His Terms

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His Terms Page 14

by Jenika Snow

  She was saturated, so wet that she could feel her juices leaking out and coating her entrance, lubricating her pussy hole so that Rian would have no trouble sliding in. Sorcha wanted him inside of her so badly that she started lifting her hips slightly, pushing against him. Identical groans left both of them.

  “Please, Rian.”

  “Please what, baby? Tell me what you want.” His voice was a husky whisper moving over her throat.

  “I want you—need you to be inside of me.”

  He let out a muffled sound of pleasure, and reached between them to take hold of his cock and place the tip at her entrance. The bulbous head prodded at her hole, wanting entrance. She was more than willing to accept him. The fire burned brightly inside of her, and she ran her tongue along his jawline. His skin tasted spicy yet sweet, salty and bold. It was a heady flavor on her tongue. Her nipples were hard and extended, rubbing along his chest, and growing even more erect from the friction and her lust.

  He started rubbing himself back and forth on her cleft for a few seconds, and right when she was on the verge of complaining he thrust the head inside of her. Rian leaned back enough to look down at her face, and then kissed her soundly.

  Sorcha was done with teasing. She lifted her hips and arched her back, and as if reading her mind he thrust the rest of his inches into her.

  They groaned out identically when his hips met hers, and then he stilled. She panted against his neck, felt him run his tongue along her pulse point, and removed her hands from above her head. Sorcha had kept them there this whole time, but right now she wanted to touch him.

  He pressed his thumb against her clit and continued pumping into her. She was going to come, and it was going to be soon. Digging her nails into his arms, she closed her eyes and bit her lip. She thrashed her head back and forth, and her whole body tensed, readying itself for the impending orgasm.

  “Open your eyes and look at me when I get you off.”

  That was all it took, his deep and commanding voice telling her to come, and her muscles started to contract as pleasure filled her. She forced herself to open her eyes and stare at him. The pleasure washed through her, stealing her very breath, and burning her up alive with white-hot pleasure.

  “You are so fucking beautiful when you come.”

  She was still in the throes of her orgasm when he praised her, the words prolonging her pleasure as she threw her head back, and rode it out. She held her breath, the pleasure-filled tremors never ending in their onslaught as another climax peaked inside of her, and then exploded like a tiny thousand little pieces of glass.

  “Seeing you like this, so fucking unhinged because of me, makes me want to fill you with my cum.” His voice was strangled, the veins in his neck pronounced as he gritted his teeth and spoke the words.

  Maybe she should have cared that they weren’t using protection, and that the risk was great, but she couldn’t think straight right now. She was clean and on the pill, and Rian was a responsible man. That was one thing she knew without a doubt since working for him.

  Need coursed through her, her mind fighting a battle with everything else.

  “You’re so fucking tight and wet for me.” It was like he was forcing the words out. Both of his hands were on either side of her head as he slammed into her, and retreated.

  In and out. Hard and then slow. He did the same motions over and over again. His sweat dripped from his hairline and chest and landed on her breasts, and the feeling of that wetness was like acid on her body. It felt good, mind-exploding, and she wanted more. God she wanted more. The full, heavy weight of his balls slapped against her ass repeatedly.

  When he started to slow his thrusting she feared he was stopping right on the precipice of her coming again, but it was clear he wasn’t about to end this. He grabbed her calf and lifted it over his shoulder, and then leaned back slightly. His focus was on where their bodies joined, and the light from outside came through to show the sheen of sweat covering his chest.

  Rian started to thrust back into her. “Brace yourself on your elbows, Sorcha. I want you to watch as I take you. I want you to see my cock going into your sweet little wet pussy, and know that you’re mine. This is mine, and I don’t share.”

  Those words meant so much more than face value. She did as he asked, watching with wide eyes as he pushed the remaining inches into her and pulled back out. He did this with measured, expert movements, skilled in knowing how to torment and arouse her without even trying. His focus was on her when she glanced at him. Head downcast, gaze trained right on her, and eyelids at half mast, Rian looked frightening as much as he looked attractive.

  “Watch, Sorcha.” His face looked controlled, but his voice was strained. His arms were braced on either side of her, and his muscles bunched. It was a façade, because he was losing it, too.

  She glanced down between her thighs, and a gasp-moan left her at the sight. The light still came through the window, and gave her an illuminated, unobstructed view of what was going on. Her pussy hole was stretched wide around his cock, his thickness impressive yet frightening.

  He moved faster into her, pulling out and pumping back in. The sound of their wet skin slapping together filled the room, drowned her senses, and drove her need higher.

  “Do you see how perfectly you’re made for me?” His deep voice cracked, a telling sign that he was about to go over the edge. Her climax was so close she could feel it start in her lower back, the pleasure slowly building until it would explode within her.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m so close, Sorcha, so damn close.” He groaned and grunted. “You’re going to come again, baby.” He moved his thumb to her clit and started rubbing it quickly. He pounded faster and harder into her, the sound of her pussy suctioning his dick loud to her ears.

  So close.

