The OP MC 3

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The OP MC 3 Page 22

by Logan Jacobs

  “I like that,” Mahini murmured obediently, and she shuddered as I lowered my face down to her downy mound. I parted her fuzz with gentle fingers, but then I attacked her crevice with a vengeance. The warrior woman began to moan, and her breaths came in short gasps. “Oooh, Great One…”

  “Call me Bash tonight,” I commanded with my face still buried between her legs, and my lips vibrated against her excited pussy lips.

  “Yes, Bash,” Mahini gasped as my tongue flicked across her node of pleasure.

  I was done playing around now, and I licked her wet pussy with even more gusto until her juices spilled down my chin and coated my face. Mahini buried her fingers in my hair, and her nails raked across my scalp as an orgasm shook her entire body.

  I made her come three more times with my mouth and tongue before I stood up from the floor. I was a little dizzy after spending so much time licking her pussy, but I suddenly saw stars when Mahini knelt down to reciprocate the oral pleasure. The desert goddess took my throbbing dick into her mouth, and she bobbed up and down along my shaft with practiced expertise.

  “You’re getting soooo much better at thatttt,” I groaned as my hands tangled themselves in her jet-black tendrils. Mahini merely looked up at me with a mouth full of cock and a pleased expression on her beautiful face, so I cupped her cheeks in my hands and tilted her head back a little. “Keep your mouth open.”

  I thrust slow and steady into her throat, and the desert goddess gagged when I crossed into her esophagus. The motion made her mouth constrict around my shaft in a pleasurable way, though, so I pulled out and repeated. I fucked her mouth slowly at first, and then I began to pick up the pace.

  Mahini struggled to keep up at first, but then she found her rhythm, and soon she was meeting my thrusts head-on.

  Just when I felt like I was about to explode, however, I yanked her off my cock and spun her around.

  “Oh!” Mahini squeaked as I bent her over the bed, and she let out a soft moan when I spanked her perfect, taut ass.

  “Reminds me of tagging you out during our sparring session,” I observed with a chuckle. “Sexy.”

  “What… Is… Sexy?” Mahini asked between spanks.

  “You are,” I explained, and then I squeezed her ass cheek until her hidden tunnel revealed itself, and I rubbed a finger across her dripping wet entrance. “You ready for me, Mahini?”

  “Yes, Bash,” Mahini moaned, and she arched her back to push her hips even closer toward me.

  I gripped her ass in one hand and my cock in the other, and then I slid between her pussy lips and into her tight little tunnel. “Oh, fuck, you feel so good!”

  “You’re… going… so deep, Bash,” Mahini gasped between hard thrusts against her perky backside. Her ass cheeks slapped against me each time our bodies merged as one, and a moment later her pussy walls clamped down on my dick like a vise while an orgasm shuddered through her.

  I grabbed her by the hair in the middle of her orgasm, and then I wrapped my other hand around her throat. She gasped as her body shuddered again, and I took that as a sign she liked what I was doing. So, I pulled her backward until her shoulders were pressed against my chest, and then I began to roll her nipples between my fingers while I nibbled on her neck. I thrust upward deep and hard at the same time, and soon her entire body was shaking from an out-of-control spiraling climax.

  “You like that, don’t you?” I growled against her earlobe as I held onto her throat and slammed her pussy onto my throbbing cock. I was about to explode, but I wanted her to have at least one more orgasm first.

  “Yes, Bash,” Mahini whimpered as sweat dappled across her forehead. “Don’t stop, please.”

  I obliged her willingly, and I held her against me tightly while I fucked her in a half-standing position. She was entirely under my control, and she’d surrendered herself to me willingly. The idea of her total submission urged me onward, and when I heard her gasping through another orgasm, I released my self-control.

  “I’m going to fill you up,” I growled.

  “Yesss!” she gasped. “My body belongs to you! Fill it to the brim with your seed!”

