Home for Good

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Home for Good Page 7

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  “Bye, daddy,” Livy whined.

  “Hey, bug, wait, let me talk to Jared.”

  Livy disappeared out of my room and ran down the hall to Jared’s. His words resonated with me. Always beautiful? Such a different tone then the last time we spoke and a few before that. He was taking me to court for crying out loud. Why be nice now?

  I shook off the emotion and applied my lipstick. Testing myself in my high heels, I made it a few feet without completely falling on my face. Calling it a success, I welcomed Tammy inside the door.

  “Damnnnnn, girl. You’re smoking.”

  “Is it too much? Too little?”

  “You’re hot. Go get laid.”

  “Yup, still on video chat here with Jared.”

  A voice came into the room with none other than Jared standing behind me holding my phone.

  “Here’s dad.”

  “Thanks buddy.”

  I rolled my eyes at Tammy and looked at the screen.

  “Bye, Clint.”

  “Have fun on your date.”

  “It’s not a date.”


  I rolled my eyes at him, and ended the call.

  “Well, that was awkward. Anyway, chicken nuggets are in the oven, and there’s a steamed bag of broccoli in the microwave. They eat all the broccoli or no ice cream. And if they eat ice cream, one scoop!”

  “Stop acting like I haven’t watched them before,” She laughed. “Besides, they always get ice cream with Aunt Tam Tam.”

  “Aunt Tam Tam?”

  “Just go! You look great, it’ll be fine, go before you’re late!”

  “You’re sure Russ won’t care about taking care of the kids?”

  “Hell no! They’re his damn kids!”

  “Ok, ok! I’m going! Hugs and kisses guys!”

  Livy and Jared gave their fair share of love before I headed out to the car. I knew they were safe in the hands of Tammy. I relaxed a little knowing that much. It wasn’t often I left them with people, because I always stayed home with them. Only when they went to their dads would I ever enjoy any time to go out.

  In my car, I glanced in the mirror refusing to give myself another pep talk, I took off toward Ashford.

  Upon arriving, valet took my car, and I was welcomed by a host in a black tuxedo. The grand entrance had hanging chandeliers, and striped gold and white wallpaper dressed the room. A ginormous eating area was behind the round desk in the middle of the room. This wasn’t a small podium like at most restaurants, this was a freaking desk. The ambiance was low lit and a symphony played through the speakers softly. Suddenly, I felt my heart patter.

  “Do you have a reservation, Ma’am?”

  “Yes, Paisley here for Bennet.”

  “Ah, yes! There you are. Come this way please.”

  I smiled trying to pretend I knew how to act in a place like this. Clutching my purse, I was directed to a corner of the room where a small table was.

  Cage stood up and I thought I’d melt in his presence. I thought he looked well put together earlier, but now, he was hands down stunning. His black tux, clean shaved face, muscular tight arms about to rip through his shirt, stood out to me.

  “Paisley,” he slid out my chair across from where he was seated. Nobody else sat at the table. After I sat, a menu was placed in front of me, and another man had a wine bottle waiting to pour for me.

  “Cage, you look handsome. This place is incredible.”

  “As incredible as you look this evening. Our guests will be joining us soon.”

  “Oh, thank God.” I inhaled, “I mean oh, good.” I corrected, completely embarrassed by my nerves.

  Cage chuckled mildly in his seat.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll be here soon.”

  “I’m not worried,” I exhaled.

  “I like you. You’re very, what’s the word? Real.”

  “Real?” I asked a bit confused.

  “Since the moment I met you, you acted more nervous in my presence than I have seen in a long time, but you kept it real. I like that about you.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “Ah, ha. Van and Delaney are here.”

  “Oh my God, I didn’t know I was meeting Van tonight too!”

  “This is our monthly meeting, we schedule with one another and our assistants to go over all the business type things.”

  “That makes sense.”

