Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2)

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Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2) Page 13

by S. E. Law

  Our sweaty bodies continue to crash together, slipping and sliding. The more knots that form in my stomach, the more ferocious Brick gets. It’s like a beast has been unleashed. It wasn’t this insane last time, but I love it. I love how he uses my body. I love how he takes charge. I love how he wrings every ounce of pleasure he can from my body until I am wiped out.

  “Come on, Tammy. Come on,” he urges me. One of his hands moves from my hip to my clit. I let out a wail as sparks crowd my vision. I convulse while pleasure shoots and up and down my body. Brick’s dick twitches inside of me, and then I feel his cum shooting into my body. It drips down my thigh, coating me in him.

  I hold on to him until my body calms down and then hold on for even longer. I don’t want to let go of him. I’ve never felt this good in my life, and I don’t want to lose this feeling.

  But another part of me wonders if I’m getting too attached way too quickly. The voice is small enough, so I shut it out, only focusing on the more positive thoughts.

  His hand goes up my back, gently caressing me. We stay like this for an indeterminate amount of time. I don’t care how long because I am loving this moment. I could do this forever.

  “So, do you want to finish these ceramics?” Brick asks by my ear. I pull my face back and see that he’s smiling. He’s such a goofball. An unpredictable goofball.

  “Yeah, let’s.”

  Brick and I were able to get our bowl and vase made. We had a few more distractions along the way – being naked really got in the way a few times – but they were fun distractions, so neither one of us was upset. And in the end, we both managed to create something really nice.

  “Do you think I should paint it blue or orange?” Brick holds up two vibrant hues.

  “Why not use both? They are complementary colors.” He really got into this whole thing. Maybe we could even make pottery a routine for us. I’d love to make ceramics with him on the regular. Especially if it was peppered with sex all throughout. Yeah, the distraction makes the process take a couple of extra hours, but it’s a lot more fun that way.

  The two of us finish painting our creations, and then we leave them on a tray with Brick’s name on it. Our clothes are next. I hate to see Brick cover up his magnificent body, but I still get to see his beautiful face, so I’m not too upset.

  We glance at one another while getting dressed. I keep thinking he might rush over to me and rip all of my clothes off, delaying our departure even further, but we both behave and manage to redress without incident.

  He grabs my trench coat, putting it around my shoulders.

  “I think that was the most fun date I’ve ever been on,” I admit. I’ve always been wary about letting guys know how much I like them. Rejection, hurt feelings, all that stuff scares me. It’s easier to protect yourself and your heart when you don’t give it to other people. But Brick makes me feel so at ease, it feels right letting him know that he makes me feel good.

  “I’d have to agree. Definitely the most unique. Maybe we can do it again sometime. If that’s something you would like.” He spins me around by the shoulders so that we’re looking directly at one another.

  “I’d agree to that,” I smile.

  We leave the studio through the side door that Samantha told us about, making sure to turn off all of the lights. The car ride back isn’t as chatty, mainly because I fall asleep about ten minutes in while Brick is telling me about a project he’s thinking of buying the rights to. It really did sound interesting, but I had used up all of my energy in the studio doing pottery and having great sex. I am just pooped.

  My dream isn’t anything coherent, just a general feeling of contentedness. It feels warm and inviting and kind of like the essence of Brick.

  “Tammy, wake up. We’re around the corner from your house.” My eyes blink open as I get reaccustomed to my surroundings. My mouth opens wide in a yawn as I emerge from my nap and stretch out my arms before rubbing my eyes.

  “What was that?”

  “We’re close to your house. I could take you the rest of the way if you don’t want to walk.”

  “No, no,” I respond sleepily. “I don’t want my parents to see you. They’re probably asleep, but you know, just in case.”

  “Okay. Are you sure this is close enough? I just want to make sure you make it inside safely.” I look out the window. Since it is so dark, it’s probably okay to drive a little bit closer. It really is quite late for George and Margie Thompson. I think they’re up this late maybe twice a year, one of those days being New Year’s.

  “You can maybe stop two houses down from mine. That should be fine.” He seems happy enough with that. I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into what he’s saying, but it sounds like Brick cares about me. It could be that he’s just being a good date, but I’d like to go with my theory that it’s genuine concern.

  He stops two houses away from mine, putting his car into park.

  “I had a great time tonight,” he offers.

  There’s a lot I don’t know about Brick still. We’re on the second week of this whirlwind. But tonight, it feels like he has opened a door for me. I was able to gain a good amount of insight into him as a person this evening, and I hope I was able to return the favor.

  “I did too.”

  “We’ll do it again.”

  “Whatever you say.” I’m ecstatic at the prospect of going on another date with him. This one was better than anything I could have possibly imagined. I haven’t even left him yet, and I can’t wait to see him again.

  Brick opens the door for me, and I step out. I feel him watching me until I step inside my house. I creep upstairs to my room, careful not to make too much noise.

  Once I’m in my room, I fall onto my bed, giddy with the happiness that tonight has brought me. My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I take it out to see what the notification is.

  “A message from Brick,” I whisper.

