The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 6

by S M Mala

  ‘I can’t sit in a classroom of children for the rest of my life and pretend I care when I don’t.’

  ‘It can open so many doors for you,’ sighed Louisa. ‘You’re a smart woman. You should set your sights higher.’

  ‘Like you sleeping with your old man boss?’ grimaced Hatty. ‘He’s married with children.’

  ‘He loves me.’

  ‘That’s what they all say plus his wife lives in Washington and he’s here for how long?’

  ‘Until all the systems are set up and that might take a year.’

  ‘He’s having fun.’

  ‘You’re so black and white about everything!’ snapped Louisa.

  Hatty realised she’d offended her friend.

  ‘I didn’t mean to upset you but I care, that’s all. I don’t want to see you get hurt by anyone.’

  ‘Hatty don’t judge me. I’m happy and, well, it may not be perfect but let me have this for a moment.’

  ‘So you have sex with the man?’ smirked Hatty, leaning closer to her friend looking straight at her. ‘Is he good?’

  ‘He’s massive!’ laughed Louisa as Hatty grimaced. ‘Being an alleged virgin, you’ve yet to experience the delights of hot loving.’

  ‘Nothing wrong with being virtuous,’ she smiled, sitting up. ‘I wear white and I mean it.’

  ‘You wear white because it makes you look like an angel and not like the demon you really are. Me surprised ya not drop ya food on it yet,’ giggled Louisa as Hatty grinned. ‘What’s going on with you?’

  ‘Nothing,’ shrugged Hatty. ‘Working, playing and moaning. Same old, same old.’

  ‘My brother says you’re up to more mischief.’

  ‘Philip should keep his mouth shut.’

  ‘I hear Murray Logan’s son is very good looking,’ Louisa said and Hatty knew from the tone of her voice she was snooping.

  ‘Who told you?’

  ‘Little bird.’

  ‘The little bird called Philip?’

  ‘Little bird said Mr Logan junior is very fond of the local girls. You know he’s been in town a few times with his friends. Some of the girls I work with said they knew it was him immediately.’

  ‘He’s not a film star!’ snapped Hatty, biting hard on her lip. ‘He’s a slut!’

  ‘You spoke to him?’ she whispered.

  ‘Not much.’

  ‘Hatty is he really that handsome?’

  ‘Just because he’s beautiful doesn’t mean he’s nice!’ She watched her friend look at her for a moment in astonishment. ‘It’s true!’

  ‘‘e dat good lookin’? Aye gal why ya blush?’

  ‘If I spoke to you like that you’d tell me off for taking the piss,’ she huffed.

  ‘My parents are from here and I, even with my American birth right and upbringing, have lived here longer than you. Whereas you were just born here and went off to London so you can’t speak like me. You’re all lah dee dah,’ laughed Louisa. Hatty knew she was looking at her closely. ‘Why me tink ya not tellin’ me sumtin?’

  ‘He’s screwing that slut Gina Glory Glory Morgan,’ said Hatty defiantly. ‘And he’s kissing and touching her up in front of everyone. God knows where she’s been.’

  ‘You still hate her after all this time?’ Louisa giggled. ‘It was years ago all that stuff.’

  ‘I’ve not forgotten about Gina Glory Glory.’

  Hatty felt angry just thinking about the bitch.

  ‘She doesn’t like you because she’s jealous that’s all,’ said Louisa quietly. ‘She bullied you because she knew she could and you let her.’

  ‘She’s nasty.’ Then Hatty went silent for a moment. ‘And because of Simon.’

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘It’s true. She blames me.’

  ‘She a fool!’

  ‘Everyone thinks it,’ Hatty mumbled.

  ‘Gina is beautiful but she hasn’t had all the opportunities you’ve had. Her beauty is the only way she can get through in the world and we know she’ll find a rich man.’

  ‘It better not be Jake Logan,’ Hatty blurted out as Louisa smiled. ‘Only because his father told me he wouldn’t allow his son to be with a person of colour and no class.’

  ‘That man a hypocrite!’

  ‘I know! I tried to tell my aunt that he-.’

  ‘Hatty don’t say anything to Delores!’ Louisa hissed. ‘She’d get very upset with you.’