  Van and Delaney approached the table. Van in a tux almost similar to Cage’s and Delaney in a tight red cocktail dress showing off every curve she had. Her beautiful blonde hair was curled over shoulders, her makeup literally perfect over what must be an amazing skin care routine.

  “Van Oakley, Delaney Robson, this is Paisley Connor.”

  I stood up nervously and offered my hand to Van first, then Delaney who both shook my hand firmly before sitting down. Van sat next to Cage and Delaney next to me. The woman was absolutely breathtaking. They definitely had a thing for attractive assistants.

  “So glad they have someone to fill Cage’s assistant! It was getting a little tiresome working for both of them.” She giggled, ordering some fancy wine and tipping her glass almost immediately after it was served.

  “Yes, I’m eager to get Paisley caught up on everything and trained. I presume you’ll be very helpful in that process too.” Cage directed to Delaney.

  “Of course. What are we ordering tonight boys?”

  She was very informal with them giving me hope that I’d fit in very quickly.

  “Porter house it is. I’m fucking starved.”

  “Me too, man,” Van added. “So, Paisley, tell us about yourself.”

  “Just show them the picture of your beautiful kids and it’ll explain how talented you are in all fields.”

  “All fields?” Delaney asked.

  “Well, yes, being a mother you become an expert in quite a lot of things,” Cage clarified.

  “Livy is six, Jared is eight.” I passed my phone to them to show them the picture, blushing crimson from Cage’s compliment.

  “Oh, it says, um, make sure to use protection on your date…”

  My stomach dropped and my heart stopped beating.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry about that.” I grabbed my phone back from Cage and the table shared looks between each other in pure silence while I killed myself ten times over after reading Clint’s fucking stupid message displayed on the screen over my children’s picture I was supposed to be showing off.

  “That’s their father, he’s on a little bit of a jealous streak and thinks I’m dating. I’m so sorry you all had to see that.” I stuffed my phone back into my purse.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have read your personal message like that,” Cage said.

  “It’s not a problem, Paisley. Don’t even worry about it,” Van added.

  “He sounds like a dick,” Delaney added.

  I took my wine glass and tipped it back, gulping down as I listened to them talk. Finally, they started on a little work conversation, forcing the topic to something other than my stupid ex-husband.

  “So they’re talking about upcoming cases that have court dates. We go with them to court usually if they tell us, otherwise we stay in the office. Sometimes we get the option to work from home. It’s pretty great working for them. Two down to earth, amazing guys,” Delaney said.

  “Oh, cool. Good to know. Holly didn’t get to teach me much today. Just paperwork and usual first day type stuff.”

  “Holly is the best. We truly have a great team of people. It’s a hustle with these guys, but they make it worth it,” she winked.

  I half wondered what the hell Delaney meant by that. How did they make it worth it? Was that an insinuation? The waiter came back to the table and took our order. Delaney ordered a steak, so I went and got the same as her. Was it just me or did everyone always get nervous ordering food at fancy places? Especially, when your bosses were paying the bill. Van nor Cage even batted an eye at us and ordered the most expensive
steak on the menu. They called it a cheat day and made me laugh. As much as I was very present and fitting into this meeting, learning some ropes, I missed my kids. The wine was flowing between us all, and the conversation got very light. Delaney was talking about her date from the other night, and Van spoke about his fiancé.

  “So, I mean, your text that came in kind of got me curious, are you actually dating or does he think you are?”

  I laughed, “No, I’m not dating.” My mind rang back to Tate and how I wished he would fucking call me. How badly I wanted to re-date him and show him the best part of my world now, my kids, and our life. ”My daughter, was video chatting with her daddy, my ex-husband, and she told him I was all dressed up for my date. She didn’t mean it that way but of course he took it that way. A little jealous side came out in him.”

  “Is he still in love with you?” Van asked.

  The wine really must be flowing.

  “Ha, no. He has a girlfriend. Well, he’s had many. I assure you he doesn’t love me. He’s taking me to court actually.”

