Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1

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Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1 Page 11

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  Owen stood at a table, several soldiers surrounding it, all of them studying a map. When Owen glanced up and saw her, he closed his eyes, his shoulders rising and falling in apparent relief. He opened his eyes and ordered everyone out. As the soldiers exited, Harley realized Ackley, Gytha, and Ledger had remained outside the tent.

  Finally alone, Harley ran to Owen, throwing her arms around him. He held her tightly, kissing her head. His chest shook, and she realized they were both crying.


  Ackley watched Harley enter the tent, unable to figure out why the woman made him feel off-kilter. She was beautiful, to be sure. But she was a lady. She probably sat around knitting and drinking tea all day. He almost snorted just thinking about how she reacted when he told her there was a rat near her head. Typical woman. Of course, his body had reacted like a typical man’s. He’d have to make sure that didn’t happen again, which shouldn’t be a problem. He doubted their paths would cross often.

  Idina joined him. “I heard you’d arrived.” She looked him over. “You appear to be in one piece and nothing seems to be wrong with your legs.”

  He lifted a single eyebrow. “You doubted my ability to fetch a young woman and return here unharmed?” His sister knew what he was capable of since she helped run their network of spies back in Marsden. She’d sent him on missions far more dangerous. There was no need to be concerned now simply because they were in a foreign kingdom.

  “I’m trying to figure out why you’re standing outside of Owen’s tent instead of coming to see me.” Folding her arms, she tapped her foot in agitation.

  He smiled. “I was going to find you after I finished here.” Once he spoke to Owen. Which reminded him that Ledger and Gytha were with him and he hadn’t bothered with introductions. But Ledger was only a soldier and once he gave his report, he’d be absorbed into the army.

  “Is Owen’s cousin in there with him right now?” Idina asked, pointing at the tent.

  “She is.”

  “Excellent. I’m eager to meet her.” Idina pushed the flap aside and hurried into the tent.

  He was about to tell her to wait since he didn’t know how the reunion was going, but Idina rushed in before he could stop her. Not only had Harley been through a terrible ordeal at the castle during the takeover, but she hadn’t had an easy go of it since. Owen probably wanted to know everything, and Ackley thought the two of them should have some time alone to discuss the details. Plus, Harley looked like a total disaster at the moment. Since she’d fallen into the ocean, her hair was a tangled mess. She also had soot on her face from sleeping in the burned village. The ugly brown commoner dress didn’t help matters either. Which was why Ackley didn’t understand his physical attraction to her given her current state. But it didn’t matter—she wasn’t his type, and he had no intention of tying himself to another person. Ever. He enjoyed his freedom.

  Mumbled voices came from inside the tent. A moment later, Idina opened the flap and waved the three of them inside.

  “We have a lot to discuss,” Owen said by way of greeting, his arm wrapped around Harley. “First, I want to thank Ledger for aiding in my cousin’s escape. Your father was a good man and will be missed.”

  Ledger bowed his head, his chest heaving up and down. Hopefully, Ledger would channel that hurt and devastation into being battle ready. The more soldiers they had in the right frame of mind, the better.

  “Ledger, if you and Captain Gytha would get my generals, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty.” Ledger bowed, then left the tent with Gytha following close behind.

  “Your Majesty sounds like your father,” Harley said.

  “I agree. I hope I can be half the leader he was.”

  “I have no doubt you’ll be that and more.”

  Owen squeezed his cousin. “Now that it’s just the four of us, there are a few things you need to know before the others join us.” Owen released Harley, looking her square in the face. “Besides my being engaged to Princess Idina, you need to know that your father-in-law betrayed us. He tried to assassinate me and was killed for it.”

  Ackley blinked, understanding but not truly believing what he’d just heard. “Commander Beck is Lady Harley’s father-in-law?” He wanted to be certain.

  “Yes,” Owen answered. “Though I never liked the guy.” He shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry, Harley.”

  She shook her head. “I never cared for him either.” Her attention went to her hands now clasped together.

