Sacrifice (Bloodline Vampires Book 1)

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Sacrifice (Bloodline Vampires Book 1) Page 1

by Katee Robert


  A Bloodline Vampire Novel

  Katee Robert

  Trinkets and Tales LLC

  Copyright © 2020 by Katee Robert

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by Katee Robert

  Copy Editing by Lynda M. Ryba

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-951329-23-5

  Print ISBN: 978-1-951329-24-2

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by Katee Robert

  Wicked Villains

  Book 1: Desperate Measures

  Book 2: Learn My Lesson

  Book 3: A Worthy Opponent

  Book 4: The Beast

  Book 5: The Sea Witch

  Book 6: Queen Takes Rose

  A Touch of Taboo

  Book 1: Your Dad Will Do

  Book 2: Gifting Me To His Best Friend

  The Island of Ys

  Book 1: His Forbidden Desire

  Book 2: Her Rival’s Touch

  Book 3: His Tormented Heart

  Book 4: Her Vengeful Embrace

  The Thalanian Dynasty Series (MMF)

  Book 1: Theirs for the Night

  Book 2: Forever Theirs

  Book 3: Theirs Ever After

  Book 4: Their Second Chance

  The Kings Series

  Book 1: The Last King

  Book 2: The Fearless King

  The Hidden Sins Series

  Book 1: The Devil’s Daughter

  Book 2: The Hunting Grounds

  Book 3: The Surviving Girls

  The Make Me Series

  Book 1: Make Me Want

  Book 2: Make Me Crave

  Book 3: Make Me Yours

  Book 4: Make Me Need

  The O’Malley Series

  Book 1: The Marriage Contract

  Book 2: The Wedding Pact

  Book 3: An Indecent Proposal

  Book 4: Forbidden Promises

  Book 5: Undercover Attraction

  Book 6: The Bastard’s Bargain

  The Hot in Hollywood Series

  Book 1: Ties that Bind

  Book 2: Animal Attraction

  The Foolproof Love Series

  Book 1: A Foolproof Love

  Book 2: Fool Me Once

  Book 3: A Fool for You

  Out of Uniform Series

  Book 1: In Bed with Mr. Wrong

  Book 1.5: His to Keep

  Book 2: Falling for His Best Friend

  Book 3: His Lover to Protect

  Book 3.5: His to Take

  Serve Series

  Book 1: Mistaken by Fate

  Book 2: Betting on Fate

  Book 3: Protecting Fate

  Come Undone Series

  Book 1: Wrong Bed, Right Guy

  Book 2: Chasing Mrs. Right

  Book 3: Two Wrongs, One Right

  Book 3.5: Seducing Mr. Right

  Other Books

  Seducing the Bridesmaid

  Meeting His Match

  Prom Queen

  The Siren’s Curse


  Content Warning

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  About the Author

  Content Warning

  This book contains: dubious consent, blood play, breeding, abusive parent (father), cliffhanger.


  I don’t want to be here.

  Rain slashes my face, the wind turning my long hair into whips. I feel like I’ve been walking for hours, but I suspect in the light of day I’ll discover it’s a mere half mile from the tall iron gate to the front steps of the house looming in front of me. It looks like something out of a gothic novel, towering peaks and narrow windows, all dark and vaguely faded as if it’s stood on this hill for time unknowing.

  Probably because it has.

  I readjust my grip on my suitcase and march up the steps. There’s no point in turning and running as far and fast as I can. I already tried that and it got me a brand new scar on my knee and a limp that made the hike up here agonizing. The only reason my father healed me the little bit that he did was to keep me from being fully damaged goods. The man in this house won’t care about a few scars. He’s interested in what lurks beneath my skin.

  Specifically, my blood.

  I don’t knock. The vampire in this house knows I’m coming. There’s no point in playing the courteous guest or pretending I want this. I make it three steps inside before the door slams shut behind me, sealing off the roar of the storm and leaving only eerie silence in its wake. I glance over my shoulder, but I don’t expect to see anything.

  Vampires move faster than the human eye can see. And while I’m only fifty percent human, I’m tainted by that lineage enough to not be able to see more than a blur of movement. Another way I’m seen as damaged goods. At least if I had full vampire reflexes and strength, it might make up for my lack of magic. As it is, I’m barely better than a human. Barely better than prey.

  The knowledge sticks in my throat, preventing a shriek of surprise when I turn around and find a man looming close. No, not a man. A vampire. It’s there in his pale skin, the barest hint of fang pressing against his bottom lip. It’s the slightest loss of control, and it makes me wonder how long it’s been since the last sacrificial lamb was sent to this house.

  He’s gorgeous in the way all vampires are, flawless beauty and hidden strength. This one has dark brown hair that falls in a sleek wave to his shoulders, fathomless dark eyes, and a muscular body slightly too thin for his frame. He holds himself stiller than any human ever could. “I apologize.”

