Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1

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Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1 Page 26

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  On a whim, he whistled the first part of Idina’s favorite childhood song. A couple of seconds later, someone whistled the next melody. Relief filled him, and he stepped away from the tree, heading back to the road where he could be easily seen. The horse nickered, probably thankful for the rest. It was the first time the animal had stopped since Ackley set out yesterday.

  Something red caught his attention. He turned and saw Idina running toward him, her red hair a beacon against the green forest. She needed to wear a hat to cover it. But knowing her, she’d refuse to wear something unless it was fashionable.

  “What are you doing here?” Idina demanded as she wrapped Ackley in a hug.

  Owen approached behind Idina. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice low and soft.

  “Gytha and I were attacked by Melenia soldiers.”

  Owen’s face paled. “Where’s Harley?”

  Ackley released Idina. “I questioned one of the soldiers. He said another group was sent out after you and Idina.” The six soldiers accompanying Owen approached but remained off the road, near the cover of the trees. “He didn’t say anything about soldiers going after Harley.”

  “Where’s the attack to take place?” Owen asked.

  “Penlar. Whether that’s in the city or just outside of it, I can’t be sure.” Ackley scanned the area, his nerves still on edge. “Regardless, you need to steer clear of the area.”

  “If Harley and Ledger are headed to Penlar, we need to stop them before they reach it,” Idina said.

  “I think we should go straight to Kreng,” Owen said. “We can’t afford to wait for Harley to catch up. It would only give the soldiers time to locate us.”

  “I agree,” Ackley said. “However, I’m not sure it’s wise to go to Kreng.”

  “Why not?” Idina asked. “We need to convince the commander there to support us. They have a standing army that could help ensure Owen’s victory. We should be safe there.”

  “The false king knows that’s where you’re going,” Ackley answered.

  “I don’t know how he found out,” Idina said, her brow furrowing.

  “Your sister thought there could be a spy in our midst after the messenger from the castle showed up,” Owen explained, “so we didn’t tell anyone our plans.” Using his arm, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “After I sent the Marsden soldiers—minus Gytha—south, I kept six Melenia soldiers and Ledger with me, sending the rest to the castle. Once everyone was gone, I told Ledger and Gytha to go and intercept you and Harley. I told Ledger to bring her to Penlar where we’d meet up.”

  His words hung heavy in the air as everyone processed them.

  “So the traitor is either one of the six soldiers accompanying us, or Ledger,” Idina said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “These six men are loyal,” Owen said, vouching for them. “I can’t be so sure with Ledger.”

  “Why not?” Idina demanded.

  “I’ve worked with these six men; that’s why I chose them to accompany us. I only met Ledger once or twice before he showed up with Harley. The only reason I kept him around was because she trusted him.”

  “I never liked the guy,” Ackley said, rage seething within him. Ledger was with Harley. If Ledger touched her, Ackley would make him suffer the most unimaginable pain.

  “I’m sorry to point this out,” Idina said, “but Ledger probably killed Harley by now. There’s no point in going after her.” She rubbed Owen’s arm, offering him comfort.

  “I don’t think he killed her.” Ackley looked at Owen, unsure how to voice his suspicions. He’d hoped Owen came to his own conclusions once he read Commander Beck’s correspondence. “I think Ledger is following orders and taking her somewhere.”

  “Where would he take her?” Owen asked, his eyes hardening. “And whose order is he following?”

  Idina sucked in a breath, making an odd noise, her eyes widening. “She’s only valuable if she’s in line for the throne.” She grabbed Owen’s arm. “With her husband dead, whoever is sitting on the throne can force her to marry him. Then there would be legitimacy to the title.”

  Idina always figured things out before everyone else. “I concur.” Ackley rubbed his chin. “But I think you’re wrong on one point.”

  “Wait,” Owen said, shaking his head. “Harley’s my cousin, not my sister.”

  “I believe she’s your half-sister,” Ackley admitted.

  “What part am I wrong about?” Idina inquired.

  “You, of all people, haven’t figured out who’s sitting on the throne yet?”

  Idina’s eyes widened. “It can’t be.”


  Peeling her eyelids open, Harley found herself lying in bed. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, recognizing the room as one of the guest suites in the royal castle.

  She stood, trying to remember what had happened. Her hands tingled slightly, and she recalled touching the horse’s reins covered with some kind of poison. Her head pounded, probably from whatever Ledger had shoved in her mouth to knock her out.

  She had to assume Ledger brought her here. Going over to the window, she peered outside, finding it light out. She couldn’t tell what time of day it was since dark gray clouds filled the sky, concealing the sun. Tents covered the entire east side of the castle. Soldiers moved about the muddy ground.

  Letting the curtain slide shut, she tried to determine why Ledger would have brought her here. She rubbed her throbbing head, still reeling from whatever she’d been drugged with.

