The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 59

by S M Mala

  ‘Me chop it head off!’

  ‘You could’ve at least done it when I wasn’t standing next to you. Look at my clothes!’

  Hatty glanced down and Jake realised there was splats of blood on her dungarees.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Murray asked and Hatty did a double take before she came running towards him and stopped a few feet away.

  Jake saw her frown turn into a smile.

  ‘I’d hug you Mister Murray but I’m covered in fish blood,’ she said and smiled at Jake. ‘Ethel murdered the fish and thinks that’s how she’s going to teach me to cook, but I won’t do it. You can buy fillets in the shop so I don’t know why she’s showing me this.’

  ‘Hello Hatty,’ Murray said and Jake glanced at his father then grimaced.

  ‘That bad?’ Hatty sighed. Jake wanted to push his father out of the way and hug the blood stained woman who was scowling at Murray. ‘I love him and he loves me. We made up. He was hurting too. There’s nothing to discuss other than aunt isn’t speaking to me and I’ve hardly seen her. Also, you didn’t leave me a present for Valentine’s and I am most upset.’

  ‘I believe my son was your Valentine’s present,’ he said flatly. Jake glanced at his father’s stony face then saw Hatty’s guilty smile. ‘I’m not happy about this.’

  ‘You were happy before, why the change of heart?’ she said and stood closer to Jake, slipping her hand in his. ‘You still think I’m not good enough?’’

  ‘I think you’re both going to get hurt. I know people will try and break you up. I believe, as strong as you think you are, there’s going to be a barrage of gossip and you’ll get upset. I can’t protect you, only warn you that this will happen,’ he said seriously and Jake saw Ethel walk up to them.

  Hatty glanced over her shoulder and immediately stood behind Jake.

  ‘You better not have that fish head!’ Hatty snapped and Jake saw Ethel smile.

  ‘Mister Murray, me tink dey have a right to be ‘appy.’ Ethel stood firmly and glanced at Jake. ‘De problem is people tink ya son gat a rovin’ eye an’ Hatty, well dey just tink she strange.’

  ‘I am not strange!’ she snapped.

  Jake wanted to laugh at her indignant expression.

  ‘You are a little,’ he whispered in her ear.

  She turned and suddenly smiled then he heard his father let out a tired sigh.

  ‘I am,’ she smiled. Jake noticed his father’s impatient glare. ‘Problem Mister Murray?’

  ‘Delores wants us to all sit down over lunch and talk about what’s going on.

  ‘Why? We’re a couple,’ said Jake, annoyance building up on his gut as he put his arm firmly around Hatty’s shoulders.

  ‘Couple?’ Hatty said and grinned. ‘We’re a couple.’

  ‘Yes we are,’ he said and was momentarily distracted as he noticed a little glint in her eye. Jake wanted to kiss her but pursed his lips as he looked at his father. ‘And we’re not going to fight about anything anymore and if we do, we don’t break up.’

  ‘Even if you’re wrong?’ she said with a frown.

  ‘I won’t be,’ he laughed and kissed her head. ‘And Delores can say what she likes because she’s not going to change either one of our minds.’

  ‘What does Caroline have to say about this?’ Delores asked, while they sat on the balcony facing the sea. Hatty squeezed Jake’s hand seeing his pained look. ‘She’s not going to be happy to find out you’re seeing Harriet. We all know your aunt is, how shall I put it?’

  ‘I know she has some very strong views,’ said Jake quietly.

  Hatty watched him grimace and squeezed her hand tightly back.

  ‘You call it ‘strong’?’ sighed Delores, shaking her head from side to side. ‘I call it extreme.’

  ‘She’s not a member of the Klu Klux Klan is she?’ smiled Hatty sweetly, trying to diffuse the situation. As she looked up, she noticed Murray staring. ‘Well I had to ask.’

  ‘It’s because she’s your father’s adopted child, isn’t it? Something to tell your friends you slept with your sister!’ Delores said quite loudly as Monica dropped some cutlery while walking out. ‘She’s inexperienced so it’s all new and he’s just a boy on heat.’

  ‘Do you mind? That’s not true!’ Jake said and Hatty smiled at his flushed cheeks. ‘And not in front of Monica, it’s embarrassing.’

  ‘It’s the truth,’ said Delores sharply.

