The troll had been brought to its knees and its rage subsided, Thunder looked down upon his defeated foe as he hovered in the air victorious, his wings were spread wide, his posture was broad, his red eyes began to sparkle and his golden scales glowed so brightly that Yoshihiro and all his men had to shield their eyes as the dragons glow became blinding. “Die, vile beast, and never come back.” And with one mighty blast, green dragon fire engulfed the trolls head, cremating the flesh until only the skull remained.
The troll dropped to the floor causing a mighty thud that was felt across the open plain and the War Hogs roared in celebration again at another victory. Hiroki, Yoshihiro, and the commanders looked on in admiration at the power of Thunder, the baby dragon they had watched grow for years.
Thunder flew to Hiroki and fell to the floor. “I think I used too much power, my wings won’t move.”
“Don’t worry, you can have all the rest you want,” whispered Hiroki as he wrapped his arms around his friend that he had reared since birth and raised with love and care.
The bond between Hiroki and his dragon was strong and had been built upon a foundation of love and trust, and as the young swordsman squeezed his dragon tight and kissed him lovingly, Yoshihiro couldn’t help but smile and speak from the heart. “The two of you . . . The two of you may very well be the saviour the Centre Plate needs so desperately.”
Tawarkion stepped forth. “Sorry to interrupt, but Vinnakeon and I didn’t come to your aid out of luck.”
“Well said,” confirmed Vinnakeon. “We came to warn you! You’ve been had. Darius approaches with three thousand men. He knew the battle would weaken you, he means to finish you off!”
Yoshihiro clenched his fists; he did not expect such a bold move from a weaker foe. “Then let him come, we will fight and win again!”
Some hours had passed since the War Hogs victory against the opposing warlords and monstrous trolls that had descended upon them, the War Hogs were wounded and fatigued from battle and remained on the bloody field of which they had slaughtered their foes. Thunder had not regained his strength from his clash with the troll and it seemed as though the power he had used was clearly excessive and tiering for the young the dragon, Thunder laid next to Hiroki who was petting him lovingly within a circle headed by Yoshihiro as he addressed his War Hogs.
Yoshihiro knew another battle was unavoidable as Darius approached, furthermore his love, Vanya had still not appeared which worried him. If Vanya was making her way atop of her mighty dragon, she should have arrived some time ago. Tawarkion also told of how Darius now commanded three thousand men, as opposed to the original seventeen hundred that was previously reported.
“Three thousand, how has Darius acquired three thousand?” asked Yoshihiro.
“Well, we found out that Darius had been buying up prisoners and criminals who were set for execution in rival towns and villages,” declared Vinnakeon. “Darius would buy them and in exchange for their lives they would offer Darius service within his army. Smart idea really.”
“And you only found this out recently?”
“Yes actually, when we began rallying up Darius soldiers, that’s when we had realised his true numbers. He kept his plan a secret, even from me.”
The War Hogs were in a dire situation and Yoshihiro knew this, he turned to Ragrim. “How many men have we lost?”
“A few hundred were injured or killed in our battle against the warlords, that monstrous fucking troll that did the damage. I’d say combining the dead with the wounded . . . were down over a thousand men.”
An awkward silence befell the circle of commanders until Jadar rose. “Well, the outcome is obvious; we meet Darius head on and fight.”
“What we need to do is dig in right here.” suggested Crow. “Were down over a thousand men and everyone is tired and hungry. To make matters worse, Tatsuya fucked off and Archie hasn’t regained consciousness yet, he’s in a bad way and needs help now!”
Terrance stepped forward. “I can lead the shield wall defences and buy you all enough time to launch one final attack, I’m hurt but I can still fight!”
Yoshihiro agreed, he knew the best they could do is ready themselves defensively and wait for Darius’s inevitable attack. “Vanya will be here . . . I know she will.” Yoshihiro’s tone was more hopeful than factual. “Vinnakeon, Tawarkion . . . why did you come here? Why did you help us?”
