The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 36

by S M Mala

  ‘You leave me speechless,’ he laughed in amazement. ‘You are a very selfish woman, do you know that?’

  ‘Depends how you define ‘selfish’, because actually-.’

  ‘You want to offset your debt against my father by ‘letting’ me stay in a property owned by him, then let me give you driving lessons without any benefit for me!’

  ‘You said about staying in the house! I didn’t invite you!’

  ‘As much as I love being with my father, I’m not used to living with him. At your house, I get some space.’

  ‘Talking about ‘space’ between ya legs, ya seen Gina Glory Glory?’

  ‘I’ve been here just over a week and no, I haven’t,’ he said, getting agitated by her comment. ‘And don’t change the subject. What do I get out of it?’

  ‘You’re not paying rent, so that’s one thing.’

  ‘I’m not paying rent staying at my dad’s,’ he sighed, shaking his head.

  ‘What do you want then? I’m sure you’re angling for something.’

  Hatty turned and stared straight at him.

  ‘To be perfectly honest, I don’t want anything from you,’ he said honestly, knowing he’d be perfectly happy to find out how to really turn her on by his own initiative.

  Jake then shook his head remembering when he went down on her, knowing he wasn’t concentrating while at the wheel.

  ‘Why did you shake your head?’

  ‘Just thinking,’ he said, trying not to look at her. ‘You know Ha Ha, I’d like to know more about your mother and what you’re about.’


  ‘Because I’ve picked up a few more interesting things about you in the past months that don’t make sense,’ he said, remembering his father telling him about her adoption. ‘And there are quite a few things you need to tell me.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Things,’ he said, glancing at her quickly as she faced forward.

  He could see she was deep in thought.

  ‘I don’t know what you want from me Jake. I’ve been warned digging around seems to cause more problems than solutions.’

  ‘Solutions to what?’ he said.

  They stopped outside the house gates and he directed his key to activate them to open.

  ‘There’s something bad about me, isn’t there?’ she said, letting out a painful groan. ‘Gina Glory Glory said I was conceived from hate. Can you explain that to me? Come to think of it, would you tell me the truth?’

  ‘I’d try to tell you but if I thought it’d hurt you then I’d hold back,’ he said, parking the jeep as Hatty bit her lip.

  ‘But don’t I have a right to know?’

  ‘I don’t want to hurt you,’ he gently said. She glanced at him, opening the car door and got out, walking straight to the front door. ‘But I might just have to.’

  Later on, Jake sat outside drinking a beer on the patio overlooking the sea before hearing the sound of a spray can. He walked back in and was met with the pungent fume of mosquito spray and fly killer.

  ‘For fuck’s sake, what are you doing?’ he said choking and immediately opened up the door as she slammed it shut. ‘You’re going to gas us!’

  ‘I saw some mosquito and I’m going to kill them before they bite me,’ she said, holding the can at arm’s length and in his direction.

  He put out his hand and gently pushed her arm down.

  ‘Don’t you think you should go and see someone about your mosquito complex?’ Jake smiled as she sneezed from the fumes. ‘It’s slightly obsessive.’

  ‘Look!’ she said, pulling down her dungarees and showing him a massive red lump on her hip. ‘The shit bit me! See what happens.’ Jake grimaced at the mound of flesh which was very red and the small bite which seemed to be seeping. ‘And I didn’t scratch it.’

  ‘Oh god!’ he groaned and went back to sit on the balcony, wondering if he’d made the right decision by thinking he could live under the same roof as her.

  Ten minutes later, she came out smelling of repellent and handed him another beer then sitting down a good distance from him.

  ‘I’m cooking tonight,’ she announced. Jake tried to smile but he didn’t relish the idea. ‘Actually, I’ve got the food I made today with Ethel and some rotis. I only need to boil the rice.’

  ‘Great,’ he said relieved.

  ‘And we need to set some house rules.’

  ‘Rules?’ Jake sat up intrigued by what she was going to say. ‘Are you giving me rules or will both of us abide to them?’