  The news rattled Ackley. Commander Beck had been instrumental in trying to take over Marsden. He was a devious man who deserved to die. But that wasn’t what had him so shaken. It was the father-in-law part. That meant Harley was married. He rarely made errors in his judgment of others, and he didn’t know how he could have been so wrong about this young woman before him. “Where’s your husband?” he inquired. Had her husband traveled to Marsden along with Commander Beck? Did she have children? He wiped his hand off against his thigh—the hand that had accidentally grabbed her arse.

  “Dead,” Harley answered. The corners of her lips rose slightly. “Lyle died during the takeover. I am a widow.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Idina said, her voice soft and comforting.

  Harley’s eyes hardened. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. It was an arranged marriage, and I didn’t particularly care for Lyle. He was his father’s son.”

  Her words hung heavy in the air. Harley had not only been through a bloody takeover, but she’d lost her husband. And her husband had been a man she didn’t care for. Another reason Ackley refused to wed—he didn’t want to be forced to marry someone he didn’t love strictly for political gains. If that were the case, he would only despise the woman for tying him down.

  “Regardless,” Idina said, “Prince Ackley and I offer our condolences.”

  Harley’s face paled. “Prince Ackley?” She glanced at him, her eyes widening in horror.

  “Yes, I’m here with my brother. I thought you knew that was Ackley?” Idina waved a hand in his direction, annoyance written across her face. And a promise to yell at him later for this. He withheld his amusement for self-preservation.

  Harley shook her head. “Forgive me. I was not aware I traveled with a prince since neither he nor his companion identified him as one.” She looked at Owen, as if pleading for help.

  Ackley wasn’t one of those stuffy royals who insisted on formality. Still, he knew how strange it was for someone in his position to go off on a clandestine assignment. Of course, that was what Owen had been doing in Marsden, so maybe it wasn’t all that unusual for a son who wasn’t first or second in line for the throne to do such things. He shrugged. Being a prince was simply a title; it didn’t define who he was.

  Ledger and Gytha entered the tent with a handful of soldiers who must be Owen’s newly appointed generals. At least Owen had started to surround himself with people he trusted and who could help him. Ackley took note of each man, wanting to speak with them privately later in order to assess each one.

  “I’ll go now that your generals are here,” Harley said.

  “I want you to stay,” Owen insisted. “I’m sure you have vital information to share.”

  She looked at her cousin as if he had two heads.

  “Princess Idina has shown me there are other ways to do things,” he added.

  Idina smiled, pride radiating from her. Ackley couldn’t help but think how lucky his sister was to have someone who not only loved her but valued her opinion. Owen came from a society that didn’t have women in positions of authority. However, after meeting Idina, he had no qualms about listening to and trusting her. She was a shrewd planner, and he’d be a fool not to take advantage of her knowledge.

  Once everyone was standing around the table, Owen began. “We’ve learned a lot over the course of the past few days.” He placed the map of the kingdom on top of the other papers strewn on the table. “My spies have returned with information. The most importan
t of which is Russek has withdrawn from Melenia.”

  “Withdrawn?” Ackley said. If the war was already over and he’d suffered those two weeks on that blasted ship needlessly, he’d punch something.

  “That is the word from the few citizens my spies managed to come across. There is vast destruction across the kingdom. Most towns and villages are burned, and there aren’t many survivors. But from those they spoke to, they all said Russek suddenly up and left.”

  “If Russek has withdrawn, then is there no war to be fought?” Ackley asked. “You are king, and your throne is secure?”

  “Not even close,” Idina said. “You didn’t hear the second part yet.” She folded her arms and looked at Owen.

  “It seems someone is sitting on my throne.” Owen drummed his knuckles on the table. “Someone other than me.”

  “Is it someone from Russek?” one of the generals asked.

  “According to my spies, it is a Melenia soldier. One of my own has betrayed my family.”

  Silence filled the tent.

  “Are you sure?” Ledger asked. “I was there, and I don’t recall seeing a Melenia soldier aiding Russek.”

