His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I Page 10

by Mulliner, Brittney

  “He was a fool,” Isla said, “but she’s held out hope for a reunion since then.” Isla pulled a disgusted expression. “She’s a title chaser.”

  “I don’t think she’s that bad ” Cian spoke to us for the first time. Of course, he was taking her side. They seemed like they’d get along beautifully.

  “Why is she even invited?” Aiden looked at his older brother.

  Cian didn’t miss a beat. “She’s friends with Nicole.”

  “No, she’s not,” Isla interjected. “They met once when they were sixteen.”

  “Shauna said she wanted to be here to congratulate and support her dear friend. Of course, I extended the invitation, it would be rude not to.”

  I eyed Cian and fought the urge to shake my head. There was no way he was that blind. The future king of Lochland couldn’t possibly be that oblivious. He wasn’t telling his siblings something. I could feel it in my bones.

  There were only a few more cars we had to wait for before George reappeared. “Lunch is being served in the green hall.”

  Ronan led the line back into the palace and past the stairs. I froze when I saw portraits of the entire family hanging prominently on the wall. How had I missed that? I shook my head, they must have worked hard to keep me ignorant.

  Aiden fell into step next to me and slipped his hand into mine. It felt so natural I almost didn’t notice. I relaxed at his touch, he had a powerful effect on me. Sometimes he made me nervous, or excited, and other times he was the sense of calm I craved.

  Cian’s tsk of disapproval made me want to swing our hands as we walked into the hall where the guests were waiting, just in case anyone was confused about who I was. I refrained, reminding myself that drawing attention was a bad idea. I didn’t want people’s focus to be on me in case I made a mistake or forgot a rule. Heaven forbid I offend someone, especially when there were two more days until the wedding.

  Aiden pulled out my chair before taking the seat next to me. Cian sat at the head of the table since his parents were absent, and Isla sat on my other side. I felt much more protected than the night before.



  Charlie was handling herself better than I could have ever expected. She held herself with poise and didn’t let anything or anyone rattle her. Or if she was, she didn’t let it show. It was more than I could have asked for.

  I slid my hand under the table and placed it on her knee. She looked out of the corner of her eye and smiled. She seemed different today. More confident and more settled. That might have to do with the fact that she actually knew what she was doing and who she was with. I felt horrible about how I’d managed things with her, but she’d already proved that she can handle whatever was thrown at her.

  It had been a completely irrational decision to ask her to come with me. I must have been out of my mind. All I could focus on was prolonging our goodbye. I needed more time with her. I never stopped to think how any of this would affect her. I didn’t think about the possibility of Shauna showing up and being a bully. I didn’t consider how the people in my family and the guest would treat her. I’d be selfish. For the first time in my life, I’d only thought about myself and my desires.

  I squeezed her knee and reminded myself she’d agreed to come. She wanted to spend more time together, too.

  “What do you think, Aiden?”

  I looked to my left to see Cian and Earl Wallace, Harold, both looking at me expectantly. Bits and pieces of what they’d been talking about had made its way into my mind while I was off in my own world, but I hadn’t been paying enough attention to know what they were discussing.


  Cian gave me a disapproving look while Harold just smiled. “Have something else on your mind, lad?”

  His eyes darted to Charlie then back to me. I smiled and shook my head.

  “The trade agreement with Iceland.”

  I nodded. “Of course. If they agree to our terms about the aluminum, I think we will both benefit.”

  Harold nodded and they continued discussing more boring subjects while I turned my attention back to Charlie.

  Of course, Shauna had found a seat across from us and she had her eyes set on Charlie.

  “So Miss Charlie. Where are you from?” Her words were innocent, but I could tell by her tone her intent was anything but.


  Shauna nodded. “You just graduated? Is that right?”

  Charlie looked at me, confused. “Yes, from Purdue University.”

  “I’ve never heard of Purdue,” Shauna said. “Is that Ivy league?”

  “It’s not.” Charlie didn’t sound at all bothered by that fact.

  Shauna smirked. “How...nice.”

  “What university did you attend?” Charlie asked with what sounded like genuine interest.

  Shauna adjusted in her seat. “I didn’t.”

  Charlie nodded. “Oh, well not everyone is meant to continue their education. What did you do instead?”

  Suck her father’s bank account dry.

  “I traveled. I thought life experience was more important than sitting in a classroom.”

  Charlie smiled. “I agree. That’s why I planned a trip to celebrate my graduation.”

  Oh no. I saw where this was going and had to divert the conversation before Shauna caught on to the full story.

  “It’s funny,” I said. “Charlie and I actually met while we were both traveling. I’m glad it’s a passion we have in common.”

  I turned to Charlie and smiled. She grinned.

  Shauna looked affronted. “That’s always been a passion of mine, Aiden.”

  I acknowledged her with a single nod. “I knew Charlie was different from the moment I saw her. I couldn’t let her slip away without at least talking to her. It turned into another day, then another. I did everything I could to keep her around. I couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye.”

