Calder & Maggie

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Calder & Maggie Page 7

by Glenna Maynard

  I pick up his cologne and give it a sniff. It smells good but not the same as it does on his skin. Picking up a picture frame with a photo of him in his uniform I am tempted to take it, so I can carry him with me wherever I go but it will be easier to move on without any reminders. I even lay on his bed and hug his pillow to my chest recalling the first time we came close to having sex. I wanted him badly, desperately. I knew then I was falling in love with him. And because I love him it’s time for me to go. I go back to my apartment through our shared door and close it. Closing the door on us. On my heart. On him.

  I want to leave him a note explaining myself and why I am leaving but I don’t want to encourage him to look for me. I probably shouldn’t leave it behind because I will need it, but I leave my fake ID and the brick of drugs on the table.

  I shut off the TV and open the door to see a dead man staring back at me.

  “Going somewhere, June?” He smirks at me and I feel sick. At least I know I didn’t kill him but in this moment being face to face with him after all this time I wish that I had. He shoves my shoulder and pushes me back through the door.

  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

  “Don’t try anything stupid.” He looks past me and sees the drugs on the table. “Good. I knew you weren’t completely stupid. Where’s my money?”

  I clear my throat. “I have it. It’s in the bag. You can take it and the drugs and leave no one will ever know you were here. I swear it, I won’t tell anyone.”

  “No, you won’t. But you see, June. It’s not that simple. Do you know that I nearly died because of what you did to me? I had a concussion and you left me lying there on that floor to rot. If Flip hadn’t called in an anonymous tip, you’d be wanted for murder. I could have turned you in, but I didn’t.” He tugs on a strand of my hair and I flinch. “Nice touch, coloring your hair but nothing can hide what a lying whore you are. I’ve missed you.” He slides the bag off my arm, and it drops to the floor. “Have you missed me?”

  I take a deep breath not knowing what to do or say to him.

  “Take a seat. I haven’t decided what I am going to do with you.” He shoves me down by my shoulder onto the couch.

  “How did you find me?”

  He rubs his chin and grins. “Seems you makes friends as easily as you always have. Some broad called in a tip to the cops, only Flip had one of his guys on his payroll filtering through the calls and here I am.”

  “If you don’t get out of here soon my neighbor will be home anytime now and he’s a cop. A good cop.”

  “Oh, you mean the guy you’ve been fucking. Yeah. I saw you two through the window. I am surprised you didn’t tell him you saw me this morning. I am thankful you didn’t.” He unzips the bag. “Is it all here?”

  “Yup,” I lie.

  “Too good to spend Flip’s money? I’m not, Though I’ll be sure to tuck some back and tell him it was you.”

  “He won’t believe you and when you start spending it, he’ll know.” I need to distract him and buy myself some time. I need a plan. Things could go either way with Chris. He could want to kill me, or he could let me go.

  “I won’t be staying. After I pay Flip, I think I’ll take a play from your book and go somewhere to start over. Be a liar like you. Your friend, the one who called. I paid her a visit. She told me all about you, Maggie. You were smart. I will give you that, but you weren’t smart enough.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because…I’ve missed you. I only ran because Flip was coming, and I was afraid of what he would do to me. We loved each other once. We could again.”

  He snorts with a shake of his head. “You think I’d take you with me after what you did. Fucking desperate whore. I take back what I said. You really are just a dumb cunt.”

  Shit. That was the wrong thing to say. I hear a car door shut and Chris jerks me to my feet and shoves me toward the door. “Whoever it is, get rid of them. Don’t even think of trying anything.” He pulls a switch blade from his back pocket and holds it to my neck.

  “Yeah. Okay. Got it.” I already know that is Calder on his lunch break. On the days I don’t work he eats at home with me. I know him. When I send him away or don’t answer, he’ll come through the middle door when he notices that it’s shut.

  Like clockwork Calder stomps up the steps and knocks on the door. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Chris tightens his grip on me and presses the blade deeper into my skin nicking me in the process.

  “Go away, Calder. I’m not feeling good, and I don’t want you to see me like this. I’ve caught a nasty stomach virus. I’ve been throwing up all morning.”

  “Can I get you something? I can call Dad’s office and see if he can see you or call you in a prescription.”

  “No. I’ll be fine. But you shouldn’t get around me in case I am contagious.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is. We’ll talk later. Okay.”

  “Yeah. Later.” I can tell by how short he is being that he doesn’t believe me. Was Chris stupid enough to park his vehicle in plain view? Either way I don’t let on to Chris that anything is wrong.

  Calder’s steps thump back off the porch and to my surprise we hear his car door shutting and the engine starting. A minute later he leaves and real panic sets in. I can’t believe he left.

  “I’ve decided. I think I will take you back to Florida with me. Let Flip decide your punishment for stealing from him. The last time he nearly killed you. What do you think he will do this time?”

  There is no way in hell I am going back there or going anywhere near Flip. If I can get the knife from him then maybe…. or the minute he gets me in a car I am jumping out first chance I get.

