The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 44

by S M Mala

  ‘I did,’ she said, knowing she had kept her side of the bargain.

  ‘Then tell me what’s going on?’

  ‘There’s really nothing to say that concerns anyone else,’ she replied and saw Ethel nodding in agreement from the kitchen. ‘And I don’t want to talk about Jake.’

  ‘You know what sort of boy he’s like,’ Delores said cuttingly. ‘You’re more of an interesting catch because of who you are, can’t you see?’

  ‘I’m not getting you,’ Hatty said, feeling a little confused.

  ‘You’re like a prize to him, something to see if he can win and when he’s had it, he’ll cast you aside. Murray told him to keep away from you. I know you two are together, I can see it.’

  ‘I’m not hurting anyone,’ Hatty whispered, knowing she couldn’t lie to Delores.

  ‘He will hurt you Hatty. He’ll tell you he cares and will promise to come back and see you but he won’t. Jake will move on to the next woman who suits him and his lifestyle and you’ll soon be forgotten about. I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s the last thing I want.’

  ‘He’s not like that and I know he’s going back to New York for good in a couple of months. I accept it,’ she lied and noticed Ethel staring at her. ‘Hatty Ha Ha can’t be expected to be happy for the rest of her life that goes without saying. And I know he’d never marry me because-.’

  ‘Marriage?’ said Delores aghast. ‘Of course he’d never marry you because you’re not good enough in their eyes!’

  ‘Then luckily I don’t want to get married.’

  Hatty felt angry at her aunt and took a deep breath.

  ‘People will talk about you even more when they find out about you and Jake. How are you going to cope? I certainly won’t stick up for you if I’ve warned you off!’

  ‘There’s nothing to find out,’ Hatty said. ‘I’ll make sure of it.’

  She noticed how Delores looked at her. It was a cross between surprise and annoyance.

  ‘Listen to me carefully Harriet,’ Delores said and Hatty realised she meant business. ‘I know what it’s like to fall in love with someone and have all the hope in the world but still get your heart broken. Once that happens it’s so hard for you to fix back the pieces. Are you prepared to let Jake break your heart? Because I certainly am not happy you’re willing to do this. How intimate have you become?’

  ‘I can’t talk about this,’ Hatty said, quickly getting up and feeling anxious, all her fears about what Jake will do coming to the surface. ‘I know he doesn’t feel the same but it’s the first time in ages, since we were in England and Simon, I’ve been really happy. Please don’t spoil it for me, not yet. When he goes you can tell me ‘I told you so’ every day, I won’t mind but not now, please not now.’

  Hatty felt the tears well up in her eyes as she rushed into the kitchen and saw Ethel, who had her arms open wide waiting for her, as she sobbed.

  ‘Ya not worry. It be fine,’ said Ethel gently and Hatty knew Delores had followed her in. ‘Not go say dese tings to her. She only young.’

  ‘I was young once and look where it got me,’ said Delores as Hatty felt her move closer. ‘I don’t want to upset you but you have to see Jake Logan is a mistake. He’ll forget about you soon enough.’

  ‘Hush ya mout’!’ said Ethel sharply as Hatty pulled away quickly.

  ‘How dare you?’ replied Delores.

  ‘Ya speak too freely about tings ya should not.’ Hatty could see Ethel was challenging Delores. ‘If Hatty like Jake, it good, not bad. If Hatty get ‘er ‘eart broken, me self will pick up de pieces. She deserve to be ‘appy an’ dat boy like her, me know an’ you know.’

  ‘He’s wrong for her and he’s Murray’s son!’

  ‘Maybe dat a god ting an’ ya not like it!’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ barked Delores.

  Hatty wiped her eyes and could see the women squaring up to each other.

  ‘Hatty, take de food me make an’ go ‘ome,’ said Ethel gently. ‘Me ‘ave to speak to ya aunt alone.’

  ‘Yes Auntie Ethel,’ said Hatty, quickly kissing both their cheeks as the women’s eyes were locked in each other’s stare.

  She walked out and got on her bike, heading down the path wondering what was going on.

  Her conversation with Delores was reeling in her head. She knew Murray had probably hurt her aunt but didn’t delve too much into it. Hatty needed to find out more about them so she could see where Delores was coming from and if she had a valid point.

