Elsie's Motherhood

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Elsie's Motherhood Page 3

by Martha Finley

  Chapter Third.

  "Delightful task! to rear the tender thought,To teach the young idea how to shoot,To pour the fresh instruction o'er the mind,To breathe the enlivening spirit and to fixThe generous purpose in the glowing breast!"--THOMSON'S SEASONS.

  The Ion little folks were allowed an extra nap the next morning, theirparents wisely considering plenty of sleep necessary to the healthfuldevelopment of their mental and physical powers. They themselves,however, felt no necessity for a like indulgence, their guests havingdeparted in season to admit of their retiring at the usual hour, andwere early in the saddle, keenly enjoying a brisk canter of severalmiles before breakfast.

  On their return Elsie went to the nursery, Mr. Travilla to the fieldwhere his men were at work. Half an hour later they and their childrenmet at the breakfast table.

  Solon came in for orders.

  "You may leave Beppo saddled, Solon," said Mr. Travilla, "and havePrince and Princess at the door also, immediately after prayers."

  The last named were a pair of pretty little grey ponies belongingrespectively to Eddie and his sister Elsie. They were gentle and welltrained for both saddle and harness.

  Nearly every day the children rode them, one on each side of theirfather, mounted on Beppo, his beautiful bay; and occasionally they drovebehind them in the phaeton with their mother or some older person; andone or the other of the children would often be allowed to hold thereins when on a straight and level road; for their father wished them tolearn to both ride and drive with ease and skill.

  Little Elsie's great ambition was "to be like mamma" in the ease andgrace with which she sat her horse, as well as in every thing else;while Eddie was equally anxious to copy his father.

  Violet and Harold ran out to the veranda to watch them mount and rideaway.

  "Papa," said Vi, "shall we, too, have ponies and ride with you, whenwe're as big as Elsie and Eddie?"

  "I intend you shall, little daughter, and if you and Harold will be herewith your hats on, all ready to start at once when we come back, I willgive you each a short ride before the ponies are put away."

  "Oh, thank you, papa! we'll be sure to be ready," they answered, andran in to their mother to tell her of papa's kind promise, and to havetheir hats put on.

  Elsie, who was in the sitting-room with Herbert on her lap, rejoiced intheir joy, and bade Dinah prepare them at once for their ride.

  "Bress dere little hearts! dey grows hansomer ebery day," exclaimed anelderly negress, who had just come in with a basket on her arm.

  "Don't say such things before them, Aunt Sally," said her mistress in atone of gentle reproof, "their young hearts are only too ready to bepuffed up with vanity and pride. Now what is your report from thequarter."

  "Well, missus, dere's lots ob miseries down dere dis mornin'; ole Lizeshe's took wid a misery in her side; an' Uncle Jack, he got um in hishead; ole Aunt Delie's got de misery in de joints wid de rheumatiz, an'ole Uncle Mose he's 'plainin ob de misery in his back; can't stan' upstraight no how: an' Hannah's baby got a mighty bad cold, can't hardlydraw its breff; 'twas took dat way in de night; an' Silvy's boy tore hisfoot on a nail."

  "Quite a list," said Elsie. And giving her babe to Aunt Chloe, sheselected a key from a bright bunch lying in a little basket, held by asmall dusky maid at her side, unlocked a closet door and looked over hermedical store. "Here's a plaster for Uncle Mose to put on his back, andone for Lize's side," she said, handing each article in turn to AuntSally, who bestowed it in her basket. "This small bottle has some dropsthat will do Uncle Jack's head good; and this larger one is for AuntDelia. Tell her to rub her joints with it. There is medicine for thebaby, and Hannah must give it a warm bath. If it is not better directlywe must send for the doctor. Now, here is a box of salve, excellent forcuts, burns and bruises; spread some on a bit of rag, and tie it onSilvy's boy's foot. There, I think that is all. I'll be down after awhile, to see how they are all doing," and with some added directionsconcerning the use of each remedy, Aunt Sally was dismissed.

  Then Aunt Dicey, the housekeeper, came for her orders for the day, andsuch supplies from pantry and storehouse as were needed in carrying themout.

