Rich Girl (Broken Wishes Series Book 1)

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Rich Girl (Broken Wishes Series Book 1) Page 13

by Joanne Sexton

  “I feel like a love-sick teenager,” he told her. “It’s wonderful.”

  “I think you’re incredible,” she told him. “I can’t wait to get you alone again.” His eyes spoke his assent.

  They were oblivious to the children, who had run up to them, until they spoke.

  “Eeeww, gross! They’re kissing like Mommy and Daddy do,” said Mabel with disgust.

  “You’ve got a girlfriend,” Tommy mocked.

  The rest of the day flew for all concerned. After they had been on every ride they could, eaten as much sugar as was humanly possible and played every sideshow game until they could not carry their prizes anymore, the sun had started to set. They piled into the car and headed home.

  During the drive, Mabel and Tommy promptly fell asleep in the back and Lucas had not let go of Chelsea’s hand.

  “Thank you for today,” she whispered. “I had a wonderful time. It was nice to forget about everything for a while. Having children around reminded me how to have fun.”

  “Yeah, me too,” he answered.

  They dropped the children home and said their goodbyes. When they pulled up at Chelsea’s, Lucas walked her to the door, but it didn’t appear as though he was going to come in.

  “I really want to stay with you tonight but, if I do, I know I won’t sleep much.” He grinned before his face grew serious. “I’m worried about leaving you alone though, but I have to be focused tomorrow. We have to catch this guy and soon. I really need to sleep.” His brow furrowed in confusion.

  “I have to open the shop tomorrow but I’m sure I can be a little later than normal.”

  She was determined that now they’d found each other they wouldn’t spend a single night apart. Life was too short.

  “I thought you didn’t open Mondays.”

  “I don’t usually but I’m not opening Tuesday because of Elle’s funeral.” She paused. Saying her name still wrenched at her stomach.” Pushing it aside she continued her seduction. “Come on, big guy, stay. I promise I’ll let you get some sleep.”

  “Oh, of course, I forgot about the funeral. Do you want me to come with you?” He resisted her seduction for the moment. She nodded and waited. “You promise to be good,” he asked playfully.

  “Only a little bit.”

  With excitement she glanced in the mirror for a last check before grabbing her handbag from the bed. Sophie would no doubt accost her again as she headed out the door, but she wasn’t going to reveal anything to her sister, not yet. Chad asked her not to share their growing affection with anyone as it was too soon. The idea of a secret affair thrilled Anna. Having an identical twin usually meant there were no secrets. It was nice to have something that was just hers for once, something she didn’t have to share.

  Meeting a shy Chad, all blond and beautiful, was the nicest thing to happen to Anna in a while. The least she could do was keep their secret. His coy nature drew her to him that day in the coffee shop. She determined this was another reason to keep their budding relationship a secret for now.

  Anna cheered internally as she went to close the front door - she was going to make it without the questions - until Sophie pounced.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To meet Sandra. You were there when I told Mom and Dad.”

  “That isn’t where you’re going. Who is he?”

  “There is no he.”

  “Anna, why are you hiding this from me?”

  “I’m not, I’ll see you later or tomorrow. I don’t know what time I’ll be home.”

  “I’ll get it out of you yet.”

  Anna shrugged, waved and shut the door.

  At the bus stop, Anna saw Chad waiting in his car. She rushed over exhilarated. This was only their third official date, but they’d been talking on the phone often since meeting over a week before.

  “Hey Anna,” he said, once she’d jumped in. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, you look great too.” She smiled and wondered where they were going.

  “I’m taking you to my place tonight, so I can make you dinner.”

  “Oh, you can cook too. I’m liking you more and more.”

  He smiled, and then drew her towards him, to indulge in a mind-numbing kiss, before starting the car.

  Chapter 19

  Playing Hooky


  Maggie’s reluctance to climb out of her comfortable bed and start the day proved an even harder task than usual after spending two wonderful days with her husband who lay idly beside her, caressing her from head to thigh. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d spent an entire weekend together.

  She, in return, played with the fine mat of hairs on his chest. When her phone rang, she groaned. She hoped it wasn’t bad news. With Lindsay still missing, every moment counted, and every phone call could bring news of her demise.


  “Morning, Mags.”

  “Hey, Lucas… oh please don’t tell me someone found Lindsay, we really don’t that need right now.”

  “No, dispatch hasn’t called me so no news yet.” He paused, and she waited. He wanted something, she could tell. “I was wondering whether you could cover for me for a couple of hours. I’m going to be a little late.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, just playing hooky. I need to catch up on some... sleep.” She heard him clear his throat before mumbling something incoherent, which wasn’t directed at her.

  “Sleep, eh?”

  “Let’s just say staying where I am at the moment is much more appealing than coming into work.”

  He laughed, which was more like a giggle, and a smile tugged at her lips. Looks like Hudson got lucky.

  “I know exactly what you mean.” She gazed with longing at her husband. “You can fill me in later. I’ll get up to speed with Andy and Greg and decide our best course of action.”

