Black Tears A Marchetti Family Novel

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Black Tears A Marchetti Family Novel Page 7

by Nyx, Angel

  “Non, Bella. I’m not letting this go so easily. I’m not letting you go so easily.”

  When he reached for me I jerked back. “You’re related to my son’s father. How am I supposed to just ignore that?”

  “Si, he was my cousin. That is true. But why does that matter, Bella? Do you think Rico wold think ill of you for it? Do you think he would want you to be alone for the rest of your life? Tesoro, you were both so young. Don’t throw away a chance at happiness for a memory. Don’t throw your life away.”

  I flinched at his words. They were blunt, perhaps a little harsh, but I knew in my head he was right. “I don’t know, Gio. I need time to think. Please take me home.”

  He was silent so long I started to think he would refuse. “All right, Bella.”

  “Thank you.”

  Silence filled the car on the drive back to my apartment. When he came to a stop and started to get out I shook my head. “Please, Gio. Just...give me time.”

  I was out of the car before he could stop me. By the time I reached my apartment door my vision was blurry from the tears clinging to my eyes.

  “Carly? What’s wrong?”

  I wanted to scream at the fates for their cruelty. “Gio is Rico’s cousin. His fucking cousin. How am I supposed to be okay with dating my dead boyfriend’s cousin?” I stared at Risa, silently begging her to help me make sense of it all.

  “Oh, sweetie. It’s not a bad thing. You always get a bit introspective on the anniversary of Rico’s death. At least with Gio you wouldn’t have to explain why. He would understand. What has you so freaked out, Carly?”

  I sat on the sofa and buried my face in my hands. “I’m afraid I’ll be dishonoring his memory. I know it sounds crazy, or stupid, or whatever, but I’d believed Rico was it for me. I never expected to find someone else who could make me feel alive again and when I do, he just happens to be Rico’s cousin? What does that say about me?”

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You didn’t go out looking for someone related to him. Maybe this is Rico’s way of telling you it’s time to move on.”

  My head came up and I stared at Risa. I had to admit what she was saying made sense. “You think so?”

  “Yeah, I do. Fate can be really funny sometimes.”

  “I don’t know how to do this, Risa. I don’t know how to let him in any more than I already have. It scares the shit out of me.”

  “That’s when you know the feelings are real. If you weren’t scared I’d be a little worried about you. Answer me this. Can you see yourself walking away without giving this budding relationship a chance?”

  I sat there thinking about her question. Could I just walk away? I’d been on exactly one date with Gio, but I saw him almost every day. The man got to me in ways I’d never expected anyone to. If I was completely honest with myself, what really scared me was just how strongly I felt for him already. I knew it would destroy me if I let him in and things didn’t work out. The question was, was it already too late? Was he already in too deep for me to get him out of my system?

  “No. I can’t. And that scares me more than anything else. He has the ability to destroy me and he doesn’t even know it.”

  “Then don’t walk away. Take it one day at a time, see where it goes, and just protect yourself as best you can. That’s all you can really do.”

  “Thanks, Risa. You’re right. I know you’re right. I should let you get out of here. I know you have an early day tomorrow.”

  “Don’t remind me. At least tomorrow is my final exam.”

  “And then you’ll be a bona fide accountant. Your mama would be so proud of you if she was still here.”

  “I’d like to think so. Anywho, goodnight, Carly.”

  “Night, Risa.”

  Once she was gone, I locked up he apartment, took a relaxing bath, and crawled into bed. I didn’t know what I was going to do about my growing feelings for Gio, but I was going to take Risa’s advice and take things one day at a time.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  There are times when I hate being who and what I was. For the last three days, instead of getting to go into Dangerous Curves to see Carly, I’d been stuck dealing with the backlash from Deo’s fuck up. Naz had to question him and I had to oversee it. Then it turned up that the cleaners missed a single fucking finger print. It was only a partial but our contact in the NOPD indicated it might be just enough to point the finger in our direction.

  “This isn’t good, Gio.”

  “You think I don’t fucking know that, Naz? The print is either mine or Deo’s. Either way, if they’re able to connect the death to la famiglia we’re both fucked.” I glared over at my younger brother. He was slouched in the chair opposite me.

  “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry, Gio?”

  “You don’t fucking get it, Amadeo. Your fuck up could have just signed our death warrants. La Famiglia will not let this come back on them. Pop won’t be able to protect us. He won’t be able to save us.”

  I watched as it seemed to finally sink into my brother’s head just how serious this was. He paled and sat up straighter. “It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t pay for my screw up.”

  “That’s not how it works, Deo. I was the one who left you in charge. Ultimately, the fault is mine.”

  “So why don’t we just make the evidence disappear?”

  I turned my attention to Rosalia. She and Amadeo were twins and sometimes, like now, she proved to be the more insightful one of the two.

  “How would you suggest we do that, Rosa?” I wanted to hear her thoughts.

  “Simple. We get our contact to get us access to the evidence room. Things go missing all the time from evidence lockers, right?”

  I got up from my seat, went to her, and took her face in my hands. “That, dear sister, is why you’re my favorite. That wicked mind of yours is always looking for solutions to problems.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead then let her go.