  Hatty glanced at Jake’s furious face and noticed Murray’s didn’t look so dissimilar.

  ‘Me not mind,’ Monica said cheerfully while Hatty grinned, knowing the woman was going to laugh. ‘Young love is sweet.’

  ‘Depends how you define ‘sweet’?’ said Murray.

  He’d not spoken for the past twenty minutes and just stared at the pair of them.

  ‘Lunch comin’ soon,’ Monica said cheerfully and walked off.

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean? And don’t use my expressions,’ huffed Hatty who reached over to grab the bottle of wine only to be met with a slap from Murray. She glared at him and pulled her hand away. ‘Now you won’t even give me a drink.’

  ‘I’m worried what’s going to come up next when you two fight,’ he blurted out and shifted in his chair. ‘Hatty, not three weeks ago you were so distraught you fell into the sea.’

  ‘I tripped!’ she replied, realising he was making out he was more annoyed than he was.

  But at that moment, she couldn’t figure out if he was pretending or being sincere.

  ‘You didn’t want to speak or see Jake and now you’re telling Delores and I you’re both in love,’ he said and Hatty stared at Murray, wondering what game he was playing.

  ‘Was it a shock to you when aunt told you this week?’ she glared at him.

  ‘I had my suspicions,’ he said coolly.

  That’s when Hatty realised he didn’t want to let on to Delores he knew about them.

  ‘Well lucky you Mister Murray, they have been confirmed,’ she said happily, turning to Jake who was glaring at Delores. ‘Murray said-.’

  ‘I heard what he said,’ Jake replied. ‘Delores, why don’t you like me?’

  ‘That’s a bit unfair,’ said Murray quickly as Monica returned with a trolley full of food.

  Hatty stood up and helped her put the dish out on the table for something to do.

  ‘Ethel say she hid de fish ‘ead in ya food,’ whispered Monica as Hatty scowled.

  ‘Tell Aunt Ethel me gonna hide ‘er walkin’ stick so’ she trip an’ end in da creek!’ hissed Hatty. She sat back down at the silent table. ‘Why don’t you like Jake?’

  ‘I never said I didn’t and don’t turn this on me,’ Delores sharply replied as she lifted the lids off the dishes.

  ‘I love him and I don’t care what you think,’ said Hatty, getting increasingly annoyed with her aunt’s attitude. ‘And you should be happy. At least I’m experiencing true love. It may not last but at least I can die knowing I had a bash.’

  ‘Bash?’ Jake said, looking confused.

  ‘English for ‘had a go’,’ Murray quickly interjected, pouring out the wine and stopping at Jake’s glass. ‘Are you driving?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, as his father filled his glass half way and Hatty smiled at the parental concern.

  ‘It’s not that I don’t like you,’ said Delores quickly. ‘I see many men like you come and go. It’s very hurtful to see the local women being used so freely when there’s no regard for their feelings.’

  Hatty noticed Delores shot Murray a warning glance.

  ‘I’m not using Hatty, I like her very much too and…’ She noticed he hesitated for a moment. ‘She makes me very happy.’

  ‘Do I?’ Hatty said, feeling very proud of his comment. ‘That’s lovely.’ She instantly grabbed his hand and kissed it, realising both Delores and Murray were looking at her. Hatty dropped it quickly. ‘Help yourself to food.’

  ‘I’d like to be frank,’ said Delores.

  ‘And I thought you wer
e called Delores,’ sniggered Hatty, only to be met with three frowns. ‘I’m trying to lighten up the mood because it should be a happy occasion.’

  ‘Well I’m not happy!’ snapped Delores.

  ‘And I don’t care,’ replied Hatty quickly, getting riled.

  ‘What sort of relationship are you having?’ her aunt persisted as Jake quickly glanced at Hatty. ‘I mean Jake, you are aware Hatty is not a woman of the world.’

  ‘Excuse me?’ said Hatty glaring at her aunt. ‘You can’t talk about me like this especially with Murray here!’

  ‘He’s your adopted father so why can’t I? And you never told me you knew!’

  ‘I only found out a few months ago,’ she said, looking at Murray for some support and being met with a shrug.

  ‘Is it sexual?’ Delores asked and Hatty felt her cheeks burn with rage as Jake sat there and grinned.

  ‘It’s emotional and physical,’ Jake replied and for the first time, Hatty realised he looked pleased.

