Traded: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Midnight Royals Book 1)

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Traded: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Midnight Royals Book 1) Page 9

by Tori Leigh

  She is ripe for him. Can you smell the scent of her sex? Irresistible… Christ, my fangs are springing out!

  He sure is making a statement. A bold move, bringing a human virgin to such a fete. Only the King would have the stamina to withstand such a trial.

  Nothing quite like a double virgin…never bitten, never fucked…

  So His Highness has chosen a mate after all this time. She is lovely, and that scent is heavenly…

  I needed to get her away from the party sooner rather than later. Again, I’d made a mistake. Yes, I had claimed Audrina—and no one would dare attempt to take her from the king. But she was still vulnerable. Not until I had consummated my claim was she technically protected. And virgins, particularly double virgins, made vampires more than a little crazy.

  Of course I’d known that.

  I’d been brash, bringing her here. Now everyone knew that I had a virgin in my possession. The news that she was mine had probably already spread like wildfire. They would be waiting for me to consummate my claim, watching our every move.

  Claiming her had been my fantasy. But it was…complicated. I hadn’t thought through the ramifications. But as I glanced at Audrina, her breasts swelling against the pale fabric of her gown, I decided that each and every ramification could go and fuck itself for all of eternity.

  Let the guests stare, let them lust and be jealous of my virgin. A bold move, indeed. I’d wanted them to see how powerful I was, how in control.

  Now they’d seen it. They wouldn’t soon forget.

  In the end, I supposed I’d known exactly what I’d been doing. Once I’d set the scheme in motion, I’d been powerless to stop myself. My hazy, deep desire for Audrina was like a runaway train. It would barrel down anything that dared to stand in its way, even the beautiful innocence of the virgin who clasped my hand.

  I’d made vows to her, and I was bound to keep them.

  But if she experienced an inkling of what I felt, her feelings might incline her to rewrite the rules…

  I joined my brothers near the orchestra. Cristian, Alexander, and Stefan were busy flirting with some of the bridesmaids. But Iulian and Bianca waited for us, eager expressions on their faces. I hugged my brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law, congratulating them both. I introduced them to Audrina.

  Bianca’s curious gaze raked over us. She was a pretty vampire, with caramel-colored skin, long black hair and bright-blue eyes. Her black gown clung to her curves, as did my brother. He grinned at us, his hand never leaving his fiancé’s backside.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Ms. Hawthorne,” Iulian said. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

  “Is that so, brother?” I frowned, a clear sign that he should shut his mouth.

  “Absolutely.” He favored Audrina with a dazzling smile. “It’s not every day such a gorgeous newcomer favors us with her presence. And I haven’t seen my brother tripping all over himself like this since…well, since ever.”

  “Iulian.” Yet another brother I needed to punch.

  “Ah, King Dalca.” Bianca’s mother, Madam Ives, appeared at my side. She looked almost identical to her daughter, except that her skin was pale alabaster. “It’s an honor to be here. Thank you for hosting such a beautiful party for my Bianca, it is much appreciated.”

  I raised a goblet to her. “Many blessings to your family.”

  The mother’s blue eyes sparkled. She peered past me to Audrina. “And many blessings to yours, Your Highness. Ah, so this is your virgin.”

  Audrina coughed, almost spitting her champagne out.

  The beaming mother-of-the bride ignored her and continued, “I hear you intend to claim her?”

  “I do, Madam.”

  “Mmm, delicious, isn’t she? Oh, you two will enjoy yourselves! My Alfred claimed me when I was but a virgin.” Her eyes took on a misty, faraway look. “You must understand that this was so long ago, the details are a bit hazy. But there was a bearskin rug in his chambers, right in front of the fire, and oh, we spent quite a bit of time on it during our consummation and the weeks afterward, roar—”

  “Mother,” Bianca said sharply, “I believe the King was ready to make his toast. We shouldn’t sidetrack him with talk of your honeymoon.”

  “But it was so glorious, darling—there is nothing quite as exquisite as being taken as a virgin—ah well, forgive your mother and her memories. You will have your wedding night soon enough! Although we all know you’re no virgin.” She winked at Bianca. “But perhaps I will still gift you a bearskin rug to use on your honeymoon.”

