The OP MC 3

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The OP MC 3 Page 26

by Logan Jacobs

  “At least we still have one cow left to use as bait,” I pointed out. “The dragon problem will be over soon enough thanks to you two.”

  “Thank you, Great One,” Sarosh sighed, and she swayed back and forth in her saddle. “No one told me it is so exhausting to ride a horse.”

  “I should have warned you about that,” I laughed as I helped her dismount before she could fall off. “But you’ll get used to it. We all did. You should have seen Elissa in the beginning.”

  “Hey!” my wife argued. “I haven’t complained in a really long time.”

  “Days,” Mahini added with a wry smile. “Hours, even.”

  “Oh, shush,” the red-haired goddess shot back, and she stuck out her tongue at the mercenary. “You never complain about anything, so I don’t think it's fair for you to judge.”

  “I’m not judging,” Mahini countered. “Just teasing.”

  “Ladies,” I interjected with furrowed eyebrows. “Can we continue?”

  “Sorry, Bash,” Elissa murmured.

  “My apologies, Great One,” Mahini said with a bow of her head that sent her obsidian locks across her face.

  “My turn?” Eva giggled.

  “Sure.” I smiled, and I swept my hand through the air to gesture for her to go on.

  “According to the people Lissy and I spoke to,” she started in the clipped tone of a soldier giving a report, “the dragon attacked the livestock first.”

  “That matches the stories of the people we ran into on the road,” I said.

  Eva nodded. “Once it had its fill, it attacked the village, and it seemed intent only on destruction.”

  “Leaving only the cowards behind?” I arched an eyebrow as I thought this over. It sort of made sense. Smiguel had a giant ego, and I’d wounded his pride. It would be logical for him to react more violently toward anyone who got close. Still, it sucked that the people who’d stood against the beast were the ones most heavily affected by the dragon’s wrath.

  “I suppose so,” the duke’s daughter said.

  “Everyone was just looking for any little pieces of their old lives,” Elissa observed in a sympathetic tone. “I saw one person pulling out the broken pieces of a crib. It was so sad, Bash. I hope we can help them.”

  Evangeline’s eyes suddenly welled up with tears, and she swiveled on her feet and took off running.

  “Uhhh…” I blinked after the duke’s daughter.

  “What was that about?” Mahini asked with a worried frown.

  “Should I go after her?” Elissa questioned at the same time.

  “No, no, I’ll go.” I held up my hands to stop their arguments. “The three of you worked hard today. You deserve a rest, and it’s very late. Go to the inn and pick out a room.”

  “Oh, thank the gods,” Sarosh gasped, and she turned to walk wearily toward the inn. It appeared she was more exhausted than she’d let on, and the older woman’s shoulders were slumped as she passed through the entrance.

  “See you soon?” Mahini asked, and Elissa paused to listen to my response.

  “Once Evangeline is okay,” I said, and I kissed them both on their foreheads. “Then I’ll come to bed.”

  “Maybe you should make love to her,” Elissa mused. “That will make her feel better. I’m going to head to bed now.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Mahini told her, and she blew me a kiss over her shoulder as the two beauties disappeared inside the inn.

  Once they were gone, I turned and headed in the direction Evangeline had run off in. I didn’t make a new save point because I wanted the opportunity to reset back with the men if I needed to, but I was confident in my ability to handle anything that came my way. Once I was on the good side to the burned down buildings it was easy to see a far distance, and I spotted her jagged blonde hair as she slid between trees on the edge of town.

  I stomped my foot to activate my griffon feather boots, and then I dashed forward through the charred remains of Bronzeberg after the duke’s daughter. I followed Eva beneath the tree cover, and the underbrush made it harder to tell which way she went. Then I spotted a flash of pale skin, and I skidded to a halt a few paces away from her.

  “Oh, Great One, you surprised me!” Eva gasped as her eyes met mine. “What are you doing? Why did you follow me?”

  “You were obviously upset, and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I crossed the distance between us, and I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. “What happened, why did you run off?”

