Champion (War Angel Academy Book 3)

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Champion (War Angel Academy Book 3) Page 21

by S. J. West

  “Sorry I missed the first round,” I tell them. “Desmond wouldn’t let me out of the infirmary until he was sure my stomach was fully healed.”

  “We got our asses handed to us, so you didn’t miss much in there,” Keelan says, leaning on his sword and practically panting like a dog.

  “I wouldn’t have put it quite that crassly,” Emi says, wiping beads of sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, “but Keelan got the point across. I hope the real battles won’t be as difficult.”

  I don’t say it, but I’m afraid Emi will have to fight ten times as hard when the real fighting begins.

  “Well, we have an hour to recuperate,” Silas says. “I say we go to the cafeteria and get something to drink and maybe a snack. I doubt the next round will be any easier than this one.”

  “Knowing Malcolm, the programs will more than likely get progressively harder,” Sariah says, scratching Storm between the ears and earning a soft whine in pleasure back.

  “Come on, little lady,” Keelan says, tossing an arm across Emi’s shoulders. “How about I buy you a cherry Spark?”

  “Uh,” Emi smoothly disengages herself from Keelan’s arm. “For one thing, the drinks in the cafeteria are free. And for another, you stink. Don’t lift your arm like that, especially so close to my nose.”

  Keelan sniffs both of his underarms. “Oh, that’s just the smell of a man, Emi.” He puffs out his chest. “It’s obvious you’ve been around Bryce for too long. He probably smelled like a powder puff.”

  Emi giggles. “I can’t say you’re wrong when you’re right, but maybe you can smell all manly at least two feet away from me . . . and down wind.”

  Keelan dramatically stretches his arms up in the air, giving us all a good whiff of his manliness.

  “I may have to go back to the infirmary,” I say, dramatically clutching my stomach. “I think my stomach just did a flip in disgust.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Keelan says, lowering his arms. “I bet lover boy over there doesn’t smell any better than I do.”

  “Maybe not, but I’m also not lifting my arms on purpose to gross people out. Do me a favor, dude, try to keep that manliness under control.”

  “My stink makes me strong.” Keelan assumes what can only be described as a gorilla pose.

  “Yeah, strong smelling,” Emi agrees.

  “Okay, strong man,” Silas says, “let’s see if it also makes you fast. Race you to the cafeteria. Last one there has to buy supper tonight at the Crown and Saber.”

  Both boys take off at a run, tossing their holo-swords on the table by the door as they race out of the hall.

  “Boys,” Emi says with a roll of her eyes. “No matter how old they are they’ll always try to one up each other.”

  At a more leisurely pace, the rest of us make our way out of the building to head to the cafeteria.

  “Silas told us what happened on your date,” Emi says. “I’m so sorry it ended like that. Did you guys at least have your first kiss? He didn’t mention it, and I didn’t want to bring it up.”

  “No.” I don’t even try to hide my disappointment. “In fact, the hellhound attacked me right as we were getting ready to do it.”

  “Oh man! That makes it even worse,” Sariah says.

  I agree, but I would also rather change the subject.

  “How did your trip to Halo Harbor go with Keelan that night? Did the two of you have a good time?”

  Emi smiles shyly. “We had fun. He’s a riot. He made me laugh so hard I spewed cherry Spark all over his shirt. I ended up buying him a T-shirt to change into. Of course, he made a big deal out of it when he changed in front of me, but I didn’t mind the show. I didn’t realize he was so muscular beneath that boy next door smile.”

  “I thought you said he wasn’t going to be your rebound guy,” I remind her.

  “How do we know he would be my rebound guy? Just because I broke up with Bryce a couple of days ago? Honestly, Bryce and I were drifting apart way before he proved what a coward he is. I think we were just staying together because it was comfortable. I’m just proud of myself for finally making the decision to move on without him. Maybe now I can start my life. Would it really be that bad if I decided to date Keelan?”

  “No. In fact, I think the two of you would make a great couple. I just want you to do it for the right reasons, that’s all.”

