Immortal Embrace

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Immortal Embrace Page 17

by Charlotte Blackwell

  Chapter 17

  Letting Go

  “So, Sophia, the winter formal is only a few weeks away, and I was hoping you would allow me the privilege of escorting you,” Nathanial asks with complete confidence.

  “I would be honored,” I agree.

  “Perfect.” He smiles, and we both let out a little chuckle. He excitedly moves closer and hugs me.

  At this moment, time seems to slow. We gaze into each other’s eyes. As we move slowly toward each other, I can feel his breath and hear his heart racing. I begin to feel weak. I have to be careful, and every instinct I have tells me to turn away, but whatever piece of a heart I have left wants to hold him and never let go. As we move closer, our lips touch ever so softly. Nathanial’s arm slowly tightens around my waist, pulling me even closer. This is the most amazing feeling, like millions of fireworks exploding inside my body. The kiss continues with his left hand cupping the back of my head, moving around to my cheek, and stroking along my cheekbone. His right hand is still wrapped around my waist. This kiss is so soft, gentle, but utterly passionate. A crowd starts to form, and everyone is in shock. Nathanial has never been interested in anyone, let alone kissed anyone before. At least that’s what I’ve been hearing from the gossip.

  We don’t even notice until Alexander taps Nathanial’s shoulder. “Hey, get a room, bro, or else we should start charging admission for this,” he jokes.

  We part and realize we are in the school courtyard with an audience. As is par for the course for his usual class clown antics, Nathanial turns to the crowd and shouts, “Thank you, thank you! Hope you all enjoyed Act 1. Please tune in next week.”

  I bury my head in his chest and giggle a little.

  “Sophia, sweetie, I’m sorry. Are you alright? I shouldn’t have disrespected you that way. Please forgive me,” he begs.

  “I’m great–just a little overwhelmed. There is nothing to apologize for,” I insist. I wonder if he regrets our kiss and asking me to the dance.

  “I shouldn’t have showed off like that. It was very disrespectful of me. I feel horrible. You deserve so much better.”

  “Nate, you have nothing to worry about. I’m fine.” I give him a small kiss on the cheek, and in usual form, he grabs my books. This time is different, though, because he also grabs my hand, and we walk to history class together. Today, November 26, I am finally hand in hand with the love of my life–a love I never thought existed or that I deserved...and I only met him a few short months ago.

  History is more exciting than it has ever been because Nathanial gently holds my hand under the table as we watch a movie about the cold war. I am so glad he is in so many of my classes. This movie is boring, but we are building a history of our own, and I must admit it’s an exciting feeling to not have to fight my urges for Nathanial anymore.

  After class, as Ebony and I are chatting about today’s events, I notice Danika talking to a guy. I don’t recognize him, so I ask Ebony who he is.

  She takes a good long look at him. “Hmm. He doesn’t look familiar, but I don’t know everyone. Ever since my magickal incident that day, no one really crosses my path anymore.”

  “I noticed that too. It must be nice to finally have some peace from all the bantering and teasing,” I reply.

  “Yeah, they leave me alone now. There’re a few people who are curious and kind to me, but I think it’s just because they’re scared I’ll put some kind of hex on them or something.” She lets out a laugh. “Come to think of it, that could be kinda fun,” she adds.

  “It could. Maybe we should look into it,” I joke.

  “As much as I would love to, I have to avoid personal gain and focus on the greater good. I am afraid I have to let it be.” Ebony rolls her eyes and laughs.

  “I am wondering about Danika and this guy. I hope she is not getting involved with him. She’s just too young.” I begin to worry, yet feel a sense of relief that she may let go of her obsession over Nathanial.

  “She will be fine. She’s probably just making friends,” Ebony reassures me. “Worrying so much isn’t good for you or all the people you worry too much about. Plus you don’t wanna get wrinkles.” She jokes.

  The bell rings, and we all start to head to our classes. I watch Danika say “Goodbye” and go to class as the boy she was with turns and walks out the door. I find this a little peculiar, but I will ask her later at home.

  S S S

  After the wonderful blood meal Florence prepared, I ask Danika to join me in the music room. “I just wanted to check in with you, girl to girl. We have been in Wenham almost three months now. How have you been coping?” I ask, attempting to find out more about what I saw today.

  “Pretty good. I will admit it is tough at times. One kid cut his finger in biology when we were dissecting frogs. I felt my fangs coming out, so I covered my mouth and ran to the restroom as if I were sick,” Danika explains with a sense of pride over how she handled the situation.

  “Good cover. Are you making some friends? I noticed you with a boy today.” I had alerted Alexander of my concerns and he agreed to listen in without alerting Danika.

  “Oh, him? He is just a guy, nothing to worry about. He asked me to hang out with him. I told him I couldn’t, end of story,” she says, appearing a little uneasy with her vague explanation.

  “I understand. Just know I am always here for you. I know I was hard on you at first, but I realize I was wrong, and hope we can be friends.”

  “Thanks. That would be great.” Danika stands with excitement and gives me a hug.

  Alexander keeps a tight hold on our thoughts and informs me that Danika was truthful and is excited about me accepting her. He adds that she is concerned about letting the family down and that she wasn’t thinking specific details, but her thoughts did have something to do with the mystery guy. He found it awkward that he couldn’t get a full read on her. I decide to let it go for now and try to keep some trust between Danika and myself. I will look for this guy later and try to reveal his intentions.


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