The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 34

by S M Mala

  ‘Go home!’ Hatty spat, standing up and leaning over the kitchen sink. ‘For as long as you’re on the island, I don’t want to talk or see you!’

  ‘I know you’re mad at me and-.’

  ‘You made me feel cheap and nasty, do you know that? I just said something to you and the look you gave me! You’re just here to remind me of a stupid mistake I made. What sort of man are you to leave it an hour to fuck someone else up the side of a rock?’

  She clenched her teeth so hard so she couldn’t choke anymore.

  ‘I didn’t know you were a virgin and-.’

  ‘You prodded and poked me like my doctor does when I have a smear test. What care were you showing? I got scared because you were rushing me, getting all hot and excited. And you were rough. I thought you were going to do it anyway, regardless of what I said. You weren’t even thinking of what I wanted or even me.’

  ‘I was certainly thinking of you,’ he said, sitting down and looking at his drink. ‘When you said you loved me and added I was hurting you, I suddenly realised I was forcing you into something. You looked so upset. Jesus, you started to cry and I knew it wasn’t because you were over whelmed with emotion.’

  ‘I told you I loved you because I thought when you become intimate with someone, that’s what you do. That’s what I’ve done. I forget it’s about how many local girls you can wrap around your penis that matters.’ Her face burned with shame once again as she sat back down. ‘We had such a lovely day. We were getting on so well then it was spoilt. Everything’s now spoilt so don’t let’s talk about it ever again.’

  ‘The mirror you gave me,’ Jake said, as her heart started to beat faster. ‘It’s amazing. I have it hanging in my living room. It reminds me of you when I-.’

  ‘Throw it away!’ she snapped. ‘I made that when I thought you liked me but I was so wrong. Sport to you! That’s all what I was.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ he said, biting his lip.

  ‘May I ask you a question?’ She knew the answer was going to be horrible but she had to know. ‘Why did you go and fuck Glory after being with me? You must have known I was going to find out. Was your intention to show me how much I don’t matter, how little you like me and-.’

  ‘That’s not what happened,’ Jake gulped. She noticed it was as close to witnessing a shamed face as she’d ever see. ‘I made a mistake which I’m paying for and you’re certainly not being nice about it.’

  ‘You think I’m being horrible?’ she said, standing up quickly. ‘Do you think I should be nice to you after you left me on the ground, naked, while you drove off to her? Anyone Jake, anyone else I would forgive but not Gina Glory Glory, never!’

  Hatty’s body shook with anger, unable to look at him. She walked into her work room and began to file the side of a small jewellery box. Even the back and forth action reminded her of seeing the pair that day. She knew Gabriel told her to try and come to terms with it, accept it happened, but right now Hatty couldn’t.

  Especially as the person who hurt her was sitting in the next room.

  ‘Can we just try and be friends?’ she heard him say from behind. ‘I really enjoy your company and, you know what? I’m a little put out your criticising my foreplay.’

  ‘Fore prodding,’ she mumbled sharply, looking at him. ‘Do other women like it like that? I certainly don’t. You couldn’t even arouse me between my legs before you tried to budge your way in! I suppose having foreplay two days before justifies it!’

  Glaring at him, she could tell he was completely taken aback by her comment.

  ‘What would a virgin know?’ he hit back as she grimaced, standing up straight. ‘An experience of nil unless Gabriel has taken your cherry?’

  ‘I never understood that ‘cherry’ euphemism,’ she frowned. ‘It’s an Americanisation that doesn’t make sense.’

  ‘Did you sleep with Gabriel?’ he asked gently. ‘I don’t mind.’

  ‘There’s nothing for you to mind,’ she shrugged. ‘And, for your information, because I haven’t let someone come inside me, it doesn’t mean I haven’t got any knowledge of what happens. I had an orgasm through it, as you well know. That afternoon you didn’t even hit or even find the spot, as if you cared.’

  Hatty folded her arms across her chest, pleased with her insult. She was fibbing as he was very good around her mouth, breasts and skin. Actually, anywhere he usually touched when he wasn’t in a hurry.