  “Maybe the soldier took the throne out of necessity?” one of the generals suggested. “If he thought the entire royal family murdered and Russek withdrew, then he saw the need for a ruler?”

  Owen shook his head. “I wish that was the case, but it’s not. We have a traitor to kill.”

  “How do you know?” Gytha asked.

  One of the generals shifted on his feet, appearing uneasy with Gytha questioning the king so directly. Thankfully, he didn’t ask why Owen allowed women to be present during this meeting. Where Ackley came from in northern Marsden, it was just as backward. However, in southern Marsden, where he met Gytha, women were treated equally. Owen seemed to be readily embracing that ideology.

  “Lady Harley, didn’t you say you overheard the traitor?” Ackley inquired. She was there during the takeover and had a lot of vital information to share. She just needed to be bolder and speak freely.

  “Yes,” she replied, not looking at any of the generals as she spoke. “I overheard one of our own plotting against the royal family.”

  “Do you have any idea who it is?” Owen asked.

  “No. He spoke softly, and I did not get a look at his face.”

  “Your spies haven’t been able to discover who it is?” Idina asked.

  “Not yet. All we know is that a Melenia soldier declared himself king while Russek was still occupying the land. He worked with the Russek soldiers until they up and left, saying Prince Kerdan demanded all troops return home immediately.”

  “Prince Kerdan withdrew the troops?” Harley blurted out, surprise showing on her face.

  Given what she’d revealed to him, Ackley wondered whose side Kerdan was really on. It seemed this information warranted a visit to the Russek prince. Unfortunately, Owen wouldn’t condone Ackley traipsing off for a couple of weeks simply to gather information. He’d have to think on the matter more. Maybe he could send a few of his men to set up a meeting. Owen wouldn’t have to know about it.

  “That’s what my spies reported.” Owen scratched the back of his neck.

  “What’s our plan?” Ackley glanced at the map, noticing three lines marked from their camp to the royal castle, each line taking a different route. “With Russek gone, I assume your objective has changed?” Technically, Owen didn’t need Marsden’s soldiers any longer.

  “I must still reclaim my throne.” Owen straightened. “The traitorous king has taken up residence in my castle. I need to know if he has Melenia soldiers with him. If so, are they loyal to him? Regardless, we should have the numbers to take the castle back and dethrone the traitor.” He flexed his hand.

  So now instead of fighting a neighboring kingdom’s army, Melenia was fighting against its own—or what was left of it. Ackley didn’t think it would be as easy as Owen made it seem. However, Ackley would remain here with his Marsden soldiers until his sister’s position in Melenia was secure.

  “Are you certain you want to return there?” Harley asked, her voice soft and delicate, capturing everyone’s astute attention. Her gaze remained on Owen. “After the royal family and my brother were murdered, they killed everyone. The royal castle is filled with death. You could build a new home.”

  “The castle is my home, and I will reclaim it,” Owen said gently.

  “Once you retake your throne,” Harley said, fierce determination lighting up her eyes, “promise me you will make Russek pay.”

  Owen took her hand, squeezing it. “I promise.”

  Rubbing his chin, Ackley tried to fathom why a kingdom would invade another kingdom, slaughter so many, and then just leave. He needed to learn more about Russek and the state of this continent before he could make an accurate assumption. “Do we know why they invaded in the first place?” He addressed his question to Harley since she’d mentioned something about Kerdan wanting the king to sign a treaty.

  “They wanted soldiers,” she answered. “But King Coden refused.”

  Ackley tapped the map where the kingdom of Russek was labeled. “I think we’re overlooking one additional thing that needs to be considered.”

  “What’s that?” one of the generals inquired.

  Taking note of how Russek bordered Melenia, he replied, “If Russek came here for soldiers, did they get them? If so, what do they need them for?” In other words, was there something larger brewing on the continent? “I’m also concerned with Russek’s sudden withdrawal. Does it have to do with this traitorous king, or is something else going on here on the mainland?” There, he’d said it. What he feared—a war was coming. If his past had taught him anything, it was that his gut was usually right.

