Love Thy Enemy

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Love Thy Enemy Page 2

by Katie Reus

  Abram straightened stiffly. “I’ll make sure she gets home safely.”

  Viktor nodded once and headed out. Going into business with Abram two years ago had been one of the best decisions he’d ever made. He hadn’t even known he had a half-brother until three years ago.

  He texted his driver as he headed toward the art center and away from whatever commotion had just happened. It was fairly late for a meeting, but there was a piece of property he’d had his eye on and the real estate agent couldn’t show it until tonight.

  The art center was silent as he stepped inside, his shoes almost completely noiseless as he headed down a long hallway that would exit onto a quiet side street. Instead of parking in the main garage attached to the convention center he’d had his driver drop him off. It made things easier when he wanted to leave. No traffic to deal with.

  There were a few staff from the Celebration of Chefs and probably from the art center itself along the hallway, acting as ‘security’ so people wouldn’t wander into closed display areas they weren’t allowed in. But everyone was silent as he passed, simply smiling politely and nodding.

  When he pushed open one of the glass double doors at the end of the long hallway, the salt-tinged, slightly humid Miami night air rolled over him. The heat of summer could be sweltering during the day but at night it was more than bearable, especially with the breezes.

  Not that he cared about any of that when he spotted the tall, sexy Dominique talking quietly to a man around her height. At least with her heels they were the same height. They were standing near a built-in bench along the sidewalk next to a cluster of palm trees. Even though it was evening there were enough lights around the center, including one nestled in the palm trees, to illuminate her perfectly.

  When she shifted her feet he realized there was another woman next to the man. A petite brunette with Mediterranean coloring who was tucked up against him, her arm wrapped around his waist. They were all murmuring quietly.

  The goddess had her back to him, showing off the sweet curve of her ass and her toned calves. It was like she’d walked out of his fantasies. Her long, blonde hair cascaded down her back in big waves and he wondered what it would be like to run his fingers through them. To wrap his fingers around a thick section and hold her head back, nibble along her neck and jaw before he claimed her mouth.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Beautiful women in Miami were a dime a dozen, but she was…stunning. There was no other word for her. Something about her poise and confidence called to him. The way she walked and moved was like…a goddess. Like she didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about her.

  As if she sensed him watching, she turned around. Her dark eyes widened, then just as quickly narrowed in clear anger.

  At him.

  He stilled, watching her carefully. Her reaction to him was unexpected. They’d never met. That much he was sure of. He didn’t date. And she was someone he’d never be able to forget.

  Her jaw clenched as she watched him for a long moment, the anger there so clear, so potent, he felt it like a body blow.

  She broke eye contact first, turning away from him, her body language changing in an instant. Her back was ramrod straight and he could practically feel the tension rolling off her.

  Frowning, he headed in the other direction to where he knew his driver was waiting, but he kept her in his peripheral vision.

  Only once he was inside the back of the armored vehicle did he text his half-brother. Find out who the blonde is. Her name is Dominique. I want everything you can dig up.

  He wanted to do the checking himself but Abram was a genius with computers and getting into places he didn’t belong. While Viktor could eventually find out what he wanted, Abram would do it in a quarter of the time.

  Right now he wasn’t feeling patient where she was concerned. He wanted to know what the hell he could have done to warrant such a reaction from a stranger.

  Consider it done.

  His brother’s responding text soothed a fraction of the tension surging through him. But he wouldn’t be satisfied until he found out exactly who she was. And until he met her in person.

  Chapter 2

  “You don’t have to stay and help. I’m fine getting out of here by myself.”

  Abram watched as Lucy slid the clean champagne glasses into the storage container. She was so methodical in everything she did, so damn organized. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and his brother. Business-wise.

  Because if his brother had ever looked at her in a sexual manner, Abram would have lost his mind. Which was stupid, because she was just an employee.

  He placed a hand over hers, even though he knew he shouldn’t. Touching her was dangerous to him. To her as well. He had no business wanting her, for too many reasons. The least of which was that she worked for him and his brother. But mainly because she was too good for him. He’d told Viktor that the blonde from earlier wasn’t for him and he hadn’t been kidding. He knew he should take his own damn advice, but… “And you don’t need to even be here anymore. The restaurant staff should be cleaning up.” He ground out the last couple words, beyond annoyed that she was still here. She worked too hard as it was.

  He glared at one of the waitstaff of the fusion restaurant he and his brother had just acquired. They were getting paid double overtime for this event tonight. He’d had to take a phone call and when he’d come back he’d found Lucy helping with the breakdown of the tables, moving around like the Energizer bunny.

  “Hey, I tried to tell her she shouldn’t be helping. Three times.” The employee whose name eluded Abram held up his hands in mock defense before he went back to stacking the tea light candles. “Maybe she’ll listen to you,” he tacked on.

  Abram nearly snorted. Doubtful. She never seemed to stop, no matter what task she took on. She was a dark-haired little pixie. Her espresso-colored hair fell in a sharp bob around her face. Usually she kept it stick straight but tonight there were soft waves in it and she had some sort of sparkly headband on. It should have looked ridiculous but it just made her look like a fucking princess.