  Chapter 11


  This morning when I arrive at the station, I have a message from Carly stating she needs to see me as soon as possible. As much as I don’t like her, I do need to speak with her about what she may or may not know about Maggie. After checking in with Big Jim, I get in my car and drive to one of the last places I want to visit. The home Roger and Carly bought is the one we were going to buy. It was supposed to be our starter house. A two-bedroom beachfront property with a gorgeous view. We had so many plans. We wanted to have our first child two years into our marriage. Then when that child turned two, we were going to have our second and sell the beach house to buy a family home.

  Things didn’t go according to plan. I’ve come to realize they seldomly do. I park my cruiser outside the garage behind Carly’s car and hope that Roger isn’t here, or I’ll be going to jail for assault. Taking a few minutes to myself I find my center before exiting my car to go knock on the door. Carly answers immediately and she looks terrible. Black circles under her eyes, her red hair is sticking out in random places.

  “You feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “Well I got your message what did you need to see me about?”

  “Please. Come in. I’d feel more comfortable talking in here.”

  I’d rather not go in, but the sooner I can get this reunion over with the better. “Fine.” I follow her inside, and she shows me to the living room. I take a seat and decline her offer of coffee. “Just get on with it. I need to get back to work.”

  “Roger isn’t here. He’s at work so don’t worry about that.”

  “I wasn’t,” I lie, hating the fact that she can still read me so easily.

  “Right. Well.” She takes the single chair off to the side of the couch. “I did something and I’m not proud of myself. Last week I was at the library and your girlfriend was there. I was spying on her, and I found out some things.”

  “I already know Maggie isn’t her real name. She’s been hiding from an abusive ex-boyfriend,” I interrupt.

  “So you know?”

  “Yeah. I do.” I clasp my hands together and blow out a breath.

  “I’m afraid that somethi
ng bad is going to happen and it’s all my fault.” Carly hangs her head down low.

  “What do you mean? What did you do damn it?” I snap at her.

  “At first, I wasn’t sure if it was her, but the more I studied the poster I knew it had to be her and why else would she have been looking at it. There was this tip line that said if anyone knew of her whereabouts—I thought if I got her out of the picture then you’d move on eventually with me. I’m not proud of what I did. I called the number then this guy showed up yesterday asking me questions. He was scary, and he threatened me. I told him where she works and where she lives. I didn’t want to, but he had a knife and said he’d cut my baby out of me if I told. I was so scared but, Calder, I couldn’t stay quiet. I’m sorry.”

  “You better hope to God that he hasn’t gotten to her. I swear to you if something happens to Maggie. It’s on you!” I point my finger at her then leave without another word.

  Fucking Carly. Why couldn’t she leave well enough alone? I get in my car and start to turn my siren on but if he’s there I don’t want to alert him. I end up behind the damn garbage pickup and it takes me ten minutes before I am able to go around them. As I come up on the turn for our apartments, I notice an unfamiliar car parked on the side of the road. I stop to check it out and it has Florida plates. Fucking hell. He’s already here. I should call for backup, but I need to handle this on my own. Maggie trusts me and it’s my place to keep her safe.

  I park and exit my car pretending that nothing is wrong as I knock on the door. I can hear the fear and panic in her voice. That bastard is in there with her, but I can’t tip him off. When she tells me to go, I do, but not before I unlock my apartment door and leave it ajar. I leave but I only to move my car out of view. I move quietly and efficiently to enter my apartment. Damn. The door connecting out apartments is closed. Putting an ear to the wall I attempt to listen, but I can’t make out anything that is being said. I need a better plan other than busting in with my gun drawn but it’s all I have. I grab the knob and twist, hoping the door doesn’t creak as it sometimes does as I push it open. Peering into the room I see Maggie sitting on the couch as he cuts the brick of cocaine and sniffs some up his nose off the edge of the blade. With him distracted I push the door all the way open and train my weapon on him. “Hands in the air.”

  A dark laugh bubbles from his throat. Then unexpectedly he lunges at me with the knife and I have no choice but to fire my gun. The bullet strikes his chest and he is still laughing at me with a crazy look in his eyes as he staggers backward then slumps down against the wall and slides to the floor. He takes a wheezing breath as Maggie stares at us with wide eyes and then he’s gone.

  I grab my radio and call for backup. Maggie is in shock and in need of some coaching. “Let me do all the talking. He’s a crazy ex that you have been hiding from and he followed you here and broke into your apartment. Got it.” I grab her fake license off the table and stick it in my pocket.

  She nods, and I take my Maglite and bust out her bedroom window as his point of entry. I’ve never lied in my life on the job, but this doesn’t look good for either of us. Me killing her ex-boyfriend while I am on duty and should be on patrol. It won’t be long before Big Jim arrives and possibly calls in the state police.

  “Let’s go outside.” I corral her out the door.

  “What about the money?”

  “It’s evidence,” I tell her coolly.

  “All of it?” she whispers.