  “You better fucking hope like hell we’re able to get the evidence before they’re able to link it to us, Deo.” I turned my attention to Naz. “Let’s go. We’ve got work to do.”

  Another fucking night without my fix. I needed to see Carly again, soon. I needed to know she wasn’t going to push me away. I had a feeling if I was gone too long she’d find an excuse to keep me at arm’s length and that wasn’t acceptable.

  Two days later, my bank account was considerably lighter than it had been but the partial print was ‘lost’ and the only thing connecting the body to la famiglia was gone. If it kept me from getting a bullet in my skull, it was worth it. Naz had left that morning to head back to Chicago and I was heading out to Dangerous Curves when my phone rang. “Ciao, Mama.”

  “Ciao, mio figlio. I want to remind you what Saturday is. You have been so busy with business, I feared you may have forgotten.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, Mama. I’ll be there.”

  “Bene, bene. Is it too much to hope that you’ll be bringing a nice girl with you?”

  I chuckled. That was Mama. She couldn’t help but ask. ”Perhaps you’ll get your wish, Mama. I have to go. I will see you Saturday.”

  I hung up as I pulled into the employee parking behind the club and parked. The club was packed once I got inside. The changes we’d already made were having a positive impact in the club. The busier it was, the more money the club and dancers made, the happier everyone was.

  My gaze instantly went to the bar. Carly sat at it with a tall glass of something green. I watched her a moment before I made my way to her side. “I thought you didn’t like fruity drinks, Bella.”

  I slid onto the barstool beside her just as Tony set a glass of bourbon in front of me.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  It had been almost a week since the last time I saw Gio. I’d had a lot of time to think about, well, everything, and I was still scared about letting him in and getting my heart broken. Still, I was going to take that

  “Well, this is mostly liquor so it’s okay. It’s a Green Haze. It’s made with aged dark rum, coconut rum, blue curacao liqueur, Midori liqueur, pineapple juice, and sweet and sour mix. It’s more liquor than fruit. You look like you’ve been through the ringer. You okay?”

  “Si. Just famiglia problems. My younger brother did a stupid thing and I had to fix it.”

  Gio waved his hand as if dismissing it and I decided to not press him for more information. “That explains why you haven’t been around most of the last week.”

  “Si, Tesoro. I wanted to be here but I had to take care of that first. It’s nice to know you missed me.”

  His wink made me roll my eyes at him. “What can I say, I like eye candy and you make excellent eye candy.” I flashed a wicked smile.

  “Careful, Bella. You might get yourself into trouble.” There was a pause before he leaned close. “I do have a proposition for you. Let’s talk in your office.”

  I frowned at him. Proposition? What was he up to? “All right.”

  I took my drink with me and lead the way to the back of the club, and my office. “What’s on your mind, Gio?”

  “You. Always.”

  I snorted at that. “Right. Be serious.”

  “I am, Bella. To answer your question, do you have plans Saturday night?”

  “It’s my night off, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “I am aware. You didn’t answer my question.”

  I huffed a breath and leaned against my desk. “Fine. No, I don’t have any plans. Happy?”

  “Bene. Saturday my Mama and Pop are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. I would like you to go with me, as my date.”

  “Come again? Did you just ask me to be your date to a party that your entire family will be at?”

  “I did.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Please tell me…you’re not. You’re serious. Gio, we’ve been on one date. I don’t think we’re at the ‘meet the family’ stage yet.”

  “This isn’t about you meeting my famiglia, Carly. It’s about me wanting to take the woman I am interested in to a party that just happens to be celebrating my parent’s long marriage.”

  I shook my head at him. “I can’t.”

  “Why? Because you’re scared? I didn’t take you for a coward, Bella.”

  The words were a slap in the face and I growled. “I’m not a coward. Fine. I’ll go with you Saturday.” The smirk on his face when I agreed made me want to hit him. “You bastard. You did that on purpose. You knew it would piss me off enough to say yes.”

  “Si. I did. And no, I am not ashamed of myself for it.”

  “So, what should I wear? I mean, if its a formal thing I need to go shopping.”

  “Non, it’s not formal. What you have on tonight would be perfect.”

  I looked down at myself. I’d put on a pair of black jeans with a dark green sleeveless top. “Okay then. At least I don’t have to raid Risa’s closet or go shopping, I guess I’ll see you Saturday then.” It was only two days away. I just hoped Risa was free to watch Eli. “Wait. I might not be able to get a sitter for Eli. I don’t know if Risa is free.”

  “You don’t need to, Tesoro. He is invited as well. There will be children his own age to play with and keep him company.”

  I swallowed. I wasn’t sure if it was such a good idea to introduce Eli to them. Then I remembered he was their kin. Shit. He deserved to meet them anyway. “Okay.”

  “I will pick you both up at 2. See you Saturday, Bella.”

  He gave me a toe curling kiss that left me breathless and walked out of the office. I was in so much trouble with him.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  Saturday afternoon found me at Carly’s door just a little before two in the afternoon. I’d be lying if I said I’d been a little surprised she’d agreed to go to my parents’ anniversary party with me. I was glad she agreed, though. I wanted her at my side. I knew my mama was going to love her and that little boy of hers. A quick knock had her opening the door.

