Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1

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Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1 Page 20

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  “Who’s the woman?”

  “Lady Harley of Melenia.”

  The man squinted. “She looks familiar.”

  “I recognize you,” Harley said, stepping beside Ackley. “You were in the kitchen that day during the takeover.”

  His eyes darkened. “That I was.” He waved them forward. “Get in the cart before someone else sees you. I’m taking you to Kerdan.”

  Interesting that the man didn’t use a title with Kerdan’s name. “How far away is he?” Ackley asked.

  “I should have you there tomorrow sometime. I can’t give you any information beyond that.”

  Ackley took hold of Harley’s hand, leading her to the cart.

  “The name’s Gelik Wolf.” He smiled wryly as he climbed onto the driver’s bench.

  Ackley thought he was missing something with the name. Regardless, Gelik felt trustworthy, so he helped Harley up into the back of the cart, climbing in behind her. The cart lurched forward, heading away from the village.

  “At least we don’t have to walk,” Harley whispered, settling in beside Ackley, closer than necessary. The back of the cart was empty save for a few pieces of straw.

  “I was looking forward to getting a room for the night and having nothing to do but tend to my wife.” It was a bold thing to say, but he felt like pushing the boundaries. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted slightly. He longed to lower his head, kissing her. However, that was one line he couldn’t cross.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” she whispered.

  He hadn’t expected her to say that. “No, I suppose I’m one of a kind.” He stretched his legs out before him, crossing his ankles.

  Her hand reached out, resting on his forearm. He held still, surprised she was touching him again. “I think that’s a good thing. I’m not sure the world could handle two of you.”

  A laugh escaped him. “Who knew you were so funny.”


  Arriving sometime tomorrow ended up being a rather liberal use of the word. They’d been riding in this cart for well over twenty-four hours. Darkness had descended for the second time. Ackley was pretty sure tomorrow was at an end. At least Gelik fed them. Granted, it was bread. But food was food.

  Harley hadn’t spoken much. She’d remained at his side, resting against him, not attempting to make small talk. Which was good. They didn’t need Gelik overhearing their conversations.

  “I didn’t think it possible, but it’s getting even colder,” Harley mumbled, snuggling closer to Ackley as the cart trudged along. “I can’t feel my fingers, but I can feel my toes.” She wiggled her feet. “Thank you for the socks and boots.” She’d thanked him over a dozen times already.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, tucking her in close. Since it was so frigid out, she didn’t even argue and instead, seemed to melt against him. Their nearness was out of necessity, nothing more.

  The cart finally came to a stop. Ackley glanced around, not seeing any signs of a town or village nearby.

  “We’re here,” Gelik announced.

  “It doesn’t look like we’re anywhere,” Harley commented as she climbed out.

  There were at least two men in the nearby trees. Ackley couldn’t see them, but he could feel them. “Are they your men?”

  Gelik smiled. “You could say that.” He whistled.

  A man swung down from the tree to Ackley’s right, landing deftly on his feet.

  “These two are here to see Kerdan,” Gelik told the man.

  He nodded. “I’ll take care of them.”

  Gelik thumped the guy on his shoulder, then swung back onto the driver’s bench. He gave the command, and the horses took off.

  Harley remained four feet to Ackley’s right, not moving.

  “That won’t be necessary,” the man said, eyeing the dagger hidden in Ackley’s palm. “You can put your weapon away.”

  “Forgive me for being prudent,” Ackley said. “It’s not often I’m dropped off in the middle of nowhere.”

  “You’re not in the middle of nowhere. Kerdan is close by. We couldn’t risk bringing the cart any closer to the manor.”

  Because Kerdan was in exile. Ackley put his dagger away and reached for Harley’s hand. She took it, holding on tightly.

  The man neared.

  “You’re also one of Kerdan’s men,” Harley said, her voice soft in the quiet night.