  “Thanks. I owe you one”

  “Yeah, you do. See you a bit later.”

  “Am I to interpret from your call that the workaholic Hudson is actually going to be late?” Steve asked after she’d hung up.

  “Yes, honey, it appears the love bug has bitten my partner.”

  “Now that wasn’t playing fair, Summerville. I was trying to have a serious conversation with my partner,” Lucas said.

  “Really serious, Lucas. You’re ditching work. Besides it isn’t my fault you’re so ticklish.”

  Chelsea tortured him again with her sleek fingers on his ribs. His cackling laugh was too delightful, and she craved to hear it over and over.

  “Chelsea, stop it,” he managed between breaths. “You have a huge advantage.”

  “Would that be that I’m not ticklish?”

  “Yes, although I don’t actually believe you. You’re the first girl I’ve ever met that isn’t.” He pinned her wrists above her head and sat lightly astride her to cease her assault on his ribs. When her face contorted in a pained expression, he instantly released her wrists. “Sorry, babe, was I hurting you?” he asked concerned. Her expression was perplexing.

  “No, Lucas, your touch is always gentle. I’m more concerned about how many girls you have actually tested the tickle theory on to know.”

  His laugh was spontaneous, bringing her frosty look to the surface, the one he now found completely endearing.

  “Chelsea, I already told you there have been... many.” Her frown cut him short. “They were all hollow, meaningless encounters which meant nothing, unlike you. I must admit, your jealousy is definitely appealing though.”

  “Who didn’t you want me to find out about yesterday?”

  “I was hoping you’d forgotten about that.”

  “Well, I haven’t.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” A scowl appeared on his forehead. What was he reluctant to tell her and why?

  “If it doesn’t matter, then you can tell me.”

  “Why do you need to know? I don’t particularly like hearing about your fiancé.”

  “Ex-fiancé and he’s the only guy who I...”

  “What?” His mouth twitched briefly in amusement.

  “Yes, besides you there’s only been one other.”

  He frowned before grinning. “I think I kind of like that.”

  “You would. Stop avoiding the issue.”

  He sighed. “Fine, but just so it’s clear, I didn’t bring her home so to speak. Carrie came to my apartment. She hadn’t seen me for a few weeks, so she came to check up on me and she was there.”



  “Your partner?”


  “I thought that would be a no-no.”

  “It is. That’s why no-one actually knows about it but Carrie and Nathan.”

  “You’re still partnered together, how...?”

  “We parted amicably. She met Steve and got married.”

  “Do you... still... having feelings for her?” He laughed, she was simply too adorable.

  “No. She’s my partner. I trust her with my life and we’re friends. For the short time we were together, well it was the first time I’d gotten close to anybody since... anyway, it was only for a few months and it was a while ago now.”

  She eyed him suspiciously for a moment, deliberating over his confession. An expression of acceptance crossed her face before she attacked his ribs once again. This time when he managed to grab her wrists between spasms of laughter, he didn’t let go until they were both satisfied.

  A few idle hours later, Lucas reluctantly checked the time and decided he should go to work. They had a brutal serial killer to locate before it was too late for Lindsay. Chelsea grudgingly allowed him to leave but continued to stall by showering him with affectionate kisses at the front door.

  “I have to go home and change first and I’m so late already. I’ll owe Maggie big time for this.”

  “I know I have to let you go but I don’t want to.”

  Lucas laughed. All that was missing from her sentence was a childish pout. “Lock the door, beautiful. I’ll call you later.”

  She closed the door behind him and locked it as instructed. When she turned around, she was pounced on by Charlotte. Startled she cried out.

  “So, how does it feel to be in love?”

  “It feels wonderful.”

  Chapter 20

  Running Out of Time


  Armed with a peace offering black coffee, Lucas walked into the station. placed it on Maggie’s desk and bestowed her with his most charming smile.

  “Wow, you look happy and refreshed,” she noted, studying him. “That sleep in obviously did you some good.”

  “We both know I wasn’t sleeping in.”

  “So, you did get lucky then?”

  “I might have.” He smirked at her. “What are you working on?”

  “Reading over the reports from Andy and Greg, oh and thanks for the suck up coffee by the way.” It was Maggie’s turn to smirk. “Where do we go from here? What did you find out from Chelsea?”

  “I have a couple of possible leads to check out, an ex-boyfriend of Chelsea’s, Wesley Robinson, and her delivery driver, Gavin Morgan. At the moment, they seem to be the only people that have a lot of direct contact with her, past or present. The calls she’s been receiving are personal which indicates to me that he knows her and where she lives.”

  He tapped away on the keyboard for a few moments while Maggie waited with anticipation.

  “So, what did you find?”

  “This is interesting. Robinson has a sealed juvie record. I’ll request a copy of the file. Nothing came up for Morgan. Chelsea is convinced neither of them could be involved but I’m not taking any chances. I think Lindsay might be running out of time.”

  “Agreed, this is her fifth day missing.”

  “I’m going to ask Captain Shaw for some uniforms to watch Chelsea’s house and Bloom.”

