Her Secret Baby

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Her Secret Baby Page 6

by S. E. Law

  Ryan stops suddenly and the anger disappears from his face, replaced by despair. He’s so vulnerable, and so heartbroken. I want to hold him close, to just stroke his hair and let him cry on my shoulder. I want to let him weep until all of the pain is swept away.

  “I’m sorry, Regina,” he says in a choked voice. “You didn’t need to hear all of that. The kids have me, and they have you, and as for Sandy—”

  “As for Sandy, nothing.” I say gently. “We’ll handle it the best we can.” His eyes look defeated, but I press on. “You’re angry and sad on their behalf, but those are your emotions and not theirs. The kids have you, Ryan. Maybe that’s enough for them.” He stares at me in shock. This is clearly a new concept, and I press on. “You may be more than enough for them, and you’ve done a great job as a single dad. Plus, now they have me too. I love them and you love them, and I’ve had conversations with some of the house staff. They love the kids too.”

  His facial expression is unreadable, and maybe I’ve gone too far, but I decide to press forward. “When they ask me about their mother, we’ll remind them of everyone who loves them. They will never want for love Ryan. This anger you feel, this resentment…” I take a deep breath because I may be crossing a line. “You’re drinking poison every single day and it’s making you miserable. But what I say, is let it go. Put the bottle of poison down, and be grateful for what you have. You have five wonderful children, and that’s a miracle in and of itself.”

  He stares at me, his handsome features unreadable. Those blue eyes have gone dark, and suddenly, my heart races. I’ve definitely crossed a line. Oh no, he’s going to fire me on the spot. Quickly, I open my mouth to apologize, but before I can speak, Ryan leans forward, puts his hand on the back of my head, and pulls me in for a devastating kiss.

  When he pulls back, we’re both panting.

  “Where did you come from, Regina?” he whispers harshly. “What did I do to deserve you?”



  Everything about kissing Ryan will lead to stress, awkwardness and unhappiness. Everything about kissing Ryan will lead to me losing my job. I know this full well, but I ignore the words because Ryan’s kiss is a powerful one. It claims me, and thrills me to my core. His tongue delves into my mouth and explores territory he’s taking as his own.

  Helplessly, my hands go to his shirt, scrabbling at it to get it untucked and off him. I can’t wait though, because when just the smallest amount of bronzed skin is exposed, my hands go there, sliding up over his abdomen and exploring the delineated ridges. I thrill at the feel of this handsome man, and the heat of his body overwhelms me.

  My brain still screams warnings at me, but it becomes easier with every passing second to ignore them, and I do. I ignore every consequence and give myself over to his kiss. His mouth leaves mine briefly and his lips nuzzle at my earlobe.

  “Is this okay, Regina?” he whispers in my ear.

  I can’t even answer. I just nod mutely, and then his hands come to the bottom of my blouse and he lifts it up. I hear a button pop, but don’t give a damn that it’s my favorite white shirt.

  His mouth leaves my ear as the blouse comes over my head and when our eyes meet, I see pure adoration. This man believes that I’m beautiful, and for a moment, I do too. His gaze worships me, sliding over my lush curves and making me heat up from the inside.

  “You’re so goddamn gorgeous, Regina,” he rasps. “Even more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Imagined? He’s been thinking of me? Evidently so, because in the next moment, his hands undo my bra and the lacy cups slip from my breasts. I’m totally bare to him from the waist up now, and he lets out a strangled noise from the back of his throat before dipping his head to suck a hard pink crest into his mouth.

  “Oh!” I sigh blissfully as my head tilts back with pleasure. Hot jolts of lust run straight from my nipple to my cunt, and I shiver, waiting for more. Ryan merely chuckles low in his chest before sliding wetly to my other nipple. He sucks this one too, and then licks it, making me squirm with pleasure.

  “Oh god!” I squeal, running my hands through his thick black hair. “But what about the kids?”

  He grins.

  “What about them?”

  “What if they wake up and see us?”

  Ryan laughs low in his throat.