  “I am. And you saved his life.” He lowered his head. “Thank you. Now, if you’ll come with me.” He turned and headed off the dirt road and into the cover of the trees.

  They followed him, trying to stay close since it was so dark out. They traveled in silence for about a mile. Standing at the tree line, a large manor stood in an open field before them.

  “Kerdan is staying there. You will meet with him tomorrow.”

  Harley moaned. “Please tell me we’re not sleeping out here tonight because if we are, I won’t have any fingers come morning.”

  “Of course you’re not staying outside. Who do you think we are? Barbarians? Wild wolves?” He shook his head. “Follow me.” He led them over to a large rock. Kneeling on the ground, he removed a square wooden door. “Climb in.”

  Ackley went first. He climbed down the ladder to a tunnel about seven feet tall by four feet wide. Harley joined him a moment later.

  “Take the tunnel to the other side. Knock twice, then once, then five times. Tell them Gelik sent you.” He closed the door, plunging them into darkness.

  Harley clutched onto him. “I can’t see.”


  She smacked him.

  “Just hang on. I’ll lead the way.”

  “Excellent. That way if you fall into a crevice, I won’t.”

  “Not if I drag you down with me.” He started walking, his right arm out in front of him, feeling the way. Plodding through the tunnel, he contemplated this new side of Harley. She was funny and clever. He sort of enjoyed being around her. Which was dangerous—especially considering one of the plans he was leaning toward in regards to her.

  When he came to a dead end, he felt around until he found a ladder. He climbed it. At the top, he knocked as he’d been instructed. When the door opened, a large Russek greeted him. Ackley quickly introduced Harley and himself, telling the man Gelik had sent them and they were there for a meeting with Kerdan.

  The man nodded once, then waved them up. Ackley climbed out of the tunnel, finding himself in a square room lined with weapons. It appeared to be some sort of indoor training facility. Once Harley joined him, the man led them from the room and into the main portion of the manor. He took them up a flight of stairs to the second floor.

  Halfway down the hallway, the Russek stopped. “You can stay in here.” He opened one of the doors. “There will be a guard posted out here all night. If you need anything, let him know. Do not leave this room. Food will be brought to you. Once it’s time for your meeting, I’ll come and get you.”

  Ackley and Harley stepped into the room. The door shut, the lock sliding into place.

  “This is a beautiful house,” Harley said. “I wonder who lives here.”

  Ackley had been contemplating the same thing. “I’m just glad we have a roof over our heads and we’re not in that cart any longer.” He surveyed the room. One bed, two armoires, and a wash table. No settee, which meant he’d be sleeping on the floor. Again.

  Harley removed her bag. “I’m going to change into something more comfortable.”

  He continued examining the room, searching for a hidden door, weapons, anything of importance. The room appeared to be a regular guest suite. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took off his boots. When he glanced up, he saw Harley had her back to him as she removed her tunic, revealing her bare back.

  Ackley froze. She was changing…in front of him.

  She pulled on her nightdress over her head, letting the fabric slide down her body. Then she reached under the material, pushing her pants off.

  He wipe
d the sweat from his brow.

  With her back still to him, she unbraided her hair, running her fingers through it. When she turned around, her eyebrows rose in surprise. He hadn’t meant to sit there, frozen in place, watching her like a miscreant. To make matters worse, Harley’s nightdress was so thin, he could see hints of what lie hidden beneath. The temperature of the room increased, and he could barely breathe.

  Harley rushed over to the chair, snatching the blanket draped over the back of it, wrapping it around her body. “I can sleep on the floor this time.”

  The desire to pull the blanket away from her inundated him. Only, he didn’t want to stop there. He’d remove her nightdress, caressing her luscious body beneath. He needed to get a hold of himself. He couldn’t let her know the power she held over him. “I can’t allow you to sleep on the floor.” His voice sounded normal, surprising him. “Please take the bed. I won’t have it any other way.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip, hesitating.