“I still desire seclusion and will walk my own path shortly, not before helping you first my friend, I should have joined you years ago. My greed and Darius’s flattery bested me. I will help you win this battle and rid the map of the vile Darius. Tawarkion here, also felt the same way,” declared Vinnakeon.
Tawarkion finally revealed his desires too. “As you know, my king and queen sent a spy to the East to monitor the situation there, as fears of an invasion rose, I was sent to the centre to report back on affairs here.” Tawarkion rose and gazed upon the sky seemingly pondering his experiences. “Us woodlanders decided to familiarise ourselves with the world and take it on, rather than hide from it in our great forest. We will not be victims anymore. Serving Darius has provided more than enough insight on the current state of affairs on Centre Plate. I will return to my king and queen after I help you win this battle. Slaughtering that vile man is the right thing to do . . . one less monster to worry about.”
“Before we battle again, I need you to do something for me.” Yoshihiro asked Tawarkion desperately. “There’s a large land lion injured over there with a wound to its stomach, Jerome set it upon me in battle, I had no choice but to defend myself. Please heal it, I know of how woodlanders are one with nature and can heal wild beats, please, take me to the lion and heal it . . . I wish to tame it and make it mine.”
Tawarkion smiled. “You’re a complex one, aren’t you Yoshihiro. Fine, it would be a pleasure.”
“Well, let’s set the wheels in motion, Darius will be here shortly,” advised Vinnakeon who had regained his strength from his teleportation and barrier spells. “I will aid you in combat as well as protect Archie as best I can.”
“Thank you, my friend. Now . . . battle formations,” roared Yoshihiro at his men.
The War Hogs began to rally themselves up one last time, incredibly as tired, wounded, and hungry as they were, these mighty warriors began to rise again. The thousands of soldiers had taken up a mass defensive formation upon the blood red battlefield and formed a giant circular shield wall.
Jadar and Crow formed part of the front wave amongst the defensive soldiers and had armed themselves with shields and spears, ready to repel the charge from Darius’s men. The second circular wave of defence was led by Ragrim, again they too were armed with spears and shields and Ragrim’s hammer had begun to sparkle slightly once more and it seemed as though perhaps the mighty dwarf could rally one last mighty thunderous hammer attack. Deep in the centre of the circular formation, Hiroki armed himself with his katana, he was ready to charge in when needed, Tawarkion was given the remaining ruby tipped arrows for the last flurry of explosive shots and Vinnakeon stood within the centre next to the wounded Archie, ready to unleash his fierce elven magic once more.
“Let me see to this lion,” suggested Tawarkion.
The woodlander and Yoshihiro approached the lion who remained injured and in pain. The lion was nervous and roared furiously as the two warriors approached. “Let me help you,” whispered Tawarkion as his eyes and hands began to glow a mysterious green.
“I told you, I will give you a life worthy of a mighty beast,” declared Yoshihiro as he locked eyes with the lion.
Yoshihiro slowly raised his hand and stroked the lion’s mane. Incredibly, the lion licked the hand of Yoshihiro as if it knew of the swordsman’s desire to help it and the fact he had spared its life.
Tawarkion’s hands began to glow green, and everyone watched in wonder at the woodlander's healing abilities. The hands of the woodlander were glowing magnificently and the aura illuminated the inner circle of the Wa
r Hogs, he placed his hands upon the wound of the lion and ran them across the deep gash, caressing the wound softly as the lion laid in wait, the wound began to heal and to everyone’s amazement within minutes the lion had been healed.
“All done,” declared Tawarkion. “The rest is up to you.”
Yoshihiro stood in wait as the lion rose up and glared upon him, everyone looked on in fear as the giant lion that was the size of a horse gazed upon Yoshihiro, licking its lips and baring its teeth. The lion approached Yoshihiro slowly, never taking its red eyes off him and in an act of submissive gratitude the lion leaned back and sat on its hind legs, one step away from Yoshihiro and bowed its head.
“I’ve never seen such a thing,” whispered Tawarkion.