  “I willll…” I came in a rocket explosion of bliss as stars exploded in my vision, and my entire body shivered from the sensation. I held Mahini close to me as my seed filled up her tunnel and womb, and the vibrations of her fading orgasm pulsated around my stiff member still buried deep inside her. We slowly came back to reality, and we separated reluctantly as my knees began to shake.

  “That,” I said with a shit-eating grin, “was fucking amazing, Mahini.”

  “I enjoyed it as well,” the desert goddess gasped as she flashed me a coy smile. “All of it.”

  “We will have to experiment with stuff like that more in the future,” I added with a teasing wink. “I didn’t know you would like it.”

  “I loved it,” she purred as her eyes filled with longing again. “I feel energized, and ready for more.”

  “Oh, shit.” I grinned even wider.

  Fuck, she was sexy as hell and even hornier than that. What had I done to deserve such an awesome end to an amazing day?

  “If you’re up for more, that is,” she cleared her throat as her eyes drifted down my chest to my still rock-hard cock. “We can just sleep if you want.”

  I growled, and then I tackled her around the waist and threw her onto the bed. “Nope. We’re going to fuck all night long, and when you can’t walk tomorrow because of how sore your pussy is, remember it’s your own damn fault.”

  “Yes, Great One,” Mahini murmured with a pleased smile, and she opened her legs invitingly. “Whatever you wish.”

  Mahini and I fucked for the rest of the night, just like I’d promised, and by the time we finally collapsed from sheer exhaustion, the sun was already beginning to rise. We slept for most of the morning, and it was late when I climbed out of bed. I left the beautiful desert goddess sleeping soundly and packed full of my cum, and I went off in search of some breakfast, or lunch anyway.

  There were packs stacked in the hallways outside of the bedrooms as I made my way to the living room, and I realized everyone had already gotten ready to leave for our next quest. It was time to hit the road again, but this time we weren’t going to stop until the dragon was dead.

  The fiery drive to destroy the dragon bloomed inside my gut, and I fought back the battle lust that suddenly sprang upon me. I had to find the beast first, and there was no telling where he would strike next.

  I’d have to touch base with the leader of Sorreyal before I departed on my quest, but I still wanted to leave that day. So, I got busy with my preparations, and the dragon faded away to my background thoughts once more.

  I packed up all of my weapons and gear, and I added my bags to the piles in the hallway. Then I went in search of my comrades. I found them in the stables, and they were all busy grooming their horses. It warmed my heart to see them hanging out together like friends, and I was glad they’d found a productive way to occupy themselves.

  “Goliath is all cleaned up and ready for the next stage of our journey,” Elissa informed me in a cheerful tone.

  “I even braided some of his mane,” Eva added with a bright smile. “It will stay cleaner that way.”

  “I’ve spoken to the king’s servants about rations and supplies,” Riondale reported as he executed a quick salute. “The only thing we are missing are maps.”

  “I’ll send word to the king that we need some,” I replied with a nod. “Very good job, everybody. I’m proud of you all.”

  Everyone grinned gratefully at me, and then we made our way back up to the palace. The stables weren’t very far away, so it didn’t take us very long, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting around the dining room table in the west wing with all of my friends present. Even Mahini woke up and joined us. Then we ate a big meal of eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, and flat cakes, and by the time we’d all finished eating, the servants had taken all of our bags to the stables.
/>   It was nice being waited on hand and foot. The only thing we had to worry about was having fun and eating. This was our final day in Vallenwood, though, so I made sure to appreciate it while I could.

  By this point, it was close to lunch time, but I didn’t think it was too late in the day to be leaving for the start of our journey. At least we wouldn’t need to eat again for a while, but we’d have to enjoy a large dinner to compensate for skipping the midday meal.

  I sent a messenger to the king with a request for more maps, and the servant came scurrying back with his arms full. There was more than enough studying material to last me several nights around the campfire, so I tipped the man and added them to my pack.

  I wasn’t entirely sure which way to go from Vallenwood, but I’d seen the dragon flying off toward the mountain just outside the city, so I’d decided to follow in the same direction and see what I could find.