  Everyone stared at the map, as if it would provide the answer.

  Harley cleared her throat. “When Prince Kerdan asked for soldiers, King Coden said he refused to align with Russek because he didn’t want to go against Emperion.”

  “For good reason,” one of the generals said. “Emperion is the largest and strongest kingdom on the mainland. To go against them is suicide.”

  Another thing Ackley had learned through the years was that power changed people and made them do stupid things. This traitor obviously sought power. What was the price he’d paid for it?

  “These are all excellent points that need to be considered,” Owen said. “Since there are so many of us, traveling to the castle will take a couple of weeks. We can work out these details along the way. For now, I want everyone to prepare to leave tomorrow at first light. My generals are dismissed; everyone else, please stay.”

  Studying the map, Ackley wondered which route they’d take and why. “You’re going to keep the army together and not split us up?”

  “Correct.” After the generals exited the tent, Owen peered at Harley. “I can escort you to your parents’ home on our way.”

  “If it’s even still there.”

  “Let’s hope so. Penlar is in a pretty remote location. Think about it. Once you’ve decided, let me know.”

  “I want to stay with you. I want retribution.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  Owen’s hands balled into fists. “I promise we will avenge their deaths. My parents, brothers, sister, and your brother.”

  “I want all those responsible to pay,” Harley whispered. “King Drenton, Prince Soma, the Melenia soldier who betrayed us. I want them all to suffer.” She glanced at Ackley as if he alone could accomplish this.

  “They will,” Owen answered. “I won’t rest until they’re dead—every single one of them.”

  “Good.” Harley nodded.

  Ackley had thought there would be an all-out war when they arrived in Melenia. Instead, this was sounding more and more like a huge mess that wouldn’t be sorted out easily. It wasn’t that he minded being there and helping Owen. It was that he feared for what his sister was getting into. If Melenia wasn’t strong and capable, Idina would be a
sitting duck on the throne. And that was something he wouldn’t stand for.

  It was time for him to get to work. He needed to send out his men to glean information. And right now, information was key.

  Ackley stepped out of the small lagoon and dried off. He hadn’t bathed in days and the clean water felt refreshing, though it was a bit warm for his taste. After dressing, he stretched out on the ground, staring up into the sky. The sun had set and pale pink clouds drifted over the ocean.

  “I thought I’d find you here,” Idina said by way of greeting.

  He peered over his shoulder at her approaching form. “You’re alone?” Gytha or someone else should be guarding her.

  “Don’t give me that look.” She sat beside him. “I needed a moment to myself. And, to be honest, I wanted a couple of minutes alone with my brother. Ever since we left Marsden, I’ve had people hovering around me. It’s exhausting.”

  He chuckled, knowing exactly what she meant. “Better get used to it.” As queen of Melenia, she would rarely have time to herself. At least out here in the cove, it was secluded and safe. Gytha was probably waiting for Idina back in the tunnel that led to the valley where everyone was staying.

  Idina adjusted her dress around her legs.

  “I’m sure someone has a pair of pants you can borrow.” It would be much easier for her to travel in even though he knew she’d never agree.

  She scoffed at him. “I am perfectly capable of riding a horse or walking in a dress, thank you very much. While I understand that we are in a state of unrest, with the possibility of fighting breaking out at any minute, there is no need to sacrifice my clothing. I can still look good while leading my soon-to-be people.”

  He smiled. Idina always had a thing for pretty dresses. He especially liked the fact that she looked and acted like a proper lady, but was cunning and ruthless underneath. An upbringing he and his brother, Gordon, had seen to. Ironic, considering women in northern Marsden were considered less than men. It was something their father had believed and lived by. It was something Ackley never thought, regardless of what was shoved down his throat. To survive, his sister had learned to show one side to the world while keeping the other side hidden from those who would not understand. He wondered if other women were the same. Reid certainly was. Which led him to wonder about Harley. Was there more to her than what she showed him?


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