It seemed as though there had been a bond forged between the lion and Yoshihiro, a bond between man and beast and perhaps the lion sensed that Yoshihiro had not wanted to strike it down. Yoshihiro gazed into the lion's eyes and as Hiroki looked on, it was as if the lion was a natural reflection of Yoshihiro himself, both were fierce, both were proud and both dominated battlefields. Yoshihiro graced the top of the lion's head and the lion rose again, rubbing its mane into Yoshihiro’s face, seemingly applying its scent over its chosen owner.
Yoshihiro smiled. “I’d be happy to have you. Come, join me mighty beast, together will roam the lands, you’ll never be a slave again.”
Yoshihiro who still held the power cube placed the magnificent artefact into the saddle bag of the lion and mounted upon the lions back, the lion roared, seemingly declaring its acceptance of Yoshihiro and hoisted itself high into the air on its hind legs roaring even louder and the War Hogs cheered for their leader. “Now my War Hogs, the fat scum Darius means to ambush us while where weakened, he thinks we're here for the taking, well I say no, NEVER!”
“Arm yourselves men!” roared Terrance.
Yoshihiro continued, “We will emerge victorious again and slaughter him. He, and the entire map will know of us and feel the wrath from our swords and spears.” Again the War Hogs roared and cheered for their leader. “Now, right here, we feast on death again. This moment of glory is yours, so go and take it and carve your names into legend upon the world of Dragons Continent!”
Thunderous gallops were heard off into the distance, roars of men bellowed, the ground rumbled, and a mighty force had emerged to meet the War Hogs in combat.
Darius’s army had made their way to the bloody plain and arrived onto the battlefield, donning well-crafted chainmail, thick sturdy half helms, blood stained gauntlets and a vast array of brutish axes, swords, and spears. None of Darius’s soldiers bore shields as it seemed as though their confidence in the belief that the War Hogs would be too tired to mount a successful counter attack seemed rife throughout their ranks, though not even Darius could have envisioned his rival warlords unleashing a troll onto the battlefield to cause such havoc. Darius wore a traditional steel breastplate as well as gauntlets, greaves and sabatons, the steel was old and looked well tested, in fact it had begun to lose its colour slightly, it turned black in sections like well-aged prison chains and there were slight patches of rust present in the corners and joints furthermore proving Darius was far from the active warrior he once was. Atop of Darius’s half helm was an exquisite carving of a rat’s head, this was the only item that Darius kept clean and probably even polished the helm himself.
The wicked warlord seemed cock sure of victory, his bannermen bore smug smirks of pending victory as they hoisted the black and yellow banners high into the air and the gluttonous rat that was sewn into the flags also seemed to sit confident.
From Yoshihiro’s side of the field the mass wall of chainmail and black and yellow flags posed a seemingly impossible challenge to overcome as his War Hog stood wounded, hungry and tired.
A horn was heard which bellowed from one of Darius’s men as the soldier blew hard, the warlord made his way on horseback towards the War Hogs, he rode his black destrier fast, seemingly wanting to commence the battle quickly and he halted just in front of the circular shield wall, he looked down upon Yoshihiro and smirked. “Tough battle Yoshihiro?”
“Tougher than anything you’ve experienced.” snapped Yoshihiro.
Darius looked down upon all the War Hogs and laughed, his gluttonous greedy laugh was heard throughout the open plain. “Don’t look so surprised swordsman, this was always meant to be, I should have killed you years ago . . . better late than never.”
“You talk like that battle is over.”
Darius laughed loudly again, seemingly enjoying his moment of dominance. “Oh, but it is Yoshihiro. Look upon your men, they're wounded, tired and hungry . . . You can’t possibly win. But at least you got to ride a lion before you died.”
“Until my head is severed, you haven’t won anything you fat swine!”
“Oh, but I have you, arrogant cunt! See I planned this, I knew you’d jump at the chance to get your hands on a power cube and slaughter two warlords . . . do you think I’d turn down a chance to slaughter you after . . . I knew I could pounce as soon as the battle was over—”
“Then let’s find out! Roared Vinnakeon sharply.