  “I get where you’re coming from, and I promise I’ll be careful.”

  “That’s all I ask.”

  We end up running through the holo-program three more times that day before Malcolm finally lets us go. On the walk back to our rooms, Kodi and Emi’s little sister, Zoe, catch up to us.

  “Looks like we got released at the same time,” Kodi says.

  I notice he and Zoe are holding hands, but I don’t pick on him about it. They need to treasure all the moments they can with one another because none of us know what tomorrow will bring.

  “We’re all heading down to Halo Harbor in an hour,” I say, “do the two of you want to join us?”

  “That sounds awesome,” Zoe says excitedly. “I’m so glad Bryce is out of the picture. He never would have let us tag along.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted to.” Emi looks surprised by her sister’s statement. “Why didn’t you say something? I would have just told Bryce that you would be coming with us.”

  “I wanted to spend time with you, not him.” Zoe scrunches up her nose. “I never liked Bryce much. He was always so bossy and selfish. You deserve better, Emi.”

  “She so does,” Keelan agrees as if Zoe has given Emi some sage advice that he plans to fulfill himself.

  “Well, go get cleaned up, little sis.” Emi puts an arm over her sister’s shoulders. “Tonight, there is no Bryce. Just us.”

  Zoe leans her head in next to Emi’s and all is right in their world.

  Silas slows his strides and I match mine with his. After our friends are ahead of us, he pulls me off to the side next to Devereaux Hall. With no classes in session, the building is empty and quiet.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask him.

  He pulls me into his arms. “Yes. I haven’t hugged you all day. I needed some cuddles.”

  I snuggle in deeper and rest my head against his chest. “I can satisfy that need.”

  “Do you want to go to supper with everyone else or would you rather sneak off and spend the night together?”

  I pull back slightly to look into his eyes. “What about both? We go eat with them and then sneak off? You still haven’t given me a kiss. We were very rudely interrupted by a precocious hellhound last time.”

  The smile on Silas’s face slips. “I should have seen him sooner. If I had . . .”

  “Don’t blame yourself for that. Neither of us had our guard up that night. Why would we? It was supposed to be a safe place. I hope Jered hasn’t been beating himself up about it.”

  “You know my dad. If something goes wrong on his watch, he’ll feel guilty about it forever. He kept telling me how sorry he was for what happened to you, and I kept telling him he didn’t have to keep apologizing for it. Of course, he hasn’t stopped, but that’s just the way he is.”

  “Not to sound needy or anything, but where’s Lilith? I thought she would have come to the infirmary after I woke up.” I felt a little hurt that she wasn’t there for me, but maybe there was a good reason for that.

  “I’m sorry. I completely spaced off telling you that Jered made her go to Heaven. Actually, Anna is there too. I think that’s why Malcolm has been spending his days here instead of Cirrus.”

  “Why are they in Heaven?”

  “Jered and Malcolm felt like it was safer for them to be there than here. Anna is due to give birth soon and with Lilith being pregnant, Jered didn’t want her anywhere near the fighting.”

  “There’s no guarantee that the war won’t extend to Heaven,” I point out. “Levi has built an army from Lilith’s descendants in the Void. They can phase to Heaven just like she c

  “Malcolm believes the fighting will take place here first. He thinks Levi is too much of a control freak to let his troops go to Heaven without him. They can phase there but he can’t. There’s no way he’ll let them reap all the glory.”

  I rest my head back on his chest. “Let’s not talk about the war anymore today. All I want is one night where all we think about is each other. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Your wish is my command.” I can hear the grin in his voice as he said the djinn mantra.

  “Then I also wish for us to finally share our first kiss.”

  “That wish I can definitely make come true,” he promises. “We could do that right now, if you want.”

  “No.” I step back out of his arms and almost laugh at the disappointment on his face. “We both stink. I would rather not associate that smell with our first kiss.”