  “Ohhhhhhh, no! I’m your man, Paisley!” Cage said, a huge smile sliding across his face and Van and Delaney both joined in on the smile that I didn’t seem to understand.

  “Yeah, he claims he’s going to fight me on custody. He won’t win over my dead body.”

  “Oh, you’re at the right place. I won’t let him win,” Cage smirked.

  Then out of nowhere Cage spotted someone walking and whistled to get their attention until I heard footsteps behind me walking to the table. Nobody turned around as we were in our own little conversation. Then I heard his voice and my head whipped around so fast I could be sick looking up into those damn dangerous eyes.

  “Watson, sorry, Tate, this is my business partner, Van Oakley, his assistant Delaney, and my very new assistant Paisley Connor.”

  “Connor. Names sound so familiar. Pleased to meet you all.”

  “It’s been a long time, Tate. What the hell are you up to these days?” Cage asked.

  “Oh, just trying to figure out my life again. You know how that is.”

  My gut twisted like the knife he was putting in my back. Why the hell was he even at this fancy restaurant looking so enticing I could rip his clothes off and take him right there on the silky cloth table. He wouldn’t barely look at me and it tore at the piece of my heart more and more. I wanted to excuse myself, get up from the table and run and hide far behind something, anything to escape the pain I felt.

  “Ha, yeah I know how that is. You still in service?”

  “Ops, based back at home now.”

  “Crazy, man. Hey, did you ever find that beautiful girl you showed me a picture of like another lifetime ago? You were writing her letters and I’ll never forget the passion in your eyes.”

  Tate’s eyes finally landed back on me and it was the exact moment that my emotions surfaced and I stood up immediately. I couldn’t do this.

  “Yeah, I found her, ending up marrying a buddy of mine.”

  “Excuse me.” I ran from the table as fast as I could in heels until I rounded the corner to the restrooms. The conversation hurt my heart in more ways than one. Cage fucking served with Tate. My life couldn’t get more complicated. They didn’t seem close, because surely if they were, Cage would know who I was more than a damn picture he wrote home to. I barreled through the bathroom doors and over the porcelain toilet as I dry heaved. Tears tried to work their way out of me, but I shut it down not to ruin my makeup. This was a business meeting. One I couldn’t fucking leave on. His words killed me though and I knew he was hurt and wanting to hurt me in return. I absolutely got that hell. He had no idea the hurt I felt though. I went over to the sink and washed my hands, freshening up. I exited the bathroom to see Tate leaning on the wall.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I am not married, Tate. I’m sorry you can’t see that I’m human and I did what I did because he was there for me. He spent days, months, and years picking up the pieces you left me in. He wasn’t you though. He’s very aware of that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my boss since this is still my first day on the job and I have impressions to make.”

  I walked away lacking the confidence I strolled in with. Damn it fucking Tate Watson.


  T he week went by with a breeze. I smoothed over all work related things, learning by the minute and impressing by the second. Grasping on to legalities and paperwork. Cage and I clicked toward the end of the week, giving me hope for a successful team. The only thing I couldn’t stop thinking about all week was the dinner at Ashford. The insane random meeting with Tate, who I haven’t heard from since. Then, Cage said those few little words about being sure I’d win. The way he said them with such determination in his voice, had me smiling. I thought I had the best attorney I could afford before, but Cage would blow the doors off that courtroom when Clint brings me to it. Now, it was a waiting game to see if his threats played out. I started a log, tracking all my receipts for expenses I have paid for the kids he hadn’t helped with. Anytime he showed anger in front of them, missed the pick up or skipped his weekend. The dirty laundry would be aired and I gave no fucks anymore. If I went to court, this would be the third time, all because of a bitch he dated.

  Today, I had to pull up my britches, take it with stride and put my children first. Clint offered to take us to the fair. These things we occasionally did with our kids to make them feel loved that we could get along for the sake of them. Even though I had anger toward Clint, for many reasons, I would make today the best for my kids. They only deserved the greatest.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket from the vibration letting me know I had an alert of some sort, Tate’s name read across the screen, and my heart plummeted to the small depths of my body.

