Wonderland Academy: Book 1

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Wonderland Academy: Book 1 Page 3

by Cheri Winters

  Killers? My stomach coiled. Everyone else around me seemed fine as they ate the weird food with abandon, murmuring in between bites how good it tasted. I picked up my spoon, pushing around the bluish food so it would look like I was eating.

  “Any questions?” Eithanael asked.

  A few tributes raised their hand asking about what was in the food or if they could have seconds. I scooped the mush on my plate into a mini-mountain as I half-listened, wishing that I was anywhere but here, wishing I was home with my mom and my friends.

  “Alright, if no one has any more questions. Your training officially begins on Thursday morning.” Eithanael continued. “Since we’re needing you all accumulated sooner, there will be no weekend off this first month.”

  I dropped the spoon I’d been holding onto the plate and it clattered, echoing through the cafeteria. I hadn’t realized how quiet a mess hall was up until my spoon made that noise. It was eerie.

  “Do you have any questions?” Eithanael cocked his head, examining me. I had hoped no one else had noticed the sound, but that would have been a joke because everyone heard it. Hell, I was sure the guard heard it, but they were so disciplined in their training, acknowledging it would be akin to breaking rank, and I highly doubted they were allowed to do such a thing.

  My mind swirled with what to say. Sounded like I needed every advantage I could in this place. “Y-Yes, Maize had said we can gain points for our house if we guess his shifter animal correctly?” I stuttered.

  “That’s right.” Eithanael smiled and Maize walked over to stand next to him. “Do you have an answer?”

  “Bear,” one guy down the table called out.

  “Someone already said that,” a male called out.

  The girl next to me shifted in her chair. “No, I think he’s a lion—he’s golden and seems so majestic.”

  It can’t be that easy. If he was a regular shifter, then there would be no reason to award points. I remember my dad speaking to my mom about how he wanted to give more to his students despite the fact he was forbidden to make things simple. Even a riddle had to be hard.

  I chewed on my thumbnail as I thought. “Sphinx.”

  Maize’s eyes widened, but he shook his head.

  So I was close.

  “Griffin,” the girl across from me with the braid said, copying my unusual animal guess.

  His hair and eyes were golden like a lion, yet he wasn’t one or a Sphinx or Griffin. I racked my brain. There had to be a creature with the body of a lion and—

  “Chimera,” one of the guys down the table called.

  “Dragon,” said another boy.

  “Manticore,” I whispered.

  “Isn’t that the bull that was locked up in that Labyrinth in Greek mythology that ate people?” The girl across from me screwed up her face in disgust.

  “No, that’s a minotaur,” Maize corrected her. “Alexis is correct. My shifter animal is a Manticore which is a lion with wings.”

  And a scorpion’s tail.

  I blinked. Wait, how did he know my name?

  “Maybe the queen feeds some tributes to him annually too,” a big-nosed guy whispered. “Heard that lots of kids go missing near the border of this place. What if the reason behind those disappearances is him?”

  “Congratulations, Alexis.” Maize dipped his head to me.

  As one, all of the guards around the cafeteria turned their heads in my direction. They were all staring right at me. I felt as though the queen herself was looking out through their whitish, zombie-style vacant eyes. An icy chill raced down my spine and I couldn’t stop trembling.

  Everyone at the table around me broke into applause. But I didn’t feel like celebrating. Manticores were known to be man-eaters and cunning. And I’d just brought attention to myself by outing one.

  Chapter Four

  My skull throbbed as the queen’s guards stared at me with vacant expressions. I pushed the food around on my plate, trying to focus my attention on the meal and conversation, but my gaze kept drifting to the men. Moments ago, they had looked ready to attack and were just waiting for someone to push the go button. I was almost afraid to breathe on the off-chance they would take it as a threat and execute me on the spot. A shudder ran through me and I forced myself to look away.