  “It’s late, honey. They’re sound asleep in their beds, and they’re not going to wake up. Besides, I don’t mind if they see us. They’ll just see their dad doing what it took to make them. It’ll be an early lesson in the birds and the bees.”

  I giggle.

  “Oh my god, you’re so bad.”

  He merely shrugs and kisses my nipple again before sucking it into his mouth. I shudder beneath his ministrations, squirming with pleasure at the sensuous swipe of his tongue.

  “Mmm, that feels so good.”

  He grins.

  “It does, doesn’t it? This will feel even better, sweetheart.” With nimble fingers, the handsome man helps me out of my jeans so that I’m sitting totally bare before him in just my panties.

  “Part your knees,” he rasps.

  I blush.

  “I’m sorry?”

  He grins again, his look predatory.

  “Put your feet up on the chair sweetheart, and part your knees. I want to see how aroused you are.”

  My cheeks are burning now, but I do as he asks. Slowly, I pull my legs up so that my feet balance on the edge of my chair, and split my thighs open. His blue eyes darken to black, and he growls harshly, taking in the soaked fabric.

  “I knew you were a slut,” he rasps, gently trailing a finger down the wet patch at my middle. “Oh shit, what a dirty whore.”

  I moan, loving the filthy talk. I’ve been with men before but they were nothing compared to this. They couldn’t talk dirty if they tried, and Ryan’s words thrill me to my core. He laughs again as I gush wetly, the damp patch on my panties growing even larger. Then, he takes mercy on me.

  Slowly, he pulls my panties off, leaving the wet lace to drop to the floor. Now, I’m completely nude before this handsome man, my legs spread and open for his touch. My big breasts tremble in anticipation and I let out a low moan.

  His eyes meet mine for a second.

  “Don’t worry, baby. It’s coming.”

  He spreads my ankles further and then slowly runs one big finger down my glistening slit. It’s embarrassing, but when he gets to my pussy hole, my hips jerk involuntarily, trying to pull him in. The billionaire chuckles deep in his throat, before circling back up to circle my clit.

  “Baby, I know you need it. But be patient for me.”

  Then, he spreads my legs and dips his head, licking me all the way from my asshole to my clit. I can’t help it. I let out a scream, my hands clenching at the handles of the chair.

  “Oh fuuuck!” is my shriek. “Fuck me!”

  He chuckles again.

  “I will, baby, I will. But give me a moment to enjoy this feast.”

  The man dips his head again, and this time, he thrusts his tongue into my hole, making me pulse. Hot honey pours into his mouth, and he swallows it all, savoring my flavor.

  “Fuck baby, you taste like you’re made of strawberries,” he moans. “Oh shit.”

  His hands reach up to squeeze my breasts even as his tongue and teeth work magic at my clit. I hook a leg over his shoulder and bring both hands to the back of his head. No man has ever gone down on me before and shudders shoot through my pussy.

  “Oh my God, Ryan!” I cry. “Oh, fuck me!” My cheeks turn red because I’ve never said such vulgar words in my life. Usually, I’m pretty silent in bed, but this man is breaking down all my boundaries and bringing out the wanton woman within.

  He chuckles deep into my folds, and the vibrations make me shudder. “Fuuuuuck,” I moan again.

  But it gets to be too much. The man is utterly masterful, and finally, he allows me to plunge over the side of the cliff. My climax envelops me as surely as th
e ocean envelops a diver. I drown in the sensations and lose all sense of time and place. Hot pulses shoot through my cunt, and I scream again as my breasts bobble.

  “Oh God!”

  My entire body seizes up and hot juices gush from my hole. Ryan doesn’t mind at all. He fixes his lips on either side of my pussy and drinks deeply of the tangy female nectar.

  But as I begin to relax, Ryan gets up, his cheeks and mouth glistening. I gasp, but he’s not embarrassed at all.

  “Sweetheart, we’re not done yet,” he says. “Not by a long shot.”

  Slowly, he positions me so that I’m leaning back with my legs spread. He kneels between my thighs, and quickly unbuttons his pants. An enormous cock pops out and my eyes go wide.

  “Oh my god,” is my throaty moan.