  “I was thinking about what Elissa said,” the duke’s daughter explained with a sigh. “She cares so much about the people, and I’ve been so selfish…”

  “What do you mean? You helped me find the missing girl, and you were very kind to the enchanter in Vallenwood.” I shook my head and gave her an earnest look. “You care about people, too, Evangeline.”

  “I… I have to make myself be like that, and it seems to come so naturally for the rest of your followers. It’s like they’ve learned from you how to be selfless and giving.”

  “I’m not all that selfless,” I informed her with a smirk. “I take what I want sometimes.”

  “You’re always sacrificing your time to help others,” Eva insisted as she shook her head. “Just like here, in Bronzeberg. You could have just called it a day, but you used your powers to stop the fires.”

  “Well, it was getting really close to the inn I wanted to sleep in,” I pointed out. “I might be a god, but sometimes I have the needs of a man.”

  “Needs?” Eva blushed a bright crimson instantly, so I knew she understood my innuendo. Her gray eyes flicked across my face, and then shot downward to the ground.

  “Yes, Evangeline, I have human needs while I am in this body,” I explained as my smile grew wider the harder she avoided eye contact.

  “I-I don’t know what to say,” she stammered, and she licked her dry lips self-consciously.

  “You don’t have to say anything but yes,” I assured her as I slid my hands around her lower back and pulled her breasts against my chest.

  Eva’s eyelashes fluttered as her gray eyes filled with understanding. She bit her bottom lip and worked it between her teeth for a moment, but then she took a deep breath and looked up at me with her gaze full of longing.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  I lowered my head and kissed her softly, and I moved my lips in the gentlest of motions until I felt her mouth open. Then I slowly explored the edges of her lips with my tongue, and I got her to reciprocate with her own. I moaned as desire flooded through me, and my hands lifted to the back of her head. I tangled my fingers in her short, jagged hair, and I tilted her neck backward so I could enter her even deeper.

  “Mmm,” Eva moaned beneath my kiss, and I could tell she was ready to take the next step.

  So, I moved my hands to the edges of her leather armor, and I pulled at the straps keeping it attached to her body.

  “Bash, no,” Eva gasped, and she pushed my hands away.

  “You want me to stop?” I asked as I calmed my ragged breathing. My cock was already pulsing inside my pants, but if the blonde wasn’t ready, I was by no means going to force her.

  “I mean, yes, of course, but…” The duke’s daughter bit her bottom lip in the adorable torn manner she had sometimes. She seemed constantly on the fence about whether she wanted me or not, but I could tell her desire was beginning to overpower whatever restrained her. “I’m… a virgin.”

  The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks because it should have been obvious. Her playful flirtatious manner when around others when it was “safe,” but her shyness when we were alone made complete sense. I’d experienced it before, and it was a lot of fun to initiate a woman for the first time, so I was excited to do it again.

  Evangeline needed me to take my time and slowly open her up to the bonds of love, and I had all the time in the world.

  This had to be my favorite part of being a god, after helping out the people of the realm, of cour

  Chapter Fourteen

  “That’s alright,” I murmured softly as I pulled her close against me once more. “We’ll go as slow as you want.”

  “I want… to please you, to bond with you the way you have with Elissa and Mahini,” Eva stammered at first, but then she picked up steam, and the words began to pour out of her like a waterfall. “I want to be yours, Great One, body, mind, and soul. I want to follow you for the rest of my life, and I want to be yours forever.”

  “You have already sworn your oath of allegiance,” I reminded her gently. “There’s no need to go any further if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to,” Evangeline insisted, and she lifted her gaze to meet mine with a flutter of her eyelashes. “I want you to claim me.”

  Well, I couldn’t say no to that, so I claimed her mouth in mine, and my tongue was insistent as it pushed against the barrier of her lips. This time, Eva opened herself to me instantly, and there was no hesitation to be found.

  “You taste like honey,” I whispered against her lips, and a shudder went through her body. My body was already reacting to her, and my cock throbbed against the restraint of my pants. “I want to taste you everywhere…”

  Eva began to fumble with the straps of her skin-tight leather armor, so I lent a helping hand to the task of undressing her. I peeled away the layers of black leather, and I trailed my fingers lightly across Evangeline’s exposed soft skin.