  Iulian laughed, but Bianca scowled at her mother. “Don’t you dare.”

  I glanced at Audrina—she’d gone scarlet. I cleared my throat. “I should make my speech.”

  “Yes, please—I implore you,” Bianca said. “Anything to change the subject.”

  I quickly lifted my goblet and faced the crowd. “A toast,” I called, “to my brother, Iulian, and his beautiful bride, Bianca!”

  When the cheers quieted down, I continued, “It is an honor for the Dalca family to join together with the Ives. We have long hoped to unify our families, to continue the powerful tradition of our joint interests. This marriage makes that intention official.”

  I turned to my brother and his bride. They wrapped their arms around each other, their gazes happy and expectant. “I also know how deeply my brother loves his bride-to-be. It has been a joy to watch them grow in their affection and attachment. I know if my parents were here, it would thrill them to see one of their sons so content. And so, it is with my royal blessing that I honor this union. Now, raise your glass. To Bianca and Iulian!”

  “To Bianca and Iulian!”

  The orchestra struck up a merry tune, and many of the couples began to dance. Before there could be more talk of bearskin rugs, I clapped Iulian on the back and hugged Bianca again. I bowed to Madam Ives, but she raised her finger.

  “Please, Your Highness, if I could just beg your attention for one more minute.” Her gaze flicked to Audrina. “Alone, if possible.”

  “I’ll watch her,” Iulian said. He stepped protectively near Audrina. Iulian was the best fighter I knew, and I trusted him with my life.

  I nodded at him, then looked at Audrina. “I’ll only be a moment, and I’ll be right over here. Don’t move.”

  “O-Okay.” Her cheeks were still flushed, but she forced a smile onto her face for my brother and Bianca.

  I face Madam Ives. “Can we be quick, Madam? I’m sorry if that sounds rude, but Audrina and I have many other guests to attend to.”

  “You mean, you need to drag that virgin out of here and attend to her.” Madam Ives’s blue eyes sparkled. “Ah, I do not blame you one bit. She will love it—a big king like you will satisfy her every desire.”

  “You’re too kind.” Before she could go off about the subject, I asked, “What is it you wanted to discuss?”

  “Two quick things. First of all, I trust that you find Bianca’s dowry sufficient?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you, Madam Ives.” I nodded. “Your family has been more than generous. We appreciate the support you’re putting behind the marriage.”

  “Excellent—that’s as I expected.” But Madam Ives frowned. “It’s the second thing, I’m afraid, that will not please you as much.”

  I steeled myself for what she was about to say.

  “I know you are familiar with my grandniece, Leonora.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Everyone knows that I’m familiar with her. It’s old news.”

  She nodded. “My sister pressured me to invite her here tonight. I am sorry that it all came about at the last minute, and I did not have the opportunity to discuss it with you.”

  “I appreciate you letting me know. There is no harm done.”

  “Thank you.” Madam Ives bowed her head. “But unfortunately, they were also hoping to secure her an invitation to the wedding itself. You must understand that I have no real relationship with Leonora, but my sister fe
ars that being left out hurts the family’s reputation.”

  She hesitated. “If that was your intention, I will not ask you to include Leonora and her husband. But if it was a mere oversight, I would ask—as a favor to my family—to include them on the guest list. You know how people get about weddings: crazy. And a royal wedding stirs emotion even more.”

  “I understand.” I swept into a bow. “As I said, what happened with Princess Leonora is old news. She and her husband are welcome here tonight, and they are welcome to attend the wedding—and any of the other festivities you care to invite them to. I have moved on, as you can see. It causes me no discomfort to have them here.”

  In fact, I am happy to parade my gorgeous Audrina in front of them.

  “Oh, Your Highness—thank you.” Madam Ives clasped her hands together and smiled. “You know what family can be like. You have saved me from a tremendous headache.”

  “The pleasure is mine.”

  “Have fun pleasuring your virgin.” Madam Ives waggled her eyebrows, then sighed. “Ah, to be young.”