  ‘And precautions?’

  ‘No!’ said Hatty, standing up and glaring at Delores. ‘This has nothing to do with you. I am a woman, not a child! I can take care of contraception thanks very much.’

  ‘So what are you using?’ snapped Delores and Hatty couldn’t get over the hostility in her voice as Murray flinched.

  ‘We’re very safe,’ said Jake, glancing at Hatty sympathetically. ‘We use-.’

  ‘Lots and lots of condoms because of the slut he is!’ Hatty blurted out. She could see the surprise on Jake’s face. ‘I’m very sensible.’ Murray looked like he was going to smile. ‘I don’t want to get knocked up and based on my past you should be pleased I haven’t been attacked!’ As she said it, she realised it was too much. Murray suddenly slammed down his fist angrily. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it.’ She slumped back in her chair. ‘I don’t want to talk about things which are personal. Why can’t anyone be happy for us?’

  They sat eating lunch in silence. She realised Jake wasn’t talking to her and Murray was looking at Delores who, in turn, was glaring at Hatty and Jake. She picked at her food and kept filling up her glass with wine.

  Then she spotted Barney, who was walking onto the balcony. Hatty discreetly put her hand down and gave him a piece of fried fish which he ate. Murray glanced at her and smiled as she noticed Barney go under the table and grab her flip flop, running off with it.

  ‘Barney!’ she said, chasing the dog round the other side of the pool, trying not to slip. ‘Give it back.’ She realised the others were oblivious, focussing on their meal or glaring at each other as she tried to grab the dog. As she reached for her flip flop, he wasn’t going to let go. ‘It’s not fish!’ The dog growled back. ‘And don’t answer back!’

  ‘Hatty be careful,’ Murray said, watching them.

  ‘Give me back my flip flop!’ she shouted and pulled hard then the dog released it.

  She fell into the pool, heading straight under water in the deep end.

  Hatty panicked, realising she couldn’t feel the bottom then felt herself being pulled up.

  It was Jake, laughing.

  ‘Only you could land up in here,’ he said, pulling her to the side by her dungarees.

  Hatty spat the water out and swore the dog was smiling.

  ‘Is she okay?’ Murray shouted as Jake pushed Hatty up to the side and got out.

  She instantly looked at him all wet and gorgeous then smiled as he pulled her up and scooped her up in his arms, walking back to the table.

  ‘That’s very sweet of you,’ she smiled, putting her arms around his neck to see Delores rolling her eyes.

  ‘And this is for calling me a slut,’ Jake whispered then threw her back in the pool as she laughed.

  Murray watched Delores stare at the drenched pair at the table. He knew she was fit to burst with anger. The pool episode had riled her more and he wondered why she was so set against them. Jake had run in to get a towel and wrap it around Hatty. His son took off his shirt and kept laughing every time he looked at her.

  He noticed his son was right about Hatty making him happy and saw how Hatty looked at him, sheepishly then with so much love, it made Murray smile.

  It’s when he caught Delores looking at him, he knew there was more to this than she was letting on.

  ‘You both seem aware that this is not going to last forever then you’ll go your separate ways,’ said Delores sharply. Hatty’s smile immediately dropped. ‘People will talk and look down on Hatty but that’s something she’s used to.’

  ‘Delores!’ Murray snapped, seeing the woman was taking a snipe at Hatty who gulped hard.

  ‘Don’t be a bitch!’ barked Jake, grabbing Hatty’s hand protectively. ‘They’ve got nothing to look down on her about.’

  ‘Depends how you define ‘look down’ other than I’m short,’ sighed Hatty, biting her bottom lip. ‘I’m used to it.’

  ‘You need to be reminded,’ Delores said sharply, once again, glaring at Jake.

  ‘And is that what you do? Remind her everyday so she’s scared and put in her place?’ snapped Jake. ‘You, who say you love her, looking down at her like everyone else. Then parading her in front of the people, who you know are out to upset her!’

  ‘That’s enough,’ said Murray calmly, seeing the three of them look daggers at each other. ‘Can we just be civil?’

  ‘Why?’ asked Jake and Murray saw him stroke Hatty’s leg through her damp dungarees. ‘Delores hates me, has since the moment she set eyes on me years ago and definitely doesn’t approve of my relationship with her dear niece.’ Hatty turned and glared at Jake for a moment. ‘What happens, happens. If she doesn’t give her blessing, personally, I don’t care. All I care about is Hatty.’