  Thanks for being such a great date. I’ll call you to schedule another one soon. ;)

  It’s short and sweet and sends zings straight to my heart. So far, this guy has done everything perfectly to tug on my heartstrings. Even all the weird stuff.

  I text him back a thank you, letting him know that I’m waiting eagerly for his call. Now I have to clean off my face and change out of my nice clothes. A shower would probably benefit me, but it’s much too late, and I am much too tired.

  I take off my dress, hanging it up in my closet before heading into the bathroom. I double cleanse my face, taking extra care to ensure that all of the makeup is off my face. I don’t want to start breaking out when what might be the best relationship of my life takes off. Once my face is washed, I brush my teeth and then head back to my bedroom.

  Getting under the covers, I smile, remembering all of tonight. It was so perfect, and he was so dreamy. I thought I’d never meet someone like him, and honestly, I was fine with that. Being so focused on getting my career kicked off was enough for me. But having this man just drop into my life? I couldn’t be happier.

  I’m still not sure where all of this is going. We’re doing the dance of attraction around one another right now. The early stages of a relationship have their own charm. Just like that flower arrangement I made for my audition tape. I don’t know how long this will all last, but I do know that I’ll treasure every second I get to spend with Brick. And even if it ends up being a short-lived affair, I’ll be happy with whatever I can get.



  Last night’s date with Tammy went surprisingly well. I don’t know why I’m surprised we had such a good time. We have great chemistry, and all of the moments we’ve spent together so far have been magnificent. Maybe it’s the fact that this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into wooing a woman.

  This was the first real romantic date I’ve been on in ages.

  I’ve only had one significant romantic relationship in my life, and that was a long time ago, before Brick Productions ever came
into existence. Since then, I’ve been all-in with my work, only engaging in casual entanglements.

  But I don’t think I want casual with Tammy. I’m not sure how serious I actually want our relationship to get, but what I’ve been doing for the past few years doesn’t seem fulfilling anymore.

  Taking her to Potting Beauties was a stroke of genius on my part, though. Robert had mentioned it to me a few years back when he was dating some artist. I don’t remember her name, but I do remember all of the new things they had discovered together.

  He would go on and on about their adventures. Seems to have come in handy for me, though, so I can’t be mad about it anymore. Of course, I wasn’t mad before. It was just a very interesting stage in Robert’s life.

  I still can’t believe Tammy went for the whole ‘pottery in the nude’ idea. I actually hadn’t considered wearing the proper attire for making pottery.

  Overall, I'd say the evening worked out in both of our favors. Plus, in about a week, we'll have our finished ceramic pieces.

  However, today, I have a lot to get done.

  It’s the weekend, and I don’t have to go into the office today, but that doesn't mean I'll be idle. The plan is to work from my home office. Even though I’m the CEO, I still like to be hands-on with various aspects of the studio.

  Since this is the start of my day, I go through my morning routine.

  I start with a workout in my home gym, completing all of my reps before heading for the shower. My mind can't help but wander to thoughts of Tammy being in here with me. Shower sex is my favorite kind of sex. I'd get her into all kinds of positions, the water dripping down us.

  But now is not the time to get lost in thoughts of Tammy's delicious body. I really have a lot on my plate today.

  I finish my shower, make myself a quick omelet for breakfast, and then walk to my office. It's a home office, so it's cozier and more laid back than the one at work, but it still closely mimics my work office.

  The first item on my to-do list is to respond to the emails I sent out regarding the two-week delay. People were not happy, as expected. I didn't give the exact reason for the delay – that an employee had accidentally deleted the file – but went for the ‘technical difficulties’ excuse instead. Last night was a break from the pandemonium, but today, I am right back in it.

  I go through all of the emails, giving most people the same generic answer, regardless of how they wrote to me. I decided to handle it this way because after reading a few of the ruder responses, I knew I'd never be able to keep a tight lid on my anger. I really hate when people disrespect me, but I can't yell at everyone or I'd be burning a lot of bridges.

  I send the generic reply out to everyone before turning over to my higher-powered computer. One of the biggest differences between my work office and my home office is that my home office has a full editing suite. Every once in a while, I'll get in on the action and work on some of the more nitty-gritty aspects of a project.

  And this latest one could use a major boost. Any work I get done, I just attribute to a fictional freelance editor. I'd rather not have my employees know I insert myself occasionally. I worry that if I do tell them, they'll think I don't have full confidence in their abilities.

  My way is easier for everyone. Only Robert knows about this since there's no actual freelancer to pay. Plus, he's my friend, so I told him. We try to keep full transparency between us when it comes to Brick Productions.

  I pull up the project and see that George and Tyler have already gotten started on redoing it. I also see the notes on their progress that I requested. After George left my office, I told Tyler to notate everything they were doing. I need to get ahead of this George problem before it becomes way more than we can handle.

  I read through the notes and then start doing the edits we all agreed on. I tend to zone out when I get editing, so the day starts to fly by.

  I'm not sure how long I've been at my desk editing when my phone rings, but I guess a few hours have passed, based on how strained my eyes feel.