  ‘I told him he wasn’t a very nice man. I told her that I knew he goes off with black women on different islands.’

  ‘You didn’t!’

  ‘To be honest, I didn’t finish off my sentence as she shouted me down.’

  ‘Hatty! Ya mout’ gonna get ya into trouble!’

  ‘Why? You told me that!’

  ‘If you upset Murray Logan then you’ll find you and your aunt on the streets!’

  ‘I don’t-.’ Hatty noticed a group of white tourists outside another restaurant then realised Jake Logan was sitting with them. ‘Bollocks!’

  ‘What?’ said Louisa, looking around to see who she was scowling at.

  ‘Jake Logan’s there with his friends,’ she mumbled and sank into her seat. ‘The white group of people with sunburn.’

  ‘Which one is he?’

  ‘The one surrounded by women,’ sniffed Hatty, hoping he hadn’t seen her. ‘Brown hair, tan and teeth. Straw hat.’

  ‘Oh my!’ giggled Louisa. ‘He gorgeous. Me see why you like him.’

  ‘I don’t,’ she hissed. ‘Let’s get the bill and go.’

  They quickly paid and Hatty escorted Louisa back to the office, depositing her at the entrance.

  ‘So you’ll call me when you get home?’ asked Louisa. ‘And no disappearing.’

  ‘I can get from A to B without getting lost.’

  ‘Straight home.’

  ‘It’s only just gone three, I’ve got hours.’

  ‘Delores will only call up and interrogate me. I want to avoid that because your aunt can be pretty scary. Go home and keep out of trouble unless you want to buy a new dress,’ sniggered Louisa.

  ‘All that sex is making you stupid,’ smirked Hatty.

  She hugged and kissed her friend before heading towards the taxi rank.

  She realised she’d have to go past the marina to get there. Hatty tried to figure out another way but realised it was a waste time. Looking straight ahead and putting on her sunglasses, she walked quickly along the pathway and past the restaurant, sheepishly glancing at him before smiling.

  He ignored her.

  Jake did a double take when he saw her walking with another woman in the marina. She looked absolutely stunning. It was the first time the woman wasn’t wearing her dungarees. He waited for her to eventually walk past, all the time trying not to show his friends he was distracted. Hatty marched quickly and kept her head down. He noticed she thought no one would notice her but there were heads turning constantly as the beauty seemed oblivious to the looks of admiration.

  Then she glanced at him and smiled.

  Hatty stood at the taxi rank and, for a moment, was relieved then a little confused. He ignored her. She suddenly felt put out he didn’t bother to say anything. Hatty discreetly turned around to see the group of men and women laughing loudly, like the tourists they were.

  Then it hit her.

  Jake had simply snubbed her!

  Deflated, she waited for the next available taxi.

  ‘Hello me beautiful,’ the man said, leaning across the passenger seat and tapping it. ‘Want to sit ‘ere?’

  ‘Nah,’ she replied and opened the door sitting in the back. ‘Logan Estate please.’

  ‘Ya goin’ ‘ome?’

  ‘Yep, me da housekeeper,’ she replied.

  ‘Ha Ha Hatty, ya no more da housekeeper dan me de queen of England,’ the man laughed out. Just as she was about to shut the door, Jake ran in, pushing her further down the seat as he sat next to her. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Getting home and
I haven’t got enough for a cab. I take it you have?’

  ‘Yes,’ she mumbled, trying hard not to smile at seeing him.

  Then she couldn’t help it and grinned as he grinned back.

  They sat in silence on the journey home other than Jake mumbling as he past various rum shops.

  ‘No,’ he said. ‘Yes,’ he continued.

  ‘I take it you’re going to visit all the shops before you go home?’ she eventually muttered.

  ‘Yep,’ he said, sliding down the seat and resting his head against the back, spreading his legs so she was even more squashed in the corner. She tried to push his leg away but he wasn’t giving an inch. ‘What were you doing in town?’

  ‘I met a friend for lunch,’ she replied, trying to prise his leg away from her thigh.

  ‘I thought it was you but I was a bit confused because, in all the six weeks I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you wear anything else than dungarees. Trousers and a top is a first.’ He then turned his head and whispered. ‘I’ve also seen you naked a few times but that doesn’t count.’