  Charlie was gazing up at me with a look I couldn’t name. All I could do was hope she knew I was speaking the truth. I wasn’t being dramatic for Shauna’s sake. It was how I felt.

  Isla cut in. “The moment I saw you two together I could tell there was something special between you guys.”

  Charlie turned to her. “Really”

  Was she trying to figure out how much of this we were making up? She probably thought we were just trying to put of Shauna.

  “Yes, I could tell by the way Aiden looked at you and how oblivious you were to it.”

  Charlie’s eyes met mine and she gave off a shy smile. “Really?”

  I nodded and squeezed her knee. I wanted to kiss her. It wasn’t the first time I’d had the urge, but it was taking everything in me to maintain my manners and not make a scene. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met, and now that I have you in my life, I can’t imagine being without you.”

  Her eyes darkened and she sucked in a breath. “Aiden.”

  It was barely a whisper. A moment shared between the two of us. How I wished we were alone. I wanted to tell her everything I was thinking. I wanted to prove to her I wasn’t putting on a show. It wasn’t the time or place, but soon I’d make my feelings clear.

  Another course was served and I noted Shauna grew more withdrawn with each passing plate. It didn’t make sense that she was here. She didn’t know Nicole and she wasn’t someone so tight in our circle that she’d be invited.

  I glanced around the table and noticed Cian’s eyes on her. He blinked and looked at me with a hint of disappointment.

  Of course.

  I should have seen it sooner. They greeted each other like they were old friends, or had at least spoken recently. I wanted to believe my own brother wouldn’t try to sabotage me or my happiness. He wasn’t acting as my brother, but the crowned prince.

  There was no law regulating who a royal could marry. We weren’t some archaic monarchy set on preserving our royal bloodline. That didn’t mean that everyone thought it was acceptable for royal to marry c
ommoners or foreigners. My brother was of that mind set. He felt it was our duty to at the very least marry someone Lochish.

  If he thought bringing Shauna here would convince me to leave Charlie, he was insane. Shauna was a leech. I’d already made that mistake once. There was no chance I would make it again.

  “Aiden, are you alright?” Ronan was looking across the table at me with concern.

  I smoothed my face to hide the emotions swirling in me. I nodded and turned back to the conversations taking place at the table.

  Charlie was talking with Countess Wallace, Maribeth. They were both laughing and I listened without interrupting.

  “He was only two, but had somehow found a way to escape his crib and get passed his guards without notice.” I cringed. Maribeth was already spilling embarrassing moments. “They found him in the kitchen sitting on the counter in front of the microwave. He’d taken three eggs from the fridge and put them in the microwave to cook. We don’t know how long they’d been in there before the smell alerted everyone to where he was.” Maribeth held her chest laughing. “We thought they’d have to fumigate the entire palace.”

  Charlie was laughing as she looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. “You were a devious child.”

  I smiled and shrugged. “It’s not my fault the guards were incompetent. Who misses a toddler wandering down the halls?”

  She covered her mouth while she laughed harder.

  Maribeth leaned forward. “When they asked him what he was doing, he said he was hungry. We were all shocked he made it that far. He’d never been in the kitchen when meals were prepared, especially breakfast, he would have been asleep still.”

  Charlie shook her head. “So how did you know how to cook?”

  I laughed. “Obviously I didn’t do it correctly, but Mum said she used to bake with me and Cian watching so maybe I put two and two together.”

  “Smart and devious,” Charlie said. “It’s a shock the palace is still standing.”

  Maribeth waved a hand over her face, trying to calm herself. “By the time the four of them were in their school years, it was a mad house. I think they fed off each other’s energy and scheming. There was a period of about a year when nannies wouldn’t last longer than a week. They weren’t terrible, just high energy and mischievous.”

  I laughed at the memory of us growing up in the palace, looking for secret tunnels, playing hide and go seek with our nanny. Granted they never knew we were playing so they got upset thinking we were lost. We’d been nightmares.

  “But look at us now.” Aiden smiled and puffed up his chest.

  Maribeth winked at me. “Right, now it’s not the nanny’s you drive crazy. It’s parliament, and your board of directors, and the media.”

  I leaned back in my seat. “You’re making me sound horrible. Charlie will be running before the night is over.”

  Charlie leaned against my shoulder. “I don’t think you can get rid of me that easily.”

  The easy way she spoke with those around her and the gentle touches throughout the lunch simply proved how well she can adapt. If she was nervous, she didn’t show it. She carried on conversations with almost everyone within a polite range.

  It was unusual for someone to blend into my world so naturally. After the initial shock wore off, Charlie rose to the occasion better than I could have expected. It wasn’t fair of me to surprise her with something like this, but it wasn’t like I could introduce myself and my title on the first night in Ireland and expect things to go well.

  She either would have thought I was lying or insane. Either way, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get to know each other. She had a life back in Indiana. I couldn’t ignore that, but already I was wishing for a way to make this permanent.

  I wanted a chance to see what was between us, but we were on borrowed time. Just two days left before the wedding then she’d be back to continue her trip. I didn’t want to ask her to delay her plans again. I couldn’t be that selfish, so I only had one option.