  Silas laughs. “Fine. I guess I can wait, but the first chance we get tonight, we’re doing it. I’m going to kiss you so hard you won’t be able to remember your name much less anything about the war.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Silas laughs and we continue making our way to our rooms.

  About an hour later, we all meet up in the front rotunda and walk down to the Crown and Sabre together. As we’re walking and talking on our way to Halo Harbor, I’m overcome by the sense of family we’ve created. Never in my life did I expect to forge strong relationships with such a diverse group of people: half-angelic, half-djinn, and pure-blooded human.

  During the years I spent in Hell with only Lux to keep me company, I imagined one day my sisters would be awakened and we would all be a happy family. Unfortunately, that wish didn’t come true. I never could have imagined so many of my sisters would betray me and forge an alliance with Levi. I still don’t understand how they can follow such a monster.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop it,” Silas says as we walk along the boardwalk of Halo Harbor toward the restaurant. “It’s making you frown and I don’t like seeing you upset.”

  “I was thinking about Olivia and my other sisters,” I confess. “Once Levi starts this war, I might end up having to kill some of them. I never thought it could come down to that. Never.”

  “Maybe they won’t join this fight.” Silas tries to sound encouraging, but we both know Levi won’t leave his best fighters in the Void.

  I decide not to make a response. His wishful thinking is one of the things I love most about Silas, and I don’t want to burst his bubble.

  Since we’re walking directly behind Sariah and her hellhound, I end up noticing how some of the students on the boardwalk give them a wide berth. After fighting hellhounds inside the holo-programs, it seems some of them view Storm in a totally different light. Now they understand how deadly a hellhound can be in battle and how it’s better to have one fight with you than against you.

  Supper is filled with laughter and talk about anything other than the war that’s coming. As I look around at my friends, I begin to wonder how many of them won’t live to share another meal like this again. I know it’s wishful thinking on my part to believe we’ll all make it out alive, but I decide to remain hopeful. It’s never a good idea to go into a fight already believing you’ll lose it.

  As we’re leaving the restaurant, Silas pulls me aside while everyone else makes their way to Sakura’s Sorbet for dessert. Neither of us says anything to the others. I’m sure none of them will be surprised that we’re craving some time alone more than ice cream.

  We take off our shoes and leave them on the boardwalk before we walk across the beach to the shoreline. The warm ocean water laps against our feet and the moon lights our way along the wet sand.

  “I’m going to miss nights like this,” Silas says wistfully as we hold hands and enjoy our first chance to be alone since the end of our disastrous first date.

  That seems like a strange thing for him to say. “What do you mean?”

  “Nights when we can be with our friends and just have a good time. It might sound morbid, but while we were having supper, I suddenly realized it might be the last time for some of us. Wars rarely leave everyone alive.”

  I sigh as I watch my toes kick up wet sand. “I had the same thought. All I want is—”

  A tingling sensation consumes my body. I know what it means. It’s the sign I’ve been waiting for since I arrived in the living world, and now it’s come, dooming us to face a life that will never be the same again.

  I stop walking. Silas turns to face me. I grab fistfuls of his shirt and pull him to me until our lips are melded together in a breath stealing kiss.

  My heart is beating so hard, I feel like it might race out of my chest. Silas’s lips feel as warm and soft as I imagined. He wraps me in his arms and kisses me like a man who has finally been given permission to delve into the deepest parts of me. The soft tip of his tongue slips into my mouth and all I want is more. I hear him moan in pleasure and feel his lips vibrate against mine. Why did we wait so long to do this? Why did we waste what little time we had left?

  When Silas’s hands venture down my sides, I know I have to end our kiss far sooner than I want to.

  I pull back and look into his confused hazel eyes.

  “He’s here,” I say, the words falling heavy from my lips as our future becomes even less certain. “Levi is here. It’s time to fight.”


  Silas’s first reaction is shock, but it doesn’t last long. We’ve been preparing for this since the moment we returned from the Void. Levi’s arrival was inevitable and now the day of reckoning is at hand.