  ‘I don’t know why you think I’m selfish, you know that’s not true,’ she said and he realised his comment bugged her.

  ‘Give me the rules then.’

  ‘You can’t bring any sluts into this place,’ she blurted out as he choked on his beer.

  ‘You’re saying I can’t have anyone sleep over?’

  ‘I’m saying, I don’t want you to use this place as somewhere to screw women as that’s disrespectful. Considering I was born here and my mother spent her last few days alive under this roof.’ Hatty double blinked and stared at him. ‘I won’t bring any men-.’

  ‘That’s because you don’t know any!’ he laughed as she frowned. ‘Unless Gabriel comes back and then what will you do?’

  ‘Go to Philip’s,’ she said and sipped her beer.

  ‘And Gabriel didn’t screw you then?’

  ‘We’re very good friend and that’s all you need to know.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t he sleep with you?’ Jake watched something flicker in her face and she looked momentarily guilty before standing up. ‘Hatty?’

  ‘Because,’ she said and walked back in to the house.

  Jake was more confused than usual by her reply but let it wash, wanting to have a quiet evening and go to bed.

  They ate dinner on the balcony with only music from the local radio in the background. Neither one spoke but Jake didn’t mind as she seemed lost in thought. He looked at her cup of food and smiled, knowing she wasn’t changing her strange habits to fit in with him.

  ‘Your sheets are brand new and clean,’ she suddenly said. ‘I put up a mosquito net and there’s a fan in the corner of the room to keep you cool. I will sort out air conditioning one day but that’s another big expense.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he said, finishing off his dinner.

  ‘I didn’t spray anything in your room,’ she said seriously. ‘But I did put a plug in mosquito repellent, just in case.’

  ‘They don’t bother me,’ he said, leaning back in his chair.

  ‘They bother me.’

  Jake turned and looked at her, staring out at the sea and wondered what actually went through her pretty head.

  ‘Because Gabriel’s not like other men,’ she suddenly said. ‘He’s different. I said sex wasn’t important for our relationship. The physical side isn’t that hard core.’

  ‘Hard core?’ Jake tried to catch what she meant. ‘Hard core sex?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she shrugged.

  ‘Is he really a sex therapist?’ Jake asked, leaning closer to her as she put down her cup and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

  ‘Who told you that?’

  ‘Auntie Delores.’

  ‘Do you think I’d see a sex therapist?’ she smiled and shook her head. ‘He’s a therapist and he likes sex. The two are not intertwined unless there’s a problem that relates to sex. It’s usually mental not physical, I think.’

  ‘What’s your relationship with him if he likes sex and you’re not putting out?’ he asked and gulped not really wanting to know.

  ‘He’s someone I can talk to. I’ve spoken to him about many things, more than I have to any living person. Gabriel’s trying to make me less afraid and overcome a few problems,’ she said and looked earnestly at Jake, though he couldn’t figure out her grimace. ‘I’m sorry about what happened the last day you were here. I shouldn’t have let you think sleeping with me would be straight forward. As you now know, I have issues.’

; Jake didn’t know what to say. He wondered if she did know about her mother and grandmother but was too scared to mention it.

  ‘And all that stuff you said about fruit was to get me to give you driving lessons because it’s not true?’ he smiled.

  ‘Oh no, Jake, it certainly is true. I know a lot about foreplay but haven’t experienced sexual intercourse,’ Hatty said, matter of fact, and Jake felt something stir in his pants. ‘I mean, I’m a very good kisser and you know these lips on other places, they really are quite effective.’

  She smiled at him as he tried not to grin back, remembering her mouth on his cock.

  Hatty stood up and took his plate, walking back into the house. Jake closed his eyes and recalled her lips around the snake in his trousers before realising she was going to walk back in. He sat up straight and decided not to think about sex.

  ‘Can you get me another beer, please?’ he said, readjusting in his seat as she walked back out and handed him one then sat on the step, her back to him. Hatty stared out to the sea. ‘Gabriel said something to me weeks ago.’

  ‘What’s that?’ she said, not turning around.

