Love Thy Enemy

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Love Thy Enemy Page 12

by Katie Reus

  Lyosha nodded again. “Good. The chef is about to piss his pants, if he hasn’t already. I’ll make sure they know they’ll be compensated for their silence.”

  Viktor nodded. It would be easier this way, less messy. He didn’t want Dominique dragged into anything and she didn’t deserve to get hauled to the police station where she’d be questioned for hours. No, she should be at his home, safe and resting. Her condo was easy to breach so that wasn’t an option. He needed her where he could control the environment more. “I’ll go talk to Dominique but I want you to take her to my home.”

  Lyosha’s eyebrows raised. “I should be with you.”

  “I need someone I trust with her. I need to know she’s safe while I’m dealing with the cops.” And Lyosha had been his driver for years, had joined him after he’d split from his father’s organization.

  “Fine. But are you sure you can trust her?” There was no malice in the question, the only reason Viktor reined in his temper.

  “Why?” Viktor wondered if his brother had said something about their history, but he immediately dismissed that. Abram would never betray his confidence.

  Lyosha glanced around at his men and barked out an order for them to start taking fingerprints of the dead guys, before he turned back to Viktor. “I know the type of woman you like.” He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. “No disrespect. I just don’t know if you should completely trust someone like her, even if she’s yours now.”

  He blinked, realizing Lyosha had misunderstood him before. “She’s not an escort—never was. She works for Red Stone. She is my…she’s mine.”

  Now Lyosha cursed, as if that was worse than what he’d originally assumed.

  Just to get another rise out of him because it was so rare, Viktor added, “She’s Porter Caldwell’s assistant.”

  “You’re fucking insane,” he muttered. “She works for those Boy Scouts?”

  He didn’t answer, just tilted his head in the direction of one of the employee doors. He needed to see for himself that she was okay and then convince her she should go with Lyosha. From what he knew of her, he figured Dominique would argue and want to stay, but it wasn’t happening. He wanted her gone, mainly because he didn’t want the police to tie her to him. He’d been legit for a while but he didn’t want to give some asshole cop an excuse to harass the woman he’d fallen for.

  Hurrying down the hallway, he texted Kir to let him know they were on their way. As they reached the door to the storage room, Kir peered out, his weapon in hand.

  The door quickly shot open and Dominique practically shoved Kir out of the way as she hurried to him. Later he’d have to tell her that she couldn’t do that—that in a situation like this she needed to remain behind one of his men at all times until they knew for a fact that everything was clear, but…he liked the worry for him he saw on her face.

  Not the actual worry, but he liked that she cared for him enough to be concerned.

  “Are you okay?” She grabbed his upper arms, looking him up and down, her body slightly trembling.

  “I’m fine.” He pulled her into his arms, needing to comfort her, to actually hold her. She was heaven in his arms, soft and sweet and his.

  It was a foreign sensation to comfort another person, but he smoothed a hand down her spine and murmured to her in Russian. He knew she wouldn’t understand and he truly didn’t give a shit that Lyosha and Kir could understand him. If she played him for a fool he’d deal with the fallout. Right now, the only thing he knew was that his woman was upset and he needed to reassure her.

  “What happened?” Her voice was muffled, her face buried against his chest.

  “Not sure yet.” He couldn’t give her any details, not now. Getting her out of here was the most important thing.

  She pulled back to look at him, just a hint of tears glistening in her dark eyes. “I was so worried about you,” she whispered.

  He cupped her cheek and brushed his lips over hers. He knew they didn’t have time for this, but he just wanted a taste, to reassure her the situation was under control. “Everything’s okay,” he murmured, pulling back. “I need you to go with Lyosha. He’s going to take you to my place. I’ve got to stay and talk to the cops but I’ll tell you anything you want to know when I get there.”

  She took a step back, her eyebrows drawing together. “I should be here to talk to the police too.”

  “No.” She frowned at his abruptness but he needed her gone. Now.


  “Kir’s taken the other two. They’re fine leaving.” Lyosha’s voice made them both turn.

  Viktor noticed that Dominique stepped closer to him—away from Lyosha. “See, they’re gone too. It’ll be easier with you gone as well. No questions from the police, no making a report, nothing. You can go and relax and—”

  “And leave you to deal with everything by yourself?” she demanded, turning her full attention to him again. “I’m staying.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “No. You’re not.” Damn it, he needed her safe. He was used to people following his orders. Always. “If you stay you’ll have to lie to the police about the other two not being here. Because they’re gone now.”

  She bit her bottom lip and looked over at the doorway of the storage room. The others had left through the other exit, likely already in a vehicle driven by Kir. “Fine. He can just take me home, then.”

  “You’re going to my place where I know you’re safe.” That wasn’t up for debate. None of this was. He also wanted her where they could pick up where they’d left off. He wanted her in his bed and moaning out his name as he brought her to climax.

  She poked at his chest. “Unless you’re planning on kidnapping me—”

  “I’ll do what it takes to keep you safe,” he ground out. “I have no idea what tonight was about, who those guys were. So you’re going with Lyosha to my place.”