  “Might be a good idea.”

  Lucas knocked on Captain Shaw’s office door and waited for his response.

  “Enter.” He went in and sat on the chair opposite and hoped he had enough for his boss’s approval. “What is it, Hudson?”

  “Captain, Maggie and I believe that Chelsea Summerville may be our perp’s target. She has been receiving threatening phone calls.”

  “Her resemblance to the victims is certainly a concern.”

  “With Elle’s murder and her family’s wealth it doesn’t seem too far of a stretch. We may be wrong, but I don’t think we should be taking any chances.”

  “Are you asking for twenty-four-hour surveillance?”

  “Ah, no.”

  His boss studied him for a moment as though analyzing his thoughts. He had an uncanny way of knowing the truth without it being said. This time was no exception.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Detective.” Lucas nodded. Bringing a hand to his chin, Shaw mulled it over while Lucas waited impatiently. “One uniform is all I can give and, as it won’t be continuous protection, the overtime will be justifiable.”

  He pulled a form from his desk drawer and filled out the acquisition of a uniform for protective duty and handed it to Lucas.

  “Thanks, Captain.”

  Anxious to organize the officer, Lucas stood and walked over to the door.

  “Lucas,” Shaw called. Lucas turned as he opened the door. “Be careful. I’m turning a blind eye to this and I don’t want egg on my face. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal, Captain.” Shaw offered a curt nod.

  Lucas set the wheels in motion before returning to his desk.

  “Done,” he said to Maggie.

  “Good. So, any other suspects to consider?”

  “The only other option I think we may have is it could be one of Chelsea’s regular customers. She’s going to fax me a list of names this morning. She told me they are mainly females though.”

  “Have you told her the suspect could be blond?”


  “Is Robinson blond?”

  “Yeah, I was able to get a description but no details of his arrest or photo.”

  “So, he could be a suspect?”

  “Yes, Morgan is also blond, but I think it’s unlikely he’s a suspect. The thing we have to connect to a suspect is the flour. I believe our perp would have to have access to a lot of it to transfer it. I can’t see any reason why Morgan would have this kind of use.”

  “I can go and talk to him if you like, just in case.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt. See how he reacts to the photos and if he knows any of them. I have Chelsea’s phone records that Andy left for me.” He scanned the document. “It appears all the calls she received were from an untraceable pre-paid phone.” This was why Mark hadn’t called regarding the log - there was nothing to report.

  “Of course. Have we gotten any sort of break so far? This guy is really covering his bases. He’s definitely been planning this for a while. Should we still be pursuing Matthews?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t know if we have enough for a court order to compel him to have a DNA test.”

  “Hang ten, I’ll make a call,” she said as she picked up the phone.

  “It’s done,” she said after she’d hung up. “We’ll have it this afternoon. Someone owed me a favor,” she told him being her only explanation.

  “Good, we can have two uniforms pick him up. Let’s hope he’s a match then we don’t have to look any further.”

  “Let’s say he isn’t, we need to find how the flour could be connected. Perhaps there’s a bakery where all three girls went or maybe he’s a customer at the café and he works nearby. What about Robinson? Does it say anything about an occupation?”

  “Nothing on screen about Robinson. I’ll ask Chelsea.”

  Jumping onto the computer, Maggie looked up all the bakeries in the vicinity of the café. There was only one and it was around the corner. They hadn’t noticed it when they visited the café on previous visits, as
they’d come from the other direction.

  They found Ben’s Bakery four shops down from the Coffee Break. An appetizing aroma of baking bread and cakes greeted them.

  “Can I help you?’ a young assistant asked.

  “Yes, I’m Detective Johnson and this is Detective Hudson. Could we ask you a few questions?”


  “Do you have any bakers working here with blond hair?”

  “Yes, Chad.”

  “Is he here at the moment?”

  “No, he’s off today and tomorrow. He’s working on Wednesday.”

  Do you know his surname?”

  “No, I never asked.”

  “Is there someone here who may know?”

  “The manager would but he’s at the bank at the moment.”

  “Can you tell us anything about Chad?”

  “He’s medium height with straight blond hair and blue eyes. He’s very cute and charming but a bit shy. What has he done?”

  “We just need to talk to him about an investigation.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Maggie placed her card on the counter. “Could you have the manager call us when he returns?”


  They decided to ascertain whether any of the staff from the Coffee Break recognized the name Chad. His description definitely piqued their interest and his use of large quantities of flour also cast him into the spotlight.

  After they’d interviewed two of the three waitresses on duty at the café, with neither of them having heard of him or recalled anyone with that description, they were starting to think that they were either looking in the wrong direction or would have to interview the night staff, when they struck gold with the third waitress.

  “Yeah I know Chad,” she said. “He’s super sexy. He asked me out last week and said he would make arrangements with me the next day and I haven’t seen him since.”

  “When did you last see him?” Lucas asked.

  “Um, it was Wednesday. I remember because Adrian wasn’t here, so I was able to stop and chat with him for a while without getting in trouble.”


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