  Another reminder he had no business wanting her. She was too sweet and innocent for him.

  She pulled her hand away from his, frowned up at him. Even in her four-inch heels she was only five feet four inches. “The faster we get this done, the faster everyone gets out of here.”

  “It’s not your responsibility. They’re getting paid handsomely for tonight. Now let’s go. Viktor made me promise to get you home safely.” Using his brother as an excuse usually worked.

  Her expression softened then. “That man is so sweet. Fine. Let me grab my bag.”

  Abram gritted his teeth as she turned away, the fluffy skirt of her blue strapless dress twirling out as she moved. There were little sparkles in the skirt too. His brother wasn’t sweet, but Lucy seemed to think he was a big teddy bear. It was ridiculous. With him? She usually just seemed frustrated. He didn’t understand why.

  She pulled a big black bag she called a purse out from behind one of the folded-up tables. It was her ‘work bag’ and he’d rarely seen her without it. The thing was so big he was surprised she didn’t topple over with it. On instinct, he plucked it from her hands.

  She let it go with a sigh and he was glad she didn’t argue. By now she probably knew it was pointless.

  He grunted, hoisting it onto his shoulder. “What do you have in this thing?”

  “I can carry it for you if it’s too heavy,” she murmured, giving him a mischievous look.

  God, what he wouldn’t give for a taste of her. Just one. “I think I can manage.”

  “If you say so.”

  He found himself grinning at her slightly sarcastic tone. At least she didn’t seem annoyed with him anymore. The woman made him crazy. “Did you get enough to eat tonight?” He knew she usually skipped lunch and basically seemed to exist on caffeine.

  She snorted. “I didn’t get anything. I mean
t to, but got too busy. Hey, why are we going this way? My car’s in the parking garage.”

  “I had one of the guys take it back to the office for you.” It was a company vehicle so they all had keys to it. “Viktor wanted to make sure you got home safely tonight. My driver will take you.”

  “Oh…thanks.” There was an odd note in her voice, one he couldn’t define.

  “Besides, I heard you say you wanted to see the Sanchez exhibit. I asked one of the staff from the art center if we could check out the display and they’re allowing us in before we leave,” he said as he opened the door to the art center. But he would make sure she got something to eat on the way home.

  Sanchez was an up-and-coming photorealist artist in Miami. Abram didn’t give a shit about art but he could appreciate the man’s talent. The images were all of places in Miami or Florida and had soul.

  Lucy blinked up at him, paused in the open doorway. “That’s very nice.” Did she have to sound so surprised by that?

  He lifted a shoulder, uncomfortable with the way she was watching him.

  She gave him a soft half-smile he felt all the way to his core. “Thank you.”

  It took a moment for his legs to catch up to his brain. He fell in step with her in two strides then had to slow down because of their height difference.

  After walking through the exhibit—which she seemed to thoroughly enjoy—they finally left the art center. His current driver, Kir, was waiting by the curb, just like he’d instructed.

  He held open the door for Lucy before Kir could get out and do it. When he slid into the backseat after her, she looked almost surprised. Maybe she hadn’t realized he was coming with her. He didn’t care that Viktor had just said to make sure she got to her car safely. He was making sure she got home safely. There wasn’t even a threat against them at the moment, but he still wanted to take care of her. Because she is a good employee, he told himself. That was it.

  “Does he know my address?” she murmured, strapping herself in.

  He nodded, strapping in as well before telling Kir to head out.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” she asked, her dark gaze on him.

  “It was fine.” The bright city lights played over her delicate features as they drove toward downtown.

  Her mouth quirked up. “That’s not really an answer.”

  “It was…business. Not for fun.” Fun would be stripping her naked, making her come, seeing her lose control. He didn’t do relationships. He’d never had time, but lately he found himself thinking he’d make an exception for Lucy. Which, again, was stupid since she was an employee.

  Now she shrugged. “So? You can still have fun at events.”

  He’d seen her talking to a multitude of people tonight, some clearly for business, but others he knew she was friends with. Because everyone seemed to adore Lucy. It was hard not to. “It was fine,” he said, repeating his earlier statement. He felt stupid and tongue-tied around her. Always.

  She gave him one of those frustrated looks and started to respond when her phone dinged from her giant bag, indicating an incoming text. Instantly she reached for it.

  “You don’t have to worry about work anymore. It’s okay to go off the clock.” He worried that she might burn out. Maybe they were working her too hard?

  She laughed as she responded to the text. “When you and Viktor slow down, I’ll slow down.”

  He swallowed hard, looked out the window. It was doubtful he and Viktor would slow their pace anytime soon. Money gave him security and some days he couldn’t seem to make enough. Abram had grown up poor, unlike Viktor. But it didn’t matter. Viktor’d had it bad too. Abram was glad he’d only had limited contact with their father when he was young. After he’d turned eight he’d cut off all contact with the bastard, told his mom he didn’t want to see him again. Thankfully his mom had been more than happy to, even though it had meant cutting off any support from the sperm donor.

