Black Tears A Marchetti Family Novel

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Black Tears A Marchetti Family Novel Page 10

by Nyx, Angel

  "Heya, Boss Lady. So far, so good. We had to toss a couple assholes out when they tried to get a little too grabby with one of the girls. Seems not everyone has heard the club is under new ownership and that shit won't fly anymore."

  "It's a strip club, Tony. We can pretty it up by calling the girls 'exotic dancers', but the truth of the matter is, they're strippers. There will always be assholes who think strippers are glorified hookers and free game for anyone."

  "Sad but true. What can I get you from the bar?"

  "I need something strong tonight. Why don't you surprise me."

  Several minutes later, a drink was set in front of me. I arched a brow and took a sip. "Damn, that's good. What is it?"

  "It's called a Smuggler's Cove Hurricane."

  "I think I've found a new favorite drink." Picking up the glass, I finally headed in the direction of the VIP section.

  "Ciao, Bella."

  I took a fortifying drink before I responded. "Hello, Gio. I hear it's been an interesting night."

  "Si, it has. Camille handled it well, considering two bouncers were no-shows tonight."

  "Let me guess, Leo and Isaac."

  "Something tells me this is common for them."

  “It is. I was hoping, with the changes taking place, they’d straighten up, but I guess not.” I just discovered another con to being manager. If someone needed to be fired, it was my job to do it.

  “Sometimes, Tesoro, we have to do things we don’t particularly like. You look tense. Is something wrong?”

  I snorted at his comment. “Tense. Yeah, that sums it up. I just had to give Chablis her one and only warning. She’s been pinching requests from some of the newer dancers. Once or twice it wouldn’t be an issue, but she’s taken lap dance requests that belonged to two others on several occasions this week. I swear I wish she would give me a reason to fire her ass.”

  “You really don’t like her, do you, Bella?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Si. Care to tell me why?”

  I finished my drink and set the empty glass on the table before I answered. “She’s always had this attitude about her where she thinks she’s better than everyone else. It’s as if she thinks she’s just slumming for a little while before she goes back to her nice house in a rich neighborhood. Her attitude pisses me off. She’s a snob.”

  “I can see why that could cause anger.”

  “She’s not better than any of the other girls. In some ways, she’s worse. She’s...she thinks about herself and only herself. She’d throw anyone under the bus to save herself.”

  “She has no honor.”

  “Exactly. You get it.” I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. She knows she’s on thin ice. She fucks up again and she’s gone.”

  “Tell me, if she is such a difficult person, why are you keeping her on the payroll, Bella?”

  I considered his question for a moment. “She’s a bitch, yes, but she does a good job. She has a number of regulars who come in for lap dances every week without fail, and just like everyone else, she has bills to pay. I won’t fire her just because I don’t like her, but if she breaks the rules again, she’ll be gone so fast her head will spin like Linda Blair’s did in the Exorcist.”

  Gio’s laughter did all sorts of things to me. “What’s so funny?”

  “Ah, Tesoro, you have such a way with words. That is all.”

  “Whatever. I should get back to work.” I took my empty glass with me and deposited it at the bar on my way back to the dressing room. I wanted to make sure Chablis wasn’t causing any more trouble and I really needed to get away from Gio before I embarrassed myself.

  Chapter Thirty Four


  I watched her ass sway as she walked away from me. I could watch that luscious ass sway all day long. Despite spending the night together, she was still trying to keep me at a distance and, oddly enough, I was okay with that. I enjoyed a challenge and Carly was worth it.

  By the time the night was over, and every last customer was gone, I was itching to get Carly alone again. Unfortunately it didn’t look like that was in the cards for tonight.

  “We’ve got a problem, Boss.”

  I groaned inwardly and turned my attention to Tony. “What’s up?”

  “I did inventory today. We came up short again. Someone’s stealing from us.”

  “Fuck.” I rubbed my brow. “We’ll have to put cameras up. Do you have any suspicions as to who it is?”

  “Maybe. One of the waitresses, Pauline. I’ve caught her behind the bar a few times when she shouldn’t have been.”

  “We’ll keep an eye on her.” Maybe I’d get to corner Carly in her office after all.

  “That’s not everything.”

  “Of course not. Give me a minute.” I spotted Carly exiting the back and made my way to her. “Call a taxi tonight, Bella.” When she looked like she was going to argue I pressed a finger to her lips. “Please. I have to take care of a few things and I would feel better knowing you weren’t walking home this late.”

  “Okay, but only because you said please.”

  “Grazie, Tesoro.” I waited until she was safely ensconced in a cab before I went back into the club, “What else did you need to talk to me about.”

  Tony held out a folder and I cocked a brow at him.

  “You asked me to look into Chablis’ past. You might want to take a look at that.”

  I opened it and started skimming everything. “Figlio di puttana! This isn’t good.” Chablis had connections to some very dangerous people. The real question was, did she know it? And if so, would she resort to using them if Carly pushed her too hard?

  “And her claim of being in management?”

