Given to Madness: A Dark Romance

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Given to Madness: A Dark Romance Page 21

by Winter Fox

  He laughed. “They are out safely. But I need to tell Boris not to take them to the safe house, like we originally planned.”

  My heart fluttered in my chest as I whispered my next question. “Where are you going to ask him to take them?”

  He gave me a wicked smile, and it lit his eyes up until they glowed with a dark, desirous fire. Then he shrugged his huge shoulders casually. “I don’t know. I’d heard that Vienna was quite nice this time of year.”

  Leaping up with a very unladylike squeal, I landed on top of him. Straddling his body with my legs, and throwing my arms around his neck. “Are you serious? You’re going to come with us? You’re going to bring your family?”

  He huffed out a breath, jokingly trying to imply that my fragile body was heavy against his. “Only if you want me to come, milaya.”

  Leaning forward, I laid a soft kiss against his lips. Then pulling my mouth back from his, I spoke softly. “Wherever I am in the world, I always want you with me.”

  His eyes shone, and he shifted beneath me; until I felt the hardness of him pressed against my opening. “You’re an animal.” I laughed.

  “And you’re fucking beautiful, baby,” he growled.

  I started to reply, but my words melted into a groan of delight, as he thrust his hips up—sinking his cock deep inside me. And I wasn’t at all surprised to find that I was already soaking wet, and completely ready for him.

  His hands found my narrow hips as I sat atop him, and he dug his fingertips into me, lifting my body up above him; before inching me back down his hard length.

  “Ilya.” I cried out his name, as the pleasure consumed me once again.

  Without missing a beat, he looked up at me, smirking. “Do you know what it does to me to hear my name on those lips? Especially while I’m fucking you, baby.”

  My eyes narrowed, and it was my turn to fire him a wicked smile. “No, I don’t. Show me.”

  Growling like a wolf, he flipped me onto my back, and was on top of me in seconds. “Now that, is something I will take great pleasure in, milaya.”

  Reconnecting our bodies in one hard thrust, he used his hands to pin my wrists above my head; then laying a single, soft kiss against my lips, he began to slowly withdraw from me. When he reached my entrance, he paused for a split second before teasingly sliding back inside me again. As he repeated the process, I suddenly became aware of how gently he was treating my body.

  I whimpered and tried to lift my hips to meet him, wanting him to go faster. But he used a hand to gently press against my stomach, lowering me back down onto the bed.

  “I want to take it slow, baby. I want to enjoy the feel of you, I want you to enjoy the feel of me.” And as he reached his full depth inside me again, he pressed his mouth against the bruised crease of my neck. I hissed in a breath at the pressure against the swollen skin, but he only laid a tender kiss against the mark.

  Carefully using his body to keep me pinned against the bed, he released my wrists, permitting me to reach forward and lightly sweep my fingertips across his tanned cheek. His hands were pressed against the bed, on either side of my shoulders as he stared down at me, always maintaining the teasing rhythm with his cock.

  Every time his body pressed down fully against my own, my throbbing clit was tormented by the promise of pleasure; before it was quickly stolen away again. My frustration bubbled over, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. Bucking up from the bed to try and steal him inside me quicker.

  He huffed a soft laugh, and whispered in my ear. “Tell me again, milaya?”

  I frowned as he slid slowly back inside me, scattering my thoughts and reason once more. He was like the ocean tide, washing through my body, and ripping away all of the thoughts of anything that wasn’t him.

  “Tell you what,” I murmured.

  “Tell me that you love me?”

  “I do,” I whimpered, desperately trying to make our bodies meet even more frantically.

  “Say it,” he growled. And this time when he withdrew to my opening, he didn’t hesitate before slamming his hard cock deep back inside me.

  I moaned out in delight, arching my back to allow him deeper. “I love you,” I cried.

  Almost as though he was rewarding me for my admission, he sped up his assault on my body. Sending my head flying back against the bed, and my nails digging into his broad shoulders.