  ‘I’m never going to lay a finger on you again!’ Jake replied angrily, his face going red as she raised her eyebrows and smiled. ‘And I take it Gabriel fucked you up the arse because it’s obvious something it still stuck up there!’

  He then stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut as she smiled, before laughing very hard for the first time since he dented her heart.

  Saturday morning, Jake sat on the balcony facing the sea, having breakfast with his father. He was mad after walking home thinking about strangling Hatty. Once again, he shook his head from side to side.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Murray asked, looking up from his paper. ‘You’ve been doing that quite a lot of that in the past half hour. Something upset you?’

  ‘Something like that,’ he mumbled, picking up a crispy bit of bacon and biting hard.

  ‘Do you want to-.’

  ‘Why is she such a bitch!’ he snapped, the rage burning inside him. ‘The things she says, doesn’t she know it’s rude! I mean, how can she criticise me? I made a mistake and I’m trying to apologise but does she listen? No! That would be too rational!’

  ‘I take it you’re talking about a woman,’ his father gently pried, closing the paper and putting it down.

  ‘Half woman half idiot,’ he grumbled.


  ‘Why’d you give her that house? How comes she gets everything she wants? And Gabriel? Do you know she’s been screwing about with him?’

  ‘She’s twenty three,’ said Murray bluntly. Jake noticed his father grimaced for a second. ‘And what she does is her business, as long as she doesn’t bring it to my house.’

  ‘But you’re her adoptive father, you must think it’s pretty strange this guy turns up for three weeks and who knows what he’s done to her!’

  ‘Is she upset about something?’ his father said gently, looking concerned. ‘Did Gabriel hurt her? If he did anything to-’

  ‘Not that I know of! Apparently I hurt her so she’s making me suffer! I only went round to see how she was last night and the abuse I got. She’s a spiteful spoilt bitch!’

  ‘Did something hit home?’ smiled Murray as Jake glared at his father. ‘Okay! It’s none of my business so I’m keeping out of it.’

  ‘Why did you give her the house?’

  ‘I didn’t. She demanded it and practically had squatter’s rights.’

  ‘Good morning!’ Delores said breezily, walking onto the terrace. ‘I saw you walking in last night. Why didn’t you get a cab home? It can be pretty dangerous with some of the drunks.’

  ‘He went to see Hatty, my little drunk, and she wasn’t very hospitable,’ said Murray, stifling a laugh as Delores topped up his cup of coffee and shook her head from side to side.

  ‘I don’t know what has got into that girl. Since she came back from Spain, she’s changed so much. So secretive! Who knows what she’s been getting up to with that Senor Sanchez,’ sighed Delores.

  ‘She hasn’t forgiven you for slapping her around the face then?’ Jake said, watching Delores’s smile fade and his father shot him a warning glance.

  ‘That was then and this is now,’ Delores coolly replied. ‘I explained to your father what happened. She was being incredibly hostile and I lost my temper. I’ve never laid a finger on Hatty before. I’ve told her a million times ‘I’m sorry’ but who knows what goes on in her head.’ She sat down then smiled at Jake. ‘Actually, Hatty said I should have hit her harder as she wasn’t thinking straight when it came to a few things.’ Jake felt the hit of Delores’s sneer. ‘Would you k
now what she meant by that?’

  Just as Jake was about to open his mouth to reply, Murray’s mobile started to ring.

  ‘I better take this,’ he said, getting up and walking into the house.

  ‘What did you do to upset Hatty before you left?’ Delores asked quietly, as Jake chewed harder on his bacon. ‘She cried every day until she went to London. You must have really done something to get that reaction.’

  ‘We had a misunderstanding.’

  Jake felt bad hearing about Hatty, realising what he’d done.

  ‘I see,’ she said, pouring out a cup of coffee for herself. ‘You can judge me as much as you like but I care for Hatty. You might not think it, based on your limited knowledge of our relationship, but I have put her first in so many ways.’

  ‘I’m sorry Delores,’ Jake said, turning to face her. ‘But every time I see you look at Hatty I don’t see love. I see a flicker of resentment.’

  ‘That’s not true!’ barked the woman. ‘Don’t you think I wished I had a child of my own? A family? I’ve given up a lot for her and sometimes she doesn’t appreciate it.’