  ‘Hello beautiful!’ she heard him say. Hatty saw Jake in his jeep driving slowly beside her. Her heart jumped with happiness as she smiled and stopped her bike. He slowed down and got out of the jeep. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you’d be at home getting the bed nice and cosy.’

  ‘Delores wanted to see me,’ she said, knowing she couldn’t touch him in public.

  ‘What about?’ He leaned down and looked into her face. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she shrugged and took the food out of the front basket as he put the bike into the back of the jeep. ‘How comes you’re home early?’

  ‘I thought I’d give you a driving lesson,’ he smiled sweetly. ‘But I think it’s good I came home.’

  ‘Jake,’ she gulped and wanted to cry.

  ‘Get in the car,’ he said gently. She got in and he drove down the road, straight past their house and up into the island before parking in Hatty’s favourite secret spot. Jake turned to look at her as Hatty composed herself. ‘You had words?’

  ‘No, she just wanted to know what was going on between you and me so I told her some things and she wasn’t happy. She’s being very protective.’

  ‘What did she say?’

  Hatty saw his calm and kind face before closing her eyes.

  ‘Nothing I don’t know already,’ she quietly replied. ‘I just got upset because I don’t want to think about you going away next week and I certainly can’t stand the idea of you leaving me for good.’ Her bottom lip trembled. ‘I’m prepared for it all, I just don’t want anyone telling me what to expect.’ She took a deep breath and smiled. ‘Can’t I just be happy?’

  ‘It’s because she’s unhappy she’s shifting the shit onto you.’

  ‘That’s not fair,’ she said as Jake stroked her face. ‘She does care about me and you are going to break my heart but that’s doable, I can cope.’

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘It’s fine Jake. I know it’s going to happen but I don’t want anything to spoil what we’ve got now.’

  ‘Harriet Harris,’ he said, grabbing her face in both his hands. ‘I love you very much. I know I haven’t told you for weeks but I love you and will do everything not to break your heart, I promise.’

  ‘That’s very sweet,’ she said, her heart thundering as she looked into his eyes. ‘And I love you very much and I want you to be happy and successful.’

  ‘Delores can shove it,’ he said, making her laugh.

  ‘She’s obviously in love with Murray and he’s not that nice to her.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be if I was him,’ he said loudly. ‘Anyway she hates me.’

  ‘That’s not true and not very nice either,’ Hatty said, trying not to smile at him, eventually throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips. ‘Do you love me?’

  ‘Hatty, you know I do,’ he whispered into her ear. ‘I just don’t want to tell you all the time, that’s all.’

  ‘Are you saying I’m doing it too much?’

  ‘I like it,’ he smiled and she kissed him, exploring his mouth with her tongue before they pulled away and looked at each other. ‘And if Delores knows, she’s going to tell dad and that’s going to prove a little complicated.’


  Murray sat facing the pair of them the following day, after he’d got back home from another trip. Hatty could see he didn’t look too happy and Delores was nowhere to be seen. She then noticed Ethel walking through the house and go
to balcony facing the sea, flashing over a glance in Hatty’s direction.

  The silence had been excruciating as the pair of them left a large gap in the middle of the sofa, sitting either end. Murray sat back in the armchair staring at the pair of them.

  ‘Mister Murray just spit out what you have to say then I can go to ‘Mercy’s Shack’ with Jake,’ Hatty eventually said. ‘It’s his last weekend before he flies to New York with you. I need him to do lots of errands. Plus he won’t give me the keys to the jeep so all this silence is time wasting.’

  She glanced at Jake, who was smiling to himself, then at Murray who had a similar expression.

  ‘Ethel!’ Murray shouted out. The elderly lady came into the room as Hatty and Jake quickly exchanged worrying glances. ‘Can you sit down please?’

  ‘What’s Ethel doing here?’ Jake asked, looking even more confused than Hatty was feeling. ‘Isn’t Delores joining us?’

  ‘She’s out with friends and doesn’t know I came back early,’ Murray said quickly, while leaning forward as Hatty wondered what he was up to. ‘I wanted Ethel here as back-up.’

  ‘What back-up?’ Hatty sharply asked as Ethel grinned at her for a moment.

  ‘If what I’m to believe is true, I hear the pair of you need to tell me something,’ he said staring at Hatty before doing the same to Jake.

  ‘What have you heard, dad?’ said Jake, clasping his hands together.