  Her eyes widened. “What if I say no? You’ll seriously just kidnap me?”

  He bent down, got right in her face even as he hated the anger—and fear—he saw there. Because it was directed at him. “I will do what it takes to keep you safe,” he repeated. “If that means tying you up and hauling you to my home, I’ll do it. Don’t test me.”

  She watched him for a long moment, then glanced at Lyosha, who was looking anywhere but at them. Finally she turned back to Viktor and shoved him in the chest. “You’re a bastard.”

  “I know. But I’ll be damned if you get hurt because of me.” He wanted to comfort her, to kiss her, to do something other than basically kidnap her, but he didn’t have time right now for reassuring words. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  After a quick nod at Lyosha, he headed back the way he’d come. Dealing with the cops always made him edgy, but it was something that had to be taken care of.

  As soon as it was, he’d go home and face Dominique’s wrath. He hated that she was angry at him, but he’d rather deal with that than see her dead from a bullet.

  He would keep her safe. Even if she hated him for it. Because after tonight he knew she meant way too much to him already. All he wanted to do right now was take her back to his place and make love to her until they both passed out. To claim her so that she knew who she belonged to.

  Chapter 13

  “You should get some rest.” Lyosha, who’d brought her back to Viktor’s palatial place, had taken off his jacket so that his shoulder holster and guns were showing. He was standing at the window in the living room—one of the living rooms—that faced the big driveway.

  She’d been worried they should stay away from windows after that attack but he’d assured her that no one would get past the front gate and security.

  At first Dominique had been terrified of the guy, and while she was super annoyed with him for forcing her to come here, she’d realized he definitely wasn’t going to hurt her. He’d been careful to not even touch her on the way here. And he’d actually been pretty decent, trying to ge
t her to relax. As if that was possible.

  “I’m not doing anything until I talk to Viktor,” she said. And rip him a new one. She couldn’t believe him; couldn’t believe he’d pretty much kidnapped her and had her sent here by one of his men instead of letting her talk to the police. From everything Lizzy had told her, he wasn’t doing anything illegal with his businesses so she couldn’t understand his reluctance to let her talk to the police. He’d clearly done nothing wrong—he’d been a victim. Some guys had opened up fire at one his hotels. The whole thing was crazy.

  The man made her crazy.

  “You should listen better,” he muttered. A flash of light illuminated him by the window, as if from headlights. The long driveway ended in a huge half-circle in front of the house but there was a four-car garage as well.

  Hope bloomed inside her that it was Viktor. It was well after midnight so he should be back anytime. Or she assumed he would be. She snorted at Lyosha’s words. “You think I should be a better kidnapping victim?”

  He made an annoyed sound in his throat. “You should listen better to Viktor. He’s just looking out for you. He needs his woman not to question him.”

  A burst of surprised laughter escaped. “Oh my God, you did not just say that. Like what, I should be one of his employees and just jump when he says something? Relationships don’t work like that. Not since the nineteen fifties.” Not that she knew from experience, not really. But she’d at least had a good example from her parents—until everything went pear-shaped. And it wasn’t like she and Viktor were even in a relationship. She’d thought they might be heading that way—until tonight. Now she just wanted to smack him.

  “No, you’re a woman. You need to let him take care of you.” Frowning, he pulled out his cell phone. Whatever he read on the screen had the tension in his shoulders completely easing up.

  “Oh sweet Lord, so you’re a sexist,” she muttered. “Just great.” She stood, determined to find Viktor. Because she was pretty sure he was back, if Lyosha’s body language and the flash of headlights were any indication.

  He pinned her with a penetrating stare. “I’m not sexist. I just think—”

  “I really, really don’t care what you think. Where’s Viktor?”

  He lifted a big shoulder.

  “Fine. I’ll find him myself.” She swiveled and headed out of the room. She’d taken her heels off hours ago but was still in her dress. The hardwood floor of the foyer was cool against her feet. She hadn’t gotten a tour of the place but she could pretty much guarantee Viktor wasn’t up the stairs to her right.

  There was a huge formal dining room across from the living room she’d just been in, and another door on the other side of it. It had to extend to the rest of the house, and since the garage was on the other side—

  “Come on.” Lyosha fell in step with her. “I’ll take you to him.”

  She hurried after him as he continued to the dining room at a fast clip. “I’m surprised you’re taking me.”

  “It’s better than you running all over this place, getting into things that don’t concern you.” He shot her a dark look as he opened the swinging door connected to the dining room.

  She just rolled her eyes and strode past him into what turned out to be a huge, gorgeous kitchen. Everything in it appeared new.

  She didn’t get a chance to appreciate any of it before Lyosha ushered her through it to a hallway. Then another one, until he knocked on a heavy-looking wood door with intricate carvings on the outside. It was custom and beautiful.