  ‘Why didn’t you have a family of your own?’

  ‘It was impossible,’ she said and Jake noticed her face saddened as she thought deeply. ‘In life you don’t always get what you think you deserve.’

  ‘Why don’t you tell Hatty about her mother and her father?’ Jake persisted, watching Delores dart a glance at him. ‘All she wants to know is what happened. Then there’s the time she jumped in the sea.’

  ‘Don’t dig this up again, please.’ For a moment Jake realised she looked genuinely upset. ‘It was a horrible time, truly horrible. I don’t want to think of what she did. You know that’s why we worry. It makes us scared something bad is going to happen to her.’

  ‘The only bad thing that happens to her is the crap that comes from her mouth,’ he replied, still unable to shake off what she said yesterday. ‘And Simon? Where does Simon come into this?’

  ‘First love,’ said Delores with a hint of a smile. ‘A very dangerous first love. He was the most beautiful looking boy you have ever seen. Gina’s extremely beautiful but Simon was stunning. For a sixteen year old boy, he was the size of…’ She hesitated. ‘Actually his physique is very similar to yours if not slightly bigger.’

  ‘At sixteen?’

  ‘He was very mature for his age and very kind to Hatty. He took her under his wing when she was twelve and ready to go back to school. Simon was bright and had a scholarship at Hatty’s school, a year above. If it wasn’t for Simon, I don’t think Hatty would have recovered from the accident so quickly. Philip and Louisa were always there but Simon, they were very close.’

  ‘How close?’

  ‘Are you asking me if they were intimate?’ Delores swallowed hard. ‘Do you think she’s going to say? It’s a criminal offence if something happens when you’re under the age of sixteen and I never asked her plus Murray would have gone mad.’

  ‘What if he molested her!’ blurted Jake. ‘And she never told anyone.’

  ‘I don’t think so and it would have probably been the other way round. Hatty just adored him,’ laughed the woman and Jake felt a stab of jealousy. ‘When Simon died, she was truly lost and Gina just developed her hate for Hatty even more. But Hatty knows something about Gina that Simon told her. Even though she lets that girl speak down to her, if you look at Hatty’s face when she’s with Gina, there’s something more going on.’

  ‘Gina hates Hatty and blames her for Simon’s death, I know that.’

  ‘Don’t play with Hatty,’ Delores said seriously.

  ‘And Gabriel?’

  ‘Gabriel’s another thing all together. He’s nine years older than her and I don’t know what happened there. He’s a therapist and when I asked him what he specialised in,’ Delores then rolled her eyes and shook her head. ‘He said ‘sex’.’

  ‘What?’ Jake sat up as his mouth involuntarily dropped open.

  ‘I think he was being humorous. Philip laughed and Hatty didn’t look too bothered. She doesn’t talk much about Gabriel. I know she contacts him via the internet but that relationship she’s keeping close to her chest.’

  ‘Oh god,’ said Murray, walking out, his cheeks flushed. ‘Don’t get upset Delores but I’ve just had a phone call from the Chief and-.’

  ‘Is it Hatty!’ The woman suddenly stood up as Jake’s heart thumped really hard. He felt instantly sick. ‘Is she hurt?’

  ‘She’s fine,’ Murray calmly replied. ‘Chief Harvey just rang. Hatty went to see him this morning. And to cut a long story short-‘

  ‘Murray!’ shouted Hatty, running through the house and jumping into his arms.

  The man hugged her, concern etched over his face.

  Jake felt a sudden wave of relief before it turned into lust. Then he just wanted to slap her.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Delores asked suspiciously.

  Jake glanced at her dark blue tea dress, hair nicely swept back and sensible shoes.

  His father’s arms were wrapped around her. She quickly stepped back and Jake, though he didn’t like her at that moment, though Hatty looked so cute he was going to find it hard to stay angry.

  ‘It’s wonderful news!’ Hatty said brightly, her arms out stretched as Jake saw Murray grimace. ‘Chief Harvey said I could get my driver’s licence back after I promised him I’d only drive a car and I’ll do some more lessons.’

  ‘What!’ snapped Delores as she glared at Murray.