  Then we were off on our next grand adventure, and I rode at the head of the line on Goliath’s back while the rest of my crew followed behind me. They had all sworn to follow me anywhere, but I knew I could keep them safe, even from a dragon.

  We’d only been traveling for a couple of hours, though, when I spotted some people approaching us from the other direction, and as they drew closer, I realized I recognized the woman who walked in front of their group.

  It was Sarosh, the crazy zealot who followed some false god, and she was headed straight toward us. I would recognize the long silver hair, slightly pointed ears, and timeless aura anywhere.

  I pulled Goliath to a halt, and I gathered my thoughts as I watched the group of religious zealots draw near me. I was going to have a few words with her, and she was going to listen.

  I was the God of Time, and it was about time Sarosh learned that.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stopped about half a quarter mile from the silver-haired zealot and her group of followers, and I scanned over the faces of the people surrounding Sarosh. Their heads were hidden beneath the hoods of their cloaks, though, so I couldn’t make out many characteristics from afar.

  The elven-like woman had interfered with my introduction to the town of Ivywood not too long ago, and I wasn’t satisfied with how things had been left. She’d gone away with her loyal followers, and the defectors had stayed in the small village, but I wanted the entire world to believe in me as the one, true god.

  If I was the God of Time, then I wanted to be the only god, and this was my opportunity to change Sarosh’s mind once and for all.

  The small group of people continued to walk toward us, but then Sarosh lifted her arm to order a halt. She must have finally noticed my crew standing in the middle of the road on horseback.

  I dismounted my steed and waved in a friendly manner toward the religious nutjob, but she just stared across the distance between us with her chin lifted.

  “What are we doing?” Mahini asked with narrowed eyes. “We shouldn’t stop for that zealot.”

  “They are being misled, Mahini,” I replied in a soft voice. “The false god they follow would have them sacrifice their own lives, and I wish to save them from such an ill fate.”

  “That is very honorable of you, Great One,” Riondale noted. “How can I be of service?”

  “You guys stay here,” I instructed as my eyes stayed locked on the silver-haired older woman down the road. “I’m going to go talk to her.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better if we went as a group?” Elissa argued with a worried frown. “After all, she has at least ten people with her.”

  It seemed my two ladies remembered Sarosh well, and their concern for me warmed my heart, but they didn’t have anything to worry about. Despite her desire to give her own life to an unknown god, I didn’t think the zealot was violent. I could handle myself even if she was, though, so I wasn’t worried in the slightest.

  “Let me try to talk some sense into her followers, first,” I insisted.

  “Of course,” my wife replied with a serious nod.

  I loved that she could be fiery and outspoken most of the time, but obedient and submissive when it really mattered.

  Eva watched the interaction silently from her horse’s back, but she bit her lower lip with a worried frown, and I could tell she was resisting the urge to speak out.

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” I assured my group in a confident voice. “Just god work.”

  With that, I turned and walked toward Sarosh, but I made a new save point as I approached her. She’d come to a stop and stood there staring at me, but she didn’t move a muscle as I approached. I got a better look at her followers as I got closer, and I made mental notes about their ages and genders. The majority of the twelve people crowded around the silver-haired zealot were older themselves, with the exception of a few men and one woman.

  “Hello, there,” I greeted in a friendly tone once I was within speaking distance. I stopped about fifteen feet away from Sarosh, close enough to see her narrow her eyes with suspicion, but too far away to hear what she whispered to an older man standing behind her.

  “I remember you,” Sarosh stated as she lifted her chin. “You are the blasphemer from Ivywood.”

  “I could say the same about you,” I countered as I crossed my arms over my chest. “At least I’m not urging people to kill themselves.”

  “Sacrifice is far from murder,” Sarosh argued with a frown.

  “Doesn’t seem like you feel like chatting with me,” I observed in a thoughtful tone. “Maybe your followers will feel more talkative?”

  “You need to stay away from my people, false prophet,” Sarosh hissed.

  “Why is that?” I raised one eyebrow as I scanned over the weary faces of her followers. “You guys are ready for a break, right? Maybe a snack while we talk?”