  I wanted to take my time and really enjoy the moment, but I had unlimited amounts of retries to explore Evangeline’s body. If I made a new save point, I’d have to let go of the possibility of going back to get the rest of my men, but it was worth it to ensure that the blonde beauty had a mind-numbing session of sex for her first time.

  I wanted to know what made her tick, what made her squirm, and most of all, what made her orgasm.

  So, I made a new save point by focusing on the moment where Evangeline was half naked in my arms, and I told myself I could come back to that instant with a wave of my will power. Then I returned all of my focus to the pale skin slowly being revealed before me, and I continued to help Eva pull off her armor.

  Once she was completely naked, I crushed her body against mine and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. I wanted to ravage her, to conquer her, to own her, but I needed to slow down to her pace and focus on every single one of her needs.

  I trailed my mouth down her jaw, across her throat, and down to her breasts, but when I took one of her pink nipples in my lips, the duke’s daughter froze.

  “Is this okay?” I murmured against her breast, and the beauty in my arms shivered.

  “Y-Yes, that feels good,” she whispered in an uncertain tone.

  “I can go slower if you want?” I wanted her to open herself willingly to me, and I would take all the time I needed to.

  “No, it’s okay, really,” she insisted.

  “Mmmm…” I purred as I sucked her nipple between my lips, and I ran my tongue over the erect bud in a spiral pattern.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” Eva gasped as she arched her back and pressed herself harder against me.

  “You do like it,” I chuckled. Then I moved on to the other side, and I performed the same spiral pattern on her right nipple.

  “Yes…” Eva moaned, but she whimpered when I started to use my teeth. “I’m feeling… tingles…”

  “That means it’s working,” I informed her in a husky voice full of desire. Her innocence was beyond charming, and I wanted to teach her everything I knew.

  I trailed my hands down her sides, and I was rewarded with goosebumps trailing in my wake. I explored her skin with my fingertips while I licked and sucked on her nipples until Eva threw back her head and began to shake.

  Was she having an orgasm already?

  I didn’t relent on her breasts, though, and I supported the weight of her body in my arms while I nibbled and suckled on her perfect nipples. Eva shuddered and twitched in my arms as her mouth opened in a soundless moan.

  “Ooooh, gods!” she gasped as the sensation overwhelmed her, and every muscle in her body shuddered with pleasure. “What is happening to me?”

  “You’re having an orgasm, my dear,” I explained, and then I trailed my mouth and fingers across her abdomen. My cock protested against the boundaries of my pants, and I wanted nothing more than to pull it out and slide it deep inside Eva’s tight virgin body, but I wanted to enjoy the buildup. So, I took a deep breath, thought about baseball, and then returned to my ministrations on Evangeline’s body.

  We were not in a good position to make love, though, so I put her down on her feet for a moment while I made a bed out of her discarded leather armor. She blinked at me in surprise for a second as she slowly came back to reality after her first orgasm, and a sly smile stretched across her luscious lips.

  “That… That was amazing…” Eva breathed with twinkling gray eyes. “I never knew making love could be so…”

  “Oh, we’re not done yet,” I assured her, and I swept her off her feet to lay her on top of her discarded armor.

  “Oh?” Eva giggled, and she crossed her legs instinctively.

  “We haven’t even started really.” I flashed her a cocky grin, and then I began to pull off my armor and clothes. It only took me a few minutes, but I struggled with a couple of straps because I was in a hurry. A moment later, though, I stood before Evangeline completely naked, and her gray eyes widened as she took in my abs, my muscles, and my stiff cock standing at attention. I wasn’t exactly built like a bodybuilder yet, but I was getting pretty cut from the various fights I’d been in and the lack of cheap sugary foods I used to eat back on Earth.