  Make the most of the time we have now. Prove to her that I’m worth the sacrifices that come with the title. Show her how well we work together. Give into the temptation of her lips and test the chemistry between us.

  So much to do with so little time.

  I glanced at her and the twist in my stomach told me I had to do it. I had to give everything. No time for weakness or insecurity. I had to lay it all out and hoped she felt the same.

  The second it was appropriate, I took Charlie’s hand and pulled her away from the room and down the hall to the summer gardens on the opposite side of the palace grounds from where everyone else was still lingering.

  The warm sunlight was welcomed and appreciated.

  “Where are we going?” Charlie asked with a giggle as we rushed along the stone footpath.

  “To my favorite spot.”

  She didn’t speak again until I stopped at the edge of the Loch Balivaughn. The gardens stood to our left and the palace to our right. I came here as often as I could. It was my favorite escape.

  She looked around with a growing smile. “This is beautiful.”

  I nodded and took in the lake with the thick trees across the bank.

  “How far back does it go?”

  The lake cut through mountains lazily curving back for a couple of kilometers. “Just a little way. Almost to the next town.”

  I pointed to the stone tower at the other end of the shore, closer to the palace. “That’s the watchtower that was used to make sure no uninvited guest came to the palace.”

  “It’s not used anymore?”

  I shook my head. “Private property now surrounds the loch so no one can get close without being met with guards.”

  “When did that happen?”

  “When my dad was a small child. His mum wanted her children to be able to come out to play and swim without worries. So, they bought the property and posted guards. It’s been like that for over fifty years now.”

  “So, you have a private lake, or loch, in your backyard?” She said with a teasing smile.

  “If that’s what throws you, I better not show you the throne room or the St. Fillian’s Hall.”

  Her eyes widened. “Exactly how much of the palace haven’t I seen?”

  I closed my eyes pretending to think about it. “Probably ninety-five percent.”

  I opened my eyes to see her mouth drop.

  “You’ve seen the front three rooms, one of the guest rooms, and two gardens. There’s quite a bit more.”

  Her lips pursed.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  She looked at the sky before meeting my eyes. “I was just wondering if I could get a tour, but I didn’t know if that was inappropriate to ask.”

  I stepped forward and took her hands in mine. “You don’t have to be worried about offending me, Charlie. I’d love to show you the rest of my home.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and she beamed up at me.

  “But there’s something I had to do first,” I told her.

  She nodded. “Sure.”

  I smiled and slowly bent forward until we were eye level. “I’ve been waiting far too long to do this.”

  I closed my eyes as our lips connected. Her sweet scent of vanilla and pears seemed to wrap around me as I slid my hands around her waist, drawing her closer. She gasped and then her arms were around my neck as she pulled me down to her. Her mouth opened to me, and everything melted away. My duties and responsibilities meant nothing. All there was now was her. I slid my tongue over her bottom lip and she smiled. I kissed her one more time before pulling back, keeping my hands tight on her.

  “Wow.” She said with a breathy voice.

  I smiled and kissed her forehead feeling a bit dazed. “Ready for the tour?”

  Her eyebrows creased. “What tour?”

  I rolled my eyes and she giggled. “That was my first prince kiss. Give me a second to catch up.”

  “What’s the difference between a kiss and a pri
nce kiss?”

  “Well, according to every fairytale, everything.”

  I laughed and turned to lead her back to the palace. “Did it live up to those expectations?”

  She nodded vigorously. “It did not disappoint.”



  I tried not to ooh and aah at everything Aiden showed me. This was his home, after all. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but wow! Each room was more beautiful than the next. Somehow the design had achieved looking regal and impressive without dripping in gold and making you uncomfortable by the wealth. I actually found it much homier than I’d expected. There were comfortable sitting areas in most rooms, and portraits of past royals line the walls. I didn’t let myself think about how much some of the art and decoration were worth. Everything was tasteful and well-thought-out.

  “How long have the rooms looked like this?”

  Aiden stopped in the middle of the pink drawing room we were in and faced me. “What do you mean?”

  “Do they get redecorated or anything?”

  He shook his head. “Not unless something must be replaced or updated. This is how the palace has looked for almost two hundred years.”

  Okay. That did make everything seem a smidge more impressive. It wasn’t like his mom had met with a designer and picked everything out in the last few decades. This was history preserved by generations. I didn’t want to think about how expensive it had been to construct this and decorate it back then. Surely, most everything had to be imported to the island. I shook my head, appreciating everything a bit more.

  I sat on the edge of a beautiful velvet circular settee and took in the soft pink walls before looking up and gasping. The ceiling was covered in a gorgeous mural of a garden. I studied it from each corner and smiled. “This is Loch Balivaughn and the garden, isn’t it?”

  Aiden followed my gaze and smiled. “It is. This was commissioned by my great-great-grandmother.”

  “I love it.” I leaned back to see more of it. “I think this is my favorite room.”

  Aiden laughed. “You haven’t seen everything yet.”


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