  “Gio, hey. Sorry, I’m a mess. We’re running a little bit behind. Please, come in.”

  Her skin was flushed, her hair looked like she’d been running her fingers through it, and her feet were still bare. “You still look beautiful, Tesoro.”

  Carly rolled her eyes at me and I chuckled.

  “Right. And pigs fly. Please, sit. Give me ten minutes and we’ll be ready to go.”

  “You took me and Mama to the hospital when I was sick.”

  I looked down into a pair of hazel eyes. They were the same as Carly’s. “Si, I did.” I knelt down so I was at his level. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Uh huh. Mama says we’re going to a party with you. Are you my Mama’s boyfriend?”

  Ah, the frankness of children. “Your Mama and I are just friends but maybe you can put a good word in for me with her.” I winked at him, which made him grin.


  “What are you two plotting?”

  I looked up to find Carly watching us. She’d pulled her curls into a ponytail and had slipped sandals on her feet. “Oh, nothing. Just how to take over the world. I’m Pinkie. He’s Brain.”

  Carly’s laughter at my joke lit up her entire face. Fuck she was beautiful. “Ready to go, Bella?”

  “Just let me grab my bag. You’re sure it’s okay that we’re coming with you? I don’t want to put anyone out.”

  “I’m positive, Tesoro. Now stop fretting and let’s get out of here.”

  “Your parents’ home is beautiful.”

  We were making our way down the driveway toward the house and I tried to see it from her point of view. I’d grown up there, for me it was just a house. “I suppose it is.”

  “I suddenly feel very under dressed, Gio.”

  “Nonsense. You look beautiful.”

  As soon as I parked I was around the car to the passenger side so I could help her out. I offered her my arm before I escorted her and Eli around to the back of the house where I knew the party was being held.

  “Gio, mio figlio, you made it.”

  No sooner had we rounded the corner and my mama was there tugging me down so she could kiss both my cheeks.

  “Ciao, Mama. I told you I would be here. Mama, I would like you to meet Carly and her son, Eli. Carly, my Mama, Carmella Marchetti.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Marchetti.”

  “Bah! What is this Mrs. Marchetti business? Call me Carmela. It’s about time my son finally brought a nice girl home.”

  I watched Carly’s face for her reaction to my mother’s words. She didn’t look shocked but she did give me an arched look. She would be grilling me about that later.

  “All right then, Carmela.”

  I watched as Mama turned her attention to Eli. “Oh, picollo, aren’t you just the cutest. Come, let your Mama go meet the other grown ups. You can help me bring the tray of cookies I was going after outside.”

  “Relax, Bella, he’s in safe hands.” I’d noticed the way Carly tensed up over her son going off with my mother and wanted to set her mind at ease. “Come, let me introduce you to everyone.”

  We made the rounds with me introducing her to my family. It did my heart good to see her slowly relaxing with every passing minute. “I told you there was no reason to worry, Tesoro.” She glowered at me which only made me chuckle.

  “Smart ass. Fine. You were right. Your mother doesn’t mind that we came with you. You are such an arrogant ass sometimes, Gio.”

  “Only sometimes.”

  Her laughter was genuine and it lit up her eyes. “There she is. There’s the woman I’ve come to know and adore.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  This man. Why did he have to be so damn charming? It would be so much easier to keep my heart safe if he was an asshole. There were sides to him I was sure I hadn’t met yet. I was still a little uneasy about all the obvious wealth around me. Where had it come from? H
ow was his family able to buy so many properties? I knew they had at least two, but I had the distinct feeling they had more than that.

  “Adore? You barely know me, Gio. You like the way I look, but you don’t know me enough for you to be able to say you adore me.”

  “I know more than you think, Bella. Perhaps later I’ll fill you in. Today is about enjoying the early spring day.”

  “You know, it’s a good thing they got married in the spring. Could you imagine this in the middle of summer? With this hair? I’d be drenched in sweat in no time.”

  Gio reached up and gently gripped my hair. The sensations just that light tug sent through me. Fuck. It was like there was a direct line from his hand to my core.

  “Your hair is gorgeous, Bella. Don’t ever change it.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it.” I had to clear my throat because my voice came out huskier than I’d intended.

  “Mm. Someone likes a little roughness.”

  His growled comment made me shudder. “Gio.” I don’t know what I would have said, or done, because in that moment Eli came running over to me.

  “Mama! Can I go swimming with the other kids? Miss Carmella said she keeps swim trunks for her nieces and nephews and she said I could borrow some but only if you say it’s okay. Can I? Please, Mama?”

  He’d only been swimming a handful of times, just enough to learn how to swim. Of course the protective mama bear in me wanted to keep him in a bubble but I couldn’t do that. “Of course you can, Amato.” Just saying the words filled me with fear but there were plenty of people around. If he had trouble swimming, he would be fine. “Just be careful. And remember your lessons.”

  “I will, Mama! Thank you!”


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