Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World

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Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World Page 1

by Elle Jefferson

  Until Ellory

  Copyright 2019 by Elle Jefferson


  Published by Boom Factory Publishing LLC

  Elle Jefferson CONTRIBUTOR to the Original Works was granted permission by Aurora Rose Reynolds, ORIGINAL AUTHOR, to use the copyrighted characters and/or worlds created by Aurora Rose Reynolds in the Original Work; all copyright protection to the characters and/or worlds of Aurora Rose Reynolds in the Original Works are and shall continue to be retained by Aurora Rose Reynolds. You can find all of Aurora Rose Reynolds Original Works on most major retailers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage or retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, photocopying, mechanical or otherwise, without express permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, story lines,, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales or any events or occurrences are purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Other Books

  It was the right choice.

  Ellory knew it from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Everything was falling into place. She did one more turn in her desk chair, her legs kicking the air as she spun. Now, she had to find the right time to tell the others. Her decision not only affected her but her two employees Jackie and Malcolm. She laughed to herself when a voice cut the air, “Oh my god it’s him!”

  “What?” Ellory shouted.


  With that Ellory stumbled from her chair, landing on her knees. She scrambled up tripping over her own two feet as she made a mad dash through the office doorway. Jackie and Malcolm were gathered by the front window watching the street. Ellory ran up next to Jackie scanning the pavement. Across the street running towards the park she found him. She sighed and leaned her head on Malcolm’s shoulder, “He makes me want to run. Then I remember what that is and I’m like yuck I’ll take another cup of coffee.”

  Jackie laughed, “For him, I’d consider it.”

  Malcolm shook his head, “I will happily drive beside him on a golf cart to carry his water.”

  “I bet even his sweat smells sweet,” Ellory said dreamily.

  They watched until Ellory’s unicorn was swallowed up by the trees of Glenn Park.

  Malcolm turned to Ellory, “Seriously, what’s it been like? Four weeks?”

  Ellory cleared her throat, “Four weeks and three days if anyone were counting …” Jackie raised an eyebrow, “…which we’re not, by the way. I mean only a stalker would keep track of that.”

  “So Stalker Jones,” Malcolm started, “why are we closing early?”

  “Yeah, Friday’s are like our busiest day,” Jackie chimed in.

  Ellory turned from the window and started walking towards the counter, “Did anyone put in an order for another pallet of the breakfast blend?” She started the water in the sink so they could clean the grinder and espresso attachments, but really she was buying time. This was going to be a surprise for Jackie and Malcolm. The upgrade to the shop meant an update to their roles within Ellory’s Corner Cafe.

  Jackie and Malcolm followed her over, “Spill the beans what’s up?”

  She met Malcolm’s penetrating brown-eyed stare, “You two are paranoid. I just have a doctors appointment.”

  “Honey, you didn’t even go home after your pap smear last year. As a matter of fact, you rushed back here and stayed late.”

  “You’re paranoid,” Ellory said.

  “But not wrong,” Jackie chimed in.

  These two knew her too well. They were impossible to keep secrets from. They’d see right through a lie so she’d feed them a little truth. “Fine. You got me,” Ellory said placing a freshly washed grinder on the counter before turning off the water. She turned around to face Jackie and Malcolm.

  Malcolm had his arms crossed throwing her shade. Jackie mimicked him.

  Ellory threw her hands up in the air, “We’re having a meeting here tonight with Asher Mayson. I’m thinking of expanding and want to know what my options are. So let’s finish our clean up because he’ll be here in an hour and I want us to look sharp.”

  Ellory turned away from them and went back to washing dishes with a smile on her face. Let them chew on that for a while.

  Ellory gave herself another look over in the mirror on the back of her office door. Asher had called to let her know he would be there in ten. Ellory was so thankful to Asher’s wife November for hooking them up. November was a staple of the cafe. Ellory was sure November’s coffee consumption is what afforded the addition to the cafe in the form of a bakery. November happened to be in one day, forgoing her usual coffee for tea with no caffeine, because she had a bun in the oven. Anyway, it was during this particular visit that November caught Ellory with a cupcake. November snatched the cupcake right out of her hand and took a big bite—apparently, this pregnancy was making her not just hangry but grabbie—which lead to a foodgasm that made Ellory realize she wanted to open a bakery. She could sell a few sweet treats in the cafe. But what she really wanted was to cater special occasions like birthdays or weddings. Maybe host cake decorating parties where people would use frosting instead of paint and cake instead of canvases.

  A few days later Ellory was in the cafe wiping down the counters and having one of her inner monologue epiphany sessions out loud. November overheard her talking to herself and mentioned she knew a guy. That guy turned out to be her husband who owned Mayson Construction. Mayson Construction did fantastic work, they were hardworking and super hot. She’d only met Asher and Cash on her first visit to their office, but she couldn’t stop staring. She hoped she didn’t drool much during that meeting. Which led to today. Asher was coming by the store with mock-ups. Then they would set a date for construction to begin.