Darius glared at the elf. “You! You traitorous fuck . . . hope you die upon this field because if not . . . the things I’ll have done to you in my jail!”
“You may have the upper hand, Darius, but you're no warrior. I wouldn’t celebrate just yet,” said Tawarkion.
“You’re a fool woodlander. I’ll place your head upon a spike when this is done. Tell me, why did you join them.”
Tawarkion gazed into the enraged eyes of the warlord and retorted fiercely. “Because Yoshihiro and his people are brave and honourable. True, they have killed many but, in a world filled with monsters, there’s no harm in becoming one yourself to serve justice. Soon the East will invade and seek to slaughter as all, I believe Yoshihiro and Hiroki can unify the races of Centre Plate and save us all, at least that’s what I will tell my king and queen.”
“Hah! Bullshit.” scoffed Darius who looked upon Hiroki and noticed his dragon. “What is that? I had no idea you were in possession of such a beast, boy.”
“I’ll burn you to a crisp before you lay a finger on anyone here you bastard,” yelped Thunder.
“We will see about that little dragon. I know dragons only listen to the commands of the beings that they have imprinted on, but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll learn to serve me when Hiroki here is my prisoner and his life is in my hands!” Darius turned his horse around and spoke for the last time as he departed. “These are your lost moments, enjoy them.”
The black destrier carried Darius back to his men who were now ready to attack.
Another horn was blown to signal Darius’s attack, the heavy armoured brutes charged directly towards the wounded War Hogs as they braced themselves for yet another battle. The warlord’s horses galloped ever closer with their sharp spears pointed directly at Hiroki and his commanders, Hiroki looked upon the pending assault knowing the odds this time were stacked against them Is this it? Is this really how it ends? To be bested by that monster Darius?
Darius’s charge edged closer and Hiroki could make out the fat warlord leading the charge on the front-line, grinning in delight at his own ruthless cunning. Hiroki looked down upon the blood-soaked ground and hoped for a miracle and then, as if his hopes had been answered, a monstrous roar was heard!
Darius and his men stopped in their tracks. “Halt!” commanded Darius. The roar was heard again only this time it seemed closer. The loud roar was unlike anything Hiroki had ever heard and even the horses began to tremble. “What the fuck was that?” roared Darius again as a blood curdling roar was heard and the sounds of a stampede seemed to be coming from behind Darius’s men. Darius roared, “Yoshihiro, what have you done? What madness is this?”
Hiroki noticed a smile upon Yoshihiro’s face who began marching his land lion towards Darius. “You’d better run . . . she’s here!”
Before Darius cou
ld respond a monstrous shriek was heard again and seemed to come from above, way beyond the clouds, and before Darius could turn he felt a cool breeze kiss the back of his neck, as for the first time it seemed as though the clouds had covered the sun, however upon looking up the wicked warlord found himself gazing upon a dragon, so large that high in the sky it blocked the sun's rays!
The dragon descended upon the battlefield unleashing blasts of mighty dragon fire and burning hundreds of Darius men to ashes as they cried out in horrific pain, the fire was black and battered against the men like a blazing hot cloud of death, the huge dragon propelled itself back into the air and Darius noticed a woman mounted upon the scales of the dragon, commanding it gallantly. The dragon was fully grown, and was a sight to behold. Yoshihiro still looked on with a smile; he knew the dragon and its rider. It was his love, the fearsome elven warrior Vanya. The dragon's name was Silva, and of the three dragons that the elves commanded, Silva was the biggest!
Silva’s body was covered in silver scales that were thick and never lost their shine, soaring through the air the dragon looked more like a shining comet, the scales around his hind legs, head and neck were jet black. Silva’s fire was rare, it was black and looked more like smoke, again the dragon flew down to burn more soldiers to a crisp. The dragon’s body was hardened with scales thicker than most other dragons, even with its dragon fire, much like his rider Vanya, Silva preferred to crash into battles and use his physical power to kill his foes, which is what the dragon did upon his third attack, the ground rumbled beneath the fearsome silver dragon as he landed.
Killing Monsters Page 25