  “Baby, that’s blood money. We don’t want it.”

  “I know…is he really dead?”

  “Yeah. You okay?”

  “I think so. Is it wrong for me to feel relieved?”

  “No.” I hug her tighter. “I don’t know what I would have done if he had hurt you. I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “Carly told him where to find me.”

  “‘Let’s leave that out of our story. The less complicated the easier it will be.”

  “I trust you, Calder.”

  “You need to give your real name when they question you. And tell them anything you know about his drug dealing.”

  “Calder, I should tell you something. I wasn’t completely honest with you. When I ran from Chris. We had a nasty fight and I stabbed him with a kitchen knife. Then when he came at me again, I hit him in the head with a frying pan. He hit his head on the kitchen table and I thought he was dead. I thought I had killed him and Flip, that guy he worked for, he was on his way to collect and I panicked. I grabbed that bag and it had the money and drugs in it and I had no idea at first like I told you before.”

  “It’s all right, baby. It’s all right.” I knew she hadn’t given me the full truth, but I can understand why she was scared to tell me what she thought she had done. Sirens wail in the distance and within minutes Big Jim and Little Jim are on the scene.

  Little Jim takes Maggie/June to the station to give her statement, and I give mine to Big Jim. In the end I reacted the way I was trained to. The perp came at me first. I only acted in self-defense. With June’s cooperation our department worked with the Florida State Police to bring down Flip’s drug ring. He is currently serving thirty years. When he was picked up his prints matched those of an unsolved murder that was five years old. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced.

  Maggie doesn’t have to be afraid anymore. None of them will ever hurt her again.


  Three months later

  I can’t believe that it’s finally over. The investigation is closed and other than a small story in the local newspaper life has moved on. I legally changed my name to Maggie, and I am writing my first romantic thriller loosely based on my story. I still work at Luna’s Diner and Calder is still a deputy, only now he is running for sheriff in the upcoming election. I know he’s going to win and do a great job. Carly and Roger reconciled and moved a few towns away. I think it is safe to say I was glad to see them go.

  Calder and I moved into believe it or not Roger and Carly’s beach house. I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea at first, but they gave us a great price and it really is a perfect starter home. We need the extra space now that we are expecting our first child. Placing a hand to my stomach, I rub my growing bump and take a final look in the mirror. Today I am marrying my lover and best friend.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” My soon to be mother-in-law dotes on me as I prepare to say I do.

  “Thank you. For everything.” We’ve grown close these past few months. I’m still not great at making friends but I don’t need anyone else. I have Calder.

  “Are you ready?” Mr. Michaelson pokes his head inside the door.

  “Yeah. I am.” We make our way down to the beach for a private and intimate ceremony. There are only a few guests, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. This day is for us. Calder and me.

  I join the man of my dreams at the shoreline and we recite our own vows.

  “Maggie. I’m no writer but I tried to put into words what your love means to me so here it goes. It’s simple for me. When I think about love, you are all I see. All I think about. You’re beautiful inside and out. You care about people, especially me.” We all laugh lightly, and Calder sticks his tongue out at me. “There is no one I would rather spend my life with. No one I would want to raise a family with and grow old with but you. I hope that life passes by slow, because I don’t want to waste a minute I get to spend with you.”

  I dab at my eyes. “I’m trying not to cry. That was beautiful and a tough speech to follow, but here it goes. Calder, from the moment we first met, I knew there was something special about you. I knew you were one of the good ones. The one worth fighting for. We didn’t have an easy start but anything worth having is never easy. It takes hard work and dedication, and I am one hundred percent dedicated to you. I never truly knew what it was to be in love until you gave me your love. I never knew how a woman should really be treated until you showed me and continue to show me every day. When I think about the fu
ture, I know that I don’t have to worry because I know I will be going through life with my best friend, my lover, and now my husband, and the father of my child. You’ve shown me that I do deserve something beautiful—you and your love.”

  Calder’s parents are teary eyed, and the preacher pronounces us husband and wife. Calder’s lips meet mine, and I am completely lost to him. This man is everything to me, and I know our story will have a happy ending.

  The End

  About the Author

  Glenna Maynard is a USA TODAY & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author most known for her gritty Black Rebel Riders' MC saga.

  She has a passion for writing antiheroes but occasionally takes a walk on the sweeter side. Bikers, Rockstars, the boy next door, Glenna writes them all.

  When she isn't arguing with the voices in her head or drinking reader tears, she enjoys watching classic TV shows with her two children and longtime leading man. Her favorite books to read change with her mood, but she always enjoys a good historical romance.


  Also By

  Black Rebel Riders’ MC

  Grim The Beginning





  Heart of A Rebel

  A Rebel Love

  A Rebel In The Roses

  Blood of A Rebel

  The Devil’s Rebel

  Devils Rejects MC

  Hades’ Flame

  Boogeyman’s Dream

  Reaper’s Till Death

  Cupid’s Arrow

  Uno’s Truth

  Cocky’s Fight


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