  Viktor opened the door a moment later and much to her annoyance her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. She could see Abram behind him, leaning against a big desk. Viktor’s eyes widened at the sight of her, then he glared at Lyosha. He growled something in Russian but thankfully Lyosha answered in English.

  “I told her to take one of the guest bedrooms and offered her new clothes. She said no.” He looked at her, seemingly for confirmation.

  She nodded, even though a small part of her wanted to throw him under the bus. He was just doing his job and she wasn’t going to hold it against him. Even if he annoyed her with his sexist bullshit. “We need to talk,” she said to Viktor as the door opened even wider.

  His brother stepped past her, giving her an unreadable look as he motioned that Lyosha should come with him.

  Viktor moved back so she could enter. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this.” For a moment he looked as if he would reach for her, but he let his arms drop. His voice was as exhausted as his expression.

  Which made her feel bad. She wanted to comfort him, to wrap her arms around him. But not until they hashed some things out. “I’m really not happy with you, but first…were any of your men hurt? Are you okay with the police?”

  “None of my guys were injured and yes, I’m fine. They just had a lot of questions and had to deal with the bodies. It was very time-consuming.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” She smacked his upper arm once. “But I’m not okay with you kidnapping me.”

  His jaw tightened as he looked down at her. Without her heels on he actually towered over her. Instead of using his height difference against her, he sighed and went to sit on the edge of the desk. “I’m sorry, Dominique.”

  The way he said her name sent a shiver of awareness through her. She fought against her reaction. She came to stand in front of him, hating how tired he looked. “Why didn’t you let me stay?”

  “I just… I didn’t want you there, not with the cops and the whole parade of people I knew would be there.”

  “Why not? You’re not into anything illegal, right?”

  “Not anymore.”

  She nodded once. “I know that.”

  His lips curved up, his smile wry. “Your guys down at Red Stone tell you that?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “More or less. So what’s the deal, for real? You think I can’t handle a few questions from the police?”

  “I didn’t want you to have to. I didn’t want you on their radar at all.” His words were as harsh as his expression. There was no give there. Now he didn’t look tired, just angry and frustrated. “I didn’t want you linked to all that death, to me.”

  “That’s stupid. I’m a big girl, I’ve dealt with a lot in my life and—”

  “I know!” He shoved up from the desk but she didn’t back down. “I just didn’t want you to have to deal with anything else. There was nothing you could tell them, no need for you to be there. I just…wanted you safe.” He practically growled the last couple words, his big, sexy body vibrating with tension.

  “That’s not fair.”

  He blinked. “What isn’t?”

  She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him, taking him off guard if the way he jolted at her touch was any indication. “I’ve worked up a lot of anger at you the last few hours. I’m still not happy and I seriously hope there’s not a next time for this kind of thing, but if there is, just include me in whatever happens. You don’t need to protect me.”

  He smoothed a hand down her spine. “I want to.”

  She liked the way he held her, how secure he made her feel. “Will you tell me what happened tonight? Or who attacked your hotel?”

  Sighing, he pulled back and motioned to one of the chairs. She didn’t want to move away from him so she tugged him until he sat, then she sat on his lap. He seemed surprised by it but she didn’t care. She might be annoyed with him, but she still couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. She wasn’t sure what cologne he used but the subtle, masculine scent wrapped around her as he sighed. Looking into his face now, it was hard to remember that she’d once been afraid of this man, that she’d hated him.

  “Men with guns attacked my hotel. There were half a dozen of them and I don’t know who they are or who they worked for. But we’re looking into it. We…took their fingerprints. I know the police will do their job, but my people are better equipped. And I
need to know who did this.” His jaw tightened, his rage clear.

  Dominique placed a gentle hand on his chest and shifted slightly against him. His grip around her tightened, his eyes darkening a fraction. His erection was evident but she couldn’t focus on that now. “Do you have any ideas?”

  He paused and she could see the indecision on his face. “Ideas, yes. The attack was bold, which does narrow it down.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  He nodded, his expression wary as he watched her. “I’m not letting you leave my place.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “Until I figure out who was behind the attack, you’re staying with me.” His grip on her tightened as if he thought she might bolt.

  “Will someone at least go to my place to get my clothes?”

  He blinked, his grip loosening a fraction. “You’re not arguing?”

  “Well, I don’t like your tendency to tell me what to do.”

  “I think you like it a little,” he murmured, his voice dropping an octave. His gaze dipped to her mouth, his expression going heated.

  She felt that look all the way to her core. Heat flooded her as she shifted against him again. “Maybe I like it in the bedroom.” She was pretty sure she would anyway. “But not outside it.”


  “Look, I don’t want to die, and if someone’s targeting you—and they obviously didn’t care that I’m with you—then I’ll stay here for now. But I’m going to work Monday.” She needed to make sure he knew that before they started kissing and she completely lost any sensible thoughts.

  His lips pulled into a thin line but he nodded, one hand sliding up her leg, dipping under the hem of her dress as he moved over her upper thigh.

  She sucked in a little breath, enjoying the feel of his callused fingers stroking her skin. She wondered how high he would move.


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