  Tate: Can we talk?

  My fingers wanted to fly out a response, yet nothing came to the surface. There was so much to say, so much to talk about. Now, the words just stung. I knew how badly I hurt him. I also knew how much I missed him since I saw him last. Like I got a hunch at having him back, then he went away again. It ripped my heart back and forth.

  Me: Yes. When?

  Tate: Now?

  Lord knew I would fly over in a second to wrap my arms around him or comfort him from this, but we were going to the fair in a few minutes. Inviting him with wasn’t really an option since Clint would be there. If things worked between us obviously he would need to put those feelings aside since Clint was the father, but I didn’t expect him to this soon.

  Me: I can’t right now, Clint is taking the kids tonight. I can come over after?

  Tate: Ok.

  Me: Ok. See you later.

  No response. The kids swarmed the room before I put any more thought into it. My focus rerouted to spending the day with them at the fair.

  The horn blared from outside letting us know Clint arrived. They ran through the house and I followed behind them, locking up the house on the way out. Taking a deep breath in and out, before getting in the passenger seat of Clint’s truck. Today had to go smoothly I reminded myself.

  “Morning, I brought coffee.” He handed me a cup of brew from the local coffee shop.

  Grabbing it with my hand, I set it back in the cup holder while I buckled and looked back to make sure the kids were buckled. “Thanks.” I said softly. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. Was that a peace offering? Or was I thinking too much into it?

  Clint put the truck in drive and tore out onto the street. The kids blabbed away in the backseat and Clint and I haven’t said anything else to each other. The lines were long as we approached the designated parking lots for the fair. Clint tossed a ten dollar bill to the attendant for parking. We had a good spot without a lot of walking to the front gate. We all hopped out of the truck and the kids were jumping up and down with excitement, seeing the rides from the truck.

  “Momma, I can’t wait to ride the Ferris wheel!” Livy squealed.

  “I want to
ride the Himalaya!” Jared shouted.

  “Y’all will ride what you want. Let’s go,” Clint said.

  We walked to the front gate and I got my purse out, ready to pay before Clint shooed it away handing the ticket booth his credit card.

  “You don’t need to pay.”

  “Yeah I do.”

  He got the kiddos wrist bands to ride unlimited for the day. The price was hefty, but he refused to let me pay. We made our rounds to the Ferris wheel to please Livy first. We waited in a small line before we all entered the big cage to ride together. As the Ferris wheel loaded more people, we rocked back and forth taking the sights in.

  “Have I reminded you guys of the fact mommy doesn’t do well with heights?” I gripped my seat and slowly started get more anxious the further up we went.

  Clint moved his hand to mine and intertwined his fingers, placing our hands in his lap. As much as I loved the gesture, it made me a little more uncomfortable. The thing it did the most, was distract me from the trip to the top. Livy squealed again standing up to look out at the gorgeous view.

  “Sit down, Liv.”

  “Listen to your ma,” Clint added, squeezing my fingers.

  Our eyes stole glimpses at one another before looking back at the kids.

  “Mom, this is so cool!” Jared said.

  “Daddy, can I sit on your lap?” Livy begged.

  “Of course you can, bug.” We both looked down at our hands, I nodded at him letting him know I was fine if we let go. I kept down the vomit in the pit of my stomach while I calmed the nerves that tore me up piece by piece.

  Seeing Livy so comfortable on his lap put a sense of peace over me. Their daddy was the biggest ass at times, but he was their dad. They didn’t see him that way.

  My mind raced to Tate and the fact I would see him later today. I started to feel sick all over again. Unsure of the future, my only concern at the moment was what my kids needed. Right now, their daddy was the answer.

  Livy and Jared rushed over to the petting zoo and Clint and I leaned over the wooden railing watching them chase some goats and pet some. I was sure it ranked high in Livy’s world as she was such an animal lover.


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