  Jackie and Malcolm were seated at one of the tables talking when Ellory pulled up a chair and sat down between them.

  “You ready to tell us what kind of expansion you’re thinking about yet?” Jackie asked.

  “Dog grooming obviously.”

  “Obviously,” Malcolm said with a smile.

  Asher showed up then and knocked on the door.

  Malcolm stared out the window, “Who is that bit of deliciousness?”

  “Our contractor.”

  “I love this expansion.”

  “He’s married.”

  “A ring doesn’t mean I can’t admire.”

  Ellory stood up and walked to the door to let him in. “Hey, Asher. Is November here?”

  November pushed passed them into the cafe, “Sorry but this baby is sitting right on my bladder.” Asher watched November until she disappeared into the ladies restroom. Ellory hoped one day a man looked at her like that.

  She introduced Asher to Jackie and Malcolm. After everyone said hello they sat down and got straight to business.

  “What do you think?”Asher said.

  Ellory looked over his sketches loving every last detail. “Would you mind giving us a minute?” Ellory asked.

  “Of course,” he said.

  Ellory stood up from the table ushering Jackie
and Malcolm to follow. They gathered at the back of the cafe over by the washing sinks. “What do you guys think?” Ellory asked.

  Jackie spoke first, “It’s incredible, but there are some things I’d love to see added in the design.”


  “Well, a larger table for assembly and the walk-in should also have a table.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you talk to Asher about what you’re thinking,” Ellory said.

  “I don’t know I mean I’m just—”

  “Going to be the bakery manager and I want you to consider that space yours, so whatever you think needs to be there should be there.”

  Jackie’s eyes went wide, “What do you mean?”

  Ellory took a deep breath. “There’s sort of a caveat to the addition.” Jackie and Malcolm both looked confused, Ellory continued, “You two have proved to be my right hands. This expansion wouldn’t be possible without you two. I mean this place wouldn’t be what it is without you guys. You make work my favorite place to be. I feel hiring you both was the greatest decision I ever made. Luckily, through some smart investments, a killer sales year, meetings with my financial adviser and help from the bank I’m promoting you both. Jackie, you will be head of the bakery which comes with this snazzy new apron.” Ellory reached under the register to the box she’d stowed there the other day and pulled out a pink zebra striped apron with the word Woman in Charge in black rhinestones and handed it to Jackie. “This is for you. Malcolm you are are a genius when it comes to drinks and after listening to you talk the other day about your idea for an after-hours drinks special I’m promoting you to Head Mixologist.” Ellory handed him a blue zebra print apron with the word Head Mixologist in yellow rhinestones. “These positions come with a ten thousand dollar pay raise, health care and if we can grow this like I’m hoping then eventually, I’d like to make you two partners in the business.”

  Jackie and Malcolm stood there dumbfounded. After a full minute with no response, Ellory became nervous shifting from foot to foot. “So, are you interested? Please say something.”

  Malcolm and Jackie broke out into smiling laughter.”I love it here I’d have to be bananas not to take an offer that amazing,” Malcolm said before scooping Ellory up into a bear hug.

  Jackie squeezed into the hug, “I can’t believe it. This is like a dream come true.” As they continued to squeal inside their group hug, Asher cleared his throat garnering their attention. They quickly let each other and reigned in their giddiness. Ellory cleared her throat and turned to Asher, “Sorry about that.”

  He smiled wide and once again Ellory was struck by his good looks. “It’s no problem. I was hoping I could take another walk through the building?”

  “Absolutely, let me just get the keys.”

  “Babe she’s kicking,” November suddenly said. Asher rushed to November’s side kneeling beside her chair as she placed his hand on her belly. Ellory couldn’t help but stare. She wanted that. To have a love so intense the people around her could feel it. “I can only hope to be that lucky,” Malcolm said bumping his shoulder against hers.

  “I’d settle for someone that hot bumping uglies with me for a night,” Jackie said.

  “One good night of pounding am I right. The other night I drew a face on my hand then—”

  “I’ll stop you right there,” Ellory cut in.

  “Malcolm, I had no idea you were such a romantic. Did you give him blue eyes or green?”

  “Jackie. Do. Not. Encourage him.”

  “They were green of course.” Jackie and Malcolm hi-fived. Ellory shook her head and went off to the office to grab the keys for the other building. After they finished the walk-through and made a few adjustments to the designs, Asher and November left. Mayson Construction returned in two weeks to start on renovations. The project would take one month from start to finish and then Ellory’s dream would be complete. She couldn’t wait. There would be only one hiccup. The coffee shop would have to close for one week while the electrical was finished and inspections were done. Then they would have a grand re-opening and a party to make the occasion.

  Jackie and Malcolm left shortly after November and Asher leaving Ellory alone. She might have danced around the coffee making station before moonwalking into her office to grab her purse. She made a quick call to her bestie, Ila, who agreed to meet her for drinks at their favorite bar downtown. Ellory locked up then headed out.

  Ila was already seated when Ellory arrived at The Mark. Ellory threw her purse and jacket across the seat before sliding into the booth across from Ila.