  ‘He wanted to know if you’d ever spoken to me about Simon?’ he gently asked, noticing her back stiffen.

  ‘He had no right to mention that to you,’ she said, as he got off his chair and sat next to her. ‘It’s not for Gabriel to say.’

  ‘Simon was your sweetheart, wasn’t he?’ Jake noticed she didn’t turn to look at him but stared straight out at the sea, her eyes flinching every time the waves hit the rocks.

  ‘Gabriel thinks he can get me to go into the sea here. I told him there was no chance.’

  ‘Why won’t you talk about Simon?’

  ‘I said someone I knew drowned out there and I got pulled out when I was a child. I told him next time it would get me for good as it took someone away I cared for.’

  ‘Ha Ha,’ Jake gently said and leaned closer. ‘What happened with Simon? Why does Gina think it’s your fault and why would Gabriel ask me about it?’

  ‘It’s been a long day,’ she said, standing up. ‘We have to go to market in the morning so I better go to bed.’

  Hatty walked into the house and he heard her footsteps go up the stairs before she shut her windows facing the sea.

  ‘What aren’t you telling me Hatty Ha Ha?’

  She couldn’t help but smile at his face as Jake slept peacefully in his bed. Hatty gently leaned over and kissed his nose then put on a frown and shook him really hard.

  ‘You’ve got to get up!’ she said, watching him sit up. He pulled a face and put a pillow to cover his head before lying back down. ‘We have to go early to find a parking space and set up. I’ll buy you breakfast.’

  ‘What time is it?’ he groaned.

  ‘Sixish,’ she said. He removed the pillow from his face and looked at her. Hatty smiled at the extremely handsome person glaring back and wanted to stroke his cheek. But knew she couldn’t. ‘I made coffee!’

  ‘Great!’ he said, throwing off the covers and walking out of the room.

  She noticed his underpants had crept up his butt cheek, revealing a white section where he didn’t tan. He was also very erect.

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘To the bathroom,’ he mumbled and she wondered why he hadn’t put his mosquito net down as the windows were wide open. She waited for him to return and discreetly put her hand where his body had been. It still felt warm. He marched back in. ‘I need to get changed, do you mind?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she smiled sweetly, slowly walking out and closing the door, realising her heart was beating very fast at seeing him since last night.

  Hatty went down the stairs to wait. Five minutes later there was no sound. Ten minutes, she wondered where he’d gone to. She flung open the door and he was face down, fully dressed, asleep. Letting out an impromptu sigh, she smiled and knew there was only one thing to do.

  She’d drive.

  Gently walking down the stairs, the keys were on the table as she’d opened the jeep to load the things in to ease his early morning burden. Hatty got in the car and started the engine, smiling at her first excursion out alone for ages. The next thing she knew, a hand came towards her and pulled out the keys.

  ‘Hey!’ she said, looking at him glaring at her then opening the car door. ‘You were asleep.’

  ‘I thought I’d just test the waters and see if you’d go without me after we made a deal then, low and behold, you did!’ Jake laughed and pushed her across into the passenger seat.

  ‘You looked so sweet and-.’

  ‘It took you five seconds to decide to drive off,’ he said, starting the car and she noticed he gave her one of his bright smiles. ‘No way Hatty Ha Ha, for once you have to abide by my rules.’

  ‘I was thinking of you,’ she said in defence, knowing he’d sussed her out. ‘But I should have tried to wake you up, you’re right.’

  ‘Yes that’s right. I am right and you’re a devious little so and so.’

  As they drove off, Hatty let him listen to crap music on the radio as she looked out of the window turning things over in her head. Since Jake mentioned Simon, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him and realised how much she missed the boy.

  Even though it was eight years ago he died.

  The idea of telling Jake what happened and the circumstances of the childhood sweethearts, being together, was hard for her to contemplate. It would open old wounds and probably give him a bigger hard on than he had that morning. Hatty smiled at him being turned on about her lips from the night before. She knew, even if he didn’t find her attractive, he was still a little bit interested.