  He took the top blanket from the bed, laying it on the floor, not giving her a chance to argue. When he laid down, he was happy to not be able to see her. It helped clear his head. Harley was Owen’s cousin. His future brother-in-law’s only kin. And she’d recently lost her husband.

  “Why don’t you sleep in the bed,” Harley suggested, her voice barely above a whisper. “With me.”

  He must have heard her wrong. His heart pounded so hard he feared she could hear it.

  “It’s large enough for the both of us. We can even put pillows in the middle, separating our bodies. We’re both adults. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

  He swallowed, unsure he could share a bed with her—even if it was platonic.

  “Otherwise, I’m sleeping on the floor, whether you take the bed or not.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, he stood. She was on the other side of the bed, standing there, not meeting his eyes. “Fine.” The bed was large. “I’ll take this side.” He stretched out on top of the blankets, using the one he’d had on the floor to cover himself.

  Harley slid under the blankets, turning away from him.

  If he’d gotten under them with her, he didn’t think he could make it through the night knowing she was only a few feet away. The covers kept a barrier between them—one that couldn’t be penetrated.

  “Without a fire, it’s rather cold in here,” she whispered. “I’ve had the warmth from your body all day.” She shivered, the bed shaking slightly.

  Those words almost undid him. He had to turn away, his back to her. “Goodnight, Harley.”


  As he laid there, he considered his precarious plan once again. Before, it had just been an idea. Now, he was seeing firsthand how love could be a dangerous weapon. Dare he harness that power? Because if he chose to, it could be the key to everything.


  Harley woke up but kept her eyes shut as she tried to remember where she was. Warmth surrounded her along with strong arms. The events of last night gradually came back to her. She and Ackley were in Russek, waiting to speak to Kerdan. And she was in bed. With Ackley.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes and found Ackley’s alert face in front of hers.

  “Good morning,” he said. “I’ve been afraid to move and wake you.”

  “Why are we hugging?” Because as much as his arms were around her, hers were equally clinging to him.

  “Um, I’m guessing we were cold?” He raised a single eyebrow.

  “That makes sense.” The lower half of their bodies were separated by a few covers. It had been smart of him not to climb under them alongside her. Who knows what state they would have woken up in.

  He wiggled his arms free and sat up, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

  Harley stretched, trying not to think about how she’d just been tangled together with Ackley.

  “You should dress. That way when someone comes for us, we’ll be ready.” He went over to the window, his back to her.

  Harley climbed out of bed, then padded over to the chair where she’d left her bag. Folded on top of it were thick wool pants and a fur-lined cape. “Ackley, did you procure these items for me?” Her hands shook at the possibility of someone coming into their room last night while they were sleeping.

  “I asked the guard on duty if there was anything lying around that you could wear. He found the items, not me.”

  Again, his thoughtfulness surprised her. She dressed quickly, thankful for the warmer clothing, all the while trying not to think about this softer side of Ackley.

  “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night,” he said, his voice gruff. “It was not my intention.”

  When she turned to face him, she found him staring out the window. “I know. And the same goes for me. I didn’t mean to cling to you like a harlot.”

  Laughing, he turned to face her. “You always surprise me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You never say or act the way I expect you to.”

  She felt the same way about him. She was about to tell him so when someone knocked on the door.

  Ackley hurried over and opened it.

  “Kerdan will see you now,” someone said from out in the hallway.

  They gathered their belongings and followed the man to the first level. He stopped outside the training room. “Kerdan is waiting for you.” He made no move to follow them.

  They entered and found Kerdan standing alone in the middle of the room. As before, he wore a fur draped over his shoulders and had war symbols painted on his face. Even though he reeked of intimidation, Harley rushed forward to greet him.

  “Prince Kerdan, thank you for seeing us today.” She curtseyed.

  His focus remained on Ackley.

  “This is Prince Ackley of Marsden, a kingdom across the ocean.”