  Unclasping the cape at the base of her neck, she removed it, setting it on the chair. Since no one else was in the room, she felt through the heavy fabric until she located the sword Ackley had given her, safely tucked inside. She withdrew it and the letters, examining the room. Ackley preferred hiding things in armoires. She went over to the armoire and opened the door, finding several shelves and one drawer. Pulling the drawer open, she reached in behind it. There wasn’t much room, but it would make the perfect hiding spot. She slid the sword and letters in there, then closed the drawer and door.

  Now it was time to see if Ledger lurked out in the hallway. Going over to the door, she reached for the handle, finding it unlocked. Peering into the hallway, she didn’t see anyone. She stepped out of the room. This was the second floor and most of the guest bedchambers were located in this wing. She quietly made her way along the hallway and down the staircase, heading toward the great hall.

  Harley paused at the threshold, taking it all in. This was where it had started—at her cousin’s birthday celebration. Instead of a night of dancing, it had been a night of terror. Inside, the room had been cleared out. The only furniture remaining were the two chairs on the dais—her uncle and aunt’s throne chairs. Her breath caught. Not her uncle. Her father.

  She crossed the room to the throne chair, tracing the lines carved into the arm. She wished someone would have told her who her real father was. She wondered if her mother been secretly in love with the king. Maybe she’d thrown herself at him. Or he could have pushed himself at her. A tear slid down her cheek. She had no idea of the circumstances behind her conception—and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  “There you are,” a familiar voice said, making the hairs on her arms stand on end.

  Harley turned from the chair and looked at the man walking toward her. “Lyle?” Her entire body started to shake. It felt as if her heart were frozen, her stomach a raging sea, and her head a pounding storm. “I thought you died during the takeover.”

  “That explains your look of surprise at seeing me.” His hands took hold of her elbows, and he kissed her cheek. “I’m not sure why Ledger didn’t tell you I was alive and well.” He held her at arm’s length, looking at her.

  “Ledger knew?” Her brain had trouble processing everything that was happening. Some part of her was in shock.

  “Of course, darling. He’s been working for me for years.”

  She looked up into his eyes.

  “He says you ha
ve some letters for me?”


  His eyes hardened. “Don’t play dumb.”

  “I don’t have any letters.” She kept her eyes wide and frightened.

  “Where are they?” he snarled.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She needed to avert his anger so she could figure out what was going on.

  “Ledger,” Lyle snapped. “Come here.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty?” Ledger said, coming into the great hall.

  “Your Majesty?” Harley repeated. She turned in a slow circle.

  “Have you honestly not figured it out?” Lyle asked.

  Her hand went to her throat as she tried to process what was happening. “You’re the false king?”

  His lips curved into a sly smile. “Not a false king. A true king. Just like you, my wife, are a true queen.”

  “But…” She wanted to say that Owen was the true king; however, she didn’t want to bring attention to her cousin. “If Ledger is working for you, then why did he lie to me?”

  “A good question.” Lyle faced Ledger. “Why didn’t you tell my wife I am alive and well?”

  “I didn’t tell her because I was too busy spying for you and uncovering information.”

  “Uncovering information? You sent me generic reports on troop movement. There wasn’t much intel.”

  “I saved the best to deliver in person.” Ledger glanced at Harley. “I discovered who killed your father.”

  Harley knew Ledger was going to blame Ackley for killing Beck. Once Lyle knew Ackley had killed his father, he would stop at nothing to eliminate him. There had to be something she could do to prevent Lyle from learning this knowledge. Ackley had taught her a lot of things, and deflection was one of them.

  “Ledger,” she cried out. “How could you?” She pretended to be horrified.

  “What?” he stammered.

  “You lied to me! You told me my husband was dead. You came into my bed and insisted I give my body to you. You told me it was okay.” She let the tears flow, which wasn’t hard. “If I had known Lyle was alive, I never would have allowed you to touch me. I can’t believe you did that to me.” She dropped to her knees, sobs raking through her body.

  “No,” Ledger said, backing up. “It wasn’t me. It was—”

  Lyle withdrew his sword, the sound of steel slicing through the air. “Kneel,” he commanded.

  Without hesitation, Ledger did as he said. “I serve you, Your Majesty. I swear I never touched Harley.”

  “Harley? That’s Lady Harley, soon to be Queen Harley, to you.”

  “I took care of her this entire time. I delivered her here safely to you. Please,” he begged, terror welling in his eyes. “I’m loyal. I swear.”

  A tinge of guilt pushed its way in, and Harley had to shove it aside.

  “Yet, you never told her I was alive?” He took a menacing step closer to him. “It took you weeks before you even established communication with me. Was that because you were enjoying my wife?” His voice sounded lethal as a snake, and Harley had to force herself not to tremble.

  “She was grieving over her brother. I didn’t think it wise to tell her you killed him.”

  Lyle snarled, then thrust his sword into Ledger’s chest. A sickening sound reverberated through the room. Harley squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears with her hands. She was going to vomit.