  “I dug into that, too. She worked as a manager for three years but she got fired just before she started here because she was caught stealing from her employer. According to human resources, when asked why she did it, she claimed she wasn’t being paid according to her skill level so she felt like she deserved the money she took. She also reportedly told the owner that he better watch his back or he might find a knife in it one night. Three weeks after she started working here he was stabbed to death.”

  “Isn’t she a piece of work. Get me Cesare. Tell him to meet me at the warehouse in half an hour and to bring Luciano with him.” I needed to get a protection detail on Carly. Now.

  “You got it, Boss. You think she sent someone after her old boss?”

  “Si. From what I have seen of her, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “Are you worried she’ll send them after Carly?”

  “With as angry as she is with Carly after tonight? There is no question in my mind. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.”

  “Merda. I’ll have them at the warehouse by the time you get there.”

  “Grazie, Tony.”

  “She’s family. She needs to be protected even if she doesn’t like it.”

  “I don’t think she’ll see it that way but she’ll just have to get over it.” I made a beeline for the front door. “Lock up before you leave.”

  “You got it, Gio.”

  I wanted to fly down the streets of New Orleans, but I took my time and stayed within the speed limit. Getting pulled over for speeding wasn’t going to help anyone, least of all Carly. While stopped at a red light, I quickly dialed her number and turned the Bluetooth speaker on. I needed to hear her voice and know she was okay.

  “Gio? Why are you calling me when I just left the club not long ago?”

  Something tight in my chest loosened when I heard her voice. “I didn’t get to tell you goodnight, Bella. Sleep well.”

  “Uh, okay then. Thanks. You, too.”

  I couldn’t really explain things to her, not without telling her some truths I wasn’t ready for her to know about. Not yet.

  By the time I reached the warehouse both Cesare and Luciano were there. I’d had no doubt they would be. There was a reason Tony was my right hand man. I co
uld depend on him to do exactly what I asked, when I asked.

  “Gio. Tony said there was an urgent matter you needed our expertise on.”

  “Si.” I spent the next several minutes going over the situation with Carly and Chablis. “I need you to watch her without her knowledge. As of right now, Carly is unaware of who I am. She knows nothing of la famiglia and I want to keep it that way for as long as possible.”

  “You got it, Gio. We’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Bene. You need to know, she is famiglia through her son. If anything happens to her, I will hold you both personally responsible.” With those words, I walked out. The sun was lightening the sky when I finally made my way to bed. As tired as I was, sleep was a long time coming.

  Chapter Thirty Five


  Sometimes, change can be a great thing. Sometimes, it can be scary as hell. I’ve kept my heart protected for a decade and all it took was one look from Gio and those walls crumbled. I needed some advice and the one person I could always depend on to be straight with me was just a phone call away.

  “Hi, Mama.”

  “Carly. This is a nice surprise. I was just thinking about you and Eli.”

  “That must be why my ears are burning.” It had been a running joke in our household growing up and we both laughed. I winced when my laugh ended on a sob.

  “Carly Annabel Ballentyne, what on earth is wrong? Don’t you tell me ‘nothing’, either. I can hear it.”

  “I don’t know where to start, Mama. It’s a long story.”

  “You start at the beginning, mia figlia.”

  A sigh escaped me as I slumped down on the sofa. “The club I work at was recently sold. The new owner is...something else. He’s got a wicked sense of humor, he’s smart, he actually cares about the employees, and he’s sexy as hell.”

  “You’re attracted to him but he’s your boss, so you’re worried about losing your job over it.”

  “It’s gone way beyond that already, Mama. I slept with him. He makes me feel like I’m worth something. He’s also Rico’s cousin.”

  I heard Mama’s gasp and swallowed. “Yeah. He knows that Eli is Rico’s son. I’ve met his family, and they’re...very well off. Their house looks like a mansion, they’ve got a pool and this gorgeous backyard with a garden. It’s...opulent. And I don’t fit in there.”

  “You think they’re snobs?”

  “No. They made Eli and I feel welcome when Gio took us to his parents’ anniversary party. But, Mama, you know where I come from and it’s not money.”

  “Carly Ballentyne. Don’t you dare start thinking you’re less just because you didn’t grow up in a fancy house. You had to grow up quickly and you’re doing the best you can, all on your own, to raise that little boy.”

  I sighed softly. “I know, Mama. I’m not ashamed of where I come from. You were tough on me but you made me the woman I am today.” Hearing my mother’s words helped bolster my confidence a bit. “Thanks, Mama. I knew I could depend on you to tell me what I needed to hear.”

  “Are you talking to Nana?”

  At Eli’s question I just held the phone out to him. I sat there listening to him tell his grandmother all about what’s been going on in his life. When he finally said goodbye and handed me the phone back, I knew she’d have questions.

  “What else is going on with you? You’re buying him things you couldn’t a month ago.”

  “I was getting to that. After the club was bought out, I was offered the position as manager. Better pay and better hours, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been able to spend more time with Eli, which we’re both loving.”

  “Sounds like things are finally going your way. I know you, Carly. You’ll pull away out of fear of getting hurt. You can’t live that way. I know from experience, it’s a lonely existence. Don’t make the mistake I did and wait so long to let yourself be happy again.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I’ll think about what you’ve said, Mama.”