  “Say it again,” he rasped, increasing his tempo.

  I was on the edge now, and I could sense that he was too. I met his dark, lustful gaze, and I kept my eyes on his as I howled out the words, not caring who heard me.

  “I love you.”

  And again, as he buried himself so deeply inside me. “I love you.”

  And again, as the world exploded before my very eyes. Sending a cascade of stars bursting through my body and across my vision. “I love you.”

  He roared out his own release at the same moment that I fell apart beneath him. His thrusts slowed down as he suddenly stiffened and spilled the evidence of his own ecstasy inside me. Leaning his head down, and pressing his cheek against my own, he whispered.

  “I love you too. You’ve changed me, milaya. I know you can make me a better person. And I’m ready to be better.”



  Ilya woke up the next day filled with a sense of uncontrolled delight. In the space of a few short weeks his entire existence had done a complete three-sixty, and for the first time ever he actually believed that he could do more with his life than take a bullet to the head before the time he was thirty.

  He leaned up on his elbow and watched the girl sleeping next to him, her back was turned to Ilya, and her sexy ass was pressed against his raging cock. He always seemed to be hard around this woman. But he didn’t make a move to fuck her just yet, wanting to appreciate the peace of watching her sleep next to him for a little while longer.

  His mouth was dry, and he reached out to grab the bottle of vodka he had come to always expect to be waiting on the bedside table. But when his hand closed around only mineral water, he was surprised to find that he wasn’t disappointed.

  Step one of being better for her. He was going to cut back on his disgraceful alcohol intake.

  Unscrewing the lid of the bottle, he took a long drink, and was surprised at just how good it tasted. After two or three huge gulps, he returned the bottle to the bedside table, and continued to study the woman lying beside him.

  Lifting a finger to tease through the long, dark strands of her hair, Ilya uncovered the bruise he had left on her neck with his mouth. His jaw twitched minutely as his eyes roamed over the blackening of her skin, and he questioned his internal need to inflict pain on her.

  She wasn’t like the others. If he was going to be better, then he needed to start with the desire to hurt.

  Step two of being better for her. He would seek help—counselling—whatever bullshit it took, to help him bring his violent nature under control.

  He smiled, raising his fingers to touch lightly against his own lips. Then he laid the tips gently against the bruise, as though offering her a silent apology for what he’d done to her beautiful body.

  “I’m going to be better for you, milaya,” he murmured. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to become the kind of man you deserve.”

  She murmured in her sleep, and he knew that he’d woken her. It was a bittersweet moment, because he’d wanted to enjoy a few more minutes of solitary company while he watched her sleep. But his cock twitched at the thought of getting what it wanted, finally.

  She rolled over, and opened sleepy, amber eyes, and Ilya felt as though his heart was about to explode with how much love and adoration was wrapped up inside of him.

  “Good morning, baby,” he whispered.

  “Good morning.”

  She smiled at him as she spoke, and her whole face was lit by happiness. Knowing that her contentment was because of him, was a feeling like nothing he’d ever experienced in hi
s life, and Ilya swore to himself then and there that he was never going to let this woman down again.


  Within sixty seconds of me waking up Ilya had been buried back inside me. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. And it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

  I had been surprised to realize that I had slept so late. It was eleven-thirty when I woke up, and twelve-thirty by the time we finally managed to tear ourselves away from each other for long enough for me to go and get a shower.

  Ilya—ever the domestic surprise—made us a crazily huge breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast. Coupled with a steaming pot of fresh coffee, and a jug of icy cold orange.

  I padded through from the bedroom after my shower, with my damp hair hanging down my back, and I smiled at him as my eyes roved across the table. My stomach growled ferociously, and he laughed.

  “Breakfast is served, my lady. Now you need to eat, while I go and get myself cleaned up.”

  I caught hold of his wrist as he headed for the door, complaining that I didn’t want to eat alone. But he trapped my wrists by my side with his own hands; before pecking a chastising kiss on the tip of my nose.