  I didn’t waste another moment; I went to find Audrina. I intended not only to pleasure her—I intended to make her mine.



  While Gabriel was deep in conversation with Madam Ives, Bianca and Iulian welcomed me to join them. They were both all smiles.

  “My brother will be right back.” Iulian grinned at me. “I can tell he can’t leave you alone for more than a minute.”

  “Oh, we were like that once!” Bianca gazed up at him.

  “We are still like that, my love.” Iulian beamed at her.

  I’d never seen a better-looking couple. Iulian had hit the gene-pool jackpot, with thick black hair, huge dark eyes, high cheekbones, and a square chin. He was tall and strapping, just like his brothers.

  Bianca was so striking, it was difficult to keep from staring. Her complexion was caramel, her eyes a mesmerizing, bright blue. Her gown clung to her insane figure, and her thick, glossy hair tumbled over her shoulders.

  “I am so sorry about my mother,” she moaned. “She loves that story about the bearskin rug. I’d rather go die in a hole than hear it again!”

  “N-No worries. She was just being…enthusiastic.”

  “She’s ridiculous, but…” Bianca sighed. “I guess I should give her a break. She’s so excited about the wedding.”

  “Congratulations—it is exciting.” I smiled at them both. The night had been so strange, but I could tell how in love and exhilarated they were. It was infectious.

  “I expect we will be congratulating you next.” Bianca grinned at me.

  “Bianca,” Iulian scolded her. “Don’t go scaring the poor girl away.”

  “I don’t want to scare her away—I want to keep her. She’s perfect for your brother. Loyal and kind, with a good heart. I can tell, you know—I have a talent for these things.” Bianca surprised me by reaching for my hand and squeezing it.

  My cheeks heated. “T-Thank you.”

  “You’re the luckiest girl in the world, next to me of course.” She grinned. “And I love your gown. Did Gabriel choose it?”

  “Yes. I love it too, but I guess it doesn’t really fit in with the theme.”

  “No, it’s perfect because it’s different. He wants to show you off—that’s a good sign!” Her face lit up. “I think he’s making a statement. If he’s bringing you to these events and to the royal wedding, he’s serious about you.”

  “Bianca.” Iulian raised his eyebrows. “I’m sure the king can speak for himself.”

  “Ooh, I know he can, but I would like to speak too!” She giggled. “I would love to have a sister-in-law—and you know me, when I want something, I want it now!”

  She laughed again and gripped my hand. “We can have our babies at the same time, take them to the park, and share all our secrets. We’ll be best friends. What do you think, Audrina?”


  “Don’t be shy.” She pulled me in for a hug—and did I imagine it, or did she sniff my hair? “And for the love of all things holy, don’t leave me alone with these Dalca men. I need you—I’m outnumbered!”

  “I-I’ll see what I can do.” I laughed nervously. “But this is only our first date.”

  “Ah.” Bianca swatted the air, as if to banish my doubts. “He only has eyes for you. We can all see it. There’s been wagers all evening about how long it will take for His Highness to make good on his claim. We’re not sure you’ll make it back to your suite!”

  Iulian gave her a warning look. “Bianca—”

  “I know, I know, I must mind my own business. But it does my heart good, seeing the King so happy, while my kin looks so sour. Ha!” She narrowed her eyes. “She deserves that and worse.”

  “Your kin?” I asked. “Do you mean Leonora?”

  Bianca’s eyes flashed as she leaned closer. “Yes, but shh, don’t call her over here. She’s terribly jealous of you. I’ve seen her staring all night. She had her chance with the king, and she threw him over for that tâmpit she ended up marrying.” Bianca made a spitting motion. “I spit on his grave.”

  Iulian rolled his eyes. “Bianca, you go too far. And you know he doesn’t have a grave—he’s standing right over by the bar.”

  “It’s an expression!” She tossed her hair and turned back to me. “Promise me one thing, Audrina—a promise to the bride. It’s the only gift I ask.”