  “Good. I need to be going. You take care and come see me soon. I miss my grandbaby.”

  “We’ll try.” I hung up and went through the motions to get ready while on autopilot. My mind was on the last bit of advice my mother had given me. She knew me well, she knew exactly what I was likely to do if I thought Gio was getting too close.

  “Mama? Somebody put a note under the door.”

  Eli’s words pulled me from my thoughts. I went to the door and frowned as I picked up the envelope. I figured it was something from the manager, probably a bill for the repairman he’d brought in not long ago, knowing him. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Lovely Lola,

  I’ve missed seeing that luscious body up on the stage and getting to touch you when you dance. That Italian bastard better back off if he knows what’s good for him. You’re mine. I’ll be seeing you.


  I stared at the note as if it was a snake about to bite me. As an exotic dancer, I was no stranger to stalkers. They were usually harmless drunks who were infatuated with me. This, this was different. I didn’t know how whoever ‘A’ was even knew where I lived. Or for how long. He obviously knew Gio was into me. Why else would he threaten him? That meant my stalker had to have followed Gio and I at some point and seen us kiss.

  I stood there frozen with the note in my hand. Some crazy fan from the club knew where I lived. Some nutcase was endangering me and my son. A sudden knock at the door made me jump. Swallowing down the fear I stepped closer to it. "Who is it?" I winced at the way my voice quivered.

  "Carly? Bella? What's wrong? Open the door."

  The relief that filled me upon hearing Gio's voice left me feeling weak. "Grazie Dio." I practically threw myself into his arms once I had the door open.

  "You're shaking. Talk to me, Bella."

  Instead of speaking, I held the letter out to him. I watched his face as he silently read the words. The rage in his eyes scared me. I wasn't afraid for myself. No. Whoever left the letter was in for a world of hurt if Gio got his hands on them.

  "I will keep you safe, Tesoro. You have my word."

  "How, Gio? If he knows where I live, he can get to me. Are you planning to camp out on my doorstep?"

  "If need be, si, but it won't be necessary. I will hire someone to keep you safe. No one is going to harm you or Eli."

  How did he know that was my biggest fear? That this crazy fucker would hurt Eli to get to me?

  Chapter Thirty Six


  Reading the stalker note Carly got had me seeing red. Some sick fuck was stalking my girl. He was scaring her. I wasn't about to let that go without punishment. The problem was, I had no idea who'd written the letter. I needed to talk to Luciano and Cesare to see if they'd noticed anyone who looked suspicious. Right now, however, my focus was Carly.

  "Take today off, Tesoro. You shouldn't go in with as shaken as you are."

  "I can't, Gio. It's not fair to Camille. She deserves this night off with her kids. She's taking them to see a movie. She hasn't been able to do that with them in over a year."

  I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her. "You're a stubborn woman, Bella."

  “It’s one of my best qualities.”

  The grin she gave me had me chuckling. “I don’t know about that. I can think of a few more things even better than that.”

  “Since you’re determined to go to work, let me drive you.”

  “I get the feeling you were already planning on that. Why else would you be here?”

  “I came to take you and Eli to lunch.” There was a look of surprise on her face at my confession.

  “You want to include Eli?”

  “Si, Bella. Why wouldn’t I? He is your son, he is important to you, and that makes him important to me.”

  “You are full of surprises, Gio. Most men don’t include the child or children of the women they’re trying to date. Not right away, anyway.”

  “Ah, Tesoro, but I am not like other
men, am I?”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  I waited for her to make her decision. I knew she would agree. I was that confident.

  “Where are we going?”

  I flashed her a grin. Like I said, I knew she’d agree. “Katie’s.”

  “I’ll get Eli.”

  I watched her go and waited patiently for mother and child to be ready. The letter she’d received was tucked into my pocket and once mother and son had joined me, I ushered them downstairs to my car. Now, more than ever, I wanted Carly safe. She needed to get her mind off the letter and lunch with just the three of us would be perfect.

  “So, Eli, what do you like to do for fun?” I wanted to get to know the boy.

  “I dunno. Play video games, read...I wanna learn how to play guitar but Mama says I have to wait.”

  “Oh? Why is that, Bella.?” I glanced over at her as I drove.

  “Guitar lessons cost money and right now things are still a little tight. I’ve promised him as soon as everything is caught up, which should be soon.”

  “Let me help.” Before she could argue or refuse, I continued. “We can consider it a loan if that would make you feel better, Tesoro. I want to help.”

  There was a moment of silence before, “Okay. Just as long as we’re clear that it’s a loan and I’ll be paying you back.”

  “Si, we’re clear, Bella.” I had no intention of taking any of her money but she didn’t need to know that.

  Once we were at the restaurant and seated at the table I glanced over the menu. I already knew what I wanted but I looked anyway. “What would you like, Eli? You can have anything on the menu.” Of course, I expected the boy to go with a plain hamburger or a cheese pizza but he surprised me.

  “Um...can I get a Remmy Po’Boy?”

  The Remmy Po’Boy was a fried green tomato and shrimp remoulade sandwich and not something I’d have expected a child to want. The boy had taste. “If that’s what you want, of course you can get it.”


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