  I blink. Of all the things I expected him to say, that didn’t number among them. “What?”

  “Cornelius sent you.”

  It’s not a question, and I can’t quite stifle the flinch at my father’s name. At the reminder of who I can blame for my current circumstances. “Yes.”

  “You know why.”

  Now his stillness makes sense. He’s barely preventing himself from attacking me. My heartbeat kicks up, and I can see well enough in the dark to note how his nose flares as he inhales my scent. I’m running out of time. I want to stay silent, but there’s no point. Despite my best efforts, my voice wobbles a little with nerves. “He gave me to you.”

  “Yes.” It’s hardly more than a sigh. “We’ll discuss this…after.”

  “After—” This time I can’t stop the shriek of surprise. One blink he’s a few feet away, and the next he hits me with the force of a runaway truck. He still manages to control our fall so I don’t bash my head on the marble floor, but I don’t have a chance to appreciate the consideration. Not when he surges forward and bites my neck.

  “Fuck!” My curse turns into a breathy moan. I knew to expect this, but being lectured on the pleasure of a bloodline vampire’s bi
te does nothing to translate how good it feels. It’s as if every pull of his mouth is connected directly to my clit, pulsing through my body and turning my resistance liquid. I don’t want to want this, but my body doesn’t care. I arch against him, reaching up to pull him closer to me.

  One of his hands is in my hair, using the leverage to keep my neck bared to him, and the other snakes around to press against the small of my back, urging me closer to him. As if I wasn’t already straining against him.

  I have the distant horrified thought that I’m going to come if he doesn’t stop. “Wait!”

  “I’m sorry.” I feel more than hear his murmur. His tongue strokes my neck and then he moves to the other side. “I can’t stop.”


  He bites me again and I whimper. Fuck, that feels good. My dress is tangled up around my hips and I wrap my legs around his waist, arching closer. I can feel my blood warming his cool body, and evidence of his bite is already hardening against me. He rolls his hips and growls against my skin, but he doesn’t move his hands from their spots. He doesn’t touch me like I’m suddenly desperate for him to do.

  “More,” I moan.

  He gives a hard pull to my neck and I slide my hands down his back to his ass, holding him close as I roll my hips, grinding myself on his hard cock like a wanton thing. It doesn’t matter I’ll regret this later, I’ll hate both him and me for this loss of control. I need to come more than I need my pride. It will still be there on the other side of this.

  I work myself against him, and I have half a thought to reach for the front of his pants, but it would mean stopping this delicious friction, and I’m not willing to do that. Another time.

  It’s what I’m here for, whether I chose this role or not.

  I realize he’s stopped sucking my blood, but the endorphins have nowhere near worn off. I should stop. I know I should stop, but the subtle pressure of his fingertips against the small of my back urge me on. Pleasure winds through me, tighter and tighter, and for one breathless moment, I think I won’t get there, that I’ll be poised on the brink for an eternity.

  My orgasm hits me even harder than the vampire did earlier and I come more intensely than I ever have before, crying and panting as I hump him like I really do want this. The last wave crests and I slump back to the cold marble floor, my head feeling fuzzy and too light. “You took too much,” I murmur, my words coming as slowly as taffy.

  His tongue strokes my neck and he gives another of those growls I don’t want to enjoy. “You don’t taste like a human.”

  It’s strange to be having this conversation on the floor while he’s pressing between my thighs, but I can’t seem to find the energy to shove him off. “I’m not.” I lick my suddenly dry lips. “I’m half bloodsucker.”

  “Ah.” He inhales and slowly, oh so slowly, he releases me and sits up. There’s a new flush in his pale cheeks and his eyes are blazing with power. He kneels between my legs and his gaze strokes over me in a way I can almost feel, lingering on my lips, on my bloody neck, where my breasts are nearly escaping this ridiculous dress, where said ridiculous dress isn’t covering my panties any longer. My panties that are soaked.

  I start to cover myself, but he catches my wrists, easily overpowering me. He does another of those long inhales and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he’s scenting my arousal. He shifts my wrists to one hand and reaches for my panties with the other.


  The vampire’s eyes are pure black and his fangs are on full display. The little glimpse of control from earlier, of regret, are nowhere in evidence. Gods, I’m in trouble. His gaze drops to my panties again. “You know why you’re here.” His knuckles brush the wet fabric, lightly stroking against my pussy. Despite just coming, I have to fight the desire to lift my hips in invitation. I know it’s the aftermath of the bite, but I hate myself a little for it.

  He pauses, his hands shaking as if he’s fighting himself. He could have broken my wrists, could do so much more damage and there’s nothing I could do to stop him. “Say it.”