  The two men stood there staring at one another for what felt like forever.

  “Since you are from Marsden, I assume you’d like this.” Kerdan withdrew a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Ackley.

  Ackley took it. “I’m not often surprised.” He tore the paper in two before shoving it in his pocket.

  “If you’re wondering,” Kerdan said, “that letter did not reach us in time. It had no bearing on events.”

  Harley really wanted to know what the paper contained, but she kept her mouth shut.

  Kerdan folded his arms, then looked at Harley. “I want to thank you for saving my life.” Again, his kind voice was strangely at odds with his rugged appearance. “I am deeply sorry for the loss of the royal family. That was not supposed to happen.”

  A mixture of anger and understanding warred within. “Perhaps if you hadn’t invaded my kingdom, my family would be alive.” Actions had consequences. Even though he didn’t intend for her family to perish, they had.

  He nodded. “I believe that is a much more in-depth discussion that neither one of us is prepared for today.” Kerdan glanced at Ackley. “Your man said you needed to speak with me.”

  “Yes. I have questions I hope you can answer.”

  “Before we begin, he told me Marsden is working with Melenia.”

  “We are,” Ackley answered.

  “He said you will guarantee an alliance.”

  Harley curled her fingers into fists. An alliance? Ackley couldn’t make such bargains without Owen. And what about revenge?

  “Yes. In exchange for your cooperation and bringing those responsible for killing Harley’s family to justice, Marsden will sign a treaty with you, Prince Kerdan. Not anyone else in Russek.”


  Ackley was making a deal with Kerdan on her behalf? Her breathing sped up. This was what she’d hoped for all along. And Ackley was going to make it happen. Anticipation swelled within.

  “I’d like to know who you’ve been working with in Melenia.”

  “I haven’t been working with anyone.”

  Ackley’s eyes narrowed.

  “Queen Jana
is responsible for this. If you want revenge, she’s the one you want to kill.”

  Although Kerdan said it simply, Harley heard the hatred seeping through his words. “Why her?” she asked.

  “She wants to destroy Emperion. Since Russek’s army isn’t large enough to go to war against them, she coaxed my father into taking soldiers from Melenia.”

  “But you planned the invasion?” Ackley asked.

  “I did. My father intended to march across Melenia, taking the men for soldiers and slaughtering the women and children. I decided to step in. I thought I could get soldiers from Melenia without killing innocent people. It looks like I was wrong. And for that, I am sorry.”

  “If you weren’t working with anyone in Melenia, who was?”

  “After Jana killed my father, I went through his office. I found correspondence between him and Commander Beck. Detailed information about Beck’s departure from Melenia along with a large portion of the army.”

  “I overheard Soma speaking to the traitor,” Harley said. “Can we interrogate Soma and find out who it is?”

  Both men looked at her with odd expressions on their faces, as if she’d said something funny.

  “Prince Soma is dead,” Kerdan replied, striking that idea down. “I searched his room, but nothing revealed who the Melenia traitor is.”

  “What about Queen Jana?” Harley asked.

  “I am in exile, so I haven’t had the opportunity to go through her quarters.”

  “Who’s controlling your army?” Ackley asked.

  “A little more than half are loyal to me; the rest are blindly following Jana.” He focused on Harley as he said, “Please know that as soon as my father died, I gave the order to withdraw all Russek troops from Melenia.”

  Probably because he needed them here in order to overthrow Jana and reclaim his throne.

  “They never should have been there in the first place. I’m sorry I didn’t get them out sooner.”

  Ackley folded his arms. “What about the Melenia soldiers Russek took?”

  “They’re free. They were told to go home. If they haven’t returned, they’re probably in Kricok, Fia, or Landania. No one knows what’s going on in Melenia or who’s in control of the kingdom right now. Since I’m in exile, I haven’t been able to do much more than pull my soldiers out and free Melenia’s citizens.”


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