  ‘Why are you smiling?’ he asked as she snapped out of her thought.

  ‘Just thinking silly things,’ she honestly replied and wondered if he’d ever really like her as much as he did last time, considering the ‘virgin’ issue had left him deeply scarred. ‘How’s your girlfriend?’

  ‘Why do you want to know?’ he said agitated.

  ‘Just making conversation. Did she miss you?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Did you tell her about Gina Glory Glory?’

  ‘Yes but she knew anything I got up to didn’t matter, it was a bit of fun,’ he said.

  She felt a little stab in her gut about the comment, knowing he meant her too.

  ‘That’s good,’ said Hatty, not understanding how his girlfriend couldn’t be ripped to pieces by jealousy. ‘She’s very mature.’

  ‘She’s open like that.’

  ‘A bit like Gabriel,’ she said, staring out the window. ‘He is thirty two so I’d expect that level of maturity.’ Hatty noticed he glanced at her before concentrating on the wheel. ‘It’s nice to be in the company of a man. Philip can be very grown up when you least expect it.’

  ‘How did you meet Gabriel?’

  ‘In Ibiza,’ she said quietly and noticed he nearly veered into another car. ‘What the hell are you playing at? You’re a worse driver than me!’

  ‘No one’s a worse driver than you,’ he said, getting flushed as she scowled for a second. ‘You went to Ibiza.’

  ‘Don’t sound so surprised! I’ve been to clubs you know. It’s not all party, party, party.’

  ‘And where does Gabriel live?’

  ‘Where do you think?’ Hatty folded her arms across her chest knowing Jake was amused by her admission. ‘But in the northern part. It’s very beautiful.’

  ‘And was it love at first sight?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said bluntly. ‘Pull up over there.’

  Hatty pointed to her regular car space, quickly jumping out and watching him park.

  She noticed he was quiet for half an hour, just unloading the goods and watching her put them on display. Pulling out a twenty dollar bill, she handed it over to him.

  ‘What’s that for?’ he grumbled and she wondered if mentioning his girlfriend had started the mood swing.

  ‘Breakfast!’ she
smiled sweetly. ‘I appreciate you driving me here. If we have a lesson every other day, I know I’ll be able to drive here, on my own, in a few weeks. Then you can go out and party on a Saturday night, like a boy of your age should do.’ He snatched it out of her hand and she was speechless for a second. ‘Thanks.’

  Hatty wrapped a scarf around her head and put on her white floppy hat. She checked her dungaree pockets, which had a plastic bag of money on each side, then waited for the customers to arrive.

  He sat so he could see her but she wouldn’t be able to see him, as he had breakfast. Jake couldn’t shake off her answer about saying it was love at first sight when she met Gabriel, which meant she was now saving herself for him.

  And she was in love with him.

  The Spanish therapist, who happened to be a painter and lived in Ibiza.

  ‘Fucker,’ he mumbled under his breath.

  Staring hard at her, he knew he shouldn’t get wound up but her comment about him being a ‘boy’ only added to it. He wanted to scream.

  Jake saw her smile and greet the customers, getting excited when they liked something and miserable if she was ignored. He knew he’d pushed his luck about anyone he met on the island was a ‘bit of fun’ and she looked upset. Even lying about Serena, knowing full well he ended it before he came out, only made him wish he had the guts to shake Hatty and make her see the man for her was him.

  Then he shuddered, wondering if she’d drugged him before involuntarily smiling at her talking to some children and selling them something small.

  An hour later, he headed back to her stall. Just as he was going to cross over the road, he heard the voice.

  ‘Jake! Where ya goin’?’ He turned to see Gina, looking beautifully elegant in a short orange dress smiling at him. The lust he had for her was still there as she grinned brightly. ‘Me heard ya were back.’

  ‘Working this time,’ he replied as Gina kissed his cheek gently and he looked her up and down. She basked in the approval. ‘Lookin’ good.’

  ‘I know,’ she said. He noticed Gina flicked a glance across the road and knew Hatty was probably observing. ‘When we gonna meet up?’


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