  ‘Do you want to tell me or shall I tell you?’ Murray firmly replied as Hatty looked at her feet and wondered what was going to come next. ‘But before I say anything, I think it’s time a few things come out into the open.’

  ‘You’re seeing Ethel,’ smiled Hatty as Ethel glared at her for a second then smiled.

  ‘Me not up to it,’ the old lady replied and fluttered her eyelashes at Jake’s direction. ‘Me like ‘em young.’

  Murray stood up and walked behind the chair, leaning on his arms against the back and looking down at the pair of them.

  ‘Dad, just spit it out,’ said Jake getting pissed off.

  ‘Hatty, I am your legal adopted guardian,’ Murray said and Hatty was momentarily stunned. ‘I never told you because it was complicated so effectively, I am your adopted father.’

  ‘It true,’ added Ethel.

  ‘Which means you and Jake, though not related, are kind of brother and sister. Jake knows,’ said Murray and Hatty turned to Jake who nodded.

  She felt stuck to the seat and couldn’t speak for a moment.

  ‘Why didn’t you ever tell me?’ Hatty eventually asked. ‘It means I have two-.’

  ‘Just me. Delores came over when you were over a year old. I thought it was best you were taken off this island and brought up in England, as your mother wanted.’ Murray shoved his hand through his hair. ‘It was a difficult time for me and Delores was kind enough to help. I knew you’d find out one day and today is good a day as any.’

  ‘Why today?’ Jake asked and she could see he was getting anxious.

  ‘I know you’re together and I’m not going to pry or judge but this puts me in an awkward situation. I love you both very much. If things don’t work out I’m not sure what you expect me to do.’

  ‘Nothing,’ said Hatty, still trying to get her head around it. ‘You’re my adopted father? I’m not calling you daddy.’

  ‘Hatty, ya silly gal!’ laughed Ethel. ‘Mister Murray worry ya two will ‘ave people talkin’.’

  ‘It’s no one’s business what we do behind closed doors,’ said Jake. ‘And dad I’m not moving back here to make things look decent because-.’ He stood up. ‘I love Hatty and she loves me.’

  Hatty smiled so brightly when he said it out loud, she was fit to burst.

  ‘Sit down Jake,’ Murray said unimpressed, as Hatty heard Ethel click her dentures in her mouth.

  ‘What is it you need to tell us?’ Hatty asked, noticing Ethel’s look of concern. ‘Did Aunt Delores say something?’

  ‘I know what it’s like to be in love and people trying to pull you apart, and for you two they will try, believe me,’ he said quietly, sitting back in the arm chair. ‘I’m concerned you don’t know what you’re getting into and you’ll end up hurting each other.’

  ‘Dad we won’t even-.’

  ‘You’re both very young and there are so many things where your lives have been intertwined though you’ve lived miles apart. I knew if you met something might happen.’

  ‘Mister Murray, dey ‘ave a right to be ‘appy. Can’t ya see dey happy?’ the old lady said.

  ‘Who knows about you two?’ Hatty realised Murray seemed genuinely concerned.

  ‘I told Philip and Louisa plus Gabriel,’ Hatty said quickly, watching Murray grimace.

  ‘And I told Pete because he’s my best friend,’ Jake added as Hatty turned to smile at Jake and he smiled back.

  ‘Ah young love! Me know dat feelin’,’ sighed Ethel.

  ‘The pair of you must promise not to tell another living soul, not now, not so early in your relationship. People are going to want to pull you apart, I see it. I know it.’ Murray let out a deep breath.

  ‘Don’t you approve of me?’ Hatty eventually said. ‘I know I’m black, poor and probably too common but-.’ Murray started to laugh. ‘Now what’s funny?’

  ‘How long has it been?’

  ‘A few weeks,’ shrugged Hatty.’

  ‘More than that,’ said Jake quietly as Hatty once again looked at him. ‘I realise I must have fallen in love with her months ago but it was only when I got back here, I admitted it to myself.’

  ‘Really?’ she said happily.

  ‘Children,’ Ethel said, clearing her throat. ‘Dis is not goin’ to be easy for de pair of ya. Ya need to keep it quiet. Delores will be angry.’

  ‘I can handle her,’ said Jake defiantly, as he shuffled closer to Hatty and held her hand. ‘She’s not going to break us up.’

  ‘Caroline?’ said Murray quietly. ‘If she finds out then that’s going to cause a whole heap of crap for not only you but me.’ He let out a little groan even Hatty knew was heard only when he was exceptionally worried. ‘And Jake, last time you were here, you practically screwed around this island.’