  “I’ll be two minutes. Make me a plate up, and I’ll join you.”

  I pouted jokingly. “Okay. Two minutes.”

  After he left, I busied myself with dishing out the food. He had made way too much for two people, and I wondered if I could keep some of it warm in the oven for when Alessio arrived. My stomach jumped in joy at the thought of seeing my brother again soon.

  I poured a coffee, and sat looking out of the window at the sun-dappled woodland outside. Sipping at the steaming hot drink, I smiled to myself. My upcoming reunion with Alessio had been marred by the thought of losing Ilya. But now that was no longer going to happen, I was happier than I thought I’d ever been in my life.

  I just had to persuade Alessio that Ilya was a good man.

  Two firm hands pressed on my shoulders, and I screamed in surprise. My heart was pounding; until Ilya leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “You are never going to have to be afraid of anything else, for the rest of your life, milaya.”

  I turned my head to stare at him, and he captured my lips in a passionate kiss; before breaking away to sit down and make a start on his food.

  “Alessio just messaged to say that his plane has landed. He’ll be here very soon, baby. Then all three of us will be on our way to Vienna.”

  “That’s amazing. I can’t wait.” I grinned. In a couple of short hours this whole nightmare would be over for me, and for Ilya.

  He smiled back at me; before standing up and crossing the room to collect a black sports bag, which was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. He dropped the bag onto a clear space on the table, and unzipped it.

  Inside was an obscene amount of cash, three guns, and two passports. When I gave Ilya an enquiring stare, he held up the first passport—open at the photo page. And I was stunned to see that it was my face on the image. But the name next to it did not read Liselle Marchesi.

  “There’s one for you, and one for me.”

  I blinked in confusion.

  “If we fly to Austria under our own names, and Mariusz pays a bent airport official off to get hold of the flight manifests, we’ll be fucked. You’re not going to be Liselle Marchesi any more. But if you don’t like your new name, we can change it again once we’re in Vienna. Okay?”

  I nodded silently. “Why are you showing me all of this now?”

  His jaw tightened, ever so slightly. “Just in case anything happens to me.”

  “It won’t. It can’t,” I snapped.

  He threw the passports back into the bag, and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. “Of course, it won’t. But just in case, yeah? I need you to take care of my family if anything happens, baby. You’re the only one I’d trust to do it.”

  “Stop talking like that,” I growled into his warm, safe chest.

  He tenderly kissed the top of my head. “Everything is going to be fine. I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered.

  Then he pressed down on my shoulders to gently encourage me to sit back down in my chair.

  “Now finish your coffee while I start to take these plates into the kitchen.”

  I began to protest that I would help him, and tried to stand up. But he captured my lips with his, and used the fierce kiss to push me back into my seat.

  “Stay,” he warned. Grinning.

  “Okay.” I pouted, through a smile. Watching his sexy ass as he sauntered from the kitchen.

  I was so blissfully consumed by thoughts of our life together that I was caught entirely unawares by the arm which snaked around my neck—cruelly yanking me to my feet. But I quickly sobered when I felt the gun barrel press against my temple

  Ilya walked back into the room, just as Mariusz snarled. “Stay exactly where you fucking are, you traitorous piece of shit.”

  Ilya’s tanned face became deathly pale in an instant. “Mariusz, let her go.”

  “Don’t be fucking stupid.” Mariusz tightened his grip on me, dragging me back, away from Ilya.

  “Please, don’t,” I whispered.

  Mariusz barked laughter. “Oh, you don’t need to worry, love. I’m not going to kill you if I can help it. I want to take you home, and watch the loyal members of my Five, while they fuck you bloody.”

  Ilya didn’t hesitate, he flew across the room with terrifying speed and accuracy. His shoulder smashed into Mariusz, knocking the smaller man to the ground.

  Mariusz released me at the exact same time as he dropped the gun—which skittered into a corner. I stumbled away from the two men, as they began trading blows with each other. Ilya lashed out with a fist, which split Mariusz’s nose apart.

