Sandor (Royal Protectors Book 1)

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Sandor (Royal Protectors Book 1) Page 16

by Kat Mizera

  My top pick was a twenty-eight-year-old veteran named Jonas Germano. He’d done four years in the Marines before being accepted into the FBI Academy. He’d been about to graduate when equipment failure during a training exercise sent him off the top of a building and toppling two stories to the ground. He’d broken his back and both legs, but while the FBI had given up on him, Joe hadn’t. He’d befriended him at a VA rehab facility and had eventually brought him on as part of his cyber security division. Jonas had worked his ass off and was now as fit and badass as any of the others, and I was looking forward to meeting him.

  I had Lennox with me today because I knew from my own biases that a lot of men had a problem working with women in a protection or security capacity, so I needed to make sure anyone we brought on would be okay with that. I’d narrowed down the five candidates Chains had sent me on Tuesday to two, even though we really needed three. A good fit was going to have to trump convenience, even if it meant the team would work long hours and have very little time off.

  One of the great things about Jonas was his experience with cyber security, something none of the rest of us had beyond Joe. We were all fairly adept at utilizing technology to do our jobs, but preventing cybercrime and protecting the privacy of the royal family as well as the security of the country was another matter altogether.

  The other candidate had an interesting connection to us. He was the twin brother of the bass player of Casey’s old band. I hadn’t even known Tyler had a brother, much less a twin. Apparently, they’d had a falling out as teenagers and had lost touch. They’d reconnected a year or so ago, but I didn’t know anything beyond that.

  “I think Jonas and Marcus are great additions to our crew,” Lennox told me two nights later as we crawled into bed.

  “That’s only two, though,” I lamented, hands behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. “And Marcus isn’t joining us until the new year, so we’re still going to be short-staffed.”

  “It’s okay. At least we’ll be overworked and exhausted together,” she said, laying her head on my chest. My arms came down and wrapped around her, one hand closing around her ass and the other settling in her hair. We both seemed to be enamored with the other’s hair; she loved when I set mine free of its usual ponytail and I felt the same when she took down hers.

  “Very true.”

  “So, tell me what to expect on Saturday.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m assuming there will be Veroniques en masse and I need to know how to deal with all of that. At the end of the day, you’re still royalty and the world will be watching, even if it’s a small stage.”

  As much as I hated it, she was right. There would be a lot of scrutiny on anyone I dated, but I didn’t know how to guide her because this was new territory for me. I’d fallen under the radar in college because I was essentially nothing but a bodyguard then. All of that had changed and I had to deal with this whether I wanted to or not.

  “To be honest,” I told her, “I think you’d be better served talking with Casey. She’s had to learn to navigate these waters in a short time, so I think she’ll have better advice than I will.”

  “But what do you want of me?” she asked quietly. “Do you want me to be a certain way?”

  I shook my head. “I want you to be you. Obviously, be careful what you say, and to whom, about the royal family, but in general, we don’t have anything to hide, do we?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Then don’t worry so much, okay?”

  “Okay.” She said it, but I could tell she didn’t mean it. She was going to worry no matter what I said, and the truth was, so would I.



  Casey had booked a suite at the Charleston on Saturday and we settled in around noon. She’d been talking about the dress she’d had made for me, but I’d forgotten about it until today. Now I was standing on a small dais as this wisp of a woman named Alexa laced me into a satin creation of royal blue. It was sleeveless, revealing my shoulders and elegant neck, though I tended to hate my arms when it came to things like this.

  “Why are you making that face?” Casey demanded, standing there with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m too muscular,” I murmured. “I prefer to cover my arms. They make me look masculine.”

  “There is nothing masculine about you in this dress, sugar.” Alexa spoke in a light Southern accent as she adjusted the ruffled bottom. It was tight-fitting through my hips and then opened in the front with an upside-down V surrounded by layers of ruffled fabric. Alexa said it was so the gun I would wear in my thigh holster would be more easily hidden, and she was right, but I’d never worn anything like this.

  “You’re beautiful,” Casey said gently. “Sandor is going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

  I shrugged. This was so not my thing. I was in fantastic shape, but I was self-conscious about my arms when I was dressed up like this.

  “I wish I had a body like yours,” Sasha said. She was on the nearby settee, staring at me with a faint smile.

  “Lots of hours at the gym,” I told her.

  “I’m trying,” she said. “But it doesn’t seem to help anything but my stress level.”

  “You’re too young to have so much stress,” I told her.

  She sighed. “College is hard.”

  “Agreed,” I said, “but worth it.”

  “That remains to be seen. I’m to the point now where I’m hoping my new stepfather can find me a billionaire prince that will whisk me away to his private island and feed me bonbons all day.”

  We all laughed, including Sasha.

  “You’d be bored to tears,” Casey said.

  “Okay, your dress is perfect,” Alexa told me. “Take it off, put on your robe and go get your hair done. Casey, you’re up next.”

  I sat in chairs for the next few hours, alternately snacking on hors d’oeuvres Casey had brought in and checking my phone to see if anything was going on. Sandor had told me not to worry about security, other than keeping an eye on Casey and the girls, of course, but it wasn’t in me to take time off. Work was pretty much all I did.