  I don’t want to. I very much don’t want to. But the words spill from my lips, almost as if he compelled them with his low voice. “I’m here to satisfy your hunger.”

  “Hungers, little dhampir. All of them.” He strokes me again. “Lift your hips.”

  I obey even as I argue. “You said we’d talk.”

  “Yes, after.” Still, he hesitates. A drop of blood drips down his chin and I dazedly realize he’s bitten himself. “Say yes.”

  The fact he isn’t simply taking what he obviously wants confuses me even as I hate him for making me say it. Would he really stop if I tell him to? I’ll never know. “Yes.”

  His eyes flash to my face as he grips the crotch of my panties and tugs them down my legs. He could have just ripped them off—it probably would have taken less effort—and that little show of restraint almost makes this worse. Or better. I’m honestly not sure.

  I didn’t choose to be in this house, to be a sacrificial lamb, but that doesn’t stop my body from shaking with need. I bite my bottom lip as he moves down my body and I know I should argue more, should never have let the word yes leave my lips, but he gives my pussy another of those light strokes and the touch short circuits my brain.

  “Please,” I whisper. I don’t know what I’m begging for, for him to stop or not stop. It doesn’t matter. He shifts slight to the side and strikes, quick as a snake, sinking his fangs into the sensitive skin of my upper thigh.

  I come again instantly.

  I keep coming, wave after wave, until I’m sobbing and begging, but I can’t begin to guess what I’m begging for. For him to stop. For him to fuck me. It doesn’t matter. Before I can decide, he lifts his head.

  And then he’s gone, a flash of motion up the curving staircase, and I’m left alone in the entrance hall. Wet. Bleeding. And filled with enough confusion that my head feels like it’s spinning wildly on my shoulders. “What the fuck just happened?”


  I think I blackout. I must, because one moment I’m lying on the cold marble floor and the next I’m blinking up into a darkened bedroom. I go perfectly still out of habit, forcing my heartbeat to slow and my breathing to stay even. I can see well in the dark, courtesy of my vampire blood, and I pick out the features of a bedroom that must have been the height of luxury sometime in the last few hundred years. It hasn’t been kept up in the meantime. There’s dust on every surface of the heavy wooden furniture and the canopy overhead is filled with holes and worn nearly transparent.

  I count to one hundred slowly, and then do it again.

  Nothing moves in the room except for the steady rise and fall of my chest.

  I can’t lay here forever, no matter how much part of me wants to curl into a ball and wait for this all to be over. Maybe another woman in my position would. Maybe the last sacrifice sent to this place did.

  It’s not who I am.

  My life has been hell since I was old enough to realize my position within the vampire colony my father rules. I am the worst of all things. Magic-less. Bastard. The product of my monster of a father and one of his human mistresses he pretends is there of her own free will, rather than an exotic pet he likes to keep to prove his power. Unlike other dhampir children of bloodline vampires, I have no magic to speak of. I fit nowhere, and so every move I made was an insult deserving punishment.

  For years, I didn’t understand why he resisted killing me and getting me out from underfoot once and for all.

  Now, I do.

  This is where he planned to send me all along. A sacrificial lamb. A womb just waiting to be filled with one of the failing vampire bloodlines my father holds so highly. And if I die before accomplishing that? He’ll lose no sleep over it.

  Under other circumstances—mainly, if I’d inherited his magic like I should have—my getting pregnant would make me his heir. Now, he wants me to serve as a vehicle to bring another bloodline under his control. It seems particula
rly cruel, but I’ve long since stopped expecting anything resembling kindness from my father.

  I let rage propel me to sit up and gingerly touch my neck. The bites are small puncture wounds. The vampire didn’t so much as tear my skin, though I’m not about to thank him for it.


  Malachi Zion.

  If my father is to be believed, this vampire can trace his bloodline back to one of the original seven vampires. There are only two types of vampire. Turned and bloodline. Over time, the number of turned vampires has far outnumbered the bloodline ones born—something rare even before vampires withdrew and hid away from humans, and now practically non-existent—which means those family lines are in danger of dying out.

  Which is supposedly where I come in.

  I sigh and climb carefully off the bed. My thigh aches, but my busted knee aches worse. The hike did me no favors. I limp to where my suitcase is tucked near the door. It appears untouched, but when I lay it down and open it, I find things rifled through. “Nosy ass vampire,” I mutter. A quick search finds what I feared. He’s taken my knife. I glare at the mess of clothing in the suitcase. “What’s the fucking point? You’re like two hundred years old, and I’m half human. I couldn’t kill you with that knife if I tried.”

  If he’s lurking close enough to listen to me rant, he makes no appearance to reveal it. It’s just as well. Even with my vampire side accelerating my healing, I’m a little light-headed from blood loss. I need to eat something, but I might as well wish on a star as hope that kitchen is stocked.


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