  ‘And you’re going back to New York on May 30th,’ added Murray sharply. ‘Even if I have to eject you off this island myself.’

  ‘One hundred days left of happiness,’ smiled Hatty brightly and Murray saw Jake frown. ‘Though I’m not counting today.’

  ‘This is pathetic!’ said Delores, throwing her napkin at her half eaten food. Murray instantly recognised the similar look she had years back as she stared at the pair. ‘All this feigned happiness. What are you both trying to prove? This is a marvellous thing you being together? Well it’s not!’

  She got up and stormed off into the house.

  Murray sat frozen suddenly realising what was bugging Delores.

  ‘Do you think we’re pathetic Mister Murray?’ Hatty asked quietly.

  Jake touched her damp hair as she then leaned over and rested her head on his chest.

  ‘I asked you two not to say anything but you don’t listen, do you? Not everyone is going to be happy as they have their own issues to deal with,’ he calmly replied. ‘Please, dear god, don’t fight again. Come to me and we’ll sort it out. But Jake is going in one hundred days and then you’re going to have to cope being apart. My concern is that the pair of you will suffer for this. And I should know.’

  Hatty couldn’t stop laughing. They sat on the beach after she had lasted fifteen minutes in the water. Jake lay back in the sun, closing his eyes as she gulped for air to control her giggles.

  ‘It’s punishment,’ he said with a smirk.

  ‘Because I called you a slut? I was only telling the truth,’ she laughed. ‘No sex, until you think I deserve it?’

  ‘Yes,’ Jake replied with his eyes firmly shut. ‘And it might take a while.’

  ‘You’ve been sleeping about, I needed to make sure I was protected.’

  ‘From what?’

  ‘STI’s and…’ she hesitated for a moment. ‘And fleas.’

  ‘What?’ he said, opening his eye and looking at her.

  ‘The dogs you’ve been sleeping with,’ Hatty replied sheepishly. ‘At least I didn’t say rabies though I know one of them is a little rabid.’

  ‘You’re not nice.’

  ‘I don’t care.’

  Hatty lay back on the dry sand and examined the clear blue sky,
all the while hearing the sea in the background. It wasn’t sounding angry today, it was as if it was happy and singing. She smiled, looking at the calm blue waters.

  ‘There was something in Dad’s face this afternoon I couldn’t figure out,’ Jake said quietly. ‘He looked really upset, angry then his expression changed.’

  ‘Probably because of all the talk of sex,’ she sniggered and admired the gorgeous man in front of her. ‘And talking about sex.’

  ‘We’re not,’ he laughed, shaking his head. ‘I’m not touching you again because you’re rude about me.’

  ‘Delores doesn’t like the idea of you and me,’ she said, crawling closer to him. ‘She knows about Logan men and she doesn’t want me to be your housekeeper by day and lover at night.’

  ‘Frankly, I wouldn’t employ you,’ he said bluntly, which only made her laugh more. ‘You know Ha Ha she has a way of saying pretty cruel things. You don’t seem to take it on board she’s being insulting.’

  ‘It’s her way,’ said Hatty, her laugh quickly fading as she thought about her aunt. ‘I think she wants to toughen me up.’

  ‘I think she wants to hurt you,’ he said, turning to look at her and she could see he was being serious. ‘Not physically but emotionally. No wonder you’re paranoid about-.’

  ‘I’m not paranoid,’ she replied immediately. ‘You know how they talk.’

  She fumed at his silence.

  ‘I love you,’ he eventually said, putting hand out to stroked her face. ‘And that means I’ve become protective towards you, even if it is against Delores.’

  ‘Now you’re being paranoid.’

  ‘What have I done to make her dislike me so much?’

  ‘Maybe because you’re Murray’s son?’

  ‘A gentle reminder of what she could have had with dad, if he’d been in love with her,’ he said quickly.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Oh I don’t know,’ he replied, letting out a massive sigh. ‘I’m assuming he can’t be that much in love with her if he doesn’t want to get married again.’

  ‘Married?’ Now she was confused. ‘Does aunt want to marry Murray?’

  ‘Obviously!’ he laughed out loudly. ‘She just wants it to be her and him with no interference from us.’


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