  He’d assumed Viktor was just like that monster but he’d found out differently when he’d started to dig into him more. Only then had he approached him and had been surprised Viktor had no clue about his existence. It had taken time, but they’d eventually become friends.

  Best friends. The first one he’d ever had. Abram didn’t trust many people. Just some of the guys he’d served with from his Marine Corps days. And his brother. No one else.

  When he realized Lucy was still texting, he plucked the phone from her hands.

  Letting out a soft gasp, she stared at him. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re done for the night.”

  “Damn it, Mr. Ivanov—”

  “Abram. My name is Abram,” he gritted out. She called his brother by his first name. But she’d never called him by his first name. She either completely avoided using his name, or when she was annoyed called him Mr. Ivanov. It was ridiculous and made him insane.

  She let out a frustrated growl. “I know that. Please give me my phone. I just need to respond to one thing and then I’m done for the night. Promise.”

  “Say my name and you get your phone.”

  She blinked at him, her cheeks flushing pink. “What?”

  “My first name. Say it.” He knew he was pushing her, should probably stop. But he didn’t care. He felt practically possessed right now with the need to hear her say his damn name. He was also aware of Kir watching him in the rearview mirror curiously.

  “Fine, Abram. Can I have my phone now?” She held out her palm, her hand slightly trembling.

  He frowned, wondering if he’d frightened her, but…he didn’t think so. Her eyes were slightly dilated and her cheeks were still flushed. She almost looked aroused, but that couldn’t be possible. The woman couldn’t seem to stand him some days. He gave her the phone. “Don’t call me Mr. Ivanov anymore. If you do I’ll start calling you Lucia.”

  She simply gave him a dark look as she took the phone and didn’t respond one way or another. For some reason she didn’t like her given name, but he thought it was beautiful. It fit her.

  As she continued to text, he looked out the window at the passing lights and traffic. He should have just walked her to her damn car. Not given her a ride home. Being around her always put him on edge, made him feel awkward. Maybe he should limit his contact with her even more. Normally he just emailed or texted her with instructions about work but sometimes working with her directly was unavoidable.

  The truth was, though, he looked forward to the time they did spend together. Even if she seemed perpetually annoyed with him. Or aloof, which was even worse.

  * * *

  When he saw the number on screen he answered the phone after three rings, forcing himself to remain patient. “Yes?”

  “Abram has definitely taken an interest in the new assistant. He followed her around all night.” The man snorted in amusement.

  “Are you in a secure place?”

  “Of course. I’m at a park. No chance of anyone overhearing.”

  “Good… What else do you have?” Because that wasn’t enough. He’d seen that himself over the last couple months. And Abram wasn’t the one he hated. It was Viktor, with his smugness, the way he looked down on him. The man thought he was better than him. Which was ridiculous. Viktor’s father had been a common criminal, a thug.

  “That’s it for now. You wanted me to call with updates on them.” His contact sounded annoyed.

  “What about Viktor?” He couldn’t keep the disgust out of his voice.

  “What about him? He never brings women around.”

  He knew that. Viktor seemed to prefer paying whores, which was no use to him. He needed to find the man’s weakness and a woman would be the best one there was. Men became stupid over women. He didn’t let his disappointment show. “This is good. Thank you for the update.” Even though it wasn’t what he wanted, he liked to keep his contact happy because he never knew when he might get something useful.

  “I’ll be in touch when I have anything else.”

sp; He ended the call. There was no need to talk any longer. He’d approached the man he’d been using for information because he knew of the man’s secret addiction to strip clubs. Pathetic, really. Spending all that money for nothing except some grinding and maybe a blow job in a back room.

  But the man was risking a lot by crossing the Ivanov brothers. They’d been careful though. No one would ever figure out he was getting information on them, building up a reserve of information he might be able to use.

  Because Viktor would pay for taking from him.

  Chapter 3

  Dominique glanced up as her boss, Porter, stepped out of his office. He’d been here earlier than her this morning, which was pretty unusual, especially for a Monday.

  Their two offices were connected by a big door and they both had huge windows overlooking the city. The elevators opened right up into her office space where she was the basic ‘guard’ for Porter. Not that he really needed one. He oversaw one of their security divisions so the only people who ever came to see him were employees directly under his purview. Or potential new clients, but he usually met with them in one of the conference rooms down the hall.

  “You don’t have any meetings until ten,” she reminded him. It didn’t matter that she updated his online calendar—and had synced it to his email account and phone so he got hourly alerts—he still sometimes forgot stuff. He’d once told her it was because he was getting old, which was ridiculous since she was pretty sure he was only thirty-four. She had a feeling his forgetfulness had more to do with his one-year-old son who hadn’t been sleeping through the night lately.

  “I know. I forgot to tell you I’ve got someone coming in. It has to do with what happened to Raegan. Would you get some coffee and refreshments for us?”

  “Of course,” she said, automatically standing. “Do you have news about who drugged her?” Her friend had been drugged on Friday night. And Raegan was Porter’s cousin so of course he’d be involved in finding out what happened to her.


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