  I had Sandor in my life now, but we were both workaholics so it hadn’t changed much for me, except for the companionship. Since we worked together, professional and personal had mostly merged into the same thing. Except for tonight. Even though I would be armed and on alert should a crisis arise, this was something different.

  “You look like someone kicked your puppy,” Casey said, sinking into the chair beside me as the stylist did my hair.

  “I don’t want to embarrass him,” I said quietly. “Or myself.”

  “You won’t. The biggest thing to remember is that no one is better than you. You’re just as worthy and important as someone born to royalty or someone extremely wealthy. Sandor is crazy about you, so everything else is just background noise. Trust me. Focus on your relationship, on who you are when you’re with him, and forget about all the outside nonsense.”

  “She’s right, you know.” Elen came in, her makeup already done, to wait for her turn with the hairstylist. “I’ve never seen Sandor as enamored with someone as he is with you. I know he doesn’t show it much, but it’s there. And really, who cares what anyone else thinks?”

  “I care,” I answered. “I was already insulted by that Veronique woman and I don’t want to be someone the people in his circles make fun of.”

  “Some are going to make fun of you no matter what,” Elen said with a shrug. “But there are some who’ll make fun of princesses and heiresses too. No one is safe in the world we live in.”

  “That’s depressing,” I said.

  “It is what it is.” Elen stared off at nothing, her pretty face thoughtful. “I lived under the radar all those years while Erik and Sandor were in hiding, and now that I’m back in the limelight again, it’s hard readjusting.”

  “Did you miss your life?” I asked her. “I mean, your life as a princess?” />
  She shook her head. “Not really. I was a college student when it happened and after I finished college, I lived off the grid. I did a lot of things I never would have done otherwise…tended bar at a tiki bar in the South Pacific, taught children to read on a reservation in North Dakota, climbed mountains… The thing is, it was lonely. I knew where Sandor was, of course, and I had Uncle Ben in an emergency, but mostly I was alone.”

  “No boyfriends?”

  Elen wrinkled her nose. “I had male friends and a handful of lovers over the years, but it was too complicated to get close to anyone, so I didn’t. And now that I’m not hiding anymore, I don’t know who to trust or how to be normal. I got used to being in hiding, watching everything I said and did, I forget that I don’t have to anymore. It’s been a lot harder than I thought.” She took a sip of champagne. “But tonight I plan to find someone who might want to get horizontal. The prospects in Limaj are terrible.”

  “You think?” I asked, cocking my head. “I saw some cute guards around the palace and some of Erik’s associates weren’t bad.”

  “You mean the statesmen in Parliament?” She stuck out her tongue. “Not my thing. I need someone a little more…rugged.”

  Casey smiled. “Like Xander.”

  “Xander?” Elen let out a huff. “He’s obnoxious. I wouldn’t sleep with him if he was the last man on earth.”

  “He’s nice,” I said in surprise. “I’ve known him a few years and I’ve never known him to be obnoxious.”

  “Has he ever thrown you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes?” Elen demanded.

  I hid my smile. “Well, no, but I’m also a bodyguard, not a client, so to speak.”

  “Next time he tries something like that, I’m going to punch him. Right in the dick.”

  After a moment of startled silence, we all burst out laughing.

  “Harsh,” Casey chuckled. “But if it comes to that, I’ll have your back.”

  We talked for a while longer and I was finally ready. It was late in the afternoon now, and almost time to get dressed, but I sat in my robe, nibbling some fruit as I perused the internet on my phone. I checked hockey scores and was about to click off when the word “Limaji” caught my eye in a headline:

  Limaji prince off the market?

  The article went on to talk about Sandor and the mystery woman he was seen dining with in Las Vegas. I cringed at the blurry picture taken of us at dinner, my face mostly hidden because his larger body had been blocking me in the booth.


  I copied the link to the article and texted it to Sandor just as Alexa came in and told me to get dressed.

  “They’re not going to announce us or anything, are they?” I asked Casey as we took the private elevator down to the ballroom.

  She shook her head. “No. This is Sasha’s night—she’s the only one who’ll be announced.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Sasha whispered.

  “You’ve got this, sweetheart.” Casey hugged her. “And I’ll just be a few feet away.”

  “Think about something you really like,” I told her. “Like, your favorite place to shop or your favorite beach, something that makes you happy. And keep your focus on that as you walk in. You’ll be smiling and mostly relaxed and no one will know it’s because you’re thinking about the hot cabana boy in Waikiki that gave you a surfing lesson once.”

  Sasha giggled. “Thanks. That’s a good idea. Though I don’t have any memories quite that fun.”

  We separated once we got to the mezzanine level where the ballroom was located. Erik was waiting for Casey, and Sasha was whisked off to an anteroom where she would wait to be announced. Elen, along with Casey’s mother, Teal, and Erik’s mother, Kari, all headed toward the ballroom, but I froze when I spotted Sandor, standing just off to the side.