  “Hello,” I answer without even checking to see who it is. I rub my eyes, turning away from the monitor so that I can give myself a bit of rest.


  “Tammy, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  Hm. I hadn't expected that. I know that Tammy and I have been having a great time together, but I'm still not totally sure how she feels about me. We did have a rocky start after all.

  “What did you want to hear me say?” I inquire.

  “Tell me what you're doing.”

  I sit back in my chair.

  “Unfortunately, nothing exciting. After my workout and breakfast, I started working on projects I didn't finish during the week.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a busy day.”

  “What about you, Tammy? What are you doing?”

  “Oh,” she replies, her voice a sing-song tone, “I'm lying on my bed not wearing much of anything.” I hear the tease in her voice. Did she call just to get a rise out of me?

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh! Do you not like games like this? I shouldn't have called. My friend convinced me guys like calls like this, and she told me you would too. Ugh, it was stupid,” Tammy continues to rant, chastising herself. But I'm not upset, just caught off guard.

  “Tammy, your friend was right. Keep going.”


  “Keep going.” I hear her breathing on the other line. I’d thought that maybe she called me with a plan in mind, but Tammy seems to be frozen.

  Maybe it's time for me to take charge.

  “Why don't I tell you what to do.” She doesn't say anything, but her breath catches, a sign that she is turned on. “I want you to be lying down, your head propped up by the pillows on your bed.”

  I hear shifting around. The soft sound of covers and pillows being moved around comes through the phone.

  “Okay, I'm lying down,” she whispers.

  “Perfect. Slide your left bra strap off, pushing the cup out of the way as well. Enough that your nipple is exposed.” There's another bout of quiet rustling. I wish I could be in Tammy's room with her, watching as she follows my commands.

  “Okay, my um…” she trails off.

  “Your nipple is out?”

  “Yeah, that. What do you want me to do next?”

  “Take your pointer finger and thumb. Run your tongue all over the two, making sure they are both good and wet.”

  The lap of her tongue on her fingers reaches my ears; my erection is raging. I’m going to tell her to glide her fingers all over her body. If I can’t be there to personally make her come, then I’ll make sure I get to hear those sweet moans today over the phone.

  “What do I do next?” Her voice has dropped a couple octaves, her arousal easy to hear and to sense. I grunt a little as I shift in my seat, needing to release some of the pressure in my crotch. I take the easy route and slide my hand inside my pants, lazily massaging my cock.

  “Roll your nipple between your fingers. Do it hard.”

  Tammy groans as she plays with her nipple. She lets out a long breath, one that sounds a little frustrated. Maybe she feels like me. This through-the-phone sex isn’t quite enough, but it’s what we have right now, so it will have to do.

  Since this clearly isn’t enough for either one of us, I decide it’s time to up the ante.

  “Bring your hand down your body and slip your fingers into your panties. I’m guessing you’re wearing the black lacy pair.”

  “No, I bought a red pair just for you. I was going to surprise you the next time we see one another.”

  Fuck! This girl is going to be the death of me. I’m already imagining her wearing red lace, her hands tied behind her back with a piece of satin string.

  That might be what our next date ends up being. Especially if I have to wait a long time to see her again. A sex date could be very fun for everyone involved.

Tammy sighs. “I put in two. Is that okay?” She sounds so sweet and innocent, but I know that she’s anything but. She’s a little vixen who knows exactly how to push my buttons.

  “You could go for a third if that’s comfortable for you.” Her voice hitches again, which signals to me that she’s stuffed yet another finger in her pussy. I start moving my hand faster, following the rhythm of Tammy’s breathing. I tell her all of the dirty things I want to do to her, the positions I plan to put her in, and how I’m going to make her come over and over again until she can’t take it anymore.

  “Brick,” she sighs. Her voice gets more and more high-pitched until it breaks into a quiet wail. I keep pumping my dick, essentially tugging on it like I’m in a game of tug of war. I grunt as sperm spills into my hand. I let out a strained sigh, relaxing into my chair. I’ve had phone sex before, and it never really appealed to me, but I could do this a thousand times with Tammy and never get tired of it.

  “That felt so good,” she sighs.

  “Well, I can’t wait to see you so that I can make you feel even better.”

  “I can’t wait for that–” she stops abruptly, the sound of movement coming through the phone.

  “Tammy, is everything okay?” She doesn’t answer, and I’m starting to get worried. “Tammy, can you answer me?”

  “Uh, I have to go. I think my parents just came home. Sorry, I’ll talk you later. Bye!” I don’t get a chance to say anything before I hear Tammy yell. “I’m fine, Mom. I just need to put on some clothes!” And then she hangs up.

  I chuckle softly to myself. I remember the teenage days of trying to sneak around. My mom was pretty lenient, but she wasn’t new age or anything. I had my fair share of deception when it came to the more sordid side of my life. But I haven’t done any of that since I was eighteen. It feels weird going back to that kind of lifestyle.

  Surprisingly, though, I’m finding that it’s adding an edge to our relationship.


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