  She fell back on the bed, loving the way Rian worked that digit on her clit. Sorcha moved her hands back to the headboard, grabbed the slats tightly, and braced herself for the onslaught of pleasure. She opened her mouth to scream out, the eroticism so magnetizing she couldn’t control herself.

  Her pussy tightened of its own accord and milked his cock until her whole body ached from the aftermath. She opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them.

  His breathing hitched, and his face became a mask of pleasure when he suddenly jerked out of her, grabbed his shaft, and stroked it quickly. The vision of his cock in his hands, glistening from her juices, was a sight beyond words.

  Rian groaned, his eyes never leaving hers as ribbon after ribbon of cum shot out of him and landed on her stomach and chest. That sight alone could have given her another orgasm.

  He stared her, a small, satisfied smile tugging at his lips. “I could watch you come all night long.”

  “I don’t know if I could handle all night long.”

  He moved off the bed, and she watched him walk into the bathroom. His naked body was certainly a sight, and she realized that being with him made her feel truly beautiful. She didn’t feel fat or ugly when with him, because the way he looked at her, touched her, and kissed her, told her that Rian liked every bump and curve on her body.

  Lying there, sated and relaxed, she closed her eyes. The sound of running water pierced her relaxation, but she kept her eyes closed and smiled. A moment later she felt a warm, wet cloth smooth over her flesh.

  Opening her eyes, she watched as Rian cleaned her off before slipping into bed beside her. He covered them with the blankets and pulled her so she was flush with him—back to chest. Staring out the window, she could see the sky and stars, and tonight they looked so clear.

  God, this man had made her fall for him, and that scared the hell out of her. Even after all the shit that had happened she couldn’t block her emotions out for Rian. She was returning to work Monday, and she didn’t know how things would play out. How awkward would it be once work started again?

  All she could hope for was that letting her heart open to more than just disinterest toward this man
wouldn’t hurt her in the end.


  The end of the contract

  Sorcha tightened her hold on her bag and stepped out of the bedroom. The week had flown by, and now that it was Sunday evening she would be returning to her crappy little apartment, with her crappy personal possessions, and her mundane life.

  She supposed she didn’t have any more debt concerning her mother’s hospital bills, which would help her immensely on saving up and maybe one day getting a small house she could call her own.

  She moved toward the study, expecting to see Rian there. He sat behind his desk, his phone pressed to his ear, and his voice tense and low.

  “I’ll have the proposal drafted up, and have the figures in place if it takes me all fucking night.” He was silent for a moment as he listened to whoever he was speaking with. “No, I’m not going to have someone else do this, because if I want something done right I clearly have to do it myself.” After a few seconds he hung up, exhaled, and stared out the window.

  “The car is taking you back?” he asked and looked at her.

  She nodded and felt this emptiness start to fill her. She could see this flicker of emotion cross his face.

  He stood and moved toward her, and when he was a foot from her, he said, “I can take you back.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I know you are swamped with work, and with the workweek starting tomorrow it’ll be hectic.” Although she wanted more from him, this was all so new for both of them. Yes, they had said how they felt, had expressed their emotions, but they also needed to really think about all of this.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been busy on our last day.” He cupped her face. “There was an issue with some paperwork never being drafted, and a potential client backing out of a deal we had set in motion for a while now. I’ve been trying to patch things up so I don’t lose a shitload of money in the process.”

  She nodded and smiled. “I know, and it’s okay.” Sorcha didn’t bother admitting that today she had snuck in glimpses of him working, or the concentration he exhibited, and of how much she wanted to kiss the look of determination off his face.

  It may have only been a week that they had spent together, and those seven days had gone quickly, but it seemed like they had been together for far longer, even if it sounded silly and cliché.

  “You’re thinking an awful lot right now,” he said deeply.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, especially after the party and the whole Beatrice thing.” She spoke just as softly. Something passed across his face, and she wanted to ask him what he was thinking.

  “Yeah, not the most memorable time of this week.”

  That was an understatement, but she was about to tell him that what she had been thinking about concerned them, and how she wanted to see where they could go. Sorcha didn’t want this to be the end of their time together.

  She might have hated him before all of this, and a week wasn’t nearly long enough to determine if anything more than a sexual relationship could blossom, but she knew she wanted to try.

  But she also knew that Rian had a lot on his plate right now, and that they had plenty of time to work the small stuff out.

  “Are you ready, Miss Case?” Theodore asked from behind her.

  “I’m ready.” She stared at Rian, and then leaned forward to kiss him soundly. For several seconds all they did was stand there, their lips pressed together and their breathing the same hurried tempo.

  “I’m not about to let you go,” he said against her mouth, but it was so soft she didn’t know if she had heard him correctly.

  Pulling away shouldn’t have been so difficult. Sorcha wanted to tell him that she didn’t want him to let her go, that she wanted to go further, but she didn’t say anything, and instead smiled. “I should go and let you get back to work.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

  No, it wasn’t, but she did need to get home, even if she wanted to stay here with him.

  He shoved his hands in his front pockets. “I’ll see you Monday, Sorcha.”