  She leaned closer. “Give the king a chance, will you? I’m sure where you’re from, this might all seem a bit…strange.” She motioned to the party. “But you would become accustomed to our ways. In time, you could let your old life go. Do not hold his circumstances against him. He is a good man, King Gabriel.”

  “I will,” I said, even though I had no business making more promises. “Thank you, Bianca.”

  She fluttered her lashes and bowed to me. “Thank you. You’ve made my party quite the event! They’ll be talking about this for centuries to come!”

  Gabriel headed toward us, and Bianca grabbed Iulian’s hand. “Come darling, dance with me before my mother returns with more tales from her honeymoon!”

  He beamed at his bride. “Ah, I’d thought you’d never ask.”

  They whirled away, Iulian’s hands placed firmly on Bianca’s ass.

  Gabriel reached for me, snaking his hand around my waist and pulling me against him. Our brief divergence had done nothing to quell his erection; it pressed against me from behind. He leaned down and put his mouth on my ear. “Mmm, I am sorry to have left you alone.”

  I resisted the urge to grind myself against him. “It’s okay, it was—interesting.” I liked Bianca, even though I hadn’t begun to process what she’d said to me.

  He nuzzled my ear. “Interesting, huh? I shall have to cross-examine Iulian about that later.”

  King of the Underworld or not, I couldn’t help myself—I smiled up at him. “What’s next, Your Highness?”

  “I would like to take you back to your room…or mine.” A sinful smile spread over his lips.

  I opened my mouth and then closed it. I had no answer to that, just a keening ache between my legs.

  “But I’m afraid we can’t leave just yet,” Gabriel said. “My brother has asked that we stay at least an hour; ten more minutes should suffice.”

  He whispered in my ear, “How about this: another glass of champagne, and then perhaps a dark corner? No one said we had to mingle.” His grin once again turned wicked as he led me away.

  Words seemed out of reach, as did all reason, as Gabriel led me to the bar. I followed him in what I could only describe as a lust-induced haze. I couldn’t pry myself from his side. The heat was back between us, and also, a crackling sort of buzz.

  Madam Ives’s words swam in my head. There is nothing quite as exquisite as being taken as a virgin. Was that true?

  The crowd immediately parted for their king; the bartender poured us a flute of champagne and a glass of re
d wine. All eyes were on us as Gabriel raised his glass to mine. “To us.”

  “T-To us.” I took a shaky sip.

  “Let us find that dark corner,” he growled. He wrapped his arm around me. But as we turned away, I glimpsed an angry, white face.

  I peered back over my shoulder as we left the bar.

  A woman, almost as beautiful as Bianca, was staring daggers at me. She had pale skin and long, white-blond hair. Her features were even and so chiseled, they almost seemed made of stone. A handsome man stood by her side. He looked annoyed, but she paid him no attention. She only had eyes for me.

  Her eyes were filled with hate.

  I squeezed Gabriel’s hand and he smiled down at me. “Yes?”

  “There’s a woman back there—she’s watching us. She looks upset.”

  “Ah.” A glimmer crept into his eye. “That would be Leonora. I’m sure she’s quite jealous. You’re all anyone’s talking about, Audrina. You’re the hit of the party—haven’t you seen everyone staring?”

  “I’ve seen lots of things.” I glanced at the guests as we crossed the room. What Gabriel said was true. Everyone was staring at us, and more specifically, at me. “I think your friends are excited to see you with someone new.”

  “Perhaps.” Gabriel brought me to the edge of the room, away from the others. It was quiet and, as promised, quite dark. “Or perhaps they are enamored of you.”

  “There are plenty of beautiful women here.”

  His dark eyes glittered. “None possess your particular attractions.”

  I swallowed hard. “So are you talking about… Are you talking about my virginity?” I couldn’t pretend I hadn’t heard Stefan and Cristian, not to mention Madam Ives, all make comments about it.

  “In part.”

  I searched his face. “You swear you didn’t tell them?”

  He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “I did not. I would not.”

  “Then how could they know?”

  He brushed the hair back from my face. “Let’s just say that you have a freshness that is sorely lacking in my world. It’s very noticeable. Can we leave it at that?”


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