, then the north and west. In no time at all, Chengdu was secured and left to its cleanup.

  Allie ordered all Remnants to meet her at the Hall.

  Once they were all assembled, Allie moved to the head of the huge table and called for quiet.

  “I want to hurry through this as some of you need to get to the Healing Quarters.” She nodded to Sven, who was holding his neck as blood seeped through his fingers. Allie swallowed against the bile that rose in her throat at the sight.

  “As you know, Abba has given me the lead of the Remnants, and as such, I am free to make the decisions of who is to be promoted. Thus far, only Nick has been promoted, but that is due to the fact that, until recently, we haven’t had any reasons to have officers. That has now changed, with the intense fighting that we’re seeing after The Releasing.

  “As such, I’ll be promoting individuals who show distinctive and significant abilities and talents. Since I can’t be with every team during the fights, I am asking for recommendations from each team. That said, for my own team, I am promoting Robin to be my team second.”

  Allie waited for the applause and congratulations to quiet down before continuing. She smiled at a grinning Robin.

  “Robin has shown an amazing ability to adapt to difficult situations and to think outside of the box. She will be in charge of D Team whenever I am absent and will be afforded the same respect and deferment you show to me.”

  As she shook the beaming Robin’s hand and kissed her cheek, she noticed that Ed did not look too happy as he sat scowling next to his wife. Allie mentally shrugged; if he was jealous of his wife’s promotion, then he needed to get over it.

  She turned to address the group again. “I expect to have team seconds recommendations by tomorrow morning. For now, good job everyone, and please be sure to thank the angels for their help. Without a doubt, today would have gone in a different direction if it weren’t for their assistance.”

  Allie spoke with several Remnants after her announcement, then she asked the dining staff for a special meal since they had all missed dinner.

  Nick sat at Allie’s side as always, but he was quiet. Too quiet.

  “Something wrong?” she asked as she reached for the pitcher of wine to refill her cup. He beat her to it and topped off both their cups with the sweet drink.

  He sipped at his wine and seemed to be thinking about his answer. Or maybe he was considering what he wanted to tell her. Allie frowned; she didn’t like the idea of any of the Remnants either keeping secrets or holding back with her.

  Especially not Nick.

  It was several long moments before he finally spoke. “I’m… concerned.” He glanced at her. “Today, during the fight when you transferred to me, I… well, if you hadn’t taken out that demon that was coming up behind me, I… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be here now.” He sighed heavily and ran a hand down his face. He looked as worn out as she felt.

  Allie put her hand on his arm. “But that’s what we’re here for; to help each other,” she told him. “You woulda done the same for me.”

  Nick nodded. “Yeah, of course. I’d gladly die for you,” he admitted, and Allie felt her eyes widen at that.

  He went on before she could think too hard on his words. “I’m thinking that maybe I’m not the best choice to be second in command. Maybe you oughta promote Robin to that position.”

  Allie’s eyes nearly bugged. “No way! You’re one I want with me in command! And Robin isn’t ready for that… we haven’t even seen how she does as a team second.”

  Nick shook his head. “Yeah, but I can’t say that I should have the position either. Not after today, not after I stupidly left my back exposed like that.” He sighed again.

  “I can still be a team leader, but I think you should demote me.”

  It was Allie’s turn to shake her head. “There was no way that you could have protected your back while fighting two demons! It was just crazy out there today. We weren’t prepared for so many demons and had no way of knowing exactly what we were going encounter.”

  She took a sip from her cup. “But now that we know that many can show up at once, I think we need to rethink how we fight them. Like maybe not splitting the teams up so that we’re outnumbered.”

  Nick nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

  Before he could argue any further, Allie rushed to add, “And I’m not accepting
your request for demotion. No way. I need a second and you are hands down the best one for the job. In fact, you really should have my job, but you know how many times I’ve argued with Abba about taking me out... and lost.”

  She laughed at that. She’d asked Him dozens, maybe hundreds, of times over the Millennium to take her from the position of leader of the Remnants. She’d argued that she wasn’t a fighter, not really, wasn’t a leader, and definitely wasn’t a strategist. But He’d insisted that she was exactly who He wanted for the team.

  Allie had finally given in and told Him that if He wanted a self-doubting worrywart to lead the Remnants, then she was His gal.

  Nick sighed again, but he seemed a little relieved. Allie put her hand on top of his. She’d only meant to comfort him, but he turned his hand over and intertwined their fingers, squeezing her lightly.

  “Guess we’ll just have to figure this out together, then,” he said as he smiled at her. Allie’s breath caught in her throat. Nick rarely smiled, and when he did… whoa.

  “Together,” Allie whispered, cursing her voice for sounding so breathless. But he understood that she was giving him a promise.

  She then stood, still holding Nick’s hand, and announced to the team that they’d be meeting at dawn for practice once again. But now they’d have to move to the Gardens, as their Inner Circle arena was too dangerous.

  The angels showed up the next morning for the practice, and Allie was surprised to see more had decided to join their ranks. They now had nearly as many angels as Remnants, which meant close to five hundred warriors to fight the demon hordes.

  And it still wasn’t nearly enough.

  Zad came up to her where she stood by Nick. Allie felt Nick stiffen at her side when he spotted her old angel friend. She had to fight back an eye roll; Metatron had been right — it seemed that Nick was jealous of them.

  So dumb.

  “Hey, Zad, what’s with all the winged buds?”


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