  His eyes were fixed on me as if no one else existed and I was a little starstruck myself since he was gorgeous in a black tuxedo with tails. He approached me with a purposeful stride, his blue eyes slightly narrowed as he reached for me. He took my hand and very slowly brought it to his lips, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “You’re absolutely stunning,” he whispered, drawing me closer.

  “Thank you.” I swallowed. “You look pretty great yourself.”

  “I read the article,” he said, holding me against him. “After tonight, you’re not going to be anonymous anymore.”

  I swallowed. “Are you okay with that?”

  “I’m fine with it, but you look really nervous.”

  “I’m a little nervous, but I’ll be fine as long as you’re with me.”

  “Then shall we join the festivities?”

  “I guess.” I took his arm and he leaned over to kiss the side of my face, something he did a lot, which I hadn’t known I loved until he started to do it.

  “Don’t worry.” He led me towards the entrance and I found myself a lot steadier on my feet than I’d expected. I drew from Sandor’s strength, even though I’d never been that kind of woman. I’d always prided myself on my own strength, my ability to do everything the men I knew did, and more. Anything less would have been a weakness in my mind, but that wasn’t the case with Sandor. He complemented me somehow, in ways I’d never thought about. His strength didn’t mean mine was less, it simply added to it so that together we were untouchable.

  I hadn’t realized there would be photographers catching everyone as they came in and Sandor squeezed my arm just before we got through the door. “Smile and breathe,” he said softly.

  Somehow, I did exactly as he instructed and got through the doors without embarrassing myself. Jesus, how did celebrities do this shit? I was so much happier living in the shadows as a bodyguard.

  But that won’t be the case if you and Sandor get serious.

  The thought was fleeting, but it was enough to give me pause.

  “You okay?” Sandor gave me a funny look.

  “Fine.” I smiled up at him just as Veronique appeared, as if she’d dropped out of the sky.

  “Sandor. Darling, you look so handsome in a tux. I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Veronique.” His voice was laced with impatience. “I don’t know what you’ve been waiting for, but I’m completely devoted to the woman in my life, who happens to be standing right here. Try using those finishing-school manners you were taught and stop being an annoying dilettante whose behavior reeks of desperation.” He turned, pulling me along with him as he strode toward the table Erik had reserved for our group.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered. “Did you seriously just talk to her that way?”

  “I told you, I never wanted that life, and while I’ll do my duty for my country and my king, I won’t play by their rules. Never have, never will.”

  Part of me relished the look on Veronique’s face after Sandor’s response to her blatant flirtation, but another part of me was worried. Women like her wouldn’t just go away and I had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time we crossed paths.

  “Wow, Len, you look fantastic.” I turned in surprise to see Dax smiling at me, a blonde on his arm who was gorgeous but looked decidedly uncomfortable.

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “Hey, Sandor.” He held out his hand and Sandor shook it.

  “This is Lacy.” Dax patted her hand.

  We made small talk for a few minutes before Lacy excused herself to the ladies’ room and Sandor went to get us drinks.

  “You and Sandor, huh?” Dax was grinning like an idiot and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Yes. Be nice.”

  “I’m nice!” He laughed.

  “Who’s Lacy?”

  “Showgirl. She’s okay. Not really my type, but I needed a date and she wanted to come, so we’re here.”

  “Why isn’t she your type?”

  He hesitated. “You know how sometimes you just know when someone is right or isn’t? She just isn’t. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but it’s not her.”
/>   “Well, if it’s not her, don’t lead her on. It’s not fair to let her think she has a chance if she doesn’t.”

  “No, I wouldn’t do that.” He paused. “You really do look gorgeous tonight. Sandor’s a lucky man.”

  “I hope he thinks so.”

  “If he doesn’t, he’s an idiot.”



  I’d barely made it to the bar before Veronique accosted me again.

  “It’s okay, I’m not angry,” she said, motioning to the bartender to get her another of whatever she was drinking. “I understand you had to say that in front of her.”

  “Are you truly so narcissistic you can’t recognize when someone genuinely has no interest in you?”

  She blinked, staring at me in confusion. “But a man like you…can’t possibly marry a woman like her. Your king already—”

  “I’d be very careful of the next words that come out of your mouth,” I rumbled, taking a swig of scotch before looking at her again.

  “I was only pointing out that the royal bloodline is already diluted with your king’s marriage to a commoner. The rest of you need to make sure it remains intact.”

  Why did there have to be rules about hitting a woman? I’d never wanted to before but right now I might have gotten a great deal of pleasure from smacking her. That was frowned upon, though, so I merely shook my head. “Veronique, I love her. I’m not in line to the throne and really not concerned with any bloodline except that of carrying on my father’s name.” I turned on my heel and headed back to Lennox, who was now talking to several of the Sidewinders.

  I hadn’t known guys from the team would be here, but not only were they here, they were surrounding Lennox. My gut told me Dax had feelings for her, but she denied having any for him and I wasn’t so insecure that I didn’t trust her word. She’d had plenty of opportunity to get involved with him before I came along since they’d been friends for a while, so that wasn’t an issue. Of course, with Veronique constantly in my face, I wouldn’t blame her if she was trying to make me a little jealous.


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