  After the other eleven tributes finished eating, the Crimson house boy led us to the dorm and I was grateful to get away from the zombie-like guards.

  Now my stomach rumbled because I hadn’t eaten anything, even though Mom had packed a couple of bottles of water and protein bars in my backpack. I’d have a bite later in my room, where it was safe.

  “Name’s Zack,” one of the chaperone’s said to me as we walked with the group.

  “How long have you been here?” I asked, seeing that he wore the crimson and gray colors of our side. Meaning he wasn’t from Wonderland, a shifter, or a mage. He was a human, like me.

  “I’ve been at Wonderland Academy going on two years now. It’s freaking hard work, but amazing.”

  My eyes widened. A human liked being at Wonderland? “Any tips?” I asked.

  He winked. “Yeah, obey the rules and work hard,” he said as though it was that easy.

  Everyone including me groaned. Zack ran a hand through his chestnut hair that had strands of copper running through it. I’d love to have highlights like his.

  We entered the dark, maroon brick building and I turned to look over my shoulder, disappointed that the other three Wonderland guys didn’t come inside with us.

  “Freshmen are on the fifth level,” someone announced. “Your names are outside your dorm rooms.”

  “Will we have roommates? I can’t stand people that snore.” The blonde flipped her braid over her shoulder.

  “No.” Zack shook his head. “Everyone in Wonderland has their own space.”

  “Thank goodness,” she answered.

  I was just happy I didn’t have to worry about being her roommate. Not that I snored, but she was starting to get on my nerves. Truth be told, I preferred to be alone as well. Not because I cared about anyone’s sleeping proclivities or otherwise annoying habits. I just knew myself well enough to know I’d need some alone time, some space.

  “However, this is a co-ed dorm,” he continued.

  “Co-ed showers?” One guy high-fived another.

  “No, each room has a small, private shower,” Zack answered.

  “Bummer.” His face fell and a few girls snickered while others rolled their eyes.

  “Ladies, you’ll find your rooms on the left, gentlemen yours are on the right,” Zach continued as though he hadn’t heard them.

  The crowd around me drifted forward taking their rooms. On their doors were parchment papers tact on the front. Figures, this place didn’t keep strangers for long so why should they spend money on nameplates?

  Zack paused next to me, touching my arm and a tingle spread through me from his touch. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, totally. Why?” I shifted my backpack to my other side. Was I making a face? I tended to seem angrier than I really was because I studied things intensely. Part of my displeasure was that Wonderland Academy was turning into something I hadn’t expected. Besides the guards and the annoying blonde, the people here weren’t as bad as I thought.

  And other humans were actually nice.

  The contradiction left me… unsettled. I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  “I noticed you didn’t eat or drink anything earlier.” He leaned against the wall, raising his brows. “You going to be hungry later on?”

  Did the queen forbid bringing in outside food? I really didn’t want to get in trouble on my first day. As much as I hated being here, I needed to adapt quickly. It was my only chance of survival. And insulting the queen by not eating her food wasn’t smart.

  “Uh…I ate a huge meal before I came over,” I said quickly, hoping it sounded much more believable than how it came out.

  “If you get hungry later, j
ust let me know and I’ll have something brought up for you.”

  “Sure.” My heart beat hard against my chest at his unexpected kindness. Though the Wonderland food hadn’t looked appetizing at all. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  “Gotta look out for my Crimson specials.”

  I opened my mouth to ask what he meant by that when the blonde from earlier poked her head out her room. She narrowed her eyes at him and I shifted with unease. I didn’t like the girl but I didn’t want to be around her when she glared like that. It was almost as though she could conjure up her own spell if she wanted to.

  “Excuse me. My bed is way too lumpy and there’s a draft in there,” she whined.

  “Catch you later, Alexis.” He pushed off from the wall to go speak to her.