  “You can’t beat me, Mariusz. We both know how this ends.” Ilya, took a second swipe, but Mariusz kicked out at the bigger man’s shin, knocking him to his knees.

  “No,” I screamed, darting for the gun.

  Mariusz bellowed laughter, and almost pirouetted around as he landed a kick to the side of Ilya’s face. Ilya grunted in pain, dropping to his hands and knees.

  I fumbled with the cold metal of the unfamiliar weapon for a moment, before righting it in my hand, and aiming it at Mariusz’s head.

  “Get the fuck away from him.”

  Mariusz froze for the briefest instant, staring at me in total shock. And that was all of the time that Ilya needed. He roared, and launched to his feet to land a bone-jarring uppercut against Mariusz’s jaw. And as the Russian’s teeth flew in all directions, Ilya wrapped his arm around the now terrified looking man’s throat—snapping his neck in one smooth movement.

  I dropped the gun, and ran to Ilya. “You’re okay, thank god you’re okay.”

  His grip was like iron on my arm as he dragged me across the room, to hook the sports bag with his free hand.

  “Ilya, you’re hurting me.”

  He dragged me toward the back door of the cabin, ignoring my protests. “Shh. If Mariusz is here, then the others will be right behind him. We have to leave. Now.”

  Ilya pushed the back door open, and stepped cautiously out onto the large rear porch. Keeping a tight grip on my arm, he made sure that I stayed right by his side. We jogged down the porch steps, and into the beautiful, flower-filled back garden of the cabin.

  I squinted in the sunlight, and then cried out in shock as Ilya suddenly swept my body behind his with his right arm.

  “Hello, Lieutenant.” Sava’s voice made my blood run cold.

  “Mariusz is dead. You have nothing left to fight for.” Ilya sounded calm, but I could feel the barely restrained quiver of anger which ran through his body.

  Peeking tentatively over his shoulder, I saw that there was a member of the Five approaching us from every corner of the garden, and my heart sank. Ilya was the bravest, and strongest man I’d ever met. But he couldn’t take all four of these men do

  The men continued to advance on us. “I don’t like your odds, Lieutenant,” Kostya called.

  Ilya suddenly thrust the black bag into my hand. “What are you doing?” I said. A cold hollowness creeping into the pit of my stomach.

  “You’ll need this to get out. If I’m with you, fine. But if I’m not…” His meaning was clear.

  “Ilya, I’m not leaving without you,” I whispered.

  He ignored me. Addressing the man who was nearest to him. “Anatoli. Brother. Are you really going to do this?”

  The other man pursed his lips. “You’re a traitor, Lieutenant. I owe you nothing.”

  Ilya pressed his hand against my chest, and roughly shoved me back, as the first man darted forward to attack. I stumbled backward, and crashed into the arms of someone who gripped me so tightly it hurt.

  I turned to hit my captor, then I paused as I heard his voice. “Sorella, it’s me. Stop.”

  “Alessio.” My relief was short-lived, as I heard a howl of pain. “We have to help him.”

  Alessio looked toward the ensuing fight, and he shook his head. “We can’t help him, Liss. We have to run.”

  Ilya seemed to notice my brother then. Turning toward us, he roared, “Get your sister out of here, Alessio. Now.”

  Then Sava lifted his gun, and without hesitation he unloaded a round into Ilya’s chest.

  “No,” I screamed. “No, no, no.” I fought to escape my brother’s arms, as he dragged me away from the man I loved. The man who had collapsed to one knee, as crimson blood wept from his chest.

  There was another gunshot, and Ilya’s body jerked at the impact.

  “Ilya?” I screamed his name so loud that I felt something snap in my throat. And I kicked, and scratched and fought against my brother, as he dragged me toward a waiting car. Not caring if I hurt him.

  In that moment all I cared about was that they were killing him. They were killing him, and this wasn’t how it was supposed to end.




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