  Hatty quickly dropped Jake’s hand as he pulled a confused face.

  ‘He’s a slut,’ she said, through gritted teeth, the image of his white backside humping the rock coming to mind. ‘And if he does that again, I will hurt him, so help me god!’

  ‘Good to know we’ve got trust on our side too!’ Jake said, flinging himself back against the sofa. ‘Thanks for that dad.’

  ‘Ya young,’ interrupted Ethel. ‘An’ Jacob, ya snoop for her so ya know tings about Hatty she don’t.’

  ‘Like what?’ said Hatty, folding her arms across her chest. ‘He’s told me everything, haven’t you Jake?’

  ‘As much as I remember,’ he replied and Hatty noticed he looked at his father.

  ‘Which bits are missing?’

  ‘The bits not worth talking about,’ Jake replied as her eyes were locked with his father’s for a moment.

  ‘Me darlin’ Hatty. Ya know Mister Murray an’ ya moder were in love?’ began Ethel. ‘Dis man come to dis island to find ya moder an’ be wid ‘er but she marry a man not wordy of ‘er love. When ya daddy left, Mister Murray look after ya moder an’ give ‘er such ‘appiness. Me see Eloise when she arrive ‘ere. She so sad. Like when ya come to da island. Ya fader wasn’t a nice man but she see good, where all me see was bad.’

  ‘He was a waster, I know that,’ she shrugged, noticing Murray flinch. ‘But he was also a carpenter so that’s a good thing.’

  ‘Hatty,’ Murray said rubbing his face. ‘People will compare you and Jake to Eloise and me. They will make comments and say bad things. I’m worried you’re both going to get hurt by the gossip.’

  ‘Why does Aunt Delores keep telling me to keep away from Jake? Why is she so set against it? Surely she should know how I feel?’ said Hatty quietly.

�Ya Aunt Delores ‘as a problem wid ya an’ Jake. When me ask ya to leave, me spoke to Delores. It make ‘er unhappy to see ya get ‘urt by anyone especially Master Jake. We see ‘ow upset ya were wen ‘e left. Me self know ‘e ‘urt ya an’ ya run away to dat foreign man.’ Hatty noticed Ethel plant one of her evil stares on Jake who blushed. ‘An’ Glory, Jake? Me ‘ear she tellin’ everyone ya come back for ‘er. When she find out ya wid Hatty, me not know what she gonna do.’

  ‘I can handle her,’ he said defiantly to Ethel, as Hatty noticed Murray stare at his son.

  ‘Hatty can’t,’ Ethel said. ‘She will say nasty tings about Hatty an’ we all know, people listen on dis island, true or not.’

  ‘What can anyone say to hurt me anymore than they can now? What can they say to Jake to make him turn against me? Are you both saying you want us to stop seeing each other?’ she said and Jake flung his arms around her shoulders. ‘We’ll keep it quiet, keep it under wraps, tell nobody anything and carry on as we have done.’

  ‘You need to know something else,’ Murray said and Hatty noticed he looked ashen as he put his hands over his face and rubbed his beard. ‘Something that’s bound to come up sooner than later.’

  ‘What?’ Jake grimaced and Hatty saw Ethel flinch for a moment.

  ‘I was married to your mother when I came to find Eloise,’ he said. Hatty heard a sharp intake of breath from Jake and turned to see his open mouth. ‘We were going through a bad time and I was back and forth from here until Hatty went to England. Caroline hates me for that and a whole host of other things I can’t begin to tell you, so you need to hear it from me. Because if you two do continue to be together, there will be more things coming your way and, believe me, it won’t be nice.’

  ‘You never loved my mother, is that what you’re saying?’ Jake’s voice cracking as he spoke.

  ‘I loved your mother very much and I loved Eloise. I married your mother because I thought Eloise had disappeared because she didn’t love me, but that wasn’t the case. It’s because she loved me so much she came here, to hide, to give me a happier life, so she thought. But I wasn’t happy. I was lost and your mother was wonderful. She knew I loved this woman and I tried to do good, tried to be a good husband but the idea of never seeing Eloise again broke my heart. When I turned up I’d heard she was going to get married and I saw her an hour after she got married, for the first time in two years. I knew nothing had changed between us. I think that’s why her husband was cruel to her.’


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