  “I know, sweetheart,” he soothes, leaning forward to nibble at a nipple again. “I didn’t want to show you because some women get scared when they see it. But you’re creamy and relaxed already, so it’ll work out fine.”

  Slowly, he presses his tip against my pulsing hole and I let out a small wail while shuddering. His head feels like it’s splitting me wide open, and I grip the sides of the chair at the penetration.

  “Oh my God!” I scream again. Ryan reaches one hand down to rub my clit, and I let out a gasp.

  “Yes, baby,” he rumbles as he slips deeper in. “Relax. Just like that.”

  Soon, he’s fully in me and pauses for a moment. We both glance down, and the sight is filthy. He’s balls deep, only the root of his cock showing where my lips grip him tight. I moan again, squeezing him internally, which causes him to curse.

  “Fuck,” he bites out. “Oh shit.”

  Then, the world goes crazy. Ryan begins to move within me, and the sensation makes me need more. Every cell in my body craves this handsome man, and my fingers dig into his back and my legs pull with all their might to meet each of his thrusts. He pushes in and out, teasing me while making me crave the pleasure only he can give.

  “Ryan,” I pant. “Oh god, Ryan—”

  Then, orgasm claims me again. Wild tremors shake my body as my back arches in the air. I cry out, clasping him to me as my head tilts, my neck bared for his kisses. The man grows almost violent with his thrusts. His hips piston back and forth, and a low growl rises from his chest.

  “Fuck!” he roars, pushing into me so hard that the chair actually scrapes backwards. “Shit baby! FUCK!”

  Hot seed jets into my pussy and I scream out too, clutching at his bronzed shoulders. God, he feels good!

  I fall against his chest, even though I know I shouldn’t. My heart is racing and I can’t believe I just slept with my employer. But it doesn’t matter. This moment is perfect, and I want to hold onto it for as long as I can.

  Ryan seems to feel that way too. He nuzzles my neck and kisses me softly on the shoulder. His hands run over my back tenderly, and he lets out a low chuckle.

  “What?” I whisper, meeting his eyes.

  The blue gaze is sated, yet still filled with a tinge of hunger. He laughs again and nuzzles my cheek.

  “I just didn’t expect that to happen,” he says.

  I giggle.

  “Me neither. Aren’t you supposed to get me drunk before I sleep with you?”

  He laughs.

  “Sweetheart, you weren’t drunk at all, and neither was I. It’s better that way. I don’t need to be soused to sleep with you. In fact, I don’t want to be because I want to savor every moment. Besides, now that it’s done, the second step is dinner and a movie, right?”

  It is my turn to laugh. It’s as if we’re an established couple already, and soon, I sit wearing his shirt wrapped around my curves. He pulls up his boxer shorts, his bronzed, toned chest on display. We eat more, and say a great many words but also talk about nothing for the next thirty or forty minutes. I specifically avoid discussing what just happened and he does the same. But at the same time, what are we doing? I’m just the temporary help he’s brought in to look after his kids. Suddenly, I know with certainty that the moment the fire department allows us to leave, Ryan will send me away and be done with all the crazy complications our indiscretion brings.

  But that’s in the future, and I want to live in the now. Evidently, Ryan does too because he drains what’s left of his drink and then picks me up. He carries me upstairs to the master suite, and we make love again, this time slowly and deliberately. We explore each other with none of the urgency but all of the passion. As he comes inside me again, I look up to see those blue eyes looking at me, filled with something that resembles adoration. Is that even possible? It’s too soon, but I stare back at him, my heart filled with love.



  Regina walks into the kitchen, wearing jeans that seem to be designed specifically to turn me on. They emphasize the round firmness of her ass, and I can’t help but stare. I’m being stupid, of course. The girl hasn’t suddenly become desperate just because I’ve been ravishing her night after night. I’m surprised she can even close her legs and walk, seeing that I’ve been riding her so hard.

  On the other hand, it’s impossible not to feel overwhelmed by the girl whose full hips and plump ass stretch the fabric in unfairly tantalizing ways. Regina catches me staring and smiles coyly.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” I respond. “How did you sleep last night?” I grin wickedly at her, knowing that neither of us slept a wink. But she merely smiles innocently again.