  In the meantime the riding party had returned, Harold and Violet hadbeen treated to a ride about the grounds, the one in his father's arms,Beppo stepping carefully as if he knew he carried a tender babe, theother on one of the ponies close at papa's side and under his watchfuleye.

  It was a rosy merry group mamma found upon the veranda, chatting to eachother and laughing gayly as they watched their father cantering downthe avenue on his way to the fields to oversee the work going on there.

  They did not hear their mother's step till she was close at hand askingin her own sweet, gentle tones, "My darlings, had you a pleasant time?"

  "O, yes, mamma, so nice!" and they gathered about her, eager to claimher ever ready sympathy, interested in their joys no less than theirsorrows.

  They had been taught to notice the beauties of nature--the changingclouds, the bright autumn foliage, plants and flowers, insects, birds,stones; all the handiwork of God; and the elder ones now never returnedfrom walk or ride without something to tell of what they had seen andenjoyed.

  It was surprising how much they learned in this easy pleasant way, howmuch they gained almost imperceptibly in manners, correctness of speech,and general information, by this habit of their parents of keeping themalways with themselves and patiently answering every proper question.They were encouraged not only to observe, but to think, to reason, andto repeat what they had learned; thus fixing it more firmly in theirminds. They were not burdened with long tasks or many studies, butrequired to learn thoroughly such as were set them, and trained to alove for wholesome mental food; the books put into their hands beingcarefully chosen by their parents.

  Though abundantly able to employ a governess, Elsie preferred teachingher darlings her self. There was a large, airy room set apart for thepurpose, and furnished with every suitable appliance, books, maps,globes, pictures, an orrery, a piano, etc., etc. There were prettyrosewood desks and chairs, the floor was a mosaic of beautifullygrained and polished woods, the walls, adorned with a few rareengravings, were of a delicate neutral tint, and tasteful curtainsdraped each window.

  Thither mother and children now repaired, and spent two happy hours ingiving and receiving instruction.

  Harold had not yet quite mastered the alphabet. His task was, of course,soon done, and he was permitted to betake himself to the nursery orelsewhere, with his mammy to take care of him; or if he chose to submitto the restraint of the school-room rather than leave mamma and theothers, he might do so.

  Violet could already read fluently, in any book suited to her years, andwas learning to spell, write and sew.

  Eddie was somewhat further advanced, and Elsie had begun arithmetic,history and geography; music, also, and drawing; for both of which shealready shown decided talent.

  School over, she had a half hour of rest, then went to the piano for anhour's practice, her mamma sitting by to aid and encourage her.

  Mr. Travilla came in, asking, "Where is Eddie?"

  "Here, papa," and the boy came running in with face all aglow withdelight. "O, are you going to teach me how to shoot? I saw you comingwith that pistol in your hand, and I'm so glad."

  "Yes," his father answered, smiling at the eager face. "You will not beanxious, little wife?" turning to her with a tender loving look.

  "No, my husband; surely I can trust him with you, his own wise, careful,loving father;" she answered with a confiding smile.

  "O papa, mayn't I go along with you? and won't you teach me too?" criedViolet, who was always ready for any excitement.

  "Not to-day, daughter: only Eddie and I are going now; but sometime Iwill teach you all. It is well enough for even ladies to handle a pistolon occasion, and your mamma is quite a good shot."

  Vi looked disappointed but did not fret, pout, or ask a second time; forsuch things were not allowed in the family by ei
ther parent.

  "Mamma's good little girl," the mother said, drawing her caressingly toher side, as Mr. Travilla and Eddie left the room. "I am going to walkdown to the quarter this afternoon and will take you and your brotherand sister with me, if you care to go."

  "O, mamma, thank you! yes indeed, I do want to go," cried the littleone, her face growing bright as its wont. "May we be there when the bellrings? 'cause I do like to see the dogs." And she clapped her tiny handswith a laugh like the chiming of silver bells.

  Her sister laughed too, saying, "O, yes, mamma, do let us."

  The Ion negroes were paid liberal wages, and yet as kind and generouslycared for as in the old days of slavery; even more so, for now Elsiemight lawfully carry out her desire to educate and elevate them to ahigher standard of intelligence and morality.