  I let out a breath and watched him go. He seemed easygoing, where not even a spoiled brat complaining about her lump bed could sour his mood. I rolled my shoulders back and headed into my room. A parchment paper like all the rest had my name Alexis Lewis scrawled across it in big, fancy letters almost like calligraphy, except with more swirls and loops. I brushed my fingers across the letters, lingering on my last name. Would anyone here remember that my dad came here ten years ago as a teacher?

  I rubbed my lips together and stepped inside. I didn’t want to think about my father right now, not when there was still so much for me to do. Not when I needed to be strong, and thinking about him would make me worry about what happened to him and what could very well happen to me.

  Lifting the latch, I stepped inside. The double-sized bed was covered with a red bedspread. Curtains with roses covered a window on the opposite side of the door. A small desk sat in the corner and a fireplace took up one wall. Moving deeper into the room, I spotted a bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet. No closet in this room. But a dresser and armoire were on the same wall as the door that led out to the hallway. I was surprised by everything that came with the room. They were little luxuries I didn’t get to enjoy back home.

  Without warning, a fire flicked to life in the fireplace and I jumped at the suddenness of seeing flames spark to life from nothing.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” said a male voice.

  I whirled around to find Eithanael in my doorway. Guess I must have left the door ajar.

  I frowned, cocking my head to the side.

  He gave me a sheepish smile as he came further into my room. “Just lighting everyone’s hearth,” he explained.

  “But it’s summertime.” I set my backpack on the bed. The crackle of the flames brought some noise into the room.

  “It gets bitterly cold during the evening at Wonderland and these old rooms take a while to heat up.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “The queen doesn’t like modern, human conveniences, so there’s no central heat or air conditioning.”

  “So how do you keep the place cool during the day?” I frowned at the fire that danced with blue and silver flames.

  “You catch on quick.” He gave me a small smile that caused my stomach to twist and turn into knots. He nodded at the fire. I was suddenly glad the fire was on, At least it provided the perfect excuse for the flush that currently littered my face. Hopefully, he wouldn’t realize his simple smile was the cause of it, and not the fire. “The fire is magical and keeps the rooms cool during the day. As the sun sets it will warm up, keeping the room at a steady, pleasant temperature.”

  “Handy,” I said, forcing the word out. I cleared my throat. “I used to have to pile on blankets at home during the winter ‘cause my parents liked it cold.”

  “That’s the beauty of magic. This flame will adjust not only to the room but to you. If you get chilled, it will warm up more and vice versa.”

  “Fascinating.” I started to get more comfortable around him. At least I could talk about something to distract me from his smile. “Wait, no modern conveniences—does that mean no WI-FI?”

  He gave me a pained look. “Only in the library,” he said. “The queen doesn’t tolerate more than that. She knows we have to connect but she wants to control how we do that.”

  What else did the queen frown upon? What else did she want to control? “And where is the library? I don’t remember any of you upper-class men discussing a library on the tour.”

  “It’s in the silver building above the cafeteria.” He took a step closer to me and I lifted my brows. “I warn you, don’t look up anything about the queen of Wonderland while you’re here.”

  “Oh?” I frowned. “Does she monitor the internet then?” Maybe I wasn’t wrong about the guards in the cafeteria and her majesty being able to see and hear through their eyes and ears. I rubbed my arms from the chill that raced across my skin despite the warmth from the fire.

  He gave me a stern look and for a second, I worried I offended him in some way. “To think that she doesn’t would be foolish, and you don’t seem to be one to fall into such folly,” he snapped.

  My cheeks pinched. I wasn’t sure, but I suddenly wanted to make sure he didn’t think I was the sort to fall into such folly, to use his turn of phrase.

  It did make me wonder if my father hadn’t heeded such warnings while he was here. Did he anger the queen and she had him killed?

  I swallowed hard. “Understood.”

  Eithanael bowed his head. “Have a good rest, Alexis.”

  There was something more in his words, something that seemed to say he meant more than what he was saying.