  ‘I see,’ she said, wondering if the driver had heard and from the grin in his mirror, he had.

  ‘Your friend’s very pretty. Is she single?’

  ‘She’s met a man and they’re dating.’

  ‘And she doesn’t want to be a lonely old spinster like you?’

  ‘Her head’s full of nonsense with romance and all that,’ huffed Hatty. She knew Jake was purposely pushing his leg against hers. ‘Will you stop squashing me?’

  ‘I can’t help it if I’ve got long legs and the back of this taxi is too small.’

  ‘Then you should’ve taken another one!’

  ‘I’d prefer to ride with you,’ he said, smiling sweetly at her and that’s when Hatty realised she really liked Jake Logan. Even though she knew he was making a sexual innuendo. In defiance to her own self, she crossed her arms firmly over her breasts and scowled. ‘What did I say?’

  ‘Where’ve you been this last week?’ she said, turning to look at him closely as he opened his eyes and looked at the car ceiling.

  ‘Did you notice?’

  ‘I didn’t have a live sex show before dinner so I was wondering where you’d gone.’

  ‘I’ve been busy. Some of my friends have turned up so I was out with them.’ Jake turned his head towards her direction. ‘Did you do okay in your exam today?’

  ‘You know?’

  ‘Of course I know! Everyone knows you’ve been locked away studying, which is quite funny considering you failed the last two on purpose.’

  ‘Three,’ she corrected.

  ‘And you don’t think Delores has clicked?’ Hatty was just about to open her mouth and realised she didn’t have an answer then let out a little sigh. ‘So you threw your exams?’

  She stared out the window and glared at the angry blue water and golden sand before glancing up at the small patches of cloud in the sky, considering her answer.

  ‘Sort of,’ she eventually replied.


  ‘Because…‘ Hatty shrugged before looking at Jake who was sitting up. ‘I was stalling.’

  ‘Stop the car!’ Jake said. ‘We’re walking home.’

  ‘It’s another twenty minutes on foot!’ exclaimed Hatty. Jake got out of the car and pulled her with him, grabbing her satchel which was wrapped around her, then taking her purse and handing the cab driver some money.

  She stood there watching the cab speed off.

  ‘It’s such a beautiful day, we might as well enjoy the sun,’ he said, slamming the satchel into her chest before he strolled ahead and walked on the beach. She shook her head in astonishment and stayed on the road, walking parallel with him. ‘Why don’t you walk near me?’

  ‘I don’t want sand in my shoes,’ she replied, feeling twitchy for a moment, trying to shake it off.

  ‘You’re wearing sandals designed to deal with beaches. Come on,’ he said, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her onto the beach.

  ‘No!’ she shouted and pushed him away, taking a deep breath and marching down the road.

  ‘Hey what’s wrong with you now?’ he laughed.

  ‘I don’t like walking on the sand,’ she shrugged, quickly glancing at the sea and shaking her head in annoyance.

  ‘You live on a tropical island covered by sand and you don’t like it?’

  ‘It’s not the sand,’ she said and suddenly felt anxious, wanting to get home as quickly as possible.

  ‘Then what is it? Is it me?’

  Hatty looked at the man and suppressed her desire to let out a massive sigh on seeing him walking on the beach, the wind whistling through his hair and his shirt exposing his sexy bronzed chest. She could see he was confused by her behaviour. Hatty looked at the water which seemed angry every time she examined it.

  ‘Don’t laugh,’ she said, stopping suddenly as he turned to face her.

  Jake walked a few paces closer.

  ‘I’ll try not to.’

  ‘I don’t like the sea.’ She waited to see what he was going to say. He stood there for a moment and looked around then stared back at her. ‘I’m scared of the sea.’

  ‘You’re winding me up?’ he grinned with a puzzled expression. ‘You are winding me up, aren’t you?’

  ‘No,’ she replied, seeing he was on the verge of laughing.

  Before she could receive any of his insults, she quickly walked off down the road.

  ‘Hey, Hatty Ha Ha! You’re not joking! Will you stop!’ Jake grabbed her arm and turned her around. She looked up into his twinkling green eyes and instantly frowned. ‘You live on a tropical island that’s surrounded by sea. Don’t you think that’s a little strange?’