  “So how did it go?” Ila asked as she slid a menu across the table to Ellory.

  “Oh my god, Ila! Asher’s designs are incredible. The place is going to look amazing.”

  “I can’t believe you’re finally doing it. I’m so proud of you.”

  Ellory blushed. Ila had been encouraging her to take the plunge and expand the cafe for quite some time. Ila was her biggest cheerleader and most stalwart supporter. She’d been that for Ellory ever since they met in fifth grade. Ellory looked over the menu although she already knew what she was getting. Cheeseburger with double bacon and all the fixing with a side of sweet potato fries.

  “What about Jackie and Malcolm?”

  “They’re as excited as I am.”

  “I knew I was right in telling you to hire them.”

  Ellory rolled her eyes. Ila loved Malcolm and Jackie almost as much as Ellory did and tried to take credit for hiring them. Okay, so maybe she pushed their applications into the yes pile, but Ellory was the one who interviewed them. A detail Ila always overlooked. Ellory put the menu back into the stand, “What about you? How did your first solo skydiving class go?”

  “You should smell my pits. Anxiety sweat isn’t pretty.” Ellory sniffed the air. “Shut-up. I took a shower before I came here.”

  Ellory laughed, “Why in the world were you nervous? I mean you have over a thousand jumps under your belt.”

  Ila tilted her head and stared. “Do you like talking in front of a group of strangers?”


  “I dropped my parachute prop twice my hands were shaking so bad.”

  “I’m sure you had the class eating out of those shaking palms of yours.” Ellory held up the bowl of chips to Ila shaking her hands as she did.

  Ila rolled her eyes. “Shut-up. I don’t know about that, but by the end of my speech one of the burlier guys looked ready to puke.”

  “Just thinking about it makes me want to puke.”

  “I’m going to get you up there one day. Shaking hands and all.”

  “Trust me. You won’t.”

  The waiter came to take their orders and brought them two glasses of sparkling wine. As Ila was making a toast, Ellory saw him. Over by the bar was Ellory’s unicorn. He was with two other men and a woman. They all looked severe in their suits and ties. Ellory thought her unicorn looked good in his gray sweat pants and a white long sleeved shirt. But hot damn he was killing it in the navy suit. She watched him as he said something, laughed, then took a drink. For a minute she wished she was that glass so she could feel his lips on her.

  He was drinking a pint of something. Ellory wondered what. Usually, she saw him from across the street a good distance from her coffee shop. But now he was only a few tables away. This close she could appreciate how broad his shoulders were. He looked bigger, stronger, and even sexier. His size led her to fantasies of him throwing her over his shoulder. His five o’clock shadow accentuated his square jaw. She wondered what that scruff would feel like rubbing against her cheek, her thigh. And she could see what color his eyes were. Blue like the sky. Blue eyes that were trained on her. He winked then took a drink. She’d been caught staring. She quickly looked away.

  “Earth to Ellory. Come in.”

  Ellory looked at Ila. “He’s here.”


  Ila made to turn and look.

  Ellory grabbed her arm stopping her, “He’s behind
you. Right now my unicorn is literally right behind you two tables away.”Ila’s eyes went wide.

  Ila turned in her seat pretending to go through her purse when really she was looking back to check out the man Ellory gushed to her about on multiple occasions. She turned back to Ellory eye’s wide. “He’s gorgeous. This is a sign. You have to go talk to him.”

  “That’s not happening.”

  Ila pushed her glass of wine across to Ellory, “A bit of liquid courage then.”

  Ellory sighed, “He’s so pretty.”

  “Girl, nothing about him is pretty. No, that man is in a category all his own.”

  “I know that’s why we call him a unicorn.”

  Ila pushed Ellory’s drink towards her again, “Drink up.”


  “Don’t over think it. Just do it. You have one life. Don’t fill it with regrets or regerts as many a tattoo will tell you.”

  Ellory laughed. Maybe it was time for her to take a page from Ila’s playbook. She took the offered drink, “Bottom’s up.” She downed the glass in one gulp, almost instantly feeling a buzzing inside her. She took a deep breath ready to throw caution to the wind, stood up—if this blew up in her face she’d blame it on the alcohol—took a few steps and realized he was gone. There was nothing at his table but empty glasses. She scanned the bar but saw no sign of her unicorn or his entourage. She had been scared to death to talk to him, but she’d also been looking forward to hearing what his voice sounded like even if it was in the form of “piss off,” or “not even in your dreams.” She sat back down defeated. “He’s gone.”

  Ila craned her neck to look behind her. “He really is a unicorn. Wonder if his horn is magic too.” Ila said wagging her brow.

  It was then the waiter came with their meals, but he didn’t drop off their plates he said, “I just wanted to let you know your dinner has been taken care of.”

  “By who?” Ila asked.

  “Was it a hot guy?” Ellory blurted. The wine had loosened her lips.

  The waiter’s eyebrow rose, “I have no idea, the hostess just let me know your tab was paid.”


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