  “Okay.” She turned and headed toward the front door, but glanced over her shoulder once more. There he stood, dress slacks and button-down shirt all crisp and perfect, his shirtsleeves rolled up his muscular forearms, and the first few buttons left undone at his collar. He was wealthy and gorgeous, but that wasn’t why she felt this way.

  No, she felt this way because these were the first real emotions she had ever experienced. She didn’t want to ignore that because of the one side of Rian that he portrayed the majority of the time. With one last look at him, she left, and went back to her apartment, and the only thing on her mind was what in the hell the future held?

  She arrived back at her place, grabbed her bag, and watched from the corner as the black luxury car pulled away.

  “Hi,” Cora said from the front steps of Sorcha’s apartment, a cigarette in her hand.

  Sorcha had messaged her friend on the way back from Rian’s, so she was just glad she wasn’t going to be alone, and had someone to talk this out with. They both entered the building, climbed the steps, and once inside of her place she shut the door and leaned against it.

  “So, tell me. The texts didn’t give me shit,” Cora said, the curiosity clear on her face.

  Sorcha pushed away from the door and walked past the kitchen, but she stopped when she saw a vase with so many white and red roses in it she couldn’t even count them all. On the table was a card and box wrapped with blue tissue and tied with a white bow. Sorcha glanced at Cora, who was propped against the couch. “What’s this?”

  Cora shrugged. “No clue. There was a note when I got here twenty minutes ago from the landlord that you had a package at his office. I picked it up for you.”

  Sorcha nodded. “Thank you.” She set her bag down and grabbed the card. Inside it just read, “It’s not over”, and it was signed with the initials RH. The postage on the card stated that these had been ordered today. “God, he had these sent over while I was still at his house,” she said to herself, but Cora came to stand beside her.

  She whistled low under her breath. “Seems like a week was plenty of time to have the arrogant Mr. Hartford falling head over heels for you,” Cora said and snatched the card out of her hands. Cora read the card, and set it on the table. “Open the box.”

  Sorcha reached for it, unwrapped the dainty little thing, and when she opened the lid her heart stopped.

  “Holy shit, look at the diamonds and pearls on that.”

  Inside were the bracelet and earrings that Rian had given her on the night of the dinner party, the ones with the little sparrow and the dainty little jewels on them.

  “That’s one hell of a parting gift.” Cora walked into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of wine. “You have a lot of explaining to do, because I have a feeling Rian Hartford doesn’t give that kind of shit out to just any woman he screws.”

  Sorcha looked at the earrings and bracelet again. She looked at Cora, who held out a full glass of wine to her. “I think I want more with Rian than just this one week.”

  Cora gave her a sympathetic look, and said, “Honey, we need to get a major buzz on if we are going to go down that road.”

  And for the next hour Sorcha spilled everything that had happened in the last week, and how she was digging herself a hole when it came to wanting a man like Rian Hartford.


  Monday morning

  Sorcha stepped off of the elevator and into the office of Rian Hartford. It was early, and she didn’t expect him for another hour or so, but already her nerves were a wreck. After drinking a bottle of wine with Cora last night, and then looking at the jewelry after her friend had left, she knew what she wanted to do.

  Aside from the animosity that they’d shared these last six months, and that her being with him for that week had been less than normal in any sense, Sorcha couldn’t deny that what she felt for him wasn’t just a passing emotion.

  She set
her purse on the table, and the bracelet Rian had given her slid down her wrist. Her heart beat faster at the sight and feel of it. The sound of the elevator approaching told her Rian was early.

  She had refrained from calling him after Cora had left to thank him for the gift, because she would much rather tell him in person. What surprised her the most, though, was that Cora backed up any decision she had.

  She was a true friend, and if things didn’t work out, then Sorcha knew Cora would still have her back, and be that shoulder she needed.

  She turned and saw the elevator doors open, but her happy mood turned sour when Beatrice stepped off in her ivory pumps and matching skirt suit. The word “cunt” slammed into her head as the other woman came forward.

  “I’m here to see Rian,” she said with this snooty little voice.

  “You don’t have an appointment, and I’d know since I schedule all of them.”

  Beatrice flipped her hair and went to move past Sorcha, but before she made it a step she turned again and narrowed her eyes at her. “I did a little digging on you, because I was curious on why Rian would confront me on talking with you and slapping you. Normally he couldn’t care less, but still I was curious. I thought maybe you had something on him and that was why he gave a shit, but turns out you really are no one.”

  “What the hell do you really want?” Sorcha had walked away once, but she wasn’t about to do it again.

  “From you? I don’t want anything, but Rian needs to know all about you.”

  “Rian knows everything about me. I work for him, remember?” Sorcha said with a bite to her voice. She knew Rian had done a background check on her, as would any employer. She wasn’t hiding anything, and if this woman thought she was going to bust her out on something she was sadly mistaken. “I have nothing to hide.”

  Beatrice fixed her little ivory gloves and pursed her lips. “No, maybe not, but even if Rian doesn’t know about your breeding, I plan to show him what white trash really looks like.” Beatrice narrowed her eyes at Sorcha.


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