  “I’ve never imagined a more perfect male specimen in all my life,” Evangeline murmured as desire filled her gray eyes, but then she blushed, and her eyelashes fluttered. “I-I-I mean, you’re very handsome, and I like--”

  “Say no more,” I insisted, and I made sure of it by sealing her lips shut with my own. I kissed her more urgently this time, and my tongue trailed over her teeth, which sent shivers down my spine.

  “Mmm,” Evangeline moaned beneath the onslaught of my lips, and I let my hands wander down her body and across her skin.

  As my hands dipped below her belly button, though, she froze, and her legs were held firmly together.

  “It’s okay,” I murmured as I released her from the passionate kiss. “Just relax and enjoy it.”

  Then I let my mouth follow in the wake of my fingers, and my tongue ran down her sides, into the hollow of her belly button, and lower to the soft mound of dark-blonde hair that guarded her secret entrance.

  I breathed warm air on her skin, and I could feel her muscles slowly relax beneath my fingers, so I slowly spread her legs apart and lowered my mouth to her dripping slit.

  “See how excited you are already?” I purred as I scooped up some of her juices with my finger.

  “Yesss…” Eva moaned, and her hips bucked toward the sensation of my hand against her.

  “Are you ready for what’s next?” I said in a voice full of desire. I wanted to taste her more than anything else in the world.

  “O-O-Okay,” she gasped.

  That was all the permission I needed to dip my tongue between the downy folds of her slippery pussy, and I trailed upward toward her pleasure node with expert movements.

  “Oh, my!” Eva shuddered and pushed her hips up toward the sensation, which caused my tongue to dive between her folds and into her center. “Ooooh!”

  A few more expertly placed flicks later, and the duke’s daughter was squirming around my face. I wrapped a hand around her narrow waist to hold her down, and I used my other hand to slowly slide a finger into her tight tunnel while at the same time circling her clitoris with my tongue.

  She tasted like honey, and wildflowers, and she smelled sweeter than any perfume. I inhaled all of her as she orgasmed again, and her body shuddered with convulsions while I happily lapped up her juices.

  “Gods!” Eva moan
ed as she climbed to the top of orgasm mountain and crested the other side. Then she took a deep, shuddering breath, and her legs clamped around my face. “Please, give me more!”

  I willingly obeyed her request, and I began to probe her slippery entrance with my finger. I used one, but then she became much more relaxed, and I was able to barely squeeze two inside her wet folds. Eva spasmed, and the muscles of her hot tunnel clamped down around me, but I never ceased my thrusting motions.

  Eva came two more times before I came up for air, and by then, my face was drenched in her delicious love juices. She panted heavily, and her pale skin was flushed a bright-red hue, so I could tell she was warm enough despite the chilly forest air.

  “That was incredible,” Eva breathed with her eyes half-closed. It looked like she’d finally caught her breath, and she gazed up at me with her gray eyes full of happiness. “I want to experience that every single day.”

  “I might be able to assist you with that,” I teased as I positioned myself over her.

  She leaned up and kissed me passionately, and her fingers twined through the locks of my hair as she pulled my head down to hers.

  “I’m in love with you, Great One,” she confessed in a soft voice. “I want to be yours forever.”

  “I love you, too, Evangeline of Bullard,” I replied, and I meant it. Even before I’d fully claimed her body as mine, I knew I loved her inside and out. She could be a real handful, but she was my handful.

  “Take me,” she urged, and her voice was full of desire. “Take me however you want and fill me with your god seed.”

  “Yess,” I moaned as I gripped my cock in one hand, and I rubbed it against her super wet pussy lips. “I want you, Eva.”

  “Make love to me,” she repeated, and she wrapped her hands around my neck as she arched her back. Her breasts jutted out at a sexy angle, and the curves of her body pressed against me.

  I groaned as I struggled to control my mounting urges, and then I slowly slid the tip of my cock between her pink folds.

  Eva whimpered as her tight pussy stretched around the head of my cock, but then she relaxed slightly, so I went in a little more. I entered her impossibly tight little hole bit by bit, and I made sure to give her time to adjust to each inch before I went any further. Then I felt the restriction, and I knew what I had to do next.


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