  “Thank you then, for lighting my fire.” My face burned at the double entendre of my sentence. Rather than embarrass myself further by rambling something else, I remained silent, shaking my head to myself. My mind was muttering things, telling me this was why I needed Nora and Meghan with me, so I could prevent myself from doing stupid things like not even try and flirt and somehow botching that up.

  “Anytime.” Eithanael turned to the door. His eyes sparkled with amusement, as though he understood what happened and find it funny.

  I didn’t want him to leave. Somehow I felt safer with him here. Calmer. I couldn’t explain it. Maybe it was because he had powers. Maybe it was because when I first met him, he seemed kind. “So can you do all the kinds of magic and spells like wizards in fiction?” I asked, my voice cracking with nerves. I cleared my throat and played with my fingers, hoping it wasn’t obvious that I wanted him to stay, if only for a bit longer.

  He looked over his shoulder at me. His azure eyes sparkled. “My you are a curious girl.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or a reprimand. I placed a hand on my hip, hoping to look casual and unconcerned. “Does that mean you won’t answer my question?”

  His grin brought out an adorable dimple in his cheek. “I think you are going to fit into Wonderland just fine, Alexis,” he said. “Feel free to roam the grounds until dusk. After that, you must remain in this building. And after midnight, you must return promptly and remain in your room until dawn.”

  “Why?” I asked. I knew he was avoiding my first question, but his warning distracted me to the point where I couldn’t help but ask a different one. “Are there werewolves or vampires about after midnight?” I teased.

  Eithanael glanced away. “Just be sure not to break the rules and you’ll be fine.” Another non-answer. I was starting to realize he was skilled not only in magic but in dodging questions. “You don’t want to mess with Wonderland. It’s more dangerous than you realize.” He opened the door and left me alone before I could try to stop him again.

  With my heart thudding in my chest, I sat down on the edge of the bed. Why hadn’t he answered me about the monsters here? And his warning repeated in my mind over and over. My appetite was gone again.

  I paced in the small room. My imagination working overtime at the dangers Eithanael spoke of. I’d thought only the queen and her guards were the ones to worry about. What if there was more?

  After a while, my mom’s voice sounded in my head about staying hydrated. I dug out one of the water bottles and
drank it down.

  My dad was curious and questioned everything too, like me. And deep inside a feeling that it was what got him killed hurtled through me. I couldn’t get to bed after that.

  Chapter Five

  Sleepiness wrapped around me like a warm blanket. I stretched out on the bed, unable to keep my eyes open any longer. Snoozing for a bit couldn’t hurt anything. I had the rest of the day today and the next two days to pretty much do whatever I wanted within the confines of the rules and staying on campus. I didn’t have any classes I needed to attend. I didn’t have any assignments I needed to do.

  A dream tickled at the edge of my consciousness and I delved deeper into it, letting myself succumb to it. It seemed so much easier just to fall into it rather than to resist, especially when it felt like floating rather than diving deep.

  I was standing in the middle of a meadow of white rose petals. Though, instead of being a serene vision, it was one that filled me with horror. The warmth suddenly turned into a bitter cold, the kind of chill that came with the first frost of the winter. It felt like my bubble popped and an anchor was tied around my waist, forcing me to drop harder and faster than I anticipated.

  The queen of hearts rose from behind a mountain, laughing. “Kill them all,” she announced with a sneer on her lips. “Ensure that none of the white queen’s descendants remain.”

  Then the roses at my feet turned blood-red. I sunk into them, drowning in a sea of petals, trying to gasp for air. I struggled to breathe, to swim out, but I couldn’t. I was smothered with silkiness.

  All of the petals turned to bobbing heads and I screamed, the red river of blood rushing down my throat.

  I woke up, choking. I leaned over the side of the bed and reached for the trash bin next to my desk. I practically fell out of bed, but I managed to grab it with my fingers and force it underneath me just as what little was in my stomach tore out of my throat.


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