  ‘That means I don’t need to take Philip out on a Sunday morning and I can do it all on my own,’ she said, quickly glancing at Jake, turning her nose up in the air then looking at Murray.

  ‘No!’ Murray said and walked quickly to the end of the terrace.

  ‘I haven’t even asked!’ she said, shaking her head.

  ‘You’re not having one of my cars,’ he announced.

  Jake noticed his father walked down the step and marched out to the middle of the beach before turning around.

  ‘You know I can’t go all the way down there!’ barked Hatty. ‘You know I’m scared and psychologically it could damage me!’

  ‘Good!’ Murray shouted, getting agitated. ‘You’re the worst driver on the island, probably in the world. I don’t know why Chief Harvey even agreed. He should’ve spoken to me first!’

  ‘Well he did agree and he can’t retract it. I made him put it in writing.’ Hatty shoved her hand in the side of her dress and pulled out a piece of paper. ‘There!’

  ‘Why can’t you get an attachment for your bike and put your things in it!’ he bellowed as Jake stood up and walked closer to Hatty.

  ‘Harriet Harris I can’t believe you went and asked for your licence back!’ Delores said furiously. ‘I thought you promised not to drive again?’

  ‘I didn’t think I’d have my own business and you need wheels to get around.’

  ‘It’s dangerous enough with the other drivers,’ Delores groaned as Jake laughed.

  Hatty looked over her shoulder and shot him an evil glare.

  ‘How comes he can use the jeep and I can’t?’ Hatty barked. ‘It’s because he’s male and an American! Sexist and racist!’

  ‘Oh no you don’t!’ said Jake, shaking his head. ‘Dad said I could use it and I need it for work.’

  ‘You don’t work on a Sunday.’

  ‘I might.’

  ‘But you don’t!’ she snapped, looking back at Murray who was still glaring at her from the beach. ‘This isn’t fair!’

  ‘You’re such a brat!’ snapped Jake.

  ‘Is this because of my honest observations, last night?’ Hatty laughed. ‘Men are such pricks!’

  ‘Hatty!’ warned Delores. ‘Language!’

  ‘Well it’s true, especially conceited one,’ she shrugged.

  Jake wanted to thump her but instead, he pushed her down the stairs so she fell face forward into the sand.

  ‘Jacob!’ snapped Delores as Hatty lay there and
for a moment. He thought she was hurt. Jake rushed down to see her dress had ridden up her thighs as she turned around and started to laugh. ‘Hatty pull down your dress!’

  ‘What’s so funny?’ Jake said, trying not to focus on the dark skin in between her legs, remembering his head had been between those same thighs.

  She slowly stood up and Murray walked towards them.

  ‘Jake can drive me to the market tomorrow morning and give me lessons at the weekend for the next fortnight. After that, I can use his jeep on a Sunday,’ sighed Hatty.

  Jake noticed the way she looked at him wasn’t like her most recent scowls.

  Something softened in him before he clicked.

  ‘You’re not using me to get your own way,’ he replied, shaking his head from side to side. ‘I know your tricks.’

  ‘I don’t think you’re being very nice and you are such a good driver, especially from the back seat,’ she said sarcastically, turning to look at Murray. ‘See your son is willing to help me.’

  ‘I never said I would!’ snapped Jake. ‘Dad, you can’t let her get her own way time and time again.’

  ‘She’s not,’ replied Murray seriously.

  ‘I’m not?’ Hatty was stunned as Jake smiled at her sweet expression before remembering she was devious. ‘Why not?’

  ‘You’re a danger to society in a car and I’d prefer it if Jake took you to the market on a Sunday until I think, after lessons courtesy of my son, you’re safe enough to operate a car on your own.’

  ‘No way am I teaching her to drive! I’ve heard about her getting stuck in the trench! And what do I get out of this?’

  Jake glared at Hatty for a moment then watched her smile.

  ‘We’ll negotiate on the terms,’ she said brightly. ‘So it’s agreed! Jake takes me to the market in the jeep and gives me lessons on Saturday and after the market, I’ll drive back.’

  ‘No!’ said Delores sharply. Hatty walked up the stairs and stood eye level to Jake. ‘You’re not driving on any roads until Jake says it’s okay to do so.’


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