  To this end Mr. Travilla had added to the quarter a neat school-house,where the children received instruction in the rudiments during the day,the adults in the evening, from one of their own race whose advantageshad been such as to qualify him for the work. There, too, the master andmistress themselves held a Sunday school on Sabbath afternoons.

  Aunt Sally, the nurse, also instructed the women in housewifely ways,and Dinah taught them sewing; Elsie encouraging and stimulating them toeffort by bestowing prizes on the most diligent and proficient.

  Eddie came in from his first lesson in the use of firearms, flushedand excited.

  "Mamma, I did shoot," he cried exultingly, "I shooted many times, andpapa says I'll make a good shot some day if I keep on trying."

  "Ah! did you hit the mark?"

  "Not quite this time, mamma," and the bright face clouded slightly.

  "Not quite," laughed Mr. Travilla, drawing his boy caressingly towardhim. "If you please, mamma, do not question us too closely; we expect todo better another time. He really did fairly well considering his ageand that it was his first lesson."

  "Papa," asked Vi, climbing his knee, "were you 'fraid Eddie would shootus if we went along?"

  "I thought it safer to leave you at home."

  "Papa, mamma's going to take us walking down to the quarter thisafternoon; we're to be there when the bell rings, so we can see thosefunny dogs."

  "Ah, then I think I shall meet you there and walk home with you."

  This announcement was received with a chorus of exclamations of delight;his loved companionship would double their enjoyment; it always did.

  'Twas a pleasant, shady walk, not too long for the older children, andHarold's mammy would carry him when he grew weary. They called at theschool-room, witnessed the closing exercises, then visited all the agedand ailing ones, Elsie inquiring tenderly concerning their "miseries,"speaking words of sympathy and consolation and giving additional advice;remedies too, and some little delicacies to whet the sickly appetites(these last being contained in a basket, carried by a servant).

  As they left the last cabin, in the near vicinity of the post where hungthe bell, which summoned the men to their meals, and gave notice of thehour for quitting work, they saw the ringer hurrying toward it.

  "Oh, mamma, we're just in time!" cried Vi, "how nice!"

  "Yes," said her sister, "mamma always knows how to make things come outright."

  Every negro family owned a cur, and at the first tap of the bell theyalways, with a united yelp, rushed for the spot, where they formed aring round the post, each seated on his haunches and brushing the groundwith his tail, with a rapid motion, from side to side, nose in the air,eyes fixed upon the bell, and throat sending out a prolonged howl solong as the ringing continued. The din was deafening, and far frommusical, but it was a comical sight, vastly enjoyed by the youngTravillas, who saw it only occasionally.

  Mr. and Mrs. Travilla were walking slowly homeward, the children andBruno frolicking, jumping, dancing, running on before. After a while thetwo little girls grew somewhat weary, and subsided into a soberer pace.

  "Vi," said Elsie, "Don't you believe Aunt Delia might get better ofthose 'miseries' in her bones, if she had some nice new red flannelthings to wear?"

  "Yes; let's buy her some," and a pretty dimpled hand went into herpocket, and out came a dainty, silken purse, mamma's gift on her lastbirthday, when she began to have a weekly allowance, like Elsie andEddie.

  "Yes, if mamma approves."

  "'Course we'll 'sult mamma 'bout it first, and she'll say yes; shealways likes us to be kind and--char--char--"

  "Charitable? yes, 'specially to Jesus' people, and I know Aunt Delia'sone of his. How much money have you, Vi?"

  "I don't know; mamma or papa will count when we get home."

  "I have two dollars and fifty cents; maybe Eddie will give some if wehaven't enough."

  "Enough of what?" queried Eddie, over-hearing the last words as he andBruno neared the others in their gambols.

  Elsie explained, asking, "Would you like to help?"

  "Yes, and I'm going to buy some 'baccy' as he calls it, for old UncleJack."

  Mamma was duly consulted, approved of their plans, took them the nextday to the nearest village, let them select the goods themselves, thenhelped them to cut out and make the garments. Eddie assisted bythreading needles and sewing on buttons, saying "that would do for a boybecause he had heard papa say he had sometimes sewed on a button forhimself when he was away at college."

  To be sure the work might have been given to the seamstress, but it wasthe desire of these parents to train their little ones to give time andeffort as well as money.


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