  “I could eat,” a man who leaned heavily against a cane said, and mumbles of agreement echoed from behind him, but the older gray-haired man who stood behind Sarosh elbowed him sharply.

  “Only if the priestess says it is alright,” the old man muttered to the ten other people.

  I got an idea, so I made a new save point to try it out since I didn’t want to have to walk back over again. Then I made eye contact with the man who had spoken out, and I gave him a friendly smile.

  “What’s your name?” I asked in a casual tone, and I ignored the sharp look I received from Sarosh.

  “They call me Thom,” the man said with raised eyebrows, and his brown eyes flicked worriedly to the priestess’ face.

  “Why do you follow this woman to your death?” I pressed, and Sarosh hissed with displeasure.

  “How dare you speak to my followers after I forbade it.” The priestess flicked her long, loose silver hair over her shoulder and fixed me with a hot glare. “Only a false god would so flagrantly ignore my wishes.”

  “You’re not one of my followers yet, right?” I countered. “Then why should I care about your wishes? I am merely curious about why anyone would want to sacrifice themselves to some unknown god.”

  “The God of the Purge is not unknown,” Sarosh scoffed. “But very well. You will not find any dissent here, I have chosen my people well.”

  “I can’t imagine you have a lot of choices to pick from,” I teased, and the elven-like older woman huffed but didn’t respond.

  I knew I’d hit a nerve, but my goal was to get to know her followers, so I turned my attention back to Thom.

  “Go on, you can tell me,” I urged in a reassuring voice.

  “I…” he said hesitantly, but then he cleared his throat. “I was wounded in battle, and now I’m not good at anything else. After I lost my foot, I had to ask, what is my life worth?”

  “Yeah,” came a voice of agreement from his side. “My brother speaks the truth. We are pointless now, but if we can save this world by giving up our lives? That’s a cause worth dying for.”

  “And what’s your name?” I asked the new speaker.

  “This is my brother, Carn,” Thom answered for him
as he gestured to the brown-eyed man beside him.

  Carn had one arm wrapped against his chest, so his cloak hung lopsided across his torso, and I could only assume he’d lost a limb in battle, too.

  “We fought together, so we are going to die together,” a third man chimed in with a look of determination in his brown eyes. He looked similar to the other two men, but he was younger. “My name is Abe, and I’m these two’s baby brother. I lost my sword hand to a bandit, and now I’m nothing more than a bum.”

  He pulled back his cloak to show me the stump at the end of his arm, and I shook my head in dismay at his loss. If he was right-handed, I could only imagine how hard his life had been since losing the limb.

  “What makes you think you have to die to save the world?” I pressed, and I wasn’t willing to drop it just yet.

  “I haven’t heard any other suggestions,” a woman piped up, and I could tell the brothers had emboldened her to speak out. “Sarosh is the only one who has cared about us, and if she says this is the right way, then I trust in her.”

  “And you are?” I asked with a charming smile.

  “Susi.” She was an older woman with graying auburn hair pulled to the side in a long braid, and the crow’s feet around her eyes indicated a lot of laughing in her past. Her face was solemn now, though, and her eyes were full of pain.

  “Why do you want to end your life, Susi?” I asked in a sympathetic tone.

  “I have nothing left to live for,” the older woman sighed. “After my husband died, there is just no point in doing anything else.”

  I made my way through the rest of the crowd, and I learned all of their names and why they’d decided to follow Sarosh. Luka, Cristal, and Ava were the three other widows besides Susi, and then there were two couples who had lost young children and the impossibly old man who stayed close to the priestess. His name was Zeb, and he’d been following Sarosh for almost an entire year.

  They were on their way to Vallenwood to perform a ritual in front of all the people, and the individuals following the crazed zealot truly believed they would be saving the world from utter destruction by doing this. It was insane, and I had to find a way to convince them to stay alive. They all had very real reasons for feeling like their lives were over, but I was confident I could show them a new way, a way of hope.


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