  ‘Not everyone who lives on an island likes the sea,’ she said seriously, as his mouth twitched to smile. ‘And before you say anything else, no I’m not suited to the tropics.’

  Automatically Hatty started scratching sometime invisible on her arm.

  ‘You are very strange,’ Jake said and she couldn’t figure out if his look was of amusement or admiration.

  She took it to be the one which would raise more enjoyment for him.

  ‘I’m not stopping you. You can walk by the sea. I’ll just stay up here.’

  ‘Can’t you walk on the sand?’

  ‘The sea can suddenly come up to this edge and then I get worried,’ she honestly replied, instinctively biting her bottom lip, feeling a piece of dry skin between her teeth.

  She noticed Jake was grinning.

  ‘I just can’t figure you out,’ he said quietly. ‘Are you sure you’re not a bit mad?’

  ‘No crazier than you,’ she replied, feeling she’d bitten her skin too deeply as she touched her raw lip with her tongue.

  She reached for her lip salve and rubbed it on.

  ‘Why are you scared of water?’

  ‘I’m not scared of water just the sea.’

  ‘Then how comes?’ he said, eyeing her suspiciously. ‘Something must have happened.’ She shrugged as a response. ‘Or you don’t want to say?’

  ‘Can’t remember,’ she half lied and continued to walk along the path.

  ‘If you walk next to me, I’ll protect you,’ Jake said, keeping up with her.

  Hatty looked at him as she started to get taller, courtesy of the downwards sloping path he was on.

  ‘Nothing can protect you from the sea, you know. When it comes for you, you’ve had it.’

  ‘Swimming helps!’ Jake started kicking the sand as grabbed her arm and stopped her. ‘You can swim can’t you?’

  ‘Why ask me question when ya tink ya know de answer!’ she snapped and stormed off down the path, knowing he didn’t understand.

  ‘Cut the accent!’ shouted Jake. He ran beside her as he tried to stop her once again and she shrugged him off. ‘Hatty Ha Ha, why are you getting in a mood?’

  ‘Go away Jake Logan,’ she growled and felt the wind catch her eyes as she progressed at high speed. Hatty
noticed he wasn’t deterred, strolling beside her at some speed.

  ‘You smiled at me in the cab in a way that makes me think you like me more than you’re letting out.’

  ‘You’re the sort of boy that likes the chase not the catching,’ she firmly replied. ‘Unless they spread for you! I feel sorry for your poor girlfriend, I really do.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it.’

  ‘You obviously don’t.’

  Hatty stopped walking fast and turned to face Jake, who she was now eye level with.

  ‘All these men dropping to their knees wanting to marry or date you and they haven’t even tasted you to know, if you’re the right one.’

  ‘Is that what you think? A taste?’ she said, taking a deep breath. ‘That’s what you do! Not everyone likes to sleep around to prove a point, you know.’

  ‘I think you’ve got a few hang ups about sex that’s why you’re so uptight.’

  ‘I’m not uptight,’ she said, gulping hard and stepping back to look at his serious face. Even though she didn’t like him at that moment, she realised he was gorgeous. This distracted her before she shook her head to get back to reality. ‘I don’t give anyone the wrong idea. I’m friendly and polite. I don’t promise anything and do you want to know why men are interested in me?’

  ‘I’d be interested to hear your theory.’

  ‘It’s because I live on your father’s estate. They think I can give them a leg up on this island not a leg over. It’s not about me, it’s about where I live and whose land I live on. I’ve got no money and nothing to offer but your father has.’ Hatty took a deep breath. ‘Murray is very powerful. Aunt Delores and I have been very lucky as he’s looked after us.’

  ‘You know I asked my father if he was your dad,’ Jake said loudly and Hatty, so shocked by his comment, fell forward off the path down onto the beach, landing on her front.

  She could see Jake’s feet beside her face as she got up and quickly rubbed the sand off her face. Just as she was going to scream blue murder at him, the sound of the sea hit her ears. She recoiled for a second, jumping up, standing rigid to the spot.

  ‘Oh no,’ she groaned.

  It felt like a panic attack but she knew it was all in her head, like the doctors said years ago.


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