  Harley regretted using Ledger as a scapegoat. Ackley’s words came back to her. He’d told her that he never enjoyed killing. However, sometimes it was a matter of kill or be killed. And in this case, Ledger’s death saved Ackley.

  “Your Majesty!” a man said, running into the room.

  “Not now,” Lyle snapped. “Harley, honey.” Lyle knelt before her, his hands pulling hers away from her ears. “Look at me.”

  The last thing she wanted to do was to look into the eyes of a monster. However, she needed him to believe her compliant so he wouldn’t murder her.

  “The royal family is dead. We are the sole surviving heirs,” he said. “Regardless of what happened or how, we have to be strong and rule this kingdom together.” He pulled her to her feet.

  Lyle had discovered her true parentage, married her, then planned this elaborate takeover so the royal family would be killed. Now, he intended on using her to rule the kingdom. It almost made her want to laugh. Almost.

  Instead, rage boiled inside of her. Hollis and the royal family were dead because of this man before her. She looked into his eyes, evaluating his strengths and weaknesses.

  “Your Majesty!” the messenger said again. “Word just came. The soldiers you sent out are dead.”

  “What?” Lyle asked, staring at her, his hands still holding her tightly.

  “The two units you sent out. They failed. They were killed. All of them.”

  Lyle’s head tipped back, his focus on the ceiling as his skin turned red. “You mean to tell me, the twenty men I sent south to kill two soldiers are dead?”

  “Um, yes, that’s the report.”

  “And the thirty I sent after Owen and his bodyguards are dead as well?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Harley had to conceal the smile from her face. Owen and Ackley were alive.

  “How is that possible?” Lyle snarled.

  “I don’t know, Your Majesty. They’re all dead, so we couldn’t question them.”

  Lyle swung around to face the messenger. “Get out!”

  “If Owen is alive,” Harley said, trying to keep a straight face, “then I’m not the queen, which means you’re not the king—Owen is.”

  “I’m the king.”

  She tried to keep her focus on Lyle, afraid to look down and see Ledger’s body lying in a pool of blood. “Of course you’re the king. You’re the one in the castle commanding the soldiers.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “I’m sure all the neighboring kingdoms will support you. What can Owen do?”

  “I want him dead.”

  “He’s my cousin.”

  “I’m your king and husband.”

  She hated him. “Of course. I will support you in any way I can.”

  This entire time, Owen had been trying to get information about the false king. He’d wanted to know who he was, where he was, and what he intended to do. Now, Harley was inside the castle, privy to that information. She could report what she learned back to Owen. Not only that, but if she could discover the location of the soldiers’ loved ones, she could free them. Once they were freed, the Melenia soldiers could support Owen again. With the might of the army behind him, he could retake his throne.

  Ledger, the man who’d infiltrated Owen’s army, learned their secrets, and reported back to Lyle, had unknowingly brought a spy and assassin into the castle. For that was what Harley decided to become.

  Ackley’s words came back to her. He’d asked her which assassin was more dangerous. The one who snuck into the castle to assassinate the king, or the woman sleeping beside the king at night. He’d given her his sword and showed her where to make the killing blow.

  Right then and there, Harley swore to avenge her brother’s death.

  Then she would avenge the royal family.

  She would save the soldiers’ loved ones.

  She would put Owen on the throne.

  And Harley would do whatever she had to do to keep Ackley safe.

  Lyle needed to suffer for what he’d done. A quick death would be a disservice. She would find a way to seek her revenge, and when the time was right, she would plunge the sword into him.

  She would take her sword of rage and use it to right all the wrongs.

  Sword of Desire

  Coming November 16, 2021

  Available for Pre-order!

  Want more political intrigue and romance?

  The Key

  Seventeen-year-old Rema lives in a brutal kingdom where travel between regions is forbidden, people are starving, and looking at someone the wrong way can me
an death. Nineteen-year-old Darmik is the king’s son and Commander of the King’s Army. He spends his days roaming the island, doing his father’s bidding and trying to maintain control over the people.

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  As Rema is taken to the palace with the Crown Prince, Darmik confronts the growing rumor that a legitimate blood heir to the throne exists and is trying to overthrow Darmik’s family. In Darmik’s quest to hunt down and kill the threat, he discovers that nothing is as it seems. Locked in the king’s castle, Rema finds herself a key player in a massive power struggle. When Darmik shows up, she’s not sure if she can trust him. The line between friends, enemies, and loyalty becomes blurred. As truths are unlocked, Rema understands that she just might be the key to finding the rightful heir and restoring peace to the kingdom . . . if she can manage to stay alive long enough.


  Jennifer Anne Davis graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. She is currently a full-time writer and mother of three kids. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart and lives in the San Diego area.

  Jennifer is the recipient of the San Diego Book Awards Best Published Young Adult Novel (2013), winner of the Kindle Book Awards (2018), a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards (2014), and a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards (2014).

  Visit Jennifer at:


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