  “I slept very well she says,” grabbing coffee I poured for her. “Very well, in fact. I’m not sure I could have slept better if I tried.”

  I walk toward the carafe just beyond her.

  “Is that right? Well, I wonder how that came about because I barely got a wink.” As I pass behind the pretty girl, I pinch her ass hard enough to make her jump. She gasps sharply and then bursts into giggles. A thrill passes through me. I would take her right here in the kitchen if the kids weren’t in the house.

  But that raises the nature of our assignations. Regina’s been in my bed every night solid for a week, and we tangle together throughout the night, our limbs entwined. She sighs when I enter her, and it feels so right each time. This is where she belongs too. In my bed. In my heart.

  The pretty brunette throws me a mischievous look, and then laughs again.

  “You know, you talk about the kids like they’re a handful, but it’s you. You’re the one who’s incorrigible.”

  I lean forward and put my mouth right against her ear, sliding my hand over her shapely bottom and giving it a nice squeeze.

  “Sweetheart, I have no idea what that word means. Really, zero.”

  She giggles again, swatting me playfully on the arm.

  “Go away, you madman,” she says.

  I pinch her delightful bottom again and she yelps. “Breakfast is on the table.” I say, still smirking as I walk toward the dining room. I glance behind me, just in time to see her staring at my ass, her face flushed. I laugh and she meets my eyes. The contact is electric and I all want to do is ravish her right here on the floor. Shit, I am so lost in this woman.

  I stroll into the dining room, and to my surprise, some of the kids are already here. Oh crap, did they just hear what was going on next door? But they’re busily fighting over a box of Lucky Charms, and hardly even notice when I walk in. I put the orange juice down, my heart racing. But then, Regina enters behind me and lightly trails her hand over my ass in revenge. The touch is electric, yet I can’t react because of the kids. These damn children. She smirks as she walks past me, victorious, and I think about all the ways I’ll wipe that expression off her face when we have some privacy.

  “Hi, Regina,” Rebecca chirps, popping a marshmallow into her mouth before opening her arms for a hug.

  “Good morning, princess,” our nanny says, wrapping my daughter in a huge bear hug. Their hair blends for a moment, and the color is so similar that they look like mother and daughter. My heart lurches. Then, the
twins decide they want some attention too, and attach themselves to Regina, one on each leg like monkeys.

  “Rachel, Rufus, we’re not at the zoo,” I say. “No monkey business. Not during breakfast.”

  Of course, my kids ignore me entirely. Ronnie enters the dining room at that moment, and as soon as he sees Regina, my son falls into a theatrical bow.

  “Good morning, milady,” Ronnie says. “How did you sleep?”

  “Just fine,” she smiles in return, pulling Rufus and Rachel up. “Come on sweethearts. Into your chairs for breakfast. I know you can.”

  The chaos of the morning has started, and I shake my head while taking my place at the head of the table. We settle down a bit and soon the kids are munching away happily.

  “I have a big announcement,” I announce. Regina glances at me from her seat. Her brown eyes look anxious, but then return to calm within seconds.

  “What Daddy?” asks Rebecca. “What’s the big announcement? Is it that we can go now?”

  I nod.

  “I spoke with the fire marshal just before I cooked breakfast and we’re all free to leave. No more prison!” Everyone cheers and I hold up my hand. “Wait. There’s more.” I wait for them to quiet down and say, “We’re going on a two-week vacation. Who wants to go to Grandma’s house?”

  There is more excited clapping, and then Rebecca asks, “Is Regina coming with us?”

  I shake my head.

  “Regina has been stuck with us for a while now, and she needs a break. She gets to take a vacation away from you little monkeys.” I shoot a look at the beautiful brunette, and she appears calm, at least on the outside.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to come help?” Regina asks quietly.

  “My mom and dad wouldn’t let you lift a finger,” I say. “And they would never give us a moment to ourselves.” Realizing what I’ve just said, I quickly turn to the kids. “Right kids? They always have lots of fun things for us to do when we’re at their place, right?”


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