  “My dad is in his office,” Silas says. “Go tell him what’s happening. He’ll round up the troops. I’ll sound the alarm here and get everyone moving to the main building. Do you have any idea where Levi is right now?”

  I close my eyes and concentrate on the sensation I feel. Since Levi still has the claw that Helena gave him, I can sense its presence but it’s not an exact science. I stretch my hand out and turn in a circle until I feel the strongest pull.

  “There,” I say, pointing in his general direction. I open my eyes and see that the sensation is coming from within the vicinity of the castle. I whip around to face Silas. “Do you think he’s going after Cal?”

  “Possibly.” Silas pulls me in for a kiss that’s quick because we don’t have time for more. “Fly and find my dad, Lora. He’ll know what to do.”

  I take to the air and fly as fast as I can toward the main building while Silas runs back to the boardwalk. As soon as I land, I run inside to find Jered sitting with Malcolm in his office. The two men are drinking scotch and lounging on the couch in front of the fireplace.

  “Do you remember that time,” Jered says, “when—”

  Jered stops midsentence when I dash in front of them.

  “Levi is here.” It’s all I have to say.

  Both men jump to their feet.

  “Can you sense where he is right now?” Jered asks. Silas may not want to acknowledge it but he thinks just like his father.

  “Somewhere near the castle.”

  Jered and Malcolm exchange looks.

  “Time to rock ‘n roll,” Malcolm says. “Let’s teach that bastard a lesson.”

  Malcolm phases, supposedly to set in motion a plan that’s already been developed by him and the others.

  “Where is Silas?” Jered asks me.

  “He’s rounding up the students in Halo Harbor and bringing them here to get ready.”

  “Good. I need to get to the castle.”

  I grab Jered’s arm. “Take me with you. Maybe I can help you find Levi before he finds Cal.”

  Jered doesn’t waste time by replying. He simply phases us to the main hallway of the castle. When we arrive, there are a few guards walking around, but none of them know the chaos that’s about to break loose on their world.

  “Where are the king and queen?” Jered asks one that’s passing by.

  “They’re in their
private quarters with the prince, Commander Alburn,” the guard says.

  “Thank you.” Jered touches my shoulder and phases us to their family room.

  We find Ethan and Jules sitting with Cal on the couch in the mostly yellow and off-white room. As soon as we phase in, we draw Ethan’s attention. He immediately stands.

  “Is it time?” he asks. “Is that bastard finally here?”

  Cal looks up at me. His eyes are bloodshot, and I can tell he’s been crying. He’s been able to keep his emotions in check around the rest of us, but with his parents, he obviously hasn’t tried to conceal his pain.

  “He’s here and he’s close to the castle,” Jered tells them.

  “Have you seen any other movement?” Ethan walks around the coffee table to stand in front of us. “How long has he been here?”

  “I only felt his presence a few minutes ago,” I say.

  “Malcolm is scouting the area before he brings any troops in from off-world,” Jered says, which explains Malcolm’s quick departure earlier. “Once he has a handle on the situation, he’ll come here. I fear the castle will be ground zero for this fight.”

  “Good.” Cal stands to his feet. Jules follows his lead. “I want to make Levi suffer for what he’s done to me.”

  “I promise you, he will,” Ethan vows.

  Two guards fling open the doors and run into the room unannounced and out of breath.

  “Your majesty,” the redheaded guard says while they both bow, “come quickly! There’s something you need to see in front of the castle.”

  “What is it?” Ethan asks apprehensively.

  Has the attack already begun? Will we even have time to grab our weapons before Levi starts his invasion.

  “There’s a man outside,” the guard continues, his eyes filled with shock and confusion by what he saw. “He has a teenager at the end of a . . . a . . . rope that looks like lightning.”

  “What color is the boy’s hair?” Cal immediately asks.

  “Blond, Prince Cal.”

  Cal runs toward the door before anyone can stop him. Ethan